I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 225 Ao Zhi Transforms Demon

Chapter 225 Ao Zhi Transforms Demon
Lin Suying vaguely saw a red mist flashing across the shattered Tianji Pavilion, it must be Sijiu's distraction.

"Not good, there is a red demon coming to patrol, take back the consciousness, we have to leave quickly."

Hearing this, Lin Suying hurriedly withdrew all her consciousness, feeling that the speed of the flying magic weapon had suddenly increased to the extreme.

Lin Suying got the latest star map from Yan Zongna, and finally figured out the spatial distribution of this cultivation world.

The whole realm of comprehension is still a rhombus, and the seven realms in the center are located at the core of the rhombus. Regardless of the existence of the Great Wilderness, the plane at the center of the rhombus is called the middle realm, with the upper realm being the upper realm and the lower realm being the lower realm.

The Great Wilderness is the apex of the upper realm, and Huangquan is the lowest point of the lower realm.

Before this realm of comprehension was destroyed by the demon world, the lower realm was the place where monks below the level of formation often lived, the middle realm was a place where multiple infant monks could set foot, and the upper realm was the territory only monks above Huashen could set foot in.

Every realm in the upper realm is controlled by a cultivator who transforms spirits, just like Yan Zong controls the world of rotten bones and is called the master of the realm. Those cultivators who transform gods understand the laws of the Dao by observing the birth, aging, sickness and death of the creatures in the realm.

Lin Suying and Yan Zong came out of the boundary river of the Great Wilderness, and were directly transported to an unnamed realm on the far right of the middle realm, while the realm of decayed bones was in the depths of the void on the far left.

It is very barren there, and the void beasts are rampant, and the demons seldom set foot there.

This world of self-cultivation has developed to this day, where the demon race dominates, and the human race survives.

Most of the Middle Realm and the Upper Realm were destroyed in the great war before Yiyuan, leaving only fragmented world fragments. The only ones that are intact are the seven central realms and some small worlds around them.

And the lower bound is separated by the void fault, and no one knows what the lower bound after the fault is.

The road to the world of decayed bones is long, Yan Zong is busy refining the demon refining prison, Lin Suying is happy to relax, and while pretending to refine, she secretly focuses on the Xuanyuan water environment.

The waters of the four seas supported the entire continent floating in the dark and endless void. Nine giant dragons were churning in the sea, with the sound of iron chains and the dragon's chant, dragging the Xuanyuan water environment forward.

The majestic Changchun tree stands in the center of the mainland. The crown of the tree stretches for thousands of miles, buried deep in the clouds of lightning and thunder, opening an invisible air shield to block the power of the void.

Lightning pierced the sky and suddenly illuminated the night sky. Countless void beasts in the sky passed around the Xuanyuan water environment, and disappeared after the lightning disappeared, leaving only a terrifying roar.

All over the Xuanyuan Water Territory, monks came out of their caves one after another, looking anxiously at the completely changed world around them. Many of them set foot outside the territory for the first time in their lives and saw the strange beasts in the void.

The canopy of the Changchun tree vibrated, squeezing out the spiritual energy in the Xuanyuan water environment little by little, and absorbing the magic energy from the void.

As early as when Lin Suying accepted monks from all over the world to take refuge in the Xuanyuan Water Realm, she had said that everyone who boarded a boat in the Xuanyuan Water Realm had to abandon the Tao and cultivate demons, following her rules.

So right now, although the monks in the Xuanyuan Water Realm are very confused about the way ahead, they still stay patiently in their respective territories, switch their skills and start cultivating demons.

When the general environment changes, people around me are cultivating demons, and they practice Taoism themselves, but they become different.

Lin Suying's body is still lingering under the Biyang Lake in the Xuanyuan water area, and the tiger avatar leads the demon clan and Jiaolong guards to guard all over the Xuanyuan water area to prevent encountering the demons.

Lu Changqing from Tiandao Sect, Qingsi from Demon Dao, and the Dragon Clan from Minjiang and Lijiang also gave up their old grudges and took the initiative to guard the water boundary.

After all, we have already boarded this boat, and the boat has also sailed into the void. If the boat capsizes, none of us can live alone.

Biyang Lake, Xinghua Pavilion.

