This sentence immediately woke up Yan Chenjue.

The Yu family in the enchantment is not the Yu family in reality, at this time...

Yan Chenjue suddenly thought of something, his eyes darkened.

What a Yan Chenzhen, I really want to force him to a dead end.

Yan Chenjue pushed Yu Shi's shoulder, "Mother, you may not understand what I'm going to say next, but I hope you can listen to me first."

Her lost and recovered son is willing to talk to her, and Yu's is naturally willing to do so out of a thousand.

Yan Chenjue saw that her mood was not stable, and she was not sure whether she could accept what he said.

Admittedly, telling someone and convincing her that she doesn't exist is an inherently difficult task, let alone an emotional one.

But now Yan Chenjue has no other way, and he doesn't want to spend time fabricating a lie with his mother in this space.

Therefore, Yan Chenjue told Mrs. Yu exactly what happened.

Sure enough, after listening to Yan Chenjue's description, the shock on Yu's face could not be concealed.

Yan Chenjue continued: "Now my wife and children have nowhere to live. If not, I would not have come to find my mother."

Only then did Mrs. Yu come back to her senses a little, and found a sense of familiarity from the son in front of her.

That's right, he hated her in his heart after all, and would never ask her for help unless he had to.

Yu Shi smiled bitterly, and said: "A Jue, no matter you are A Jue in that time and space, you are still my child. Since you opened this mouth to your mother, she will protect you even if she dies." Wife and children, never let them suffer any harm."

Yan Chenjue stared at her for a while, then looked away awkwardly, he didn't like his mother acting like she loved him.

Now that he has given up, he shouldn't try to get his son back. This is Yan Chenjue's deep-rooted rejection of the Yu family.

If it wasn't for Qingwu, the relationship between Yan Chenjue and the Yu family would probably be indifferent.

Yan Chenjue knew that Qingwu was imprisoned by his parents in Langya Mountain and suffered a lot. No matter what the reason was, it hurt Qingwu deeply.

She wanted a mother, so Yan Chenjue was also willing to pretend that nothing had happened and get closer to her mother.

But also...just acquaintance, nothing more.

The boy said flatly: "That's not the case."

Yu Shi didn't care, but asked him, "Where are your wife and children now?"

Yan Chenjue said: "I will pick them up later, and please mother stay in the room and don't go out."

Yu Shi was startled, as if she wanted to say something, but she swallowed it anyway.

Yan Chenjue probably figured out the rules in this enchantment, unless the relevant figures appeared, otherwise, there would be no one around.

Therefore, as long as Mrs. Yu does not go out, there will be no other people outside the bedroom.

Yan Chenjue didn't want to waste time, and entered the Demon King's Palace with just a flash.

When Jiang Qibai saw him coming back, he was pleasantly surprised and said: "Young Master Yan, Ah Qing, Ah is awake."

Sure enough, the pale man on the couch had opened his eyes, and his eyes were tearful, as if he had cried.

Qingwu weakly raised his hand, "Ah Jue..."

Her voice was very low and weak, but Yan Chenjue still heard it.

The young man walked in two steps at a time, stepped to the front of the couch, and held her hand, "Sister Qing, are you awake, do you feel any pain?"

The pain is second to none, the most important thing is being tired and lacking energy.

But Qingwu can't take care of so much right now, holding Yanchenjue's hand and crying.

This made Yan Chenjue's heart ache, and she repeatedly coaxed, "Sister Qing, does it hurt? Don't cry, I'll help you relieve the pain, don't cry, don't cry."

As he spoke, he transmitted mana power from behind to Qingwu to relieve her discomfort.

Probably due to gaining strength, Qingwu's crying sound was much louder than before, and Yan Chenjue heard what she said clearly, "What to do, your son... is dumb!"

Yan Chenjue: "..."

He waved his hand, and the barrier around the child was removed, and the cry immediately filled the air, very resonant.

Qingwu was also dumbfounded, staring at the wailing baby for a long time.

Yan Chenjue explained: "He's too noisy, I'm afraid of attracting people, and I'm also afraid...he will disturb your rest."

" want to scare me to death?" Qingwu punched him in the chest angrily.

Yan Chenjue quickly hugged her in his arms and apologized, "It's my fault, I should tell you first, it's my fault, don't cry, don't cry."

