Chapter 1 Rebirth and Return
Qingwu died, and died cleanly.

After receiving a sword from Bai Mi, the leader of the immortal sect, he was also burned into a scorched corpse by a fire of karma.

That's not counting, even the Langya Mountain where she lived for hundreds of years was burned to the ground.

She has never done anything bad in her life, and it can even be said that she has never done anything.

Although he is the body of a demon, he has been imprisoned on the top of Langya Mountain for a lifetime.

Until his death, he had never seen the scenery outside Langya Mountain.

When Qingwu fell into the karmic fire, looking around, he still saw the square sky.The difference is that under the reflection of the bright red flames, the blue sky that has not changed for hundreds of years has added a coquettish and strange bright red.

The flames climbed up Qingwu's body along his hands and feet, scorching hot and piercingly painful.

Even such fiery pain is novel to Qingwu, never experienced before.

She hadn't had much fun in her life, except for that delicate little pet, Yanchenjin, which made her reluctant to part with it.

But Qingwu understands that after she dies, he is also free, and it is salvation for her or him.

It's over, it's over, all your wishes are over, let's die.

Therefore, when Bai Mi, the leader of the immortal sect, came to kill her, she didn't even resist.

Even though the blade pierced through the body, and let the fire of karma burn the body, she only felt that she was finally... freed.

What good is being a prisoner?Better to be dead and clean.


A drop of bone-chilling water just landed on Qingwu's brow, and a chill spread instantly, causing Qingwu to shiver.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and the surroundings were dark, shrouded in a vague white mist, but the branches and leaves shaking in the night wind could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, Qingwu was lying under a big tree thick enough to be surrounded by two people, the cold dew on the leaves fell on her forehead, it was extremely cold.

Qingwu hissed, supported the ground with one hand, wiped the water droplets on his face with the other, and sat up slowly.

In the barren mountains and ridges, the surroundings are lonely and cold.

Qingwu muttered in her heart, how could the Langya Mountain where she lived be so desolate?
Even if it is dilapidated, it should be the mess left by the fire of karma. How could it be... dead grass everywhere?
Just when he was about to get up and check, Qingwu realized that he was lying in a strange magic circle.

The magic circle was engraved on her body, and the vermilion symbol seemed to be drawn with blood.Qingwu touched it, and the red color seemed to be embedded in the soil and could not be wiped off.

She looked at the magic circle carefully, thinking to herself, this seems to be some kind of evil circle used for sacrifice or evocation of souls.

Qingwu realized that she was already dead, could it be that her soul was recalled?
But she was helpless, and she didn't think that anyone would do this.

Feeling suspicious, Qingwu saw a small pond not far away, she got up unsteadily, and walked towards the small pond.

As soon as one foot stepped out of the magic circle, a red light flashed all around in an instant.

Qingwu suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his skull, covered his head in pain, staggered and fell back to the ground.

Picture after picture flashed in Qingwu's mind like a strange revolving lantern.

Lu Yaoqing, everyone in the screen is shouting this name.

Those unfamiliar pictures were engraved into Qingwu's mind one by one, which made her have a splitting headache.

Until the piercing pain disappeared, Qingwu sat on the ground in a daze, his head was in a mess.

Qingwu didn't forget what she wanted to confirm, she struggled to get up again, and the magic circle under her feet had disappeared into nothing.

Squatting beside the small pond, Qingwu watched his own face reflected on the water. Although this face was somewhat similar to her original face, it was certain that it was not the same person.

Qingwu simply sat by the small pool, lying on his back, splashing the cool water unconsciously with one hand.

I don't know how long I lay there, but Qingwu finally got his train of thought in order.

The girl who was sacrificed was named Lu Yaoqing, and she was eighteen years old.

He was originally a child from an ordinary family in Xiangling City. His parents died three years ago due to evil spirits.

Elder Huayun saw that he was pitiful, and he was a half-demon body, so he brought him back to Huaguangmen and accepted him as a disciple.

Although Lu Yaoqing has a half-demon body, he has no roots of wisdom, his cultivation is not good, and he is squeezed out by others.

This time, he followed all his disciples down the mountain to cast down demons and eliminate evil spirits, and got separated from the crowd. Somebody, unknown to him, sacrificed his soul to the undead, and his body became Qingwu's container.

Qingwu sighed a long time, thinking in a mess, and didn't know who recalled her soul on purpose, or summoned her by accident.

She died well, who is so boring?
It's nothing more than boring, but she was given such an embarrassing identity as a disciple of Huaguang Sect!

She has not forgotten that she was killed by the head of the Huaguang sect, and now she has become a pawn in the sect of killing enemies, which is really sighing.

