Chapter 121 They Are the Same
"Give me the person, and I can leave you a whole body!" Yan Chenjue said sternly.

Jiang Mingyun didn't believe Yan Chenjue, he frowned and said, "Unless Yan Chenjin comes, I won't hand over Lu Yaoqing to anyone."

Yan Chenjue snorted coldly, "Do you think you have a choice?"

After all, the blade in his hand got closer, and Qingwu watched blood dripping from Jiang Mingyun's neck.

She struggled, "Let me down, Jiang Mingyun, let me down quickly!"

Jiang Mingyun frowned and did not let go.

Qingwu had no choice but to call Yan Chenjue, "His Royal Highness, don't do anything, don't kill him, I'll go with you, I can go with you, you will take me to see Ah Jin, right?"

Yan Chenjue narrowed his eyes, "I thought you forgot about him, you want to see him, okay, come with me, I'll take you to see him, as for him..."

The man shifted his cold gaze to Jiang Mingyun's face, and continued: "I don't like him, and I want to kill him, what should I do?"

Qingwu was terrified, "Don't kill him, I beg you, I beg you, I will promise you whatever you want, let him live, Your Royal Highness, I beg you..."

Yan Chenjue stared at her for a long time before finally speaking in a cold voice, "Come down!"

Qing Wu tugged at Jiang Mingyun's arm, "Put me down, Jiang Mingyun!"

Jiang Mingyun finally put her down.

After being unable to get up for a long time, Qingwu staggered a little as soon as his feet took up the ground and was about to fall down.

Jiang Mingyun's eyes were sharp and he wanted to help her up, but Yan Chenjue preempted him, picked her up gently, and even bumped her with a sense of punishment.

This made Qingwu hug Yanchenjue's neck instinctively, for fear that he would hurt the child if he fell.

Not only Qingwu, but also Jiang Mingyun's heart tightened, his arms instinctively wanted to pick her up.

This move caused Yan Chenjue to frown, "But we haven't seen each other for a few months, and the relationship between the two is really growing day by day."

He glanced back as he said, "Come on, take him down for me!"

Yan Chenjue took a step back with Qingwu in his arms, and escaped from it. A few monks rushed out from nowhere, swarmed up, and surrounded Jiang Mingyun.

Qingwu became nervous, "Yan Chenjue, you promised not to kill him!"

Yan Chenjue said indifferently: "I didn't say anything, and besides, I didn't do anything."

Angrily, he shook Qingwu twice again, causing the eyes of the person in his arms to turn red, and the arms around his neck tightened a bit, "Don't do this, I'm afraid, don't throw me."

When she spoke, her voice trembled.

I don't know if Yan Chenjue found out with his conscience that he didn't bully Qingwu in this way again.

The two walked through the battlefield, Yan Chenjue hugged her as if no one was there.

But Qingwu's eyes were full of Huaguangmen disciples who had been massacred, some he knew and some he didn't know, some he was familiar with and some he wasn't familiar with. One or two were either held around the neck by several people's blades, or fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Her eyes were wet, "Why, Yan Chenjue, why did you do this?"

Yan Chenjue lowered his eyes to look at her, and said expressionlessly: "Just now you respectfully called me His Highness the Crown Prince, now Miss Qing doesn't pretend?"

He said coldly: "It's not that I want to do this, they begged me to come, I just help them attack the Huaguang Gate, and I don't need to intervene in other things."

Qing Wu glared at him angrily, "But you planned all of these, what are you going to do? Are you going to let them kill each other and reap the benefits?"

Yan Chenjue sneered, "Qingwu, you don't really have feelings for these people, do you? None of them are innocent. When they attacked Langya Mountain, they never cared about your feelings. Why bother?" care about them?"

He turned his head and looked at those people in the fairy sect who were originally friendly but now facing each other with swords, "Look at the faces of those people, they look righteous and awe-inspiring. They want to kill Bai Mi now, just like they did back then." It’s like Bai Mi took them to kill you. A group of cowardly people who are good at guessing people’s hearts with malice, they deserve it, they deserve to be used by others, they deserve to die without a burial.”

Yan Chenjue raised his head and laughed loudly, "I'm also avenging you, don't you feel relieved to see these people who killed you have ended up like this now?"

Qingwu slapped him hard, "I don't think so!"

