Chapter 117 Doubt

But Yan Chenjin heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't behave well yesterday, so he cried.

It's good that Sister Qing forgets about this experience.

He was silent for a long time, then nodded.

Qingwu was even more surprised, what happened to Ah Jin, can this be compromised?
"Are you... not afraid?" She asked tentatively.

Yan Chenjin blushed, "It's scary as I imagined, if it was you,'s not impossible, and..." It's not uncomfortable!

"And what?"

The boy blushed even more, "No, it's nothing, hurry up and eat."

Qingwu was in a good mood, so he didn't chase after him to ask questions, and obediently ate the food he handed to his lips, feeling happy in his heart.

Her little princess, Ah Jin, was finally taken by her as her own.

Qingwu had been lying on the couch for six full days, and she was finally able to get off the ground. She rubbed her lower back, thinking to herself what sin she had done, how could she lie down for so long?
Suddenly remembered that Jiang Mingyun hadn't been here for the past few days, she didn't sleep in an iron cage, why didn't this person move at all, maybe something happened?
Ever since, the first thing Qingwu could do when he was able to go to the ground was to find Jiang Mingyun.

It was rare that Jiang Mingyun didn't go out today, Qingwu only knocked twice, and the door opened.

When Jiang Mingyun saw her, his expression was unnatural, "What's the matter?"

Qingwu shook his head, "It's nothing wrong, it's just... I haven't come to your place these few days, why don't you worry about me at all, acting like a normal person?"

Jiang Mingyun coughed lightly, "You know why I didn't look for you."

"..." Qingwu frowned, "I don't know, tell me!"

Jiang Mingyun looked away, and said coldly: "On the night of the banquet, I didn't see you coming late at night, so I went to look for you in Junior Brother Yan's room, and heard...some voices..."

"Hey, stop it, stop it, stop it, I know, I know..." Qing Wu flustered and rubbed the tip of his nose uncomfortably.

Damn, Jiang Mingyun knew more about things that she didn't even remember herself!
Jiang Mingyun cleared his throat in embarrassment, "I didn't hear anything, so you don't have to think about it."

Qingwu glanced at him sideways, if he really didn't hear it, why is this kid's ears so red?
"You said that you... a well-behaved son of a family, how can you do such a job of listening to the corner?" Qingwu complained.

It was like this last time in Chaos Mountain. For as long as she and Yan Chenjin had been arguing, Jiang Mingyun had been listening for as long as he did.

Now it's like this again, it's really... too embarrassing!
Jiang Mingyun rolled his eyes, "Is this what I want to hear? You two haven't held back at all, and you still blame others, which is unreasonable."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mingyun turned around and entered the room.

Qingwu covered his face, feeling ashamed and thrown home!

The hateful thing is that she doesn't even remember how embarrassing she is, which is even more embarrassing!

Yan Chenjin took the shortbread and came back, and what he saw was Qingwu lying on the couch with a dead heart, looking hopeless.

"What's the matter? I've only been away for half an hour, why do you look like this?" Yan Chenjin asked her with a smile.

Qing Wu tilted his head, "Jin, I went to find Jiang Mingyun just now."

Yan Chenjin immediately became sour, "I went to him right away, Sister Qing really treats him differently."

Qingwu laughed awkwardly, sat up, and asked seriously: "Jin, let me ask you, what happened... on the night of the banquet? Can you tell me in detail?"

The boy tensed up immediately, as if his tail had been stepped on, "Why do you ask this?"

Qing Wu rubbed his nose and said, "If I said that Jiang Mingyun came to see me that night and heard the voice, would you be angry?"

"What?" Yan Chenjin raised his voice several degrees in anger.

Qing Wu smiled awkwardly, "Did I say something that was not popular? You definitely wouldn't say that, but I was drunk and confused, so maybe Jiang Mingyun overheard what I said. "

Yan Chenjin blushed completely.

It's okay if he is not like this, the more he is like this, the more uncertain Qingwu will be.

What did you say?

"Ash?" Qingwu called him softly.

The boy came back to his senses, his face was extremely ugly, and he said in a low voice, "I didn't say anything."

"Didn't say anything?" Qingwu repeated, but it really didn't look like he didn't say anything.

Yan Chenjin bit his lips, "It's nothing, don't guess!"

Seeing that the young man was in a hurry, Qingwu had no choice but to compromise, "Okay, it's nothing, baby, don't be angry."

Originally because of this incident, Qingwu felt that Jiang Mingyun would not come to her these days.

