I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 221 Fire Lotus

Chapter 221 Fire Lotus
Taking advantage of the chaos, Yan Zong turned his hand and took out a palm-sized black pyramid, with mysterious golden runes flashing on it, which was extremely bright.

Lin Suying's pupils shrank, and found that the small pyramid in his hand was a miniature version of the Great Prison below. It flew up from Yan Zong's hand, and there was a faint word 'Gong' below it.

"what is this?"

Faced with Lin Suying's doubts, Yan Zong, who never explained to anyone, glanced at Lin Suying and said, "This is what I found in the ruins of the palace family when I was traveling as a god. It was made by the palace family of the first family of craft refiners."

"Later, the female devil destroyed the Great Prison, and the Gong family learned from their failures and built a second one, which is the one under your feet. That is, once there is a change in the Great Prison, this seal can suppress the spirits of the prison and charge the Great Prison."

After finishing speaking, Yan Zong activated the Prison Seal, and the magma below suddenly rolled up, shaking the entire Great Prison, and was pulled up from the ground bit by bit by the powerful force of the Prison Seal.

It was only then that Lin Suying understood why Yan Zong was so confident about collecting the Great Prison of Demon Refining. It turned out that he had grasped the key early in the morning.

The movement of the Great Prison shocked Tang Heng below. Originally, the leader said he would be back in a few days, but he was suddenly called away by Wan Jianzun on the way, and a large number of people from the Jagged Alliance were transferred to support the Tianque Realm.

Now, he is the only one who can guard the great prison of refining demons.

Tang Heng raised his hand and sprinkled a large cloud of sky thunder, killing hundreds of void beasts around him in an instant. He pressed the mechanism on the wheelchair, and the magma rolled, and a giant python covered in flames rose into the sky.

The scorching hurricane rushed towards his face, before Lin Suying could make a move, Yan Zong went forward with a gun.

"Be optimistic about the seal of the prison."

The point of Yan Zong's spear collided with the head of the giant python, and the earth-shattering coercion swept across the army, crushing everything around the two of them in an instant.

Lin Suying quickly rolled up a cloud of dust, sealing off her surroundings and the prison seal.

It is inconvenient for her to intervene in the battle between the cultivators who transform spirits, and there is absolutely no need for her to intervene.

In addition to helping Yan Zong guard the seal of the prison and waiting for the Great Prison to be confiscated, she has one more important thing to do, which is to collect the fragments of the Chaos Artifact, the Real Fire Realm.

At this moment, Lin Suying didn't know whether Yan Zong ordered it or not, a large number of Void Beasts surrounded her, like a large black cloud, and tried their best to resist the iron trap who wanted to kill him.

Given a golden opportunity, Lin Suying immediately activated the Shangyuan Bajing Talisman, trying to communicate with the core of the True Fire Realm.

Yan Zong was fighting with the giant python. His whole body was full of demonic energy, and he turned into a majestic armor. He also had wings like dark demons on his back, tossing and turning in mid-air, extremely ferocious.

Tang Heng saw that the lava python couldn't suppress Yan Zong, and the magma had been pulled out of the Demon Prison, and he was constantly approaching the prison seal high in the sky. He immediately gathered the surrounding iron arresters to surround and kill Yan Zong together.

Boom boom boom!
Flames exploded all over the sky, and accompanied by mournful wailing, countless iron traps fell from the sky, falling into the magma and disappearing in an instant.

Yan Zong pierced the head of the lava python with a single shot, the huge head burst in the air, and the blood rained like pillars.

Yan Zong raised his head and swallowed a blood-stained golden pill, dropped the corpse in his hand, and stood proudly in mid-air, looking all around.

Seeing this, the morale of the remaining hundreds of iron arresters immediately lost their morale. Yan Zong was really too cruel and vicious.