Yan Chenjue pressed his tongue against the cheek that had just been slapped, and said indifferently: "You rely on me to love you and do whatever you want. Qingwu, whether you want to see this or not, this is my betrothal gift to you. Now is the time for you to repay me, be my demon princess!"

His tone was not inquiring, but informing.

Qingwu was so angry that he trembled, "Yan Chenjue, you are crazy! I belong to your younger brother, how can you, how dare you?"

Yan Chenjue laughed, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all, and the indifference in his eyes was like ice cubes, "My brother's people? I don't think so. During the days when you were separated from Ah Jin, there were many people around you." Someone is with you. Taking care of Ye Lanyu day and night, and being taken care of by Jiang Mingyun day and night, Qingwu, which one do you like?"

Qingwu felt that he was unreasonable, and she didn't want to discuss such meaningless topics with him, she just wanted to see Yan Chenjin now.

He was like crazy, with a bright red light in his eyes, "Tell me, which one do you like? Or do you like them all, but you don't like me? What do you do every day, and who do you meet? Know."

"You... lunatic, you lunatic, watch me?" Qingwu shouted almost tearing his throat, his eyes were very red, as if tears would come out of them in the next second.

Yan Chenjue was silent for a moment, and his voice softened slightly, "If you are the same as everyone, then follow me! I am better than them all, and I will treat you well. What do you want? I can give it to you, as long as you are happy."

Qingwu said viciously: "What if I want you to die?"

The man's hands trembled, he didn't speak any more, he hugged her coldly and flew away.

Qingwu was brought back to the Yaozu by Yanchenjue, and locked in the side hall of the Yaowang Palace.

It seems that Yan Chenjue is still busy with the battle of Xianmen, and cannot be distracted to take care of her all the time.

Soldiers from the inner three floors and the outer three floors were stationed outside the side hall, for fear that Qingwu would escape.

Qingwu tried every means to send the news to Yanchenjin.

But now that she has no spiritual veins, she can only use some weak little spells, and there are so many layers on the outside that she can't send the message out at all.

Three days later, Yan Chenjue came.

Once Qingwu changed from his former ferocity, he finally bowed his head to him, "Yan Chenjue, I beg you, let me meet Ah Jin, okay?"

Xu Shi hadn't seen her for three days, and Yan Chenjue's way of showing weakness to her was very helpful. His tone was gentle, "Don't see him anymore, don't I look the same? Qingwu, look at me, I have a very good relationship with him Like, isn't it?"

Facing such crazy words, Qingwu turned cold, "You are crazy! Take me to him, I want to see him!"

Yan Chenjue just said indifferently: "Impossible!"

These three words pierced Qingwu's heart like a knife, and she planned for the worst, "Why? Did you tell him that I was here? Did he not want to see me? Or... what did you do to him?" Yes? Yan Chenjue, he is your own younger brother, you can't hurt him."

Yan Chenjue was silent for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "Why not? Only when he is dead can I be with you legitimately. I didn't intend to tell you. Since you are so persistent and insist on the truth, then I will tell you You, he is dead!"

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, "Are you lying to me? To prevent me from seeing him?"

The man looked directly at her, and said coldly: "He's dead, I didn't lie to you."

Saying that, Yan Chenjue raised his hand and shook open the window of the side hall, and the soldiers outside the window immediately retreated to the sides.

Yan Chenjue grabbed Qingwu's chin and forced her to look out the window.

Pointing to the high mound not far from the yard, he said: "You don't want to see him, it's right there. I specially ordered someone to pile his grave in your yard so that you can see him every day." he."

In an instant, his stomach was overwhelmed, Qingwu pulled his hand away, prostrated himself in front of the couch, and vomited.

When she vomited out the contents of her stomach, she collapsed as if she had lost her soul, and she was still muttering: "You lied to me, you lied to me..."

Yan Chenjue bent down, his eyes darkened, leaned on her, and whispered: "He is dead, but I am still here. Come with me, and I will take care of you. I promise, I will do better than him."

Qingwu really wanted to break free from him, but he didn't have the strength.

Tears kept falling down, one by one, soaking the bedding, Qingwu went from crying silently, to sobbing, to crying hysterically.

Yan Chenjue finally got scared, he hugged Qingwu in his arms, and kissed her on the cheek helplessly, "Don't cry, sister Qing, don't cry."

