I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 222 Departure

Chapter 222 Departure
Beiluo territory.

Lin Suying controlled Shen Ruqiong's avatar, took Yan Zong to hide in the sand nest under the desert, and took a little rest.

On that day, she used the chaotic fire lotus in the ten directions in the [True Fire Realm] to resist the great formation of the ancient and absolute domain. After Yan Zong took the demon refining prison, the two quickly fled.

However, the [True Fire Realm] was gone, the volcano collapsed, the magma melted, and the entire land was torn apart in the void and ceased to exist.

"What is that fire lotus of yours?" Yan Zong woke up after adjusting his breath, and opened his mouth to ask.

Lin Suying had already prepared her speech, "There are some adventures in the Demon Prison."

I thought Yan Zong would take the opportunity to ask for it, but he just watched Lin Su's video for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Recently, you have become a little different."

Lin Suying's heart tightened, but Yan Zong closed his eyes and said, "Hurry up and recover, we should go back, there are still many things to do."

Yan Zong's voice hinted at some kind of anticipation, Lin Suying thought, after he took over the Demon Prison, he must have bigger plans.

But thinking about being able to leave the Great Wilderness with him soon, I'm still a little excited.

At the same time, there are concerns.

Lin Suying subconsciously touched the hairpin on her head, it was formed by four or nine strands of consciousness, her real body was still following Ao Cang, wandering around somewhere.

"Sijiu, if my main body remains in the Great Wilderness, and my clone goes to the lower realm, can I still get in touch with my main body?" Lin Suying asked Sijiu in her heart.


When Sijiu's indifferent voice came, Lin Suying's heart skipped a beat.

That is to say, when Shen Ruqiong's avatar crossed the boundary river, she had to let the main body also leave the wilderness in order to keep the avatar functioning normally.

In other words, the main body and the avatar must be on the same plane.

The Great Wilderness is a realm isolated by the lower realm. Although the Great Wilderness also has an extraterritorial void, it is separated from the lower realm by a layer of barriers.

But not long ago, in the battle of the Tianque Realm, the Devil Emperor came in person and broke the void barrier from the outside, and now it is possible to reach the lower realm from outside the Great Desolation Territory.

As for the demons in the lower realm, as long as their cultivation exceeds the stage of transforming gods, they can reach all parts of the Great Wilderness without crossing the boundary river.

Recently, demons have appeared several times in Yaoye Forest and Xiling Sanctuary.

Similarly, monks who have cultivated in the Great Wilderness beyond the stage of transforming gods can also leave on their own to explore the lower realms.

But Dahuang monks know very little about the lower realm, and because they are afraid of demons and death, they dare not leave alone, and they all want to go with Xuanyuan Water Realm.

Now that Yan Zong has decided to go back, it's time to set off at Xuanyuan Water Realm.


Xuanyuan water environment.

Lin Suying herself stood on the highest branch of the Changchun tree, looking out over the sea. Master Changchun stood on her shoulder, stroking his beard.

"Let's go now, so urgent?" Master Changchun asked.

Lin Suying nodded, "It happened suddenly, there is no way."

Master Changchun sighed faintly, "Walking around for 10,000+ years, I still have to go to the Underworld in the end. I don't know what's going on there now. I hope it's a paradise where there are no disputes and all living beings are equal."

Lin Suying looked around the entire Xuanyuan water environment, now everywhere is very lively, crowded with monks fleeing from the wilderness.

And those people from Tiandaozong, after Li Bichen and his team spared no effort to search for them, basically all the people who are still alive have been found.

Lin Suying took a breath, and took out two beads, one was lightning and thunder, the other was surging, she raised her hand and threw the two beads, the whole world was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the lightning, like silver dragons, radiated great pressure, piercing in and out of the clouds.

The earth trembled and the sea water rolled back.

The waters of the four seas rushed in and gathered around the Xuanyuan water environment, lifting the entire Xuanyuan water environment from the deep sea little by little.

The monks who had just settled in the Xuanyuan water environment came out of the cave in the mountain one after another, watching the changes in the world.

"What's going on here?"

"Could it be possible to leave now? Didn't we agree to leave in March?"


With the sound of the dragon chant, the monks in the sky saw nine giant dragons rushing out of the four seas and surrounding the Xuanyuan water environment. Each of them exuded a heavy refining pressure, which made people shudder.

Transformed into a white dragon, Aozhi leaned out half of his body from the Wujiang River, and let out a clear and pleasant dragon chant. The nine giant dragons were stunned for a moment, and then they rushed down from the sky and plunged into the sea below.

The ground cracked, boulders rolled down from the mountains, monks from all over rushed to maintain the stability of the continent.

The Xuanyuan water environment slowly floated up from the sea, and was suspended in mid-air by the surging sea water. The nine dragons in the sea were surging, with iron chains on their backs, pulling the entire continent towards the outer void in the east.

The monks in the water environment were shocked by this scene, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Although they knew they were going to leave, this day came unexpectedly, so they were not in a hurry to react for a while.

At this moment, a group of dark clouds galloped from the west, and the Changchun formation in the Xuanyuan Water Realm opened a gap to let the dark clouds in.

The dark cloud fell on the deserted coast, and three female cultivators fell out of it, they were Li Li, Jin Yi and Xue Tao.

As soon as Mo Li woke up, he pointed his sword at the female cultivator in red in front of him, frowning as if he had seen her before.

Tu Sanniang put away the black umbrella and smiled, before disappearing before Li Li's eyes.

"Where are we?"

Jin Yi and Xue Tao also woke up, seeing the scene around them, they were all terrified, but the Changchun formation was strong, even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape.

But at this moment, there were still many monks who heard the news at sea, chasing the receding continent while yelling curses.

"Tiandaozong! You are not sons of men! You have taken our property and treasures, but you have left me behind, stop!"

More and more monks were chasing after them, and the three of them found that they were basically those rogue cultivators and elders of the sect who were sanctimonious and corrupted in the Great Wilderness, some of whom Li Li wanted to catch but failed to catch.

On the top of the Changchun tree, Lin Suying was in a good mood looking at the distraught people in the distance.

Master Changchun couldn't help but said, "Isn't it too immoral for you to do this? Take people's money, but don't solve the disaster with them."

Lin Suying shrugged, "It's not the first day they know about Lin Suying's immorality."

After finishing speaking, Lin Suying disappeared in a flash, leaving Master Changchun standing on the floating leaves, looking at those people in the distance who tried to break through the Changchun formation but were severely knocked into the air, dumbfounded.

The Xuanyuan Water Realm is officially on the road, and it will take a month or two to reach the outside world.

But Yan Zong rushed back very anxiously. In desperation, Lin Suying could only find troubles along the way. Sometimes she had a headache, sometimes a stomachache, sometimes she lost her breath during practice, and sometimes her demonic energy went berserk.

She felt like she was jumping back and forth on Yan Zong's bottom line, but the strange thing was that Yan Zong endured it all, without even saying a single threatening word.

It wasn't until the two of them dawdled under the Tiandaozong Mountains and were about to dive into the Jiehe River that Yan Zong said something to her with a dark face.

"Don't make trouble anymore, and when you pass through the boundary river safely and return to the world of decayed bones, I will fulfill your wish."

Lin Suying: ...

(End of this chapter)

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