Seeing that everyone was about to retreat, Tang Heng clenched his fists and quickly weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

Just like Lin Suying said before, he doesn't want to die, he wants to live no matter what, otherwise he won't be poisoned by the cold, and would rather endure the erosion of the fire every day, and struggle to live.

Thinking of this, Tang Heng raised his hand and ordered, "Everyone, withdraw from the ancient and remote domain immediately."

The rest of the iron arresters seemed to have received amnesty, and Yan Zong did not deliberately stop him, watching Tang Heng lead people away.

Promoting the seal of the prisoner and the battle just now cost him too much, so if it is not necessary, he does not want to fight head-on with Tang Heng for the time being. After all, he still needs to save some spare energy to take Shen Ruqiong out of the remote ancient land.

Taking a breath, Yan Zong turned back to Lin Suying, saw that she had just put down the hand that made the seal, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "What are you doing?"

Lin Suying said frankly, "I thought it was people from the Jagged Alliance who came in."

Yan Zong didn't think too much about it, he mobilized his whole body to pour into the prison seal, and the golden light exploded, covering the entire demon refining prison in an instant.

The Alchemy Great Prison began to shrink at an extremely fast speed, and gradually converged with the Prison Seal.

Yan Zong's complexion began to turn pale, and the armor transformed by the demon energy on his body dissipated in an instant, showing that he was really worn out, but he exposed his weak self to Lin Suying in this way, and Lin Suying couldn't help but move his fingers.

Should we kill him now and return to the World of Decaying Bone as Yan Zong, or leave him behind and return to the World of Decaying Bone with him as Shen Ruqiong?
Yan Zong hides too many secrets, which makes Lin Suying feel a little unfathomable. In addition, there are many differences between the cultivation world in the lower realm and the Great Wilderness, so she may not be able to fully control the secrets and things hidden by Yan Zong.

After thinking about it, she temporarily gave up on this idea, and waited until she was safely in the Bone Realm, and then figured out a way to deal with Yan Zong.

Just as they were thinking, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, and the two of them looked up and saw red lightning, which was as vast as the sea.

"Not good, then Tang Heng is about to explode the great formation of the ancient and absolute domain."

Once this array erupts, the Ancient Absolute Territory will definitely cease to exist.

There was still a short while before the collection of the Great Prison, but the situation was critical and he had to leave immediately.

After thinking about it, Yan Zong summoned a Void Beast, and a palm wind sent Lin Suying to the back of the Void Beast.

"You go first and wait at the Beiluo border."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Lie maintained the prison seal with one hand, and stabbed the spear fiercely into the red electric wave above his head with the other hand, gritted his teeth and forcefully opened a crack, allowing the Void Beast to escape with Lin Suying.

Lin Suying was a little surprised. In order to control the Void Beast, Yan Zong directly sacrificed Chen Fusheng and his son to the sky. Now that disaster is imminent, he is willing to stay by himself and let her go first?

The sky was about to collapse, and Yan Zong was sweating coldly, speeding up the collection of the Great Prison.

The terrifying power of thunder and lightning caused the surrounding volcanoes to begin to collapse, and the rocks fell into magma, filling the air with black smoke.

It is still too late to give up collecting the Great Prison and escape, but when Yan Zong thought of his clansmen in the Decayed Bone Realm and the oath he made to the previous generation of world lords, he gritted his teeth and insisted on it.

The scorching electric light made the sky and the earth as bright as day, and the electric light like a vast ocean smashed down on the top of Yan Zong's head.

At the very moment, a huge fire lotus bloomed suddenly, with the power of burning the world, blocking all the thunder and light in the sky.

Yan Zong's pupils trembled, he looked up and saw above the fire lotus, Shen Ruqiong was standing in the air like a Vulcan, with a fiery red bead hanging from his raised palm, exuding a mighty aura.

The ten volcanoes in the ancient and remote domain began to collapse, and the magma gathered and turned into fiery lotuses, which flew up into the air, surrounded her, and faced the thunder in the sky without fear.

(End of this chapter)

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