After all, the two midwives looked at each other, wondering: "Will Your Majesty avoid this time of childbirth?"

Yan Chenjue was about to say no, but Qingwu quickly pushed him, " wait outside, it's enough to have Qibai to accompany me."

The boy frowned, "Sister Qing doesn't want me to accompany you?"

Qingwu bit her lip, "Mother said, giving birth is ugly, don't be there, there will be shadows."

He was already shadowed and afraid of such things.

Now let him watch the scene of giving birth again, Qingwu fears that he will be even less interested in women in the future.

Yan Chenjue shook his head, "I won't."

Qing Wu glared at him, "I don't believe you, get out quickly, I...I don't want to..."

She glanced at the two midwives cautiously, and whispered in Yan Chenjue's ear, "I don't want to be a widow, you should go out quickly."

Yan Chenjue still wanted to explain, but Qingwu pushed him several times, almost crying when he saw it.

He had no choice but to sigh and said, "Then I'm right outside the door. If you want me to come in, call me anytime, okay?"

Qing Wu nodded.

How can Yan Chenjue really rest assured, as soon as the front foot stepped out of the door, the back foot went out of the body and entered the room.

Jiang Mingyun hurried to the dungeon, and saw that the young man in the cage was pinned to the ground by several guards, unable to move.

"What's the matter?" he asked aloud.

The guarding guard replied: "My lord, this sinner drew a magic circle on the ground at some time and hid it under the straw. If someone hadn't noticed something wrong today, he would not have known that he was secretly plotting to commit crimes."

Jiang Mingyun frowned, "Where is the magic circle? Has it been destroyed?"

The guard shook his head, "It can't be destroyed, please follow me, my lord."

Jiang Mingyun followed the guard into the cage, and saw that the guard kicked away the straw on the ground, revealing a complete circular magic circle.

He raised his hands and cast a spell, trying to destroy the magic circle, but was backlashed by the magic circle. Fortunately, he dodged in time and was not injured by the magic circle.

Jiang Mingyun looked at the formation carefully, and he couldn't understand many details, but overall, it seemed to be a certain type of summoning formation.

Although Jiang Mingyun can be regarded as well-read in the practice books, the cultivation methods of the immortal sect and the monster clan are very different, and he really can't see the way in it.

It may be difficult to invite Yan Chenjue here right now, so he can only order someone to invite Xiao Yan over.

As soon as the guards arrived outside Xiaoyan's gate, the sky suddenly became cloudy, with thunder and lightning.

Xiao Yan noticed something strange when he heard the movement, and when he opened the door, he happened to meet the guard who came to invite him.

As soon as the guard said this, Xiao Yan immediately frowned.

His heart tightened, and instead of following the guards to the dungeon, he went straight to Yan Chenjue's bedroom.

Before he could enter the courtyard, a thunderbolt exploded in the air, and under the flickering light of the thunder, a black air from the sky rushed straight into the bedroom.

Xiao Yan shouted, "Brother!!!"

There was a burst of crying of children in the hall, but soon disappeared without a trace as if cut off, which made Xiao Yan even more disturbed.

Before he ran to the door, the whole room disappeared before his eyes.

Xiaoyan stretched out his hand in panic to touch it, and his fingers disappeared into the air. He quickly withdrew his hand and went madly to the dungeon.

Seeing him rushing in like flying, Jiang Mingyun was taken aback, and looked at him in astonishment, "Why are you so nervous, but what's wrong with the spell?"

Xiao Yan gritted her teeth, "Where is Yan Chen really?"

Jiang Mingyun led him into the dungeon. At this time, Yanchen had already been hoisted up with iron chains, his arms straightened, and hung in the air.

Before Jiang Mingyun could react, Xiao Yan had already kicked Yan Chen in the heart.

This shocked Jiang Mingyun.

It has been a day since Yanchen was really in prison, and Xiao Yan always pleads with Yanchenjue, thinking about the brotherhood.

Seeing that Yan Chenjue refused to be moved, Xiao Yan could only find time every day to take care of his younger brother whose tongue had been pulled out.

Today was Jiang Mingyun's first time seeing Xiao Yan lose his temper, and he was still treating his always poor brother. It seemed that the problem was serious.

Because of the strength of Xiaoyan's foot, the iron chains on Yanchenzhen's arms were broken and shattered, and the whole person was like a puppet, falling from the air and falling to the ground, throwing away the piled hay.

