Chapter 120
She stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes, tightly clutching the sleeve robe of the Immortal Doctor, "Immortal Doctor, there is still a way, there must be a way, right? I beg you, he can't become a man who can't reach the peak. A lowly cultivator, save him, save him..."

The medical fairy shook his head helplessly, and said: "It's not that there is no way at all, it's's difficult!"

Qingwu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, his eyes lit up, "Whatever the method, I can get anything I need, I will do my best, as long as you tell me."

Seeing that she was so persistent, the medical immortal bluntly said, "The spiritual veins in his body are broken and need to be repaired by a person's spiritual veins. This is equivalent to exchanging one person's spiritual veins for another. The person whose spiritual veins are donated , this life has no chance with the superior immortal law. Therefore, this thing is easy to find, but also hard to find!"

Easy to find means that everyone in the immortal sect has spiritual veins, but hard to find means that no one is willing to dedicate themselves.

Losing the spirit veins, he can no longer use high-level immortal techniques. Even if he can cultivate a long-lived body, he has no chance to reach the top.

Qingwu nodded again and again, "I can, I don't care, as long as I can save him, I am willing to exchange my spiritual veins."

As she spoke, she lifted her sleeves to check whether her spirit veins were intact for the medical fairy.

The Immortal Doctor pressed her pulse and pondered for a long time.

Qingwu thought there was something wrong with his spiritual veins, and felt uneasy, "My spiritual veins, can't you?"

Only then did the Immortal Doctor come back to his senses, shook his head, and said, "The girl's spirit veins are fine, but... can't be changed now."

"Why is that?" Qing Wu asked nervously.

The Immortal Doctor sighed, and said: "Miss, don't you know that you are one month pregnant, now is the time to stabilize the fetus, you can't damage the mother's body, you need to be three months pregnant, the fetal phase is stable, and then you can change the spiritual vein."

Qingwu was stunned, pregnant?January?
Is it the day of the banquet?
Qingwu calmed down, and felt that he was stupid just now, it wasn't that day, and there was no other time!

She touched her belly subconsciously, the child came at an inopportune time.

It was not too early or too late, but when Yan Chenjin was not around, this kind of thing happened again.

But in the end it was his own flesh and blood, Qingwu only felt astonished, but he couldn't ignore him, so he nodded to the Immortal Doctor, "Then his illness, can we wait another two months?"

The fairy doctor smiled and said, "Don't worry, with his body, it will be fine to wait a few more years. If you are not in a hurry, you will have time to give birth to your child!"

Qing Wu shook his head, "Two months later, just two months later."

She can't waste all her time here, she has other things to do, she has to go back to Yaozu, explain her thoughts to the child's father, and marry the child's father.

Ever since Qingwu found out that she was pregnant, she didn't let the Immortal Doctor tell the truth, but asked him to prescribe some anti-fetal drugs for herself.

She cared about the child in her heart, and she couldn't watch over Ye Lanyu day and night, she had to take medicine on time every day.

The medicine was so bitter that Qingwu couldn't help scolding Yanchenjin in his heart.

I don't know if it's because of the influence of pregnancy, her temper became a little irritable, and because Yan Chenjin was not around, she was always holding back her anger and had nowhere to vent it.

Zhao Jinying came to see her a few times, and she said a few words to her.

Zhao Jinying said aggrievedly: "What are you doing? Have you eaten gunpowder? Why are you so aggressive?"

Qingwu realized it and quickly apologized, worried that Zhao Jinying was too talkative, and she didn't tell him about her pregnancy.

Apart from Immortal Yi and herself, only Jiang Mingyun knew about this.

It wasn't she who told Jiang Mingyun, but he discovered it himself.

Once, just after Qingwu decocted the medicine, he accidentally broke the medicine bowl.

At that time, she had a bad temper and walked around the door several times in anger, and happened to be spotted by Jiang Mingyun.

Jiang Mingyun asked her with a serious face, "What are you doing? Like a monkey, scratching your ears and cheeks?"

Qingwu was too angry to speak, and ignored him.

Jiang Mingyun felt that something was wrong with her, and smelled the bitter smell wafting from her room, so he pushed open the door of her room.

As soon as the door opened, the smell of bitter medicine wafted out more and more unscrupulously.

For some reason, just this one action was not too much, and Qingwu was so angry that he burst into tears.

Jiang Mingyun was also dumbfounded. He felt that he was too rude, so he explained at a loss, "I... I was afraid that something would happen to you, I... I didn't think... what to do, don't...don't cry, Lu Yaoqing! Don't cry Already!"

The proud son of heaven, No. 1 of Huaguangmen, grew up arrogantly, where did he see such a battle, how did he know how to coax others?

