Chapter 116

She nodded, "He said he didn't betray me, and I'll give him a chance. If something like this happens again in the future, I won't tolerate it."

Zhao Jinying sighed, and said: "Oh, I thought you were tough and decisive, but I didn't expect you to escape the secular world. When it comes to emotional matters, you are still easy to be led by the nose. Either way, I didn't I've tasted the pain of love, so I can't understand your difficulties, but it's good that you know it in your heart, I'm also afraid that you will be wronged."

Qingwu smiled and patted Zhao Jinying's shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't suffer."

As soon as she spoke, Zhao Jinying's eyes lit up, and she said, "How is it, how is Little Princess Yan's skill?"

"What kung fu does he have?" The words came out without a thought, and Qingwu realized what Zhao Jinying, a dirty-minded guy, meant.

Qingwu raised his hand and slapped him on the top of the head, "Put away all your messy thoughts for me, our Ah Jin is different from those stinky men. Do you know that she is a princess? She is delicate, so she can casually Blasphemy?"

Zhao Jinying curled her lips and said: "Don't come here, you two have been sticky for a long time, and it's not a day or two, you hang out all day, and you sleep together at night. You are not really a fairy, but you can still sleep together. Without the seven emotions and six desires?"

Suddenly he thought of something again, and he asked in amazement: "Little Princess Yan...isn't she really a princess?"

Without waiting for Qingwu to answer, he said self-consciously: "Thinking about it, there is no man who looks as beautiful as him. Our brothers and sisters often say that if he puts on women's clothes, he will be a beautiful girl."

"You still dare to talk nonsense?" Qingwu raised his hand, making a gesture to hit him again, but Zhao Jinying had a long memory this time, so she quickly avoided it.

Zhao Jinying said nonsense on his lips, but Qingwu also agreed with his words in his heart.

Ah Jin's birth is somewhat indistinguishable from male and female, and he is extremely beautiful.

If she hadn't verified it with her own eyes, she would probably have doubts.

Zhao Jinying covered her head and asked, "Are you sure?"

Qingwu rolled his eyes, "Sure, sure, let's do it!"

At first, she wanted to be perfunctory, but Zhao Jinying became even more energetic, and smiled very unbearably, "Have you seen it? When did you watch it? It is said that people with high noses..."

Qingwu slapped it, but Zhao Jinying deftly dodged it this time.

The man laughed even more happily, "Princess Yan has such a straight nose, isn't she outstanding?"

Even if she wants to compare, she has to compare.

Except for Yan Chenjin, she has never looked at anyone else, how can she compare?

"Shut up, don't dare to talk nonsense again, sew your mouth up, you know that my sewing skills are limited, you don't mind if I take things apart and mend them." Qingwu threatened.

Zhao Jinying hurriedly covered her mouth with both hands, and said vaguely, "You are too cruel!"

The banquet lasted for about a quarter of an hour, perhaps the head of the door had already made a toast, and everyone was more casual.

Yan Chenjin came out of the hall when he had some free time, and found Qingwu's location exactly.

Qingwu pushed Zhao Jinying, "Ashin is coming over, you sit somewhere else!"

Zhao Jinying patted the table, and said angrily: "Lu Yaoqing, you are too serious about sex and friends!"

There are also a number of seats outside the hall, Yan Chenjin is redundant, without his seat, it naturally means that Zhao Jinying gave him a seat, and he has no place to go.

There was no other way, Zhao Jinying could only move another futon, and moved it away from Qingwu to make room for Yan Chenjin.

Yan Chenjin sat down beside Qingwu obediently, and grabbed Qingwu's hand in a crooked manner, "Sister Qing, I miss you so much."

Qingwu smiled, "We only separated for a quarter of an hour."

The boy leaned on her shoulder and rubbed against her, "It's been a long time."

Zhao Jinying's stomach was swollen by the sudden handful of dog food, so she moved out again.

Everyone talked and chatted happily, Zhao Jinying also poured a glass of wine, and wanted to drink with Qingwu.

Qingwu rebuffed, "Those who say they are quitting alcohol should not drink."

Zhao Jinying looked surprised, "Are you serious?"

Among the brothers and sisters, there are often people who drink and mess around, and there are many people who say that they will never drink again, but if they can persist for a month, they can persist.

It's been more than half a year, is she still quitting?
But Yan Chenjin was very considerate and said, "I'm looking at you today, it doesn't matter if you drink a little."

