Chapter 111

"I didn't leave, I just said a few words to Jiang Mingyun, lie down quickly, and let the doctor look at your illness." Qingwu said while helping the young man to lie down.

With Qingwu watching from the side, Yan Chenjin became more obedient, and obediently stretched out his hand to let the doctor feel the pulse.

The doctor looked at it for a long time, and only said that it was a common wind-cold, and there was no special disease. After taking the medicine, it was just a matter of recuperating.

Qingwu didn't take it seriously, "Since it's a common wind and cold, why can't it be eliminated with magic?"

The doctor shook his head, looking helpless, and said: "This is due to his natural constitution. Mr. Yan has always been weak, and he often has illnesses on his body. It cannot be cured in a day or two. Miss Lu, don't worry, take good care of Mr. Yan That’s it, just try to avoid minor illnesses in the future.”

Although Qingwu understands medical principles, he also understands that doctors do not heal themselves or their relatives.

What's more, what the doctor said is very true, Yan Chenjin has been weak since he was a child, and it didn't happen for a while.

Thinking back from her rebirth, Yan Chenjin's body has gradually recovered a lot, and now because of this ordeal, she has returned.

Qingwu felt a little guilty, so he could only nod his head, thanked him, and sent the doctor away.

When Qing Wu came back, Yan Chenjin was sitting on the couch with a resentful expression on his face. As soon as she came in, he raised his head, looking hesitant to speak.

With that pitiful energy, he obviously waited for Qingwu to allow him to speak before he dared to speak.

Qing Wu sat down beside him, raised his hand and touched his forehead, it was still a little hot, but it was already much better than before.

"What do you want to say?"

The young man shook his head.

Qingwu sighed, this kid clearly had something to say, but he hesitated, it was not something she liked to hear, but if he didn't let him talk, she wouldn't feel comfortable seeing him like this.

She could only say patiently, "Did you forget what you promised me?"

Yan Chenjin pursed her lips, clutching her clothes in her hands, like a homeless puppy.

"I haven't forgotten, and I won't hide it." He said hesitantly, "I... just want to ask you what you said to Jiang Mingyun."

He was jealous of Jiang Mingyun in his heart, but he didn't dare to be too blatant, lest Qingwu think he was narrow-minded and unreasonable.

Qingwu's eyes sank, thinking in his heart whether to tell Yan Chenjin the truth.

But he is sick now, if he knows that she may be coerced at any time, it may not help his condition.

After thinking about it, Qingwu just said: "It's nothing. He just cares about your illness. He thinks that the Huaguang Sect is troubled right now. He advises me to take you back to the Yaozu to escape. I think what he said is not unreasonable. What do you think?"

Yan Chenjin was silent for a moment, and said: "I don't want to go back."

"Why?" Qingwu heard him reject her proposal so simply for the first time.

The man said: "It's not because of anything else, I'm in such a poor health now, my mother will feel uncomfortable seeing it. Even if I want to go back, I have to wait until I get better."

His concerns were justified.

Qingwu nodded, and said: "Then wait for two days when you recover, and we will go back."

This time, Qingwu didn't use questions, but expressed his determination to go.

Yan Chenjin's eyes dimmed, but he quickly regained his composure, he nodded, "Okay."

Seeing that he agreed, Qingwu also heaved a sigh of relief, after all, according to Yan Chenjin's stubbornness, if she persisted in refusing, she would have nothing to do.

That night, Yanchenjin begged in every possible way, hoping that Qingwu would stay in his room.

Qingwu thought that during the day he was only focused on adding charcoal basins to the Yanchen ember house, to keep it warm, and forget about his own room, so he almost agreed.

Not long after the boy lay down, he fell into a deep sleep.

But Qingwu couldn't sleep, she felt a little uneasy, and her intuition told her that something bad was going to happen soon.

Sure enough, but in the middle of the night, there was a loud noise outside.

There was not much movement, but it was enough to wake up Qingwu who was not sleeping soundly.

She turned sideways and called softly, "Ash?"

The boy didn't make any movement, he was still sleeping peacefully and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Only then did Qingwu get up on tiptoe.

She put on her coat, and as soon as she stepped out of the room, she met Jiang Mingyun who also came out to check.

Seeing Qingwu come out of Yanchenjin's room, Jiang Mingyun had long been accustomed to it, and there was no surprised expression on his face.

Qing Wu asked him, "What's going on?"