Every word she said seemed to be teaching her a lesson!

Qingwu didn't cry because of Jiang Mingyun, most of it was because of Yanchen Jin.

She drank those bitter medicines that made her throat smoke day and night, and she started to feel nauseous after eating these days, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

When she thought of turning her into such a culprit and abandoning her, and going back to the Yaozu by herself, the grievance in her heart grew day by day.

Qingwu never felt that he was sentimental and hypocritical, so he attributed all these emotions to the little brat in his stomach.

Jiang Mingyun babbled at a loss for a long while before Qingwu choked out a sentence, "The medicine bowl was broken."

"..." Jiang Mingyun didn't know what to say for a while, and wanted to scold her, but it was just a medicine bowl. As for being so desperate for life?

But she was afraid that what she said was too serious, which would make her cry again.

He doesn't have any special friends, and he doesn't have the ability to take care of others and make them happy, so he doesn't want to ask for trouble.

There was no other way, Jiang Mingyun could only go into the house, cleaned up the potion and broken porcelain bowls on the floor, and made another bowl of medicine for her.

He was flustered by patronizing before, but now that he was brewing the medicine, Jiang Mingyun realized that there was something wrong with the smell of the medicine.

"What kind of medicine are you taking?" Jiang Mingyun asked her with squinted eyes.

Qingwu sniffed and said in a low voice, "It's nothing, just a general tonic."

However, Qingwu forgot that Jiang Mingyun is the best disciple of Huaguang Sect, he is very proficient in various subjects, and he also has a good understanding of pharmacology.

He grabbed the herbs in the medicine bag, sniffed them one by one, and his eyes turned out to be more and more strange, "You take the anti-fetal medicine as a tonic?"

Qingwu stopped talking.

Jiang Mingyun was also silent.

The two stalemate for a long time, Jiang Mingyun asked helplessly: "When did it happen? On the day of the banquet?"

He is like a big brother, with a bit of questioning and hatred.

Qingwu also had the self-knowledge of being trained, and nodded dejectedly.

Jiang Mingyun slapped the table and knocked off a few pieces of herbs on the table, "You didn't say anything about such a big matter, so you just kept it a secret?"

It is rare for Qingwu to have such a guilty conscience, he is no longer as arrogant and domineering as before, and he is so aggrieved that he wants to cry again, "I don't know how to say, I..."

Looking at her expression, Jiang Mingyun also felt that what he said was too serious, so he sighed, and his tone softened a little, "I don't blame you, you have to let Junior Brother Yan know about such an important matter, and I will deliver the letter for you Yaozu, let him find a way to pick you up."

Ever since Bai Mi fell into the demon again that day, the entire Huaguang Sect has been on a lot of vigilance.

Right now, I'm afraid that it's hard for anyone to speak.

It's hard to go out, but if the monsters come to ask for someone, it's not impossible.

Qingwu quickly shook his head, "Let's talk about it later!"

Jiang Mingyun couldn't control his tone all of a sudden, and roared fiercely: "Are you still planning to give birth to the child yourself? Do you know how dangerous it is for a woman to give birth alone?"

Obviously, Qingwu was frightened by his sound, and looked at him with trepidation.

Jiang Mingyun's eyes darkened, and he said: "I'm sorry, I was too excited. My mother quarreled with my father and ran away from home when she was still pregnant with me. Later... she passed away within two days after giving birth to me."

This was the first time Qingwu heard Jiang Mingyun talk about his family.

In the past, Qingwu only thought that Jiang Mingyun was very rich and should come from a good background.

Didn't expect to have such an experience, no mother to take care of him since he was a child, so he likes Jiang Qibai who is gentle and considerate to him?

Qingwu was silent for a moment, and explained: "I don't want to have a child alone, I just... Ye Lanyu's spirit vein was broken, and it was cut off to plead for me. I want to exchange my spirit vein for him. It can be regarded as repaying his kindness for many years, and then I left. The fairy doctor said that the fetal phase was unstable in the first three months, and it would take three months to change, and I didn't plan to carry it alone."

Jiang Mingyun nodded, "I see, go lie down on the couch, and I'll do the cooking of the medicine in the future, so don't interfere. It won't save you from overturning the medicine and crying with anger, it's so ugly."

Qingwu knew in his heart that this was Jiang Mingyun's way of treating people well.

He suddenly felt that although Jiang Mingyun's mouth was tough, his heart was really soft, so he was so moved that he almost cried again.

As soon as Jiang Mingyun heard her sniff, he immediately frowned, "I warn you, don't cry in front of me, I hate other people crying. If you cry again, I will tell Yan Chenjin all these things, He must be sad when he knows, just wait and feel distressed!"