He knows that she likes to drink, as long as she doesn't mess around in front of others, he can tolerate it.

Qing Wu rubbed his face, wishing he could kiss him to show his thanks.

Zhao Jinying was not able to have a drink with Qingwu at Yan Chenjue's celebration banquet last time, this time with the permission of little princess Yan, Zhao Jinying cannot let Qingwu go easily.

Qingwu didn't expect that Zhao Jinying's drinking capacity was quite good.

When both of them were dizzy from drinking, Qingwu saw Zhao Jinying lying motionless on the table, so he laughed loudly, "How dare you compare your drinking capacity with me, you are far behind!"

Yan Chenjin knew that she was drunk, and supported her wobbly body, "Sister Qing, you are drunk, go back and rest!"

Qingwu stabilized his feet, stared at Yan Chenjin in a daze, "Ah Jin, why are there two of you?"

Yan Chenjin smiled, and held her hand pointing left and right, "There are no two of me, you are so drunk that your eyesight is not good, I will carry you back to sleep, okay?"

Qingwu was unconscious, and after thinking for a long time, he finally understood what he said, so he opened his arms.

The young man hugged him horizontally, sniffing the soft milk scent on Qingwu's neck and the fragrant flower wine between his lips and teeth, his heart trembled.

Yan Chenjin hugged Qingwu back to his room. Along the way, Qingwu shook his straight and slender legs, and mumbled in his mouth: "''s time to enter the bridal chamber!"

You are so drunk, you still want to enter the bridal chamber?

Yan Chenjin couldn't help laughing, and responded to her words, "Okay, the bridal chamber is over, I can't do anything, I need sister Qing to teach me."

Hearing this, Qingwu stood upright and straightened his back, causing Yan Chenjin to almost lose his grip and throw him off!

Qingwu grinned, "Baby, don't be afraid, my sister loves you very much."

Yan Chenchen pursed his lips and hummed softly, "How drunk are you, do you have that ability?"

Qingwu patted his heart, "I'm very capable, you don't know, they all call me... the female devil, can I not be very capable?"

Yan Chenjin didn't know if she was really unconscious or just pretending that she was not sober when she spoke the wrong words.

Just now when he asked her to teach him, she could hear clearly.

The two entered the room, Yanchenjin kicked the door shut, just as he put them down, before lighting the oil lamp, Qingwu hugged Yanchenjin's neck and gnawed.

He broke free, "Wait, I'll light the lamp!"

Qingwu smiled crisply, "Don't order it, so you won't be shy!"

Yanchen was stunned for a moment, and the man clingingly kissed him again.

He thought those words just now were a joke, why did she... take it seriously?
Yan Chenjin knew that this matter could not be avoided, but he still had some concerns in his heart and was not ready.

Originally thought that the soonest they would have to wait until the wedding of the two, could it be possible that they really wanted to be here today?

"Sister Qing, I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was stopped by a sweet kiss, and Qing Wu's vague voice was next to his ear, "Don't talk, baby."

Yan Chenjin's eyes trembled, half nervous, half scared, half pushing and half agreeing, and he complied.

When Qingwu woke up, he felt as if he had been beaten up, the kind that beat him to death!

"Hiss!" She only moved her arms, and felt that her whole body seemed to be falling apart.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there was a jade-like person lying on his side, his eyes were closed tightly, the eye sockets were reddish, especially the lower eyelids, which were still stained with dry tears.

Looking down from the eyes, the tip of the boy's nose is also red, and his lips are even more swollen, as if he was bitten by someone.

Chin, neck... not to mention outrageous!
Qingwu's head seemed to have been punched, her eyes widened suddenly, and she felt like she had been struck by lightning after groping around.

What was she saying, what was she saying?

It's useless to be drunk and messed up, even if someone watches!
Not only was it useless, but she also bullied the people who looked at her! ! !
Qingwu swallowed her saliva, and what's worse, she couldn't remember anything.

It's over, it's over, under such circumstances, Ah Jin must hate her to death if she is so strong and takes advantage of the situation.

Maybe there will be no next time, but she doesn't even have the memory of this time, it's... all done in vain!

The boy next to him moved, Qingwu hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep!

In fact, Qingwu didn't want to escape, it was just that she hadn't figured out how to face Yan Chenjin for a while, she was afraid that he would cry, that he would be sad, she was terrified!
A deadly silence filled the room.

Even though Qingwu closed his eyes, he could still feel Yan Chenjin's gaze tightly locked on her face.