Xiao Yan didn't give up on this, striding forward, sitting on Yan Chen's heart with both legs, suddenly lifted the boy's collar, "Ah Zhen, you really think I dare not kill you, don't you? How dare you... ...You actually set your mind on my brother, I think you are dying!"

Yanchen really endured this blow, which made him feel that his internal organs were about to be displaced, he grinned his teeth in pain, and couldn't hear what Xiaoyan said at all.

However, Xiaoyan didn't give him any chance to relax, but slapped him backhanded twice.

The pain on his cheek made him open his eyes in a daze.

When he saw the person in front of him clearly, a trace of sadness flashed in Yanchen's eyes.

Probably since the death of the demon king, the only person in the entire demon clan who is willing to treat him kindly is Xiao Yan.

But at this moment, for Yan Chenzhen, this only ray of light can't wait to ignite him, burn him to the bone.

Xiao Yan said viciously: "I'll give you one last chance. Now that the formation is released, I will intercede with my brother and let him let you go. If you persist in your obsession, I will never let you go!"

Yan Chen really grinned, and smiled darkly at Xiao Yan.

There was misery and despair in that smile, except that there was no complacency.

Jiang Mingyun squatted down and asked, "What's going on?"

Xiao Yan turned his head and said: "This kid cast a blood curse around my brother's dormitory, and now the whole dormitory has fallen into a barrier."

These words were like a thunderbolt, blasting Jiang Mingyun's thoughts, "The blood curse? How to break it?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, "Now I can't tell how much blood this kid has buried around my brother's bedroom over the years, and I don't know how powerful the barrier is. To break it, unless the person who cast the spell lifted it himself, otherwise... ..."

He didn't go on, a trace of sadness flashed in his lowered eyes.

Jiang Mingyun didn't realize what Xiao Yan was hiding in his words, but asked, "What about Yan Chenjue? With his cultivation, is there no way to break free?"

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, "I'm not sure."

Since ancient times, the blood curse has been the most vicious spell of the demon clan, and it is the induction between blood vessels.

The only people who can be trapped in the blood curse formation are those who are connected with his blood.

Even though Yan Chenjue was able to break free from it with his strong cultivation, there was still a newborn baby.

It was Yan Chenjue's blood, and there was a blood relationship with Yan Chenzhen.

Xiaoyan knew very well that his brother would never let that child go and leave him alone in the barrier.

Yes, this is an unsolvable problem.

He knew that this was the reason why Yanchen really chose to seal at this time.

If there is only Yan Chenjue alone, it may be difficult to control, but with this child, he will be able to trap Yan Chenjue in it, unable to escape.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan became more and more impatient, and waved his fist again to punch Yan Chenzhen in the face.

Yan Chenzhen's lips overflowed with blood, looking at him powerlessly and desperately.

Xiao Yan held his throat tightly, "Yan Chenzhen, for so many years, I have always regarded you as a close relative. I know that you and my brother have a bad relationship, so I coordinated with it. I have said many times, don't mess with me. Why don't you listen to him?"

Jiang Mingyun hurriedly pulled him away, "Don't be so excited, you will only make things worse."

Xiaoyan was pulled off Yanchenzhen by Jiang Mingyun, he fell to the ground, his eyes moistened, "Why, why do you two have to kill each other? I really don't understand, I don't understand why he is so cruel , I don’t understand why you are so vicious.”

Yan Chen was really lying on the ground, tears also rolled down the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Yan didn't understand, how could he understand?
He knew that when he was young, he had done some things to hurt others by relying on favor.

However, he was still young at that time, and he didn't understand that such things would bring pain to others.

But this is not the reason why he has to endure these, the price is too great for him.

Jiang Mingyun helped Xiaoyan up, sighed, and asked, "What will happen to them in the enchantment?"

Xiao Yan sniffed, and said: "I'm not sure, it's a world created with Ah Zhen's thoughts, I's probably related to Ah Zhen's memory."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yan suddenly thought of something, and his expression suddenly sank.

Jiang Mingyun frowned, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan looked down at Yan Chenzhen who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, "I think it might be the time when my father was killed and his tongue was cut off."

"How to say?" Jiang Mingyun asked.

Xiao Yan said in a deep voice: "Ah Zhen has always wanted to take revenge on my brother, he must want my sister-in-law to see my brother's perverted appearance with his own eyes, this is the most painful thing for my brother."

Sure enough, when Yan Chen heard these words, his expression changed slightly, it seemed that Xiao Yan had hit the nail on the head.

