I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 226 Destroying the Black Lotus

Chapter 226 Destroying the Black Lotus
Ao Zhi and Gu Yixin were rushing on the road, and it was a long way from the upper realm to the central seven realms, but Yan Zong and Shen Ruqiong arrived at the Rotten Bone Realm first.

Standing on the flying magic weapon, Lin Suying saw a large piece of brown cloud floating in the dark void from a distance, Yan Zong controlled the magic weapon and plunged into the cloud.

The gust of wind blew over like a knife, and the sight was full of clouds flying upside down. After about a dozen breaths, the flying magic weapon stopped suddenly, and the sight suddenly opened up.

Lin Suying saw a piece of barren land, empty and far away, where everything she could see was a shocking pale yellow, and the sky was full of loess.

The air is dry and lacks water, and the earth is full of cracks. There is only a small green valley in the center of the Loess Plateau.

Yan Zong has already suppressed his cultivation to the late stage of Yuanying, and dare not reveal the slightest breath of Huashen, otherwise this unstable small world will be shaken and damaged by Huashen's coercion in an instant.

The two got off the flying magic weapon, and flew towards the green valley with the escape light.

Lin Suying felt that the whole world of rotten bones was not as big as the Xuanyuan water environment, and the trees in the valley were all covered with a layer of loess, struggling half-dead.

Seeing two rays of light in the sky, monks from the Bone Realm who lived in the loess cave came out one after another. Each of them had traces of different demons on their bodies, half-human, half-devil, with tattered clothes, which made Lin Suying feel like coming The feeling of ancient tribes.

"It's the Lord of the World who is back, that's great."

"See World Lord!"

A group of people kowtowed and kowtowed, and the mountains roared and the tsunami roared, and they were very excited.

Lin Suying couldn't help being surprised, Yan Zong was so ruthless, people around him would kill him whenever they wanted, but people in the Bone World still respected him very much, and she could feel that it was more respect than fear.

Yan Zong brought Lin Suying to the ground, helped up an old man kneeling in front of the crowd, and asked, "Has there been any major events in the world of decayed bones recently?"

With a dry branch protruding from the old man's right shoulder, and withered yellow moss on his left face, he is a half-demon of Senluo.

"It's still the same. Because of the lack of water and food, and the lack of magic energy, everyone's progress in cultivation is slow. There may be no children born in the Loose Leaf Valley for a long time."

Yan Zong frowned, took out a storage pouch from his sleeve and handed it to the old man, "This is some supplies that the deity has found this time, you can deal with it..."

Yan Zong was explaining the matter over there, when Lin Suying's hand was suddenly grabbed by a Bingya girl and a half-demon, she asked anxiously, "Where are Fusheng and Fengnian?"

Seeing that her appearance was somewhat similar to Chen Fengnian, Lin Suying thought she might be Chen Fengnian's mother.

Lin Suying didn't say anything, but there was a bit of sadness in her eyes, the woman's eyes turned red suddenly, she nodded to show she understood.

The woman left in a daze, and the people around her didn't seem surprised, and only cast sympathetic looks.

After Yan Zong explained the matter, he suddenly looked at Lin Suying and said to the old man: "I am going to retreat for a period of time to refine one thing. I will marry Arjun after I leave the seclusion. The world of rotten bones has not been lively for many years. Please trouble Elder Dong to arrange it. Make sure it’s more festive and lively.”

Dong Fu glanced at Shen Ruqiong, with some appreciation in his eyes, "Okay, the old man will definitely organize a big event for the world master, the world master can rest assured, Arjun has followed the old man to familiarize himself with the important tasks these days."

Yan Zong nodded and said to Lin Suying, "Wait for me to leave the customs."

After finishing speaking, she drove away in Dunguang, Lin Suying secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and only hoped that he would stay in seclusion for a longer time.

As soon as Yan Zong left, people around crowded up to congratulate Lin Suying.

"Congratulations, Arjun, you finally got your wish."

"Yeah, seeing you have been in love with the world lord for so many years, we all feel sorry for you. It's good to have all the hardships now."

Several Shadi women and half-demons smiled happily. In the world of decayed bones, everyone is not divided into classes by cultivation level, but more like a tribal family, and they get along fairly close.

But most of the people are happy for Shen Ruqiong, and there are still a small number of people who are very unhappy.

"She is not a native of the Rotten Bone Realm, and as soon as she arrives in the Rotten Bone Realm, she will be entangled with the World Master. Aren't you afraid that she may harbor evil intentions?"

"That's right, the demons have many human slaves in captivity. Be careful that she is a spy of the demons."

"Mr. Dong, you can't agree with her marrying the Lord of the Realm just because she has a high level of cultivation. This is related to the future of our Bone Bone Realm, so don't be hasty."

"Yes, she can do nothing but please the World Lord. We refuse to accept it."

The crowd was clamoring.

"Okay, you all go to work, Arjun is tired from running around and needs to rest." Dong Fu drove everyone away.

When only Dong Fu and Lin Suying were left by the edge of the woods, Dong Fu glanced at the expressionless Lin Suying, "You should be calm, follow me."

Lin Suying followed behind Dong Fu, going all the way through the sparse woods, and finally came to a near-dry water pool.

The pool is very deep, but at the moment there is only the pool and a small stream of sweet spring.

Dong Fu said: "If you want everyone to accept you wholeheartedly, you must make some achievements so that everyone can see that you are worthy of being the wife of the world master."

"This water pool is the last source of water in the Bone Realm. The Lord of the World has just given the old man some magic weapons to set up the water formation. In the next few days, you will learn how to set up the formation with the old man."

Lin Suying has a strange expression, it's just a water formation, she can make dozens of them with one foot, is she still learning?
However, this cannot be blamed on Dong Fu. The inheritance of the cultivation world has been broken long ago. It is difficult to learn complex and high-end things such as formation formation without a large supply of resources.

Sitting cross-legged by the pool, Dong Fu took out the jade slips and the formations to look at. Lin Suying sat opposite and casually glanced at the jade slips, which contained "Essentials of Basic Formation".

Start learning from the basics, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to form a water gathering array in a few years.

"Mr. Dong, are you very familiar with the history of the cultivation world? Can you tell me about the death energy of the world and the white lotus of the world?"

Dong Fu looked up at Shen Ruqiong, "When you were young, the old man wanted to tell you, but you wanted to hear the heroic deeds of the World Lord, why are you suddenly interested now?"

Lin Suying immediately put on a look of worry for Yan Zong, "The Lord of the World has been working hard for the Bone Realm, and has been looking for a way to go to the lower world. He said that the White Lotus of the Pure World has been destroyed, but I want to know the specifics. Check it out. Can you find any clues to share the worries for the World Lord?"

Dong Fu nodded, "Very good. When we get married in the future, you have to share your worries for the Lord of the World. The Pure World White Lotus is a fetish that was born when the world first opened when the chaos was born in ancient times. It purifies the turbid qi and makes The clear air rises and turns into spiritual energy, nourishing the living beings in the world."

"The death energy of the world actually comes from the black lotus. The white lotus and the black lotus were originally born together. In the great battle in the cultivation world before Yiyuan, the white lotus was destroyed by the female devil, and the black lotus also died with the death of the previous devil emperor. Dissipate, logically speaking, the death energy should dissipate with it, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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