Jiang Mingyun shook his head, "The sound seems to be coming from the back mountain, go and have a look."

The two walked together, and just after they left the courtyard of their residence, the door of Yan Chenjin's room opened with a creak.

The young man rolled up his coat, glanced at the dark corner from the corner of his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Come out!"

I saw a young girl, dressed in the costume of Huaguangmen's disciples, walking over with dull eyes, and stopped in front of Yanchenjin.

"Is it done?" Yan Chenjin asked.

The female disciple nodded mechanically, "It's done, Bai Mi has taken the potion and is going crazy."

A smile appeared on the corner of Yan Chenjin's mouth, and said: "Very well, go back and forget about tonight's affairs."

"Yes!" The female disciple agreed and left.

Qingwu and Jiang Mingyun rushed to the back mountain, only to see a few patrolling monks trembling with fright, running away by rolling and crawling.

Jiang Mingyun grabbed one of them, frowned and asked, "Hurry up, what happened?"

Although Qingwu has always felt that Jiang Mingyun is a conceited and arrogant guy, but in the eyes of other juniors and younger sisters, Jiang Mingyun is very majestic.

The disciple stammered: "Brother Jiang, sect master, sect master is crazy, he...he killed, killed!!!"

Qingwu and Jiang Mingyun looked at each other.

Just as Jiang Mingyun let go of his hand, the disciple ran away as if flying.

The two still had doubts in their hearts, so they walked in the direction of the patrolling monks.

There was a crackling sound, like the sound of a sword cutting through the trunk, and then the trunk fell.

In the originally silent night, the birds that were disturbed by these crisp sounds flew up.

Qingwu and Jiang Mingyun hid behind a tree and quietly looked at the source of the sound.

Under the deep moonlight, the faint and cool light projected by the moonlight passes through the layers of dead tree trunks and reflects on the ground.

I saw a crazy person with disheveled hair, I couldn't see his face clearly, I could only see that the person was waving his sword blade under the moonlight, slashing every time.

The flame-shaped engraving on the hilt reminded Qingwu of the traces printed on the skin of the mummy.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with what Jiang Mingyun said.

But, vaguely, Qingwu always felt that something was wrong, as if it was right in front of his eyes, but he couldn't remember it.

Judging by the hilt of the sword, it is true that this person is Bai Mi, but...Qing Wu always feels weird in his heart.

Seeing her in a daze, Jiang Mingyun reminded her in a low voice, "Don't be distracted!"

Qingwu raised his head and saw Jiang Mingyun's helpless and contemptuous eyes, and he didn't bother to scold him, and then looked in the direction of the lunatic, but the man didn't notice it at all, and he was still slashing wildly.

"Is it him?" Qing Wu asked uncertainly.

The man's face was covered by the loose hair, even Jiang Mingyun, a proud disciple, couldn't tell the difference.

Jiang Mingyun could only confirm one thing, "The body shapes are the same."

Could it be someone pretending to be it?

Just when Qingwu was thinking this way, the man suddenly raised his head, his hair parted from the middle to the sides, revealing an old face.

Qingwu was taken aback, his eyes widened in an instant, and there was only one thought in his mind: Who is this person?

Before he had time to react, the man had already discovered where the two of them were, and raised his sword to meet them.

Jiang Mingyun took Qingwu's arm and ran away with her.

"What are you running for?" Qingwu asked out of breath while being dragged away.

Jiang Mingyun replied: "I'm not sure that I can defeat my master, and avoidance is the best strategy."

"..." Qingwu was stunned, "Is that really your master?"

But this person is not the same person as Bai Mi in her memory!
Qingwu thinks that her memory is not very good, but Bai Mi is the one who killed her, so she still can't forget it.

But during this period, it was only more than six years. How did this person change so much?Even Qing Wu couldn't recognize it.

Bai Mi was chasing after him closely, Qing Wu took a look back and reconfirmed the person's face, and vaguely saw from the eyebrows that the person was indeed very similar to Bai Mi back then.

But in the past few years, this person has experienced something, it seems that he has aged ten years.

It's really strange, ordinary monks are the higher the level of cultivation, the more they can modify the face, and the appearance is younger.

How could this Bai Mi get more and more closed-door training, the older he cultivated?

When there was no movement behind him, Qingwu turned around to look again, and Bai Mi had disappeared.

Jiang Mingyun also stopped and looked around. There was silence around him, and he could even vaguely hear crickets in the grass.

Qingwu asked: "Why did your master change so much?"