However, all his actions only resulted in Qingwu almost roaring, "Don't imitate him!"

Yan Chenjue was stunned for a moment before realizing what he had said, and belatedly said with dark eyes: "I look very similar to him, if you like him, I can become like him, and I can also look like him." To you like him, I'm the same as him..."

Qingwu pushed him vigorously, and shouted hoarsely: "Go away, don't touch me, you are different from him, go away..."

"It's the same, we...the same...Sister Qing..." Yan Chenjue murmured, holding her in his arms with trembling hands, carefully.

From that day on, Qingwu no longer spoke, did not eat, and lay down in a daze.

When Yan Chenjue came to see her, she didn't seem to see him, no matter how Yan Chenjue hugged her, kissed her, and fed her, she didn't respond.

The porridge slid down the corners of Qingwu's lips, even though it was put into her mouth, she did not swallow at all, and even almost suffocated to death by the porridge clogged in her mouth a few times.

This made Yan Chenjue feel scared, and he didn't dare to feed her anymore.

Yan Chenjue hugged her in fear, and asked her helplessly, "Sister Qing, what do you want me to do to you, what do you want, tell me, okay?"

Finally, he heard the only sentence from Qingwu in the past three days, "I want you to die, give me back Ah Jin."

Yan Chenjue fell silent, still hugged her, but stopped talking.

On the second day, someone came again, not Yan Chenjue, but Yu Shi, the demon princess.

After leaving for more than half a year, Yu Shi never imagined that when she saw Qingwu again, she would be like this now, like a doll, lifeless like a living dead.

Wiping her tears, Yu sat beside Qingwu, "Son, how did you become like this..."

Qing Wu lost a lot of weight, and grabbed Yu Shi's wrist with her skinny hands, she slowly turned her head to look at Yu Shi, "Ma'am, Ah Jin... is he really dead?"

Her voice was very low and weak, but the room was quiet and Mrs. Yu could hear her.

Yu Shi couldn't bear to see her sad, but she didn't dare to disobey Yan Chenjue's request.

Her son, sometimes, she is afraid of him!

From Mrs. Yu's long silence, Qingwu seemed to have found the answer. She slowly let go of her hand, looked at the sky with vacant eyes, and put her palm against her belly, "When I die, Madam, please take me and Ah Jin... buried together."

And our children, buried together, at least let's reunite in the next life!

Water flowed from the corners of Qingwu's eyes, and his dry eyes hurt a little.

Yu wiped her tears, held Qingwu's hand, and said, "Ah Qing, don't think so much, even if Ah Jin is gone, you can't give up on yourself like this. In fact, Ah Jue is no worse than Ah Jin, maybe... ...You can try, with A Jue, it's also... the same."

Qing Wu withdrew his hand.

Why do you say they are the same?

They are two people who have nothing in common, how can they be the same?
Seeing Qingwu's alienation, Yu Shi also felt that what she said was difficult for others to accept, but... what can she do?

She was not a competent mother before, and she didn't guide and educate A Jue well, which made him become what he is today step by step.

Yu Shi felt ashamed, regretful and afraid of Yan Chenjue.

She wiped the tears from her face, took out a plate of pastries from the food box on the table, and gave it to Qingwu to eat, "Ah Qing, eat something, I specially made it for you, salty and spicy shortbread, you I used to like it very much, you can try it, okay?"

The smell of shortbread did not arouse Qingwu's appetite, but instead made her retch.

She wanted to vomit, but she hadn't eaten for several days and couldn't vomit anything.

Yu could only quickly take the shortbread away, caress Qingwu's back, and give her comfort.

Qingwu retched for a while, then changed back into that corpse-like appearance again.

Mrs. Yu also had no choice but to leave with the pastry. Before leaving, she looked back at her distressedly, and said something ambiguous to her, "Ah Qing, actually... Ah Jin and A Jue are the same, you Take a good look at him, the same."

But Qingwu didn't want to listen to what she said, and didn't want to think about anything.

At night, Yan Chenjue came again.

Qingwu hadn't eaten or drank any water for a few days, she was extremely weak, her face didn't look any better, and she was only able to barely survive by relying on Yan Chenjue to feed her with devil energy every day, and to support her.

(End of this chapter)

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