Moreover, there is one more thing she cares about.

There is a figure of a young man in her memory, he has not had much contact with Lu Yaoqing, and she only knows that the young man's name is Yan Chenjin, he is the disciple of the head of the sect, and he talked to him once.

"Yanchenjin..." Qingwu chanted the name, which was the name of the pet she had kept for more than 200 years.

She was covered in pure white and flawless fur, soft to the touch, and her two watery eyes were extremely beautiful.

Is it the same person?
Qingwu was thinking about it, when there was a sudden sound of footsteps, Qingwu immediately got up vigilantly, and in the thick fog, he vaguely saw a few figures.

The footsteps were getting closer, she raised her hand, not to hurt anyone, but to drive them away, she exerted force behind the footsteps.

The place that was supposed to explode was safe and sound.

Only then did Qingwu realize that there was no devil energy in her body that could be mobilized, but because of this force, her stomach began to ache faintly.

She opened the hem of her clothes and saw that there was a wound on her stomach. Although it was not deep, it was quite long and almost circled her waist more than half a circle.

Weird spells crawled around the wound, and those spells seemed to restrain the magic energy, making it impossible to mobilize even a trace of breath.

Qingwu hurriedly wiped the talisman, but as soon as she wiped a little bit, a sharp pain in her abdomen came up immediately, and she gritted her teeth in pain.

The wound is not deep, but it hurts so much?
It seems that these spells are used to relieve the pain of the wound. In order to prevent the wound from worsening, the spells have imprisoned the spiritual breath in the body.

Qingwu bit his finger, and filled it up according to the traces just wiped off.

Sure enough, the spell was completely repaired, and the pain in the abdomen disappeared immediately.

Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, a ray of light shone through the thick fog, and Qingwu instinctively raised his arms to block his eyes.

Suddenly, a clear and clear boy's voice shouted: "It's Lu Yaoqing!"

Before Qingwu was dazzled by the light, four people surrounded him.

Several bright lights followed one after another, and Qingwu couldn't help frowning.

I don't know who kicked her suddenly, and then a girl's voice came, "Lu Yaoqing, why are you pretending to be dead? You can't even make a bait, and one of them didn't keep an eye on you, so you ran again in the fog There is no shadow, do you want to rebel? If you are not dead, get up quickly, don't delay everyone's arrest of the evil spirit."

The girl who spoke was named Cheng Anyi, a female disciple of Huaguang Sect, because of her frivolous temperament, she wandered among the various seniors, got a lot of protection, and became more arrogant and domineering.

The other three teenagers were also disciples of the Huaguang Sect. Except for Zhang Ming who stood at the front, Lu Yaoqing had no impression of the other two.

Seeing that she was unmoved, Cheng Anyi said angrily: "Lu Yaoqing, I'm talking to you, you have the right to not hear me, right? Get out of here!"

After finishing speaking, she winked impatiently at the young man beside her. The young man took a big step, and grabbed Qing Wu's arm with one hand and pulled him up.

Cheng Anyi glanced at Qingwu contemptuously, and said to the three teenagers: "Go on and find other senior brothers."

The three teenagers nodded one after another, without giving Qingwu a chance to speak, they dragged them forward.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Cheng Anyi, who was leading the way, shouted, "There is an ancestral hall ahead, let's go in and have a look."

The teenagers immediately followed in her footsteps.

Behind the ancestral hall was a courtyard with several dilapidated houses.

Vaguely, Qingwu saw a figure flash by, and immediately lowered his voice: "Don't move, there are people inside."

As soon as these words came out, several people stopped and became vigilant.

The door of the room where someone passed by suddenly opened, and several teenagers walked out.

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief, it turned out to be a few brothers who got separated.

Cheng Anyi turned his head angrily, gave Qing Wu a hard look, and said in a shrill voice: "What a fuss, who are you scaring?"

How did Qingwu know that it would be someone along the way?

Cheng Anyi did not embarrass her, but eagerly grabbed the arm of one of the teenagers, and asked softly like honey, "Where is Ah Jin? Are you with you?"

The boy said: "We just found Ah Jin, he's not feeling well, he's resting inside."

Cheng Anyi ran into the house with a smile on his face, Qing Wu couldn't help feeling that the thoughts of this Huaichun girl were all written on her face, which was a bit enviable.

Qingwu is a 'prisoner', and he has never seen a man other than his father until his death, let alone...

At that time, Qingwu realized with panic that he was no longer a prisoner.

She looked down at her hands.

That's right, she is not Qingwu, but Lu Yaoqing, who is free and can live as she pleases.

Before Qingwu was happy for a moment, Zhang Ming pushed him from behind, "Why are you in a daze, hurry in!"