Unexpectedly, at dusk seven days later, Jiang Mingyun would come.

Although it had been half a month, Yan Chenjin still looked gloomy when he saw him.

Qingwu was afraid that he would fight Jiang Mingyun out of control, so he pulled his wrist and dragged him behind him, blocking their sight.

Jiang Mingyun coughed lightly, "Something happened."

It must not be a small matter for Jiang Mingyun to be called an accident.

Qingwu couldn't help frowning, waiting for him to continue.

"The head of the Luowen Sect has died. Although the death of the head of the Xianmen Sect is common, but due to the long lifespan of immortals, with the growth of their cultivation base, countless people will revert to their old age. Therefore, the death of the head of the Sect is mostly Accidents, being killed by evil spirits, and so on, but Sect Master Luowen... died of sudden death." Jiang Mingyun's tone was calm, but there was a trace of nervousness in his expression.

Qingwu asked: "Is this related to Huaguangmen? Is it related to Baimi?"

Jiang Mingyun shook his head, "It's irrelevant, but others don't think so. This sect master was one of the few sect masters who were absent from the banquet half a month ago. Now that he died so suddenly, it is natural to point the finger at Hua Guang sect. "

Qingwu frowned, who the hell is, step by step, clearly wanting to put Baimi to death and Huaguangmen to death.

too weird!

If it is true as what Jiang Mingyun said, Bai Mi is not full of evil, and those who hate him and even the entire Huaguang sect must have a deep hatred.

If it weren't for Qingwu's self-knowledge that she would never harm others, she would have doubted herself and would have killed herself for revenge!
Seeing her being silent for a long time, Jiang Mingyun asked, "Did you think of something?"

Qingwu shook his head and said with a smile: "I just think I'm very suspicious. Could it be that I did it when I was sleepwalking?"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Jiang Mingyun didn't doubt Qingwu, his eyes turned towards Yan Chenjin behind Qingwu, and there was a bit of scrutiny in his eyes.

If there is one person who wants to revive Qingwu and still control her by his side all the time, the most likely candidate for this person is Yanchenjin!

Qingwu followed Jiang Mingyun's gaze, and met the young man's watery eyes.

The boy's eyes trembled, "Sister Qing, do you doubt me?"

Qing Wu opened her mouth, she really never doubted Yan Chenjin, if Jiang Mingyun hadn't looked at him with such eyes at this moment, she would have never even thought that Yan Chenjin might also hate Bai Mi.

Yan Chenjin's eyes were full of loss and helplessness, "It's not me, Sister Qing, I don't... I don't have that ability."

Don't you really have that ability?
Qingwu remembered half of the demonic energy he had given him, did he harm him or help him?
Why did he stay in Huaguangmen, carrying hatred?

Qing Wu remembered that when he was reborn and saw Yan Chenjin again, he once asked him if what Zhang Ming said in the ancestral hall was true.

Yan Chenjin replied nervously no.

——Isn’t it the youngest son who was abandoned by the demon clan, who lived with the demon leader Qing Wu for 200 years, and dared to use this as an excuse to claim to have stabilized the demon’s heart for many years.Pooh, even if the devil is dead, he would never have imagined that the white-eyed wolf that he had raised for so many years would shamelessly seek credit from Xianmen.If it wasn't for the head of the sect to marry the Yaozu in the Xianmen and give the Yaozu a bad face, how could he allow him to return to the Yaozu?But this white-eyed wolf was lucky, he begged the sect master to stay, and became the disciple of the sect master.

Among these words, did Yan Chenjin answer that sentence?
Does he stay here for some other purpose?
Qingwu suddenly thought of something, "Where's your jade token? Disciple jade token."

To enter and leave the mountain gate at will, the most convenient is the disciple jade token, but except for the disciple of the sect master, other disciples must carry the jade token to enter and exit.

Only the sect master's disciples, elders, and sect masters can verify their identities, and they can come in and out at will even without a jade card.

It's not that Qingwu didn't suspect that Yan Chenjue might have taken the jade card of Yan Chenjin's disciple, but she never thought that there might be a possibility that Yan Chenjue gave it to Yan Chenjue on his own initiative.

Yan Chenjin's face was pale, without a trace of blood in an instant, he looked at Qingwu in disbelief, and took a wobbly step back.

He retreated, as if he was guilty, and Qing Wu grabbed his wrist, "Yan Chenjin, your jade card, take it out and show me!"

The boy's eyes were red and he shook his head.

