Chapter 218 Choice
Hearing this, Lin Suying immediately corrected her sitting posture and straightened her clothes, "Okay, start begging."

Wan Ruyi gritted her teeth, "Lin Suying, why do you always look like this annoying dog!"

Lin Suying laughed out loud, "That's enough, I won't tease you anymore, I have no grudges against you, and I admire you as a human being, you don't need to ask me, everything you want is here."

Lin Suying took out a jade slip and handed it in front of Wan Ruyi, "Imbed the demon crystals of the demons into the body, and converted to the magic energy to avoid the detection of the death energy of the world, but I tried it today. If you are dead, you will still be entangled, so be careful."

Wan Ruyi held the jade slip in her hand, suddenly lowered her head without saying a word, an unspeakable emotion was brewing in her eyes, moved, ashamed and remorseful, which made her cheeks flush.

How could she be in Lin Suying's position, but she couldn't be as magnanimous as Lin Suying.

"Lin Suying, I'm sorry..."

The night wind was blowing, the moon and stars were sparse, Lin Suying raised her head and took a sip of the strong wine, and suddenly smirked and leaned in front of Wan Ruyi.

"Yo, why is the majestic Sword Master Dahuang still blushing? Fortunately, I am not a man, otherwise I would think that you are so touched that I want to give you my body."

Wan Ruyi clenched her fists tightly and took a deep breath to suppress the complicated emotions in her heart.

"Is the Xuanyuan Water Realm already under your control?"

Wan Ruyi had already guessed many things when she saw Lin Suying appearing with the Dragon and Monster Clan today.

She must have designed the death of the Jiuli old thief, and she was indeed Lin Suying, who must take revenge.

Lin Suying didn't deny it either, "Don't think about my Xuanyuan Water Realm, I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm already planning to leave the Great Wilderness, if you want to go with me, I welcome it, if you don't want to, please don't hinder me , otherwise it won't look good if you tear your face."

"Leave?" Wan Ruyi was startled, "Where are you going? The lower realm?"

"Yes, the Great Wilderness will end sooner or later, what am I still doing here?" Lin Suying shook her legs, her expression indifferent.

Wan Ruyi squeezed the jade slip in her hand, "You can even find out a way to resist the death energy of the world, why can't you fight for a chance for the Great Desolation?"

"I'm selfish."

"How could selfishness bring the demon and dragon races to save us?"

"You're wrong, I'm not here to save you, I'm here to show off my abilities and make you people who want me dead unhappy."


Wan Ruyi was so choked that she didn't know how to continue the conversation this day, it was like this in the past, and she wanted to make a move before she could say a few words to Lin Suying.

Lin Suying glanced at Wan Ruyi's black face, "It's come to this point, do you want to live and die with the wilderness?"

Wan Ruyi's eyes were firm, "It's not the last moment, how can I give up lightly, the way of cultivating immortals is to fight, to fight with people, to fight with heaven, and now it's just to fight with demons."

"Jianxiu's bad temper, he doesn't look back when he bumps into the south wall, just like my apprentice."

Thinking of Mo Li, Lin Suying suddenly felt a headache, she didn't know what to do with her, if she couldn't do it, she was knocked unconscious and taken away, along with her little friends.

"I know that you are not a pious person like Jiuli. Although you have a lot of shortcomings, you are at least upright. That's why I handed this jade slip to you. In addition to using the magic crystal, there are also There is all the information I can gather about the demons."

"And the star map of the lower realm. If one day you want to leave the Great Desolation, you can follow the location marked on the star map to find a place called the Bone Realm. There are still some human races there, which are still suitable for survival, but most of them are You crazy people, prepare yourself mentally."

"On the Great Wilderness side, I don't know if it's meaningful for you to struggle, and the way out I'm looking for also has a void fault that cannot be crossed. But compared to the Great Wilderness where I can see the head at a glance, I want to explore the outside. The sea of ​​stars, even though it is dangerous, still makes my heart surge."

Wan Ruyi snatched the wine gourd from Lin Suying's hand and took a sip, "You will always be a restless person."

"Thank you for the compliment. If you have anything else to say or ask, hurry up. I don't want to stay in this shitty place for a day."

"How much do you know about the Great Prison?" Wan Ruyi recalled the previous information.

Lin Suying was also about to talk about this, "You don't have to think about the Devil's Prison, let me tell you, hiding in the Devil's Prison is equivalent to giving up the body, trapping the soul in a dream, and never You can't control your own destiny, you can only look at luck."

"Fortunately, someone released you and made you reincarnated and reincarnated as human beings. Unlucky, the demons took you to the Great Demon Prison and treated you like beans."

Wan Ruyi's eyes darkened, "Understood."

"Besides, please do me a little favor." Lin Suying suddenly laughed, "Although Mu Tieying's brain is not good, he is still a cultivator of virtual refining, and his combat power is good. I don't want to kill him, so you call him to your side and keep him." How about half a year?"

"What do you want to do?" Wan Ruyi frowned.

"You also know that those demon cultivators from the lower realm are in the remote ancient world at the moment. I want them to take me to their rotten bone realm first. It would be bad to be killed by Mu Tieying. Don't worry. , within half a year, I will definitely let them leave the wilderness."

Wan Ruyi looked at Lin Suying, and suddenly asked: "If you really find a way out in the lower realm, will you come back?"

"I'm sick, can I find a way out and come back?"

Wan Ruyi's eyes darkened.

Lin Suying smiled and said, "But if there is a way out, I will do my best to inform you, but you don't expect me to pick you up in person."

Wan Ruyi felt relieved, that's fine, she stayed behind and Lin Suying went to find a way out, it was like having an extra chance of surviving.

"Okay, it's getting late, I have to go back and make the final preparations, so hurry up and take people to continue fleeing to the south."

Lin Suying stood up and stretched herself. Ao Zhi had just received a summons, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas agreed to meet, but Ao Zhi had to go to Biluo Hailong Palace to talk.

"Wait!" Wan Ruyi called to stop Lin Suying, "Spread out the news that you are leaving the Great Wilderness, and let everyone who is willing to go with you leave."

Lin Suying was stunned for a moment, "Wan Ruyi, are you crazy? What are you going to use to fight the demons? How long can you last alone?"

Wan Ruyi stood up and said, "I believe there will be people who voluntarily stay and resist the demons. Not everyone in this world is greedy for life and afraid of death."

Lin Suying sneered, "Wan Ruyi, you have reached the stage of body integration, why are you still naive like a girl who has not left the cabinet? If you don't believe in evil, let's try and see how many people can stay, but the news can be spread. Go out, but I have the final say on who can get on the boat in my Xuanyuan Water Realm."

Lin Suying turned her head and left, she didn't want to 'add insult to injury' at first, but since Wan Ruyi mentioned it sincerely, then she has nothing to be embarrassed about.

One thousand tickets, whoever pays the most will get on the boat!

(End of this chapter)

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