Although she is already a free agent, she is still Lu Yaoqing's identity at the moment, and she needs to take over this role well, so she can only take a step forward at this moment.

Qingwu walked into the dilapidated small house, there was a faint light in the room, and beside the light, a young man leaned against the wall with his eyes closed.

The moment Qingwu looked over, the boy suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes carried the unique charm of the fox clan, which could easily captivate people's souls.

The young man's appearance was stunning and stunning, but he didn't know whether it was the influence of the weak light, or the young man was suffering from illnesses, so he had a fragile and fragile feeling.

Cheng Anyi squatted beside the young man, and said with concern, "Ah Jin, how are you? What's wrong?"

The boy didn't answer, but still stared at Qingwu without blinking.

Qing Wu also seemed to be captivated by those seductive eyes, staring at him blankly.

This face, this person, is Yan Chenjin!

It wasn't until a cold gaze shot towards Qingwu that Qingwu regained consciousness belatedly.

Cheng Anyi was staring at her with the look of wanting to kill someone.

Qingwu could see that Cheng Anyi didn't like her in the first place, so he naturally didn't want to cause trouble for himself, so he quickly looked away, and said to Zhang Ming who was behind him, "Can I sit down and rest for a while?"

Zhang Ming acquiesced, Qingwu endured the pain and found a corner to sit down, she closed her eyes, intending to recuperate.

But for some reason, what came to mind were the eyes of that weak young man just now.

Those eyes overlapped with the one in her memory.

A young man's accusation came from next to his ear: "Yan Chenjin, Junior Sister Cheng was talking to you, why didn't you say a word?"

The three words Yanchenjin immediately aroused Qingwu's heart. She didn't open her eyes, but pricked up her ears, trying to hear more clearly.

I only heard Yan Chenjin say casually, "I'm very tired, I don't want to talk."

"You... don't know how to flatter." The young man said angrily.

On the contrary, the person involved, Cheng Anyi, was not displeased at all, and explained for Yan Chenjin: "Ah Jin is just too tired, Senior Brother Zhang Ming, don't be angry."

This was clearly to protect the inkstone dust, Zhang Ming was so anxious that he simply sat down in the corner where Qingwu was out of sight and out of mind.

Qingwu felt someone sitting down beside him, so he slowly opened his eyes, wanting to find out the details of Yan Chenjin, so he asked in a low voice: "That Yanchen Jin..."

Before she could say a word, Zhang Ming stared at her with stern eyes, and Qing Wu suddenly didn't know how to speak.

A person who lived in seclusion and had little contact with people did not know how to deal with such an embarrassing scene.

Qingwu thought for a while, and felt that he should empathize with the other party, so he changed his tone and asked, "I said that... Yan Chenjin, who doesn't know how to praise, why is he so... arrogant?"

Not knowing the words flattery and arrogance, Zhang Ming managed to ease his anger a bit.

He specially raised his voice, and said: "Isn't it the young son who was abandoned by the demon clan, who lived with the demon leader Qingwu for 200 years, and dared to use this as an excuse to claim that he has stabilized the demon's heart for many years. Pooh, then Even if the devil is dead, he would never have imagined that the white-eyed wolf that he had raised for so many years would shamelessly seek credit from Xianmen. If the head of the sect hadn't seen the marriage between Xianmen and Yaozu and treated Yaozu badly, how could he have allowed him to return to Yaozu? Clan? But this white-eyed wolf is lucky, he begged the sect master, insisted on staying, and became the disciple of the sect master."

Qingwu: "..."

Originally wanted to inquire about it, but didn't want Zhang Ming to hate Yan Chenjin so much that everyone knew it.

Cheng Anyi quickly retorted for Yan Chenjin, "Senior brother Zhang Ming, how can you say that about Ah Jin? Ah Jin is bearing the burden of humiliation."

Zhang Ming's words were like slapping Qingwu's face.

For a moment, she didn't know whether she should be angry that Zhang Ming called her a monster, or should be sad because of Yan Chenjin's betrayal.

Qing Wu glanced at Yan Chenjin faintly, and the young man was also looking at her.

Those beautiful eyes were full of guilt and sadness.

Qing Wu's head was hit by a heavy hammer, and it hurt a little.

She used to spoil and love him all the time.

Although Yan Chenjin was just a pet she couldn't put it down, she never neglected him and gave him the best in everything.

Even before she died, she never forgot that his body was weak, so she transferred her devilish energy to him so that he could live for a long time.

But it was the fox she loved so much that after she died, he took refuge in the person who killed her.

Qingwu's heart was in a mess, and he couldn't tell if he was angry or sad.

(End of this chapter)

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