I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 227 The Purified Body

Chapter 227 The Purified Body
"However, when the Tiandao League was cleaning up the remnants of the Devil Emperor to the end, a person named Bailiyou made all previous efforts go to waste. She once witnessed the female devil killing the Devil Emperor and divided the entire Void Fault. Second, this Bailiyou is not a good person, but the female devil dare not kill her, do you know why?"

Lin Suying pondered, "That female devil can kill even the devil emperor, but she doesn't kill this Bailiyou, it means that there is something in her that even the female devil is afraid of."

Dong Fu nodded, "That's right, Bailiyou was born from a dead body. Once anyone touches her, they will suffer a bloody disaster and die badly. It's easy to kill her, but when she dies, the dead body's aura will permeate the true spirit. Even Da Luo Jinxian can't resist it, and reincarnation can't get rid of it, so we can only keep suppressing it."

Lin Suying suddenly realized, "Understood, so the reappearance of the death energy is caused by this Bailiyou?"

"The grievances between Bailiyou and the female devil are now unknown. According to word of mouth in the comprehension world, it is only known that Bailiyou has been imprisoned in a temple in the Putuo realm after the battle to kill the devil emperor. Later, the first ray of death energy emerged from Putuo Realm."

"The Putuo Realm, one of the seven central realms, was destroyed first. Those who escaped said that the Putuo Temple was careless, and Bailiyou's resentment was overwhelming. To let the whole cultivation world feel her pain, she blew herself up. True Spirit. That is to say, since then, the demons have made a comeback, using the world-destroying death energy as the vanguard, and completely wiped out the cultivation world."

"That Bailiyou is said to have served by the previous devil emperor for a while, if the previous devil emperor planted something behind her, it is also possible, but it is a pity that the current cultivation world can no longer find a second one. Someone like that witch..."

Lin Suying sighed, "If you cut the grass but don't remove the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows, but this dead body is really..."

There is no solution, and she would not be willing to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots by herself. It is too disgusting to be bad luck for life and death.

"Elder Dong, there is no other way to deal with the current death qi without Jingshi Bailian?"

Dong Fu thought for a moment and said, "Actually, there is another way. The White Lotus of Jingshi and the Black Lotus of Mieshi are born from a clear spring. The clean energy rises, the turbid energy descends, and the upper yang and lower yin. The clear spring is the key. If someone can Cultivate a body that is as pure as that of the clear spring, and then you can bring all the extinction energy into your body, and purify your body from yin and yang."

"It's been one yuan time, 12 years, and no one has repaired it. I guess it's difficult?"

"It's not difficult, it's simply impossible. Not to mention that only the female devil can understand the "Yin-Yang Chengling Holy Law" that directly points to the divine way. The weak water of the yellow spring and the real water of the sun, these things have long been extinct in the cultivation world."

Lin Suying thought about it, and there was no such two kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures in Dahuang.

"I really don't know how the comprehension world offended that female devil, leaving no way out for the comprehension world."

"Self-inflicted, you can't live..."

Elder Dong murmured, no longer talking to Lin Suying, but sticking the jade slip between his brows to comprehend the knowledge of formations within it.

Lin Suying looked at the magic weapons and materials for forming formations on the ground. If Mr. Dong went to learn how to form formations, these materials would not be enough for him, for the sake of answering his own doubts...

With a wave of Lin Suying's hand, the materials on the ground flew up one after another and returned to their respective positions, and she disappeared.

Dong Fu read the obscure array knowledge over and over again, the more he read it, the more confused he became, and the more he read it, the more headache he got, but for the sake of the water source of the bone world, he forced himself to continue studying until sunset.

When he finally had some clues, he withdrew his spiritual consciousness from the jade slip, ready to flex his muscles.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of splashing water and felt like he was soaking in water.

Dong Fu opened his eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw that the pool that was close to drying up was so full that it overflowed, and the clear and transparent water flowed out of the pool, soaking the dry loess rocks, leaving delightful wet marks.

"I did this?"

Dong Fu was stunned, with dry branches sticking out from all over his body, deep into the pool to absorb greedily, the cold and moist feeling made him feel refreshed.

When Dong Fu looked at the magic weapons placed around him, he became even more confused.

"Why is this formation different from what I saw? It seems... more complicated and advanced, and the effect is better, Arjun, you..."

Dong Fu turned his head to look for Shen Ruqiong, only to find that she was not there long ago. Dong Fu was even more surprised when he thought that Shen Ruqiong was the only one here just now.

Could this be Shen Ruqiongbu's?

Immediately, Dong Fu smiled gratifiedly, "Ah Qiong went out this trip, learned a lot and came back."

Dong Fu stood up from the pool, all the water stains on his body were sucked into his body, and the dead branches on his shoulders sprouted healthy young leaves. He walked to the pool and beat the big drum vigorously.

The sound of drums reverberated throughout the woods, and people happily rushed to the water pool with tools for fetching water.

The sound of the drum means release of water.

When people arrived at the pool and saw the overflowing sweet spring, they all showed incredible expressions, and at the same time were extremely happy and excited.

Dong Fu calculated the spiritual stones needed for the formation, and Yan Zong gave them enough to last for more than ten years, so he raised his voice, "Ah Qiong set up this formation with her own hands, and she brought you the water source of life. You can take a bucket full of water and go back to celebrate that our World Lord and Arjun are about to tie the knot."

"Tie the knot!"

"Tie the knot!"

Lin Suying wandered around, walked all the way outside the Loose Leaves Valley, suddenly heard a loud shout coming from the woods behind, and cursed secretly.

"Tie the knot ass!"

She did not come to the World of Decayed Bone this time to get married to Yan Zong, but to inquire about the past news of the Realm of Cultivation and take a look at the customs of the World of Decayed Bone.

Especially this loose leaf valley with branches and leaves scattered.

Loose Leaves Valley is actually a canyon among the loess mountains, where many demons captured from various places are imprisoned.

Taniguchi was guarded by two Shadi half-demons, who already knew the news that Shen Ruqiong was going to marry Yan Zong, so he was very surprised to see her appear here.

"Shen... are you going in..." one of the guards asked cautiously, while the other looked a little weird.

Lin Suying raised her eyebrows, "Can't I go in?"

The two guards glanced at each other. The existence of the Loose Leaf Valley is to continue the blood of the human race. In the World of Decaying Bone, those whose cultivation base is difficult to improve, need to enter the Loose Leaf Valley once a month, and find a demon in it to leave their offspring. , regardless of gender.

This is the price of living in the world of decayed bones, and no one should disobey it, otherwise they will be expelled from the world of decayed bones.

Because Shen Ruqiong has been cultivating very hard, as the top group in the rotten bone world, she has never entered the Loose Leaf Valley.

Lin Suying saw the appearance of the two guards, and suddenly understood what they were worried about.

She smirked twice in her heart, "Your World Lord...he has some eccentricities, so he let me go in and have a look, and choose two male demons for him by the way, ah no, they are female demons."

The two guards widened their eyes in horror. What did they hear? The World Master actually likes male demons!

(End of this chapter)

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