However, Jiang Mingyun was a little absent-minded, and said worriedly: "Master is probably possessed. At this time, it is too dangerous to wander around the door. Lu Yaoqing, I need to report to the elders, you go back to the room first , don’t go out, be careful.”

The doubt in my heart was not answered, Qingwu wanted to ask again, but Jiang Mingyun had already flown away.

Qingwu suddenly slapped his head, how could he care about Gu Baimi, now he suddenly remembered that when he came out of Yanchenjin's room, he just closed the door and didn't lock it.

Damn it, she cursed secretly in her heart, and hurried to Yan Chenjin's room.

Before entering the courtyard of the residence, they heard screams inside.

Qingwu frowned, pressed his back against the entrance wall, leaned over to look in, and saw that the door of the disciple's room was wide open, and the scream came from it.

Her heart trembled, luckily it was not Yan Chenjin's room.

A few disciples who were not afraid of death poked their heads out, wanting to see what was going on.

It is true that the screams were so shrill that the disciples did not dare to step out of the room.

Qingwu stretched out two fingers, and a piece of talisman paper melted between the fingers. With a twist of his wrist, the talisman paper flew out and stuck to the door of the room where screams kept coming.

Although she knew that such an act might not be able to imprison Bai Mi, but it would be good if it could be delayed for a while.

Although this kind of behavior can be defined as not saving lives, Qingwu has not yet reached the point of dying for strangers.

Right now, she can save one of them, but she can't put herself on the line either.

This move of Qingwu attracted several disciples who were probing. She made a gesture of avoidance to them, and then quickly dodged into Yanchenjin's room.

After locking the door, Qingwu realized that the boy who had been sleeping peacefully on the couch had long since disappeared.

This made Qingwu's heart skip a beat, like a stone falling to the ground.

At this time, where can Ah Jin go?
Just when I was full of mixed feelings, a soft rustling sound rang in her ears.

Qingwu hurriedly followed the sound to find it, opened the tall cabinet door, and there was a young boy huddled in the cabinet.

The boy curled up, with his arms around his knees, trembling with fear.

Qing Wu's eyes softened, and he called him in a low voice, "Ash?"

Only then did Yan Chenjin slowly raise his head, his beautiful fox eyes were filled with water and tears.

"Sister Qing..." He choked up and shouted, opened his arms, wrapped around Qingwu's neck, and hugged her tremblingly.

Qingwu couldn't help blaming herself, it was her fault, no matter what happened, she shouldn't have left Yan Chenjin alone in the room.

If it was Yan Chenjin who died just now, she might want to die now.

Qingwu was also still in shock, holding Yanchenjin's back, stroking it once and for all, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, baby, I'm here, don't be afraid, be good."

The boy was choking and sobbing, as if he was crying.

This made Qingwu's self-blaming heart even more regretful, "Baby, it's okay, it's all my fault, it's all my fault for not being by your side, don't be afraid..."

Qingwu coaxed for a long time, but Yanchenjin's mood had stabilized, he tugged Qingwu's wrist, and said: "It's so dangerous outside, Sister Qing, you also hide in, hurry up."

His voice was trembling, crisp and soft.

Being so scared, and still thinking about her, Qingwu felt warm in his heart, so he nodded and got in.

The cabinet looked tall, but it wasn't very spacious. The two of them hid in it, and couldn't even stretch their legs, so they could only curl up and lean on each other.

About half an hour later, Qingwu's legs curled up uncomfortable, and he wanted to stretch his legs, so he said: "There seems to be no sound outside, why don't I go out and have a look, you wait for me here, okay?"

The boy leaned on her shoulder, shook his head, and the hands around Qingwu's neck tightened even more.

After thinking about it, Qingwu had no choice but to say, "Honey, sit on my lap!"

It was obviously a dark cabinet, and you couldn't see your fingers when you stretched out your hands, but Qingwu felt as if he saw the shining eyes of inkstone dust in the darkness.

Yan Chenjin's face became hot, he was silent for a moment, and nodded.

Qingwu straightened her legs as she wished, and with her back against the cabinet, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Yan Chenjin looks thin and weak, his weight is really not light.

Qingwu hugged his waist, wanting to ask him if he has gained weight recently.

But he suddenly remembered that when he was in Chaos Mountain, he didn't dare to say anything about not eating because her sentence was too heavy.

Speaking of it, although he has a soft temper, he is also quite paranoid.

(End of this chapter)

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