When Yan Chenjue opened his eyes, Qingwu was protected by him in his arms, a crying child lay beside him, and Jiang Qibai fell to the ground.

He looked around, the room was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Although it is still the demon king's bedroom, it is not his bedroom, but... Yan Lansheng's.

Probably because the production took too much energy, Qingwu was already so tired that he passed out.

He closed his eyes and cast a spell to transform into a dummy, but failed.

Yan Chenjue's eyes darkened, and his brows were involuntarily furrowed.

Then a fire of karma ignited in the palm of his hand, and the fire of karma burned continuously without hindrance.

It seems that there is no way to use the art of change in this enchantment.

In order not to attract attention to the child's crying, Yan Chenjue could only cast a spell to wrap the little doll in an enchantment, so that the sound could not be heard.

Yan Chenjue gently laid Qingwu down, and helped Jiang Qibai up on the ground, "Miss Jiang, wake up, Miss Jiang..."

Jiang Qibai moved his eyes, opened his eyes, "Master Yan, this is... where is this?"

Yan Chenjue explained briefly, "We probably fell into the enchantment set by Yan Chenzhen. Miss Jiang, I'm going out to investigate the situation. You guard Ah Qing and the child for me. I'll be back soon."

Jiang Qibai nodded emphatically, "I will, Young Master Yan, don't worry."

The young man took the oil lamp on the desk and lit it with a spell, "Miss Jiang, if something unexpected happens, just blow out the candle, and I will come back immediately."

Jiang Qibai nodded again and again, "Young Master Yan, I remember."

Before Yan Chenjue left, he subconsciously glanced at the person on the couch, and left worriedly.

Pushing open the door of the bedroom, there is no one guarding the door, Yan Chenjue looked at the empty place, it is really impossible to judge what Yan Chen's real intention is.

He jumped onto the roof, trying to find the exit of the enchantment.

This enchantment is not big, it seems to be only as big as the entire Demon Palace, and the outside world is nothingness.

Thinking about it, Yan Chen really stayed in the Demon King's Palace since he was a child, and never left for half a step. If you want him to fabricate a world outside the palace walls, I'm afraid it will make things difficult for him.

Yan Chenjue patrolled around the boundary of the enchantment, but did not find any loopholes that could be captured.

Just as he was about to return to the Demon King's dormitory, he suddenly saw a young man in a crescent white robe, led by his guards to the Demon King's Palace.

Yan Chenjue's eyes widened, the young man's face was exactly the face of his phantasmagorized 'Yan Chenjin'.

This is... himself?

Yan Chenjue followed the young man's movements on the roof, suddenly, the young man stopped in his tracks and raised his eyes to look over.

Seeing that he was about to be discovered, Yan Chenjue could only dodge hastily so as not to look at himself in the barrier.

The guard's face was displeased, "Please Your Highness, please meet Your Majesty quickly, and don't make Your Majesty wait too long."

'Yanchenjin' nodded, and continued to follow the guards to the Demon King Palace.

Yan Chenjue looked at the young man's figure, his eyes darkened slightly.

Can he see him?

In order to verify this conjecture, Yan Chenjue flew to the Yao Wangfei's bedroom.

There are no guards in the palace of the princess, and the front door is empty.

Yan Chenjue has a bad heart, could it be that even his mother can't appear in the barrier?
Just as he was meditating, his feet had already entered the room first.

As soon as he entered the door, Yan Chenjue saw Mrs. Yu prostrate in front of the couch, wiping tears with her handkerchief.

"Mother?" Yan Chenjue called out in a deep voice.

The crying figure obviously froze, and turned around in surprise, but the moment he saw Yan Chenjue, the shock on his face became even stronger.

Yan Chenjue narrowed his eyes, "Can mother see me?"

Yu Shi was shocked, and stood up from the couch with trembling hands, the tears in her eyes seemed to burst in an instant, "A Jue, is that you? A Jue?"

Yan Chenjue didn't like his mother's miserable appearance very much. He would rather his mother greeted him with a smile and pretended that nothing happened in the past, instead of acting like she was...ashamed of him.

He didn't speak, and Yu Shi had already walked in front of him, and she said in a trembling voice: "Ah Jue, what did you just... call me?"

Yan Chenjue was startled, and looked at her puzzled.

It wasn't until Mrs. Yu hugged Yan Chenjue that he trembled suddenly and frowned. Mrs. Yu murmured in a low voice, "My good boy, you are finally willing to recognize your mother."

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