Chapter 112
It is very resolute to do what is determined.

She squeezed the boy's waist twice, and then touched his stomach, which seemed to be quite slender, without flesh.

But the little ancestor in his arms was upset, so he twisted his waist and refused to pinch her.

Qingwu thought he was cute, so she turned her head and kissed the man's forehead on her chin.

The boy snorted, "Why did you kiss me?"

Qingwu smiled and said, "I'm afraid you're afraid, so I'll divert your attention."

Yan Chenjin sat up straight suddenly, as if he didn't believe her words, but after a while, he lowered his head and kissed her on the face.

I don't know whether Yan Chenjin's lips are too soft, or his movements are too light to rub, Qingwu only feels that his cheeks are swept by feathers.

With a slight smile, Qingwu asked him back, "Then why did you kiss me?"

The boy pressed against her face and rubbed, "I'm afraid you're afraid!"

Qingwu couldn't help laughing out loud, supported his chin, kissed him twice, and said like a business deal: "Come back."

Most of the kisses between the two were initiated by Qingwu, Yanchenjin was so delicate, there were very few times when he could take the initiative to kiss.

Even if Yan Chenjin took the initiative to kiss, it was still light, and they would be separated after just touching each other.

Like a child, tasteless and bland.

The boy was curled up in her arms, and wanted to kiss her on his back, but Qingwu held his waist and straightened his body.

Yan Chenchen looked down at her in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"Be serious, don't be perfunctory." Qingwu said it seriously, as if this was not intimacy, but something serious.

The boy snorted, he was very serious.

He didn't think there was anything at first, but now because of Qing Wu's words, Yan Chenjin became nervous.

He held Qingwu's face in both hands, carefully lowered his head, and kissed her very reverently.

It's still superficial, and before Qingwu can get over it, he's about to leave.

Qingwu quickly pressed the back of his head, "Open your mouth."

The boy was a little flustered, his eyes trembled, but he still opened his mouth obediently.

Qingwu's gentle voice came from beside his ear, like an empty valley, and the ethereal echo trembled in his chest, "I'll only teach you once, you learn it hard."

Study hard, study what?Yan Chenjin was a little dazed.

When Qingwu raised his neck and kissed him, his mind went blank, and he forgot everything he wanted to learn, so he didn't have that leisurely mind.

After a long time, Qingwu smiled and asked him, "Have you learned it yet?"

Yan Chenjin was so dumbfounded by the kiss, Qingwu felt a little helpless, and asked again, "Baby? Did you hear me?"

"Huh?" The young man was in a daze, and it took him a moment to react, "Oh, um, no... I didn't learn it."

Qingwu smiled and patted his forehead, "Baby, why are you so stupid?"

The boy snorted, but he didn't get angry, and whispered: "Teach me again."

Throughout the night, people outside were sometimes noisy and fighting, and sometimes there was no sound, but in the cabinet of this room, the two hid in the cabinet, one was teaching, and the other was studying happily.

When the sky dawned, Qingwu was still asleep.

The boy in white leaned on her shoulder, looked at her with a smile on his face, and traced Qingwu's face with his fingers.

Until he was awakened by the boy's restlessness, Qingwu opened his sleepy eyes, "Why did you wake up so early, are you tired?"

The young man shook his head.

"Hiss!" Qing Wu moved his body, only to feel that the legs that Yan Chenjin was sitting on were about to be abolished.

Yan Chenjin pushed the cabinet away and stepped out quickly.

Having been pressed by heavy objects for a long time, even when Yan Chenjin stood up at this moment, Qingwu felt that those two legs were pressed by a heavy object of a thousand catties, unable to move.

Seeing her uncomfortably wrinkled face, Yan Chenjin felt very guilty, "Sister Qing, are you alright?"

He hugged Qingwu by the waist, but because of this sudden movement, Qingwu frowned in pain, pressed his shoulder in resistance, and said in a slightly coquettish tone, "Don't, don't move."

The boy didn't dare to move anymore, maintaining the posture of hugging her, standing upright.

Qingwu slowed down for a while, and finally felt less uncomfortable, pointing to the couch, said: "Hold me over there and lie down for a while."

Yan Chenjin carried her to the couch, told her to lie down flat, and massaged her legs every now and then to relieve her fatigue.

The charcoal basin in the house had not been filled with charcoal fire all night, and it had already been extinguished.

