Chapter 2 No one can fight
The two parties involved in these remarks were silent, but Zhang Ming and Cheng Anyi quarreled, one slandered Yan Chenjin, the other defended Yan Chenjin.

A gust of wind suddenly picked up outside the door, rattling the empty room, and even Cheng Anyi, who was still accusing Zhang Ming, shut up.

In the wind, Qingwu vaguely heard a woman crying.

Qingwu lowered his voice, "Someone is crying."

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully, and there was really a sobbing sound.

Qingwu vaguely felt a chill, she slowly stood up, wanting to check.

But before she had time to move, Zhang Ming stood up beside her with a bang, pulled out the saber from his waist, and shouted: "It's good for me to find this evil spirit, and I will kill you today!"

After all, he rushed out without looking back.

That 'evil spirit' is so cold and chilly at such a distance, it's absolutely extraordinary.

Qingwu almost instinctively stretched out her hand to stop it, but she, who was weak, couldn't compare to that boy's dexterity.

Zhang Ming rushed out of the room, and before everyone could see clearly, a gust of dark wind blew through and closed the door again.

Qingwu walked to the door, squatted at the door, and looked through the hole in the dilapidated door.

I saw Zhang Ming brandishing a long sword in the yard and shouting angrily: "Yaoxie, get out!"

A moment later, a female ghost in red appeared behind Zhang Ming. The female ghost hung her head down, and her two pale, bloodshot eyeballs protruded from between the scattered hair, shining fiercely.

Zhang Ming noticed the cold air behind him and turned around suddenly.

After seeing the female ghost clearly, his legs trembled, but now that the arrow is on the string, it is really shameful to retreat before the battle.

Ever since, he mustered up his courage and charged forward with the blade in hand.

Qing Wu's heart skipped a beat.

This female ghost looked at least a hundred years old, and her whole body exuded resentment and red light. A mere Zhang Ming was like an ant.

Now that Qingwu has no devil energy, there is no chance of winning at all, so he turned his head and took a look among the other young monks, he was afraid that all of them together would not be the opponent of the female ghost.

Qing Wu's gaze finally fell on Yan Chenjin.

Back then, she had given most of her demonic energy to Yan Chenjin, so logically speaking, he could be hostile.

But seeing his pale face and sickly appearance, how could he look like someone who could fight?

It's a pity that all her devilish energy was wasted.

Yan Chenjin met her gaze and stood up.

Cheng Anyi reached out to help, but he easily dodged it.

Yan Chenjin had always disliked being touched by others, Cheng Anyi was very aware of this, so she withdrew her hand embarrassingly, not daring to do it again.

Yan Chenjin walked to the door, coughed twice, and asked, "How's it going?"

His voice was very weak, as if it was difficult to say every word, he coughed twice after speaking, as if he was dying of a long-term illness.

Although Qingwu was angry with him, seeing that he was so weak and she was dead now, it was not easy to embarrass him in public.

She replied: "Zhang Ming is hopeless, I just hope he doesn't rush in and just lure the ghost."

If Zhang Ming brought the fierce ghost in, everyone might die.

Cheng Anyi accused indiscriminately: "Are you still talking in human terms? After all, Senior Brother Zhang Ming is our fellow student, yet you say such things, disregarding his life or death."

Qingwu thinks her temper is not bad, but she doesn't like to tolerate everything, let alone the matter of life and death at this moment, she said coldly: "If you want to save him, you can go out now."

These words made Cheng Anyi choke speechless.

A shrill shout sounded outside, it was Zhang Ming's voice.

Qing Wu hurriedly looked outside, only to see that Zhang Ming had already been tortured, his face was covered with blood, and he was not a human being.

The ghost suddenly looked over here, Qingwu hurriedly dodges, almost meeting the ghost's eyes.

Qing Wu put his fingers on his lips, silencing everyone.

After hearing Zhang Ming's shout, everyone was so frightened that they didn't even realize that Lu Yaoqing was very different from the past.

Seeing Lu Yaoqing's gesture, everyone covered their mouths tightly.

There was a bang, the sound of the door being rushed open.

Everyone trembled in fright, Qing Wu hurriedly leaned over to look over, it turned out that it was a red-clothed ghost looking for someone from room to room.

There are five cabins in a row of rooms under this corridor, the one they are in is the fourth one, and the one opened by the ghost is the first one.

Li Gui didn't find anyone alive in the house, so he floated out and continued to the second room.

There was another bang, and the second room was also opened.

Qingwu has a bad heart, if this continues, he will be discovered sooner or later.

If someone can go out and lure this ghost away, and the rest of the people take the opportunity to hide in the room that has been searched, maybe they can save everyone's life.

She looked at the frightened monk and the sickly Yan Chenchen.

None of these people is worthy of a big job.

These monks were very indifferent to her, and Qing Wu didn't intend to help them, but...

Her gaze was fixed on Yan Chenjin, if it wasn't for her beloved little pet, she would just try to escape by herself.

Qingwu retracted his gaze, gritted his teeth, lifted the hem of his clothes between his waist and abdomen, and wiped off the charms around the wound, only a little was wiped off, and the pain in his abdomen immediately surged up.

Enduring the pain, she tore off the old white paper pasted on the door, bit her finger and drew runes on it.

The white paper immediately magnified several times and jumped like a living thing.

Qing Wu raised his head, only to find that he was blocked by Yan Chenjin at some point.

She didn't care much, she stood up while grabbing Yan Chenjin's arm, and the young man naturally held her hand.

Qingwu lowered his voice and said: "Listen to me, that ghost is searching for living people from room to room, and he will find us soon. When she opens the door of the next room, I will send out the living paper to lure the ghost away. We Take the opportunity to hide in the next room, remember not to close the door, do you understand?"

The monks were scared out of their wits, how could they hear Qingwu's words.

Qingwu wanted to slap them a few times, but she was afraid of being heard by the female ghost outside, so she could only grit her teeth and repeat it again, and those people came back to their senses and nodded one after another.

"Boom" the door of the next room was knocked open, and Qingwu sent the loose paper out through the crack of the door.

The living paper jumped back and forth in front of the door of the next room, attracting the attention of the female ghost. The female ghost flew out of the room and went straight to the living paper.

Qingwu continued to cast spells and led the female ghost to the outside of the ancestral hall.

Taking advantage of the female ghost chasing the loose paper, Qingwu opened the door and whispered: "Go quickly!"

Everyone ran to the next room one after another, only one inkstone dust was left.

Qingwu stopped the spell, looked sideways at him, pulled his arm and was about to run out.

However, the man was so delicate and weak that he couldn't bear such a tugging, so he tilted his long legs and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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