Bailong turned into Aozhi outside the hall, because he had just inserted a magic crystal of a Bingya demon in the transformation stage under his eyebrows, a layer of light blue ice crystals appeared on Aozhi's forehead, and his body was full of mysterious ice. There is a faint hint of brutal magic.

She stabilized her primordial spirit and walked into the hall. Luo Yi, Cheng Kan, Gu Yixin, Feng Xin, Gui Xi and Li Bichen were together, discussing the next itinerary.

Seeing Ao Zhi, Feng Xin's eyes lit up, and she walked up to him with excitement, while Gui Xi stared angrily at the back.

"Zhizhi, you are out of customs, and your cultivation seems to be exhausted." Feng Xin said.

Ao Zhi smiled lightly, which made Feng Xin's heart flutter.

At present, the management of the entire Xuanyuan water environment is led by Luo Yi and Cheng Kan, Feng Xin is in charge of the miscellaneous affairs of the monster clan, Guixi represents the dragon clan, and Li Bichen is headed by Tiandaozong, representing various sects of the human race.

Alone, responsible for joining in the fun.

"I'm going to go to the Seven Realms of the Center alone to find out the details of the demons." Ao Zhi said.

At this moment, apart from Luo Yi, Cheng Kan and Gu Yixin, no one else knows that Ao Zhi is Lin Suying's avatar, and Gui Xi immediately becomes anxious when she hears this.

"It's absolutely impossible, Your Majesty the Dragon King. You are the first female emperor of our dragon clan through the ages, and the only one who can unite all the dragon clans in the wilderness. If you don't leave the dragon eggs, I will never let you go."

Gui Xi knelt down with a plop, crawling like a turtle to Ao Zhi's feet to beg.

"It's really not possible, you..." Gui Xi glanced at Feng Xin next to him, "You can take this bird as your son-in-law, but you have to keep one, no, at least three dragon eggs before leaving."

When Feng Xin heard this, she looked at Ao Zhi a little bit shyly, while Gu Yixin folded her arms and secretly ate melons.

Ao Zhi's forehead twitched, "You want to lay eggs so much, go with Feng Xinsheng."

Gui Xi wanted to say more, Ao Zhi directly hit with a silence spell, ignored Feng Xin, and said to the others: "At present, there are no demons around, everyone can slowly go to the middle world along the periphery of the void, carefully avoid Destroy the world and die, Xuanyuan Water Realm, please everyone."

Everyone nodded, Luo Yi took out some pills she made and handed them to Ao Zhi, and Cheng Kan also took some newly made paintings.

Ao Zhi accepted everything, and Gu Yixin came over and said, "I also want to go with you to the Demon Race's territory to see and see."

Ao Zhi didn't refuse, Gu Yixin turned into a pen and dropped it on Ao Zhi's waist.

Nodding to Li Bichen, Ao Zhi turned and left, leaving Feng Xin with a lonely face, and Gui Xi knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

At this time, Ao Zhi has already attained the level of transformation into a god, and she can directly control the void, but she still rummaged through the treasure house of the Dragon Palace to find some materials, and refined a piece of [Space Escape Shuttle].

It is very similar to Yan Zong's flying magic weapon, and it also has a formation of isolation and detection and concealment.

After boarding the air shuttle, Lin Suying concealed the dragon horns on Aozhi's head, transformed an ice armor with magic energy and mysterious ice to cover her body, and finally released a layer of ice mist to linger around her body.

Gu Yixin appeared in front of Lin Suying and looked him up and down, "Well, this looks exactly like the Bingya Demon, and he is also extremely handsome and arrogant. When you arrive at the territory of the Demon Race, you will definitely be able to fascinate thousands of Demons again. "

Lin Suying rolled her eyes, didn't answer her words, and said instead, "I remember you once said that you have some connection with the Ancient Xuanzhen Monument, and I found out that the Ancient Xuanzhen Monument is the Tianji Monument in the Tianji Pavilion in the comprehension world. Do you want to go and have a look, maybe you can find out your own origin."

Gu Yixin smiled when he heard the words, "That's exactly what I mean."

"Well, I'll go with you to the ruins of the Tianji Pavilion first, and then to the Demon Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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