I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 224 Void Fault

Chapter 224 Void Fault
"No one would risk dying to verify a possibility that they don't know whether it is correct." Yan Zong said in a deep voice.

Lin Suying remained silent. Indeed, this approach is too risky.

"Let's go back to the Bone Realm first, leave the collected materials, and after we marry you, I will go to the Void Fault to check, if..."

"Wait a minute!" Lin Suying was startled, "Who did you just say you were going to marry?"

Yan Zong looked at her silently, as if asking the question knowingly.

Lin Suying lowered her head, married like a fart, Xuanyuan Water Realm is chasing her either a dragon or a phoenix, who is you, Yan Zong?

Believe it or not, the wedding night in the bridal chamber is the time when you die.

"Ahem, this happened so suddenly, I...you let me think about it, or let's go to the Void Fault first, and then go back to the Bone Realm?"

Faced with Lin Suying's suggestion, Yan Zong thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Also, this world is closer to the central seven worlds than the world of decayed bones."

"Where are the seven worlds in the center?"

Shen Ruqiong didn't know about this, so Lin Suying asked boldly.

"The seven realms in the center are the seven great realms with the most complete laws of the realm of comprehension. They are much larger than the Great Wilderness. The arrangement of the seven stars echoes the stars of the week. Although a Shennong realm was once destroyed by the previous devil emperor, one yuan of time has passed. , a New Territory has been born, which completes Zhou Tian Xing Dou."

"It's just that the seven worlds in the center have been divided by the demons, so we can't get involved rashly. Although we can pretend to be demons, the magic crystal is not in our minds. It's easy to be seen through when we arrive at the demons' territory, so we can only take a detour."

Lin Suying nodded, "How long will it take from here to the void fault?"

"Half a month is enough."

Lin Suying's sense of space in her head is now in confusion, and she can't figure out what these routes are all about.

After a short rest, the two continued on their way, reaching the boundary of the void from another direction.

Yan Zong took out a black bone flying shuttle magic weapon, which merged with the surrounding darkness and could not be detected by his spiritual sense.

Yan Zong threw out the flying shuttle, pulling Lin Suying into it as a stream of light, the flying shuttle shot out, and disappeared into the void.

There was still a pitch-black space in the shuttle, only a few luminous pearls around it lit up faintly.

"I've been a little loose in the realm level recently, and I just took the opportunity to attack the late Nascent Soul. Call me when it's time."

Lin Suying found a corner to sit cross-legged to practice, and Yan Zong also sat silently on the side, concentrating on controlling the flying shuttle.

Lin Suying was immersed in cultivation without knowing how long it took. She continuously absorbed the surrounding magic energy, first entered from the Shadi magic crystal in the tailbone, then introduced the dark magic crystal in the brain, and finally walked through the bones of the whole body, continuously polishing the body strength.

Going back and forth like this, tirelessly.

The cultivation of the demon race is far from that of the human race, and there is no relevant record in the Wuya Temple. If it weren't for her experience in the prison of refining demons, it is really unclear how the demon race can cultivate besides devouring.

However, Shen Ruqiong's body is not a real demon now, and there is still a demon baby in his dantian. Whether it is the magic energy in the Shadi magic crystal or the dark magic crystal, the magic baby will be taken back in the end. middle.

The demon energy in the void is very strong, no worse than directly devouring it.

Lin Suying felt that it didn't take long for her to break through the barrier in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and it was a matter of course to enter the late stage of Nascent Soul.

When she opened her eyes, she was still in the space inside the shuttle, and Yan Zong was nowhere to be seen.

With a thought in her mind, she immediately appeared on the flying shuttle, surrounded by a layer of barrier protection, and the power of the void could not harm her.

Lin Suying raised her eyes and looked, and saw a boundless galaxy lying in the dark void, the stars were shining brightly, but it made Lin Suying feel a chill from the depths of her soul.

She could feel the vast power in the galaxy, as well as that terrifying force of destruction, a force that could crush even the void and the laws of heaven and earth.

This is where the void divides the realm of comprehension, Lin Suying withdrew her gaze and turned around.

In a dark void, I saw many floating world fragments. After the fragments, the Big Dipper star dimmed, shining silently in the darkness.

That is the central seven worlds that Yan Zong said, and there are many small starlights around the seven worlds. Not surprisingly, those are small worlds, guarding around the big world, relying on the laws of the big world to survive.

Yan Zong said that the seven realms in the center are wider than the Great Wilderness, which gave Lin Suying the idea to find out.

"looking at what?"

Yan Zong flashed behind Lin Suying.

Lin Suying slowly withdrew her gaze, and said in a low voice, "I'm wondering what it's like in the Seven Realms, where have you been?"

Hearing that Lin Suying cared about him, Yan Zong's eyes were a little gentle, "Go to the edge of the Void Fault to test the strength of the Demon Great Prison."


Yan Zong frowned slightly, "The outer layer can still resist, but I haven't fully refined the Great Prison, so I can't let it go deeper. It needs to be completely refined before trying again. After all, I see a glimmer of hope." .”

Lin Suying nodded, she hoped that Yan Zong would succeed in this matter.

Although she has fragments of the Chaos Artifact, there are only four pieces, and half of them are missing. If they really can't find them all, then the Great Prison may be the only hope.

A gust of cold wind hit, and the surrounding enchantment shook. Lin Suying saw shadows in the darkness, as if something was approaching.

Yan Zong was startled, "The spirit of death is coming, let's go."

The two returned to the interior of the shuttle, and the shuttle immediately fled in the direction of the seven worlds in the center.

Lin Suying probed out her consciousness and saw a large amount of black mist rushing towards the place where they were just like ghosts, and crashed into the Milky Way unexpectedly.

Those destructive auras surged like living creatures, fearing the destructive power in the galaxy, and wandered away to other places.

Seeing this scene, Lin Suying couldn't help being surprised, "Can the power in the Void Fault destroy the Death Qi?"

"That's temporary. It won't take long for the Mieshi Death Qi to accumulate enough power and it will recover. A long time ago, a powerful monk tried to use the void fault to eliminate the Mieshi Death Qi, but it was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The only one who can completely solve the death energy of the world is the White Lotus of the Pure World."

"What about the Pure World White Lotus?"

"It was ruined by that female devil in front of the entire cultivation world."

Lin Suying understood, "No wonder everyone calls her the devil, but now I'm curious about what happened to her, what's in front of her?"

Lin Suying suddenly saw a large number of building fragments floating in the void in front of her, half of the eaves passed by the flying shuttle, and there was a half-collapsed tower in the distance.

It gives people a sense of solemnity and solemnity, with a natural and mighty aura, as if it is indelible. It is slowly integrating the surrounding fragments, and repairing the broken parts of the tower little by little.

Yan Zong glanced at it and said, "That's the Tianji Pavilion, an independent domain that has been continuously strengthened by Mahayana monks in the past. Even if it has been destroyed countless times by the demons, it can recover a little bit by itself, but there is nothing in it. "

(End of this chapter)

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