It was a bit chilly in the room at the moment, Qingwu saw that Yan Chenjin's tall nose tip was a little red at the moment, so he quickly pulled the quilt, "Ah Jin, come up, wrap up in the quilt, don't freeze."

She was sweating coldly on her aching forehead and did not forget to worry about him, Yan Chenjin bit her lower lip, feeling that she was useless and sore in her heart.

Unable to bear Qingwu's request, Yan Chenjin still wrapped the quilt tightly, and his subordinates did not forget to continue to press her legs.

"Is it better?" The young man asked pitifully.

Qingwu nodded, "It will get better gradually, it hurts a little now, you can divert my attention, it will be useful."

As she spoke, her brows and eyes were full of smiles, and she nodded her lips, "I taught you yesterday, let me check and check, if I forgot."

Yan Chenjin immediately blushed.

Qingwu likes to tease him, and also likes to see his flushed cheeks, cute and coquettish.

In a trance, she felt regretful that she couldn't see anything clearly yesterday, and she should teach him when the sky is bright and bright, that would be interesting.

But after thinking about it, if the sky is really blue and the sun is bright, I am afraid that Yan Chenjin would not be so brave enough to let her handle it.

Just at this moment, he felt a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Qingwu tugged at his little finger, "Baby, hurry up."

The young man hesitated again and again, but still lowered his head, just before their lips were about to touch the ground, Yan Chenjin looked at her smiling eyes, unable to continue.

He said timidly, "Close your eyes."

Qingwu had no choice but to close his eyes, the boy's movements were extremely jerky.

Even though he had been taught several times yesterday, he was still shy.

On the way, Qingwu opened his eyes, looked at the young man who was close at hand, closed his eyes, and kissed piously but clumsily, very happy.

Knock, knock, someone knocked on the door.

Like a frightened little rabbit, Yan Chenjin separated from Qingwu in a panic.

Only then did he realize that the man opened his eyes at some point and was staring at him with a smile on his face.

"You..." Yan Chenjin was a little annoyed.

Qingwu laughed twice, and said: "Don't be angry, go and open the door, my legs are still numb."

The young man got down on the bed angrily, and when he opened the door, he met Jiang Mingyun's eyes.

Jiang Mingyun asked, "Where is Lu Yaoqing?"

Before Yan Chenjin could reply, Qingwu spoke first, "I'm here, come in quickly, Ah Jin, let him in."

Yan Chenjin reluctantly gave way before calling Jiang Mingyun into the house.

Because of Yan Chenjin's attitude towards Jiang Mingyun all along, Jiang Mingyun didn't think much of it, he just looked at Qingwu slumped on the couch like a corpse, and gave Yan Chenjin a suspicious look.

That look seemed to say: I can't tell, you still have this ability?
Qingwu coughed lightly, "Jiang Mingyun, don't guess, I just hid in the closet last night and my legs are numb."

Jiang Mingyun nodded knowingly, then looked at Yanchenjin again, with a look of 'I knew you couldn't make waves'.

After a while, he straightened his expression and said back to the serious business, "All the elders worked together last night, but they couldn't beat Master."

Upon hearing this, Qingwu nervously ignored his legs and sat up suddenly, "What? He ran away?"

"That's not true. After dawn, maybe the master was exhausted and fainted. Now he has been guarded by the elders, trying to find a way to help the master escape from the demonic barrier." Jiang Mingyun said calmly.

"Thank you for coming to tell me." Qingwu breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, he didn't tell that guy Bai Mi to run out, otherwise he didn't know how many people would be killed.

Just as Jiang Mingyun was about to go out, he stopped again, "By the way, because of Master's matter, the elders have now ordered the entire Huaguang Gate to be sealed off in order to block the news. No one is allowed to enter or leave Huaguang Gate at will unless there is permission from the elders. Therefore, You'd better not go out recently, and don't have anything to do with Master."

Qingwu understood what Jiang Mingyun meant.

He persuaded her a few times before, hoping that she could leave Huaguang Gate with Yan Chenjin, but now that this incident happened, Huaguang Gate was blocked, and she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

The only way now is not to meet with Bai Mi, although this may not guarantee anything, but at least it can be prevented, it is better than doing nothing.

Qing Wu nodded, "I see."

When Jiang Mingyun left, Yan Chenjin closed the door and sat next to Qingwu, still pressing her legs, "What did Jiang Mingyun say just now? Why did he tell you not to go out? And why did he tell you not to talk to Bai Mi is involved? Does he know something?"