Maybe Qingwu was too anxious and couldn't control the strength in his hands for a while, the boy whimpered and shouted, "It hurts! It hurts!"

Qingwu quickly let go of his hand, feeling that he had lost his composure.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Yan Chenjin, it's just that she is afraid, even if there is a slight possibility, the person who has been secretly killing so many innocent girls will be this innocent little fox beside her.

If this is the case, Qingwu will undoubtedly collapse!
Yan Chenjin lowered his head, clutching the wrist that was pulled by Qing Wusheng just now, after a long time, he tremblingly took out a jade tablet from his bosom, and placed it in front of Qing Wu's eyes.

His voice was trembling, filled with grievance and fear, "Can you trust me like this? Sister Qing, don't treat me like this, you are so fierce, you scared me."

Qingwu's eye sockets were also a little wet.

What was she doing just now?
Doubt Yanchen?How could it be him?
Looking at the gentle and pitiful young man in front of him, Qingwu felt as if his heart had been stabbed by the point of a knife, "I'm sorry, Ah Jin, I'm sorry, I shouldn't, I..."

The young man pursed his lips and shook his head aggrieved, "It's okay."

His voice was very soft, so soft that Qingwu doubted whether he had heard these three words.

Jiang Mingyun was also a little guilty. He was the one who provoked this matter, so he coughed lightly and said, "It shouldn't be Junior Brother Yan. I'll go back first. If there are other trends, I'll let you know."

Qingwu's face was full of sadness, damn Jiang Mingyun, what's the point of posting such an afterthought?
You kid just run away after picking things up?
Qing Wu glared at him, but he pretended not to notice, and went out on his own.

It's good to leave, otherwise, if there is an outsider present, Qingwu won't want to humbly beg Yan Chenjin.

As soon as the door was closed, Qing Wu cautiously pulled Yan Chenjin's hand, "I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have doubted you, I was fooled by lard just now, I was just too scared, afraid that it was really you."

The sadness on Yan Chenjin's face remained undiminished, and he pulled away from her hand, "If it was really me, you would hate me, just like you did just now, don't you want me?"

Qingwu didn't dare to have such an assumption, she couldn't answer this question.

Yan Chenchen closed his eyes weakly, and smiled wryly, "Didn't you say you like me no matter what I look like? Are you lying to me? Sister Qing, I really don't know, what exactly do you like about me? As long as I have A little bit, even a little bit of deviation from your expectations, you can't accept it, can you?"

Facing Yanchenjin's questioning, Qingwu fell silent.

Yes, didn't she say that he likes everything?

Why should it crash because of this?Didn't mean, he was young, even if he made a mistake, he had to be corrected, so what was she doing just now?
Qingwu couldn't deny that if Yanchenjin couldn't get the jade tablet just now, she might really get angry with him, and even force him to question him, but she never thought of abandoning him.

She can understand what Yan Chenjin cares about now, and she can also understand.

"I... Ah Jin, I..." Qingwu really wanted to explain, but couldn't.

Yan Chenjin shook his head, "Forget it!"

The young man's cold voice was broken and alienated, which made Qing Wu's heart ache.

He said forget it, how can it really be forgotten?

Qingwu hurriedly stopped him from going out, "Jin, don't do this, I admit my mistake, I apologize, don't hold back, if you speak out when you are angry, I can accept you scolding me and beating me, don't hold it in your heart Say nothing, okay?"

The young man twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I didn't hold back, but I think that sister Qing should think about it more clearly. Maybe in her heart, she doesn't like me that much. Let's talk about marriage after she thinks it through." !"

Yan Chenjin left, and Qing Wu was stunned in place.

He was right, the problem was not with him, but with her.

What is she thinking?If you like Ah Jin, do you only like that obedient Ah Jin, or do you want to know more about him and like all Ah Jin?

Qingwu slumped on the couch, his heart in a mess.

It's not that she doesn't want to be tolerant, it's just that... she always thinks she knows Ah Jin very well, and she thinks that she knows everything about Ah Jin, so what is beyond her understanding... are all variables.

However, as a person who has spent more than 500 years without ups and downs, she hates variables.

Qingwu raised his arms to cover his eyes, thinking about the details of getting along with Ah Jin in his mind.

He is delicate and weak, but he is full of arrogance in his bones.

His appearance is very different from his inside, does she really know the real Ah Jin?
Originally, Qingwu planned to explain it to Yanchenjin after he figured it out.

(End of this chapter)

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