This bullshit threat really shocked Qingwu.

She climbed onto the couch in desperation and lay down obediently.

From then on, Jiang Mingyun prepared the medicine in his room and brought it to Qingwu every day, not for any other reason, but just because he was afraid of ruining Qingwu's reputation.

Anyway, she is a expectant mother who is pregnant now, and it is not convenient for him to come and go in and out of her room casually.

Occasionally, when she is free, Jiang Mingyun also sits with Qingwu in the gazebo in the yard and talks a few words, fearing that she will be bored all by herself.

Qingwu's temper was getting worse and worse, sometimes she would get angry for some reason while she was talking, and her words were also unpleasant.

Although Jiang Mingyun gritted his teeth in anger, he asked the immortal doctor a few times in private, and they all said that this was a normal reaction of a woman who was pregnant with Liujia, so just go along with it.

Therefore, he doesn't care about Qingwu, and sometimes he can even make her vent her anger, so as not to become a fool.

While eating the jujubes brought by Jiang Mingyun, Qingwu said, "Young Master Jiang, you have a really good temper now. Yesterday Zhao Jinying said that I have a bad temper, so he will never talk to me again."

Jiang Mingyun was helpless, "As far as his temperament is concerned, he just talks about it, but can he really ignore you?"

Qingwu gnawed two mouthfuls of dates, as if the dates in his mouth were not dates, but Zhao Jinying!
"He ignored me, and I ignored him!" Qingwu said aggressively.

Jiang Mingyun laughed, "You are really weird, you pretend to be serious on weekdays, but you play tricks with Junior Brother Yan in private, you treat Junior Brother Yan like an old mother, you really have a child, and you are like a child. "

Qingwu buried his head in eating dates, pondered for a long time, and suddenly asked him, "Am I a little annoyed now? Will Ah Jin hate me when he sees it?"

Pregnant people are sensitive and fragile, Jiang Mingyun consciously said the wrong thing, "Not really, it's just a little different. Now that you are pregnant with his child, he dare not hate you. If he really does, I will teach you a lesson." How about him?"

Qingwu shook his head, and said with a sense of stupidity: "No, don't break the child's father."

Jiang Mingyun couldn't help laughing, it's all like this, and he didn't forget to protect his shortcomings.

In the past two months, Qingwu has not had a difficult time, except for the bad mood and loss of appetite during the pregnancy, there is no other influence.

Even, she has been pregnant for three months, and there is nothing wrong with her stomach.

Qing Wu went to see the Immortal Doctor as agreed.

Ye Lanyu woke up half a month ago.

Qingwu didn't tell Ye Lanyu about this matter, fearing that he would not agree, so he kept it secret.

When changing the spiritual pulse, Qingwu was afraid that it would be bad for the child in his stomach, so he insisted on refusing to use the medicine, sweating profusely in pain and not making a sound.

Jiang Mingyun watched from the side, and couldn't help stretching out his arm to bite her, fearing that she would inadvertently bite his tongue in pain.

Qingwu only bit Jiang Mingyun's sleeve, biting through both sleeves.

Only then did Jiang Mingyun realize how much pain she had.

It wasn't until Qingwu passed out from the pain that the spirit veins were completely replaced.

Jiang Mingyun carried Qingwu back to the house, and took care of her according to the doctor's instructions.

Looking at Qingwu who was in pain and pale, Jiang Mingyun suddenly felt a burst of courage in his heart.

Thinking of Qingwu, a woman, who can risk her life like this, and go forward bravely, but a man like me is so timid.

During the days when he was taking care of Qingwu, Jiang Mingyun made a decision.

He wanted to wait for the matter to subside, leave Huaguang Gate, and go to Chaos Mountain. Even if there was no chance, he could see her again, look at her from a distance, and know that she was safe.

Qingwu lost his spiritual veins, and was pregnant, so he lay weak for three days and three nights.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, she was woken up by loud noises in the yard.

There is a weak pain in the body, not very painful, but slow and long-lasting.

Just as she was getting up slowly, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open from the outside. Jiang Mingyun trot in in a panic, and before Qingwu could react, he took her arm and hugged her horizontally.

Qingwu was a little surprised and asked, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Mingyun roughly explained: "Yan Chenjue joined hands with hundreds of immortal sects to fight, and I will take you to a safe place first."

Before the two of them left the yard, they saw a man in a red robe with a golden crown and hair tied flying towards him.

A sword was pressed against Jiang Mingyun's neck, blocking his way.

The man in red, with whiter skin than snow, looked extraordinarily coquettish and handsome against the backdrop of that suit.

He is none other than Yan Chenjue!
(End of this chapter)

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