Qingwu said truthfully: "He knows my identity."

Yan Chenjin's eyes deepened, like a pool of stagnant water, with a lukewarm smile on his face, "You really trust him, and even told him this."

Although there was no surprise on the face, Qingwu could clearly feel that Yan Chenjin's hands were rubbing harder.

"Hiss!" Qingwu was angry and funny, "It's been so long, you're still jealous of him? He likes Qibai, didn't you see it too, what did Qibai drink like on the day he got married! Why are you jealous of him? What's more, he treats you very well, you went to Chaos Mountain to find me, or he carried you there, why don't you remember gratitude and only grudges?"

Yan Chenjin pursed his lips, he didn't have to, but he couldn't control Jiang Mingyun's bitterness.

Even though Jiang Mingyun liked Jiang Qibai, every time he encountered any difficulties, it was Jiang Mingyun who could fight side by side with Qingwu. How could he not be jealous?
How much he wished that he was the one who could stand with Qingwu, but he couldn't help it.

The boy looked at her cautiously and said, "Do you hate my narrow-mindedness?"

Qingwu smiled, stroked his face, and said: "It's okay to worry about things that have to be taken care of, but some are irrelevant, and I can't say I hate them, but I just think it's unnecessary."

The boy lowered his eyes, "Then... if I do a lot of bad things, will you hate me?"

He asked what he had always wanted to ask, his heart was pounding, he was nervous and flustered.

Yan Chenjin clearly knew that if Qingwu doubted him and got angry with him, he could easily erase Qingwu's memory.

But, he didn't want that, he didn't want to bury the problem again and again, he wanted Qingwu to like him, no matter what he looked like, she had to like him.

Yan Chenjin smiled wryly, feeling that people were not enough.

When Qing Wu didn't like him, he tried all kinds of hard work, even using Yan Chenjue's identity to cater to her preferences.

Even though I hated doing those things, I still did the same thing to please Qingwu.

At that time, he didn't ask for anything, but only asked Qingwu to take a look at him, and whether he could treat him as a dispensable pet fox.

As long as he can get her favor, he is willing to do anything, and it doesn't matter if he lives pretending for the rest of his life.

However, when he really got Qingwu's liking, he wanted to love and favor him.

He wants her to love him, love him thoroughly, no matter what he is, she must love him.

Yan Chenjin's eyes trembled, and he felt that the problem was with himself, but his heart ached and he couldn't breathe from the pain.

Every time he dreams back at midnight, he thinks of the slap Qingwu gave him that day, and he is so scared that he can't sleep.

She's never been that angry, never...

But what did he do wrong?
He just hates those people. Shouldn't he give back all the pain those people brought him?

Why doesn't Sister Qing understand him or agree with him?
Qingwu raised his eyes and saw Yan Chenjin's appearance of crying, he felt very distressed, "What's the matter? Of course I like you, I just correct you for doing bad things, you are still young, and you are still young if you do something wrong. It's inevitable, I will naturally tolerate you in everything."

The boy blinked his eyes, pursed his mouth, and was extremely wronged, "But, if others think it's a bad thing, but I think it's a good thing, will you be angry with me?"

Qingwu kissed his face, "Ah Jin has his own ability to judge, I believe that what Ah Jin thinks is right must be reasonable. But everyone makes mistakes, if it is really Ah Jin who is wrong, Ah Jin Will you listen to me?"

"Of course, of course I am obedient, I am very obedient, Sister Qing, no matter what happens, I will obey you, but you must not get angry with me, and you must not abandon me." He said, hugging Qingwu tightly waist.

Qingwu patted him on the back, "What's the matter? Didn't you really do something to make me angry?"

Look at his serious look, as if there is such a thing.

But the young man insisted, "Promise me first, you can't get angry, and you can't let me go."

Qingwu smiled helplessly, "Okay, I'm not angry or angry, even if you are a big villain that everyone can punish, I won't let you go, okay?"

"En." Finally, the little ancestor was coaxed to his satisfaction.

Yan Chenjin has always been paranoid, even if it is a hypothetical matter that he believes, if he does not agree to it, he will still make trouble for a long time.

There is no other way, Qingwu has been planted in his hands in this life, and there is no other way but to pamper him.

She rubbed the boy's chin, "So, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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