Chapter 217 Shocked
The demons withdrew their troops, and everyone cheered, but before they were happy, they saw Zen Master Mingdeng fall, and Wan Jianzun called Luo Yi to go to the rescue in a panic.

At this moment, the large barrier light curtain to the west suddenly shattered.

The death energy that was temporarily trapped inside was ten times stronger than before, stagnating in mid-air like a black cloud for a while, and then suddenly rushed towards the direction of the human army, billowing like a tide.

"Why is it at this time!"

Wan Ruyi's eyes were about to burst, he handed Zen master Mingdeng to Luo Yi, and shouted loudly at the army below.


The eyes in the sky disappeared, and the terrifying sense of oppression also disappeared.

The battle had just ended, and everyone didn't even have time to rest. Facing the irresistible aura of annihilation, they could only grit their teeth and evacuate quickly.

Seeing this situation, Ao Zhi led the dragon demon guards to meet the oncoming Mieshi Death Qi, poured Sanguang Shenshui from the rotten water ladle, and quickly deployed a large array of Tianyi Xuanbing with the help of cold thunder beads to block the Mieshi Death Qi footsteps.

The tiger led the demon guards to stay behind, and quickly collected the demon corpses from all over the battlefield.

The magic crystal is a life-saving thing in the future, and it is also the currency of the demon territory, and the demon corpse can also be used as a good refining material, all of which are money.

At this time, when the human monks saw the monsters and dragons standing in front of them, cutting off the rear for them, they all felt mixed feelings and didn't know what to think.

In the past, they exterminated the demon clan and took pleasure in hunting monsters, but now, they were exterminated by the demon clan and became the prey of the demon clan.

In the past, they looked down on the Dragon Clan and Aquarium Clan, thinking that they were low-level creatures who should be controlled and arranged by the Human Clan, but now, their lives were saved by the Dragon Clan.

Such monsters and dragons make the monks feel very ashamed.

The aura of death came too fast, before Aozhi's big formation was completed, the billowing black mist had already killed the dragon and demon guard in front of him.

The army fleeing from the rear watched this scene in horror, all showing a sad look.

Unexpectedly, the sudden change, the Mieshi Death Qi that was supposed to devour the Flood Dragon Demon Guard turned a blind eye to such a large group of Flood Dragon Demon Guards. They didn't take the initiative to touch the Mieshi Death Qi, and the Mieshi Death Qi just passed them.

Everyone was stunned. Wan Ruyi, Mr. Guishou, Monk Pudu and Cui Mingjian were all so surprised that they forgot to run away.

They watched the Mieshi Death Qi leap over the dragon demon guard and rush towards the battlefield, thinking that the Mieshi Death Qi had changed, but those monks on the battlefield who were still alive but unable to escape were instantly swallowed by the Mieshi Death Qi, and then began Demonized.


A big knife cut off the demonized monk's head, and the death energy rushed out from the headless corpse, ignoring the tiger next to him, and went to look for other monks who still had signs of life.

There is also a magic crystal in the tiger's body. He tried to touch a small amount of death energy with the big knife in his hand. When he touched the knife, the life death energy seemed to sense other breaths from the tiger, and immediately followed the big knife towards the tiger. Fly up.

The tiger immediately put aside the sword and retreated to the side, lost his target and went to other places to look for it.

It can be seen from this that this method is not a perfect solution, and it is still necessary to actively avoid the death energy of the world and not directly contact it.

If this is the case, Wan Ruyi and the others in the distance are dumbfounded by all this in front of them, and their hearts are turbulent.

"So the rumor is true? You can live by cultivating demons?" Cui Mingjian murmured.

Mr. Guishou's face was gloomy, "Don't be naive, those Yaozu and Jiaolongwei don't just have demonic energy, they all have the characteristics of demons."

Wan Ruyi's eyes flickered, and she glanced at Luo Yi who was following them.

"Withdraw first, and talk about the rest later."

The army continued to evacuate, and Ao Zhi tried his best to finally form a large black ice formation, erecting a solid ice wall behind everyone, like the Great Wall, spreading towards the east and west sides with all his strength.

Unable to find the energy to devour, Mieshi Shengqi felt the power of the formation, and immediately clinged to the ice wall like a shark that had seen blood, crazily devouring the energy in it.

Ao Zhi swayed, and with the help of Jumang Demon God, he drew life energy from the Cyanwood King Cauldron to replenish consumption, and turned his head to escape, when suddenly a black mist rushed towards his face.

Ao Zhi was shocked into a cold sweat instantly, her mysterious ice spirit body was not suitable for the dark magic crystal, so she did not transform it.

At the critical moment, Ao Zhi didn't know what happened, the black mist suddenly stopped in front of her, and didn't continue to drill into her body.

This strange scene reminded Ao Zhi of the black and white seedlings in the Cyanwood King Ding, she immediately took out the Cyanwood King Ding, and tentatively lifted it to the still black mist.

A strong suction force came out from the cauldron immediately, sucking the black mist into the hole in the cauldron, and directly into the black and white seedlings.

Then she saw that the black and white seedlings that hadn't grown all this time began to stretch out suddenly, but the black leaves became bigger, but the white leaves showed signs of withering.

This incident made her not quite clear for a while, and she didn't dare to absorb other death energy, so she took the Aoki Wangding and evacuated quickly, and then slowly studied it when she was in a safe place.

The group of people fled for two or three hours before stopping temporarily in an abandoned city.

Wan Ruyi approached Ao Zhi immediately, "How long can your formation last?"

Ao Zhi estimated, and raised three fingers, "Three days, maybe even shorter."

"Are you here today to represent the Dragon Clan?"

"No, no, Wan Jianzun, don't get me wrong. I, Aozhi, can only represent the Wujiang dragon clan. Other dragon clans will not listen to me, and I was entrusted by Fairy Suying to send troops. Otherwise, who cares if you live or die? Tell Fairy Suying directly about anything."

Ao Zhi didn't give Wan Ruyi any face at all, turned around and left, and took away the dragon demon guard.

As soon as she left, Feng Xin and Tiger also left temporarily with the soldiers and horses of the Yaozu.

In desperation, Wan Ruyi could only go to Lin Suying.

At that time, Luo Yi was treating Zen Master Mingdeng, Cheng Kan was helping at the side, and the others rested and adjusted their rest. Everyone looked confused and didn't know what to do next.

If it weren't for Mr. Guishou who said that the demon clan and the dragon clan are not afraid of the extinction of the world and death, it is not as simple as practicing the way of the devil, I am afraid that many people have already begun to abandon the way and practice the devil.

Today's war has shaken their originally firm Dao heart and the righteous way they firmly believe in.

When Wan Ruyi found Lin Suying, she was sitting on the half-collapsed city wall, drinking wine with one leg bent and admiring the moon.

"Do you want to have a bite?"

Wan Ruyi appeared next to Lin Suying in an instant, took the wine gourd and poured down a big gulp.

Lin Suying couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Aren't you the one who hates alcohol the most, and me who hates drinking?"

Wan Ruyi wiped the wine from the corner of her mouth, and threw the wine gourd to Lin Suying, "If I don't drink a few sips at this time, how can I be ashamed to beg you?"

(End of this chapter)

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