Qing Wu was so guilty that he was about to break out in sweat.

Finally, the man moved and stood up.

There was a soft rustling sound of dressing, and not long after, the boy settled down.

Qingwu didn't dare to open her eyes, until the door squeaked, and she opened her eyes tentatively.

Yan Chenjin was no longer in the room, Qingwu heaved a sigh of relief.

How to do how to do?Find a way!

But my mind seemed to be stuck in something, and I couldn't calm down and concentrate at all.

Qingwu took a deep breath for a long time, she thought, Ah Jin can still get up and go out, so he shouldn't be too angry!

In contrast, she couldn't even move.

As soon as this thought came in, Qingwu immediately became vigilant. Could it be that she... was paralyzed? !

She struggled to get up, but her back was so sore that she struggled several times, but she couldn't sit up.

Qingwu tried his best to keep calm, frantically looking for the answer in the scriptures she had read, is this... normal?
Before Qingwu could figure out why, the door was opened again.

Seeing that she woke up, the young man blushed, but he was neither angry nor wronged. He just put the food box in his hand on the table, didn't even dare to look at her, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Come and eat."

Qingwu couldn't get up, and felt that she had done something bad and bullied someone, and it was too much for the bullied person to help her, so she remained silent and said nothing.

Yan Chenjin was unhappy, and pursed his lips, "Why, do you want me to feed you?"

On weekdays, he did not feed her less, but today's situation was special, and he seemed angry and didn't want to feed her.

Qingwu had no choice but to say: "You eat, I'm not hungry!"

As soon as the words came out, his stomach started to growl uncooperatively.

Yan Chenjin slapped the table angrily, "Are you angry with me? Blame me for not doing well yesterday and not satisfying you, right?"

How dare she?
Qingwu could only say truthfully: "I can't get up, my back is so sore, I can't move anymore. You don't need to worry about me, I just feel hungry now that I have no energy, and I'll be fine when I recover."

The boy was silent.

One of them was sitting, the other was lying down, neither of them spoke, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

In the end it was Yan Chenjin who didn't sit still, brought the food to the couch, helped her up, and fed her.

When he did this, Qingwu felt even more sorry for him.

After taking two bites, she apologized, "Jin, I'm sorry, I was so drunk yesterday, I...are you angry with me? Hit me twice, scold me, don't be angry with me, I feel like I'm disabled now, and I don't know what to do with you."

The boy snorted twice, and said, "Last night, I was alive and well, and now I'm disabled? My voice is almost hoarse, and you don't listen to me."

Qingwu also regrets it in her heart, if she was really sober, she would never bully others like this, but now she doesn't remember anything, and she can't judge how much it is too much.

"I'm sorry, I... I won't drink anymore, even if I'm beaten to death, and I won't drink when anyone looks at me, okay?" She leaned on Yan Chenjin, raised her eyes to look at him, begging .

Yan Chenjin was so reddened by her eyes that she nodded reluctantly.

Qingwu was a little surprised, "Forgive me?"

The teenager didn't speak, expressing his acquiescence.

Qingwu really wanted to hug him and kiss him, but right now he doesn't have the strength.

"Open your mouth!" The boy took a spoonful of porridge and fed it to her lips.

Qing Wu ate it with a smile, "Jin, you are so kind, I love you to death now."

Love him if he is not angry, or love him when he is angry?
Yan Chenjin thought for a moment, and felt that Qingwu was also a soft-hearted person, and whenever he quarreled with her and cold-heartedly angered her, she would only get angrier.

On the contrary, give her a little step, and she will coax him patiently.

Probably because the experience on his birthday made him so desperate that he still has lingering fears when he thinks about it now, and he doesn't dare to be her too much.

But Yan Chenjin also had concerns, "I forgive you so quickly, will you... think I'm cheap, you can touch me if you want? Will you... not cherish me?"

Qingwu looked at him in astonishment, "Why do you think so? Ah Jin is my most precious, how could it be so cheap? If I hadn't been drunk and out of my mind, I would never have treated you so frivolously. I should have waited until after marriage. , is respect for you."

The young man hummed, satisfied with her answer, and asked again: "Then, am I doing well? Do you think I'm useless?"

This Qingwu really couldn't judge, "I don't remember, how about... let's try again when I feel better?"

Qingwu blinked at him, like a puppy trying to please its master.

She is clearly the master, yet she has put the cart before the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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