Qingwu angrily leaned down on his shoulder and bit him, and finally gave up when he was happy with the bite, "Have you seen your son?"

The boy shook his head, "I only glanced at it, but didn't look carefully."

Qingwu was not angry, but heaved a sigh of relief, "That's great, don't look at it, it's too ugly."

Jiang Qibai couldn't help laughing, "Ah Qing! How can you think your own child is ugly?"

Qingwu pointed at the little doll, "It's ugly, it's wrinkled, so ugly. I look so good-looking, and his father..."

In the middle of speaking, Qing Wu suddenly stopped, holding Yan Chenjue's face in both hands, and asked solemnly: "You are not lying to me, this face is not your original face, is it?"

Yan Chenjue was helpless, "This face is real."

Qingwu was still dubious, "Then why is your son so ugly? I am good-looking, it must be because you are so ugly that your son is ugly."

Yan Chenjue was not annoyed at this complaint like a child having a temper tantrum, "I'm ugly, sister Qing, don't be angry."

He admitted it himself, but Qingwu changed his words again, "You are not ugly, it must be that he did not inherit your beauty, and we will have another good-looking one in the future."

The boy smiled, "I listen to you."

Qingwu covered the little swaddle, "You must not look at him."

Yan Chenjue laughed lowly, "Well, I don't want to look, I just need to see my sister clearly. Don't talk, we can't stay here for too long, go to my mother for a while."

In fact, as soon as Qingwu opened his eyes and saw this strange environment, he realized something was wrong.

She didn't ask much, just nodded and wanted to get up.

Yan Chenjue pressed her shoulder, "Don't move, I'll hug you."

Qingwu was not polite, but turned his head to glance at the baby on the couch, "You don't want your son anymore?"

Jiang Qibai quickly hugged the baby in his arms, "Ah Qing, don't worry, I'll help you...hold the baby."

Qingwu smiled at her, "Why help me, this is your child too."

Suddenly, Jiang Qibai remembered what Qingwu said before, let her be a child's godmother, and nodded with a smile.

Yan Chenjue hugged the older one, Jiang Qibai hugged the younger one, and the two went to the princess' bedroom one by one.

Fortunately, at this time, 'Yan Chenjin' was meeting Yan Lansheng, and there was no movement outside.

Qingwu couldn't help asking, "Why is it so quiet here, there's no one there?"

Yan Chenjue could only explain to her, "We are now in Yan Chen's true enchantment, his spiritual power is low, even if we are trapped here with the blood forbidden technique, there is no way to do every detail properly. Therefore, Unless it is the events and characters he wants to express, other things are not included in the events, and the people and things in the eyes of the characters will disappear temporarily."

"It's his fault." Qingwu probably also had some guesses. Three days ago, when Xiaoyan came to see her, he seemed hesitant to speak.

After repeated inquiries by Qing Wu, the boy only said, "I don't know why Ah Zhen offended my brother, I want my sister-in-law to intercede, but...forget it, and teach Ah Zhen a lesson." '

Qing Wu did not mention this matter to Yan Chenjue.

Although she also felt that Yan Chen was really pitiful, she still remembered what Yan Chenjue had said.

——If you can’t put yourself in the shoes of the perpetrator, it’s unfair to make rash comments.

Qingwu has never experienced the pain of Yan Chenjue, so he cannot understand how strong the hatred in his heart is.

Naturally, if she can experience it, she is willing to experience his suffering.

But no matter whether she can understand it or not, she is not qualified to stand on her own ground and ask Yan Chenjue not to hate him.

All she can do is not to let Yan Chenjue hurt innocent people because of hatred.

But Yanchen really doesn't seem too innocent.

Yan Chenjue glanced at her, and said, "Sister Qing doesn't seem surprised at all, have you already guessed it?"

Qingwu smiled, "That's right, but... protecting your wife and children is your business, and I don't want to get involved."

The young man also thought about it, maybe she would blame him for treating Yan Chenzhen like that, otherwise he would not have reached this point.

Worried about this outcome, Yan Chenjue never dared to tell her the truth.

Unexpectedly, she didn't blame her at all.

After entering the Yaowang Concubine's bedroom, Mrs. Yu had been waiting for a long time. When she saw someone entering the door, she couldn't help standing up and tidying up her clothes.

Qingwu didn't know that the Yu family at this time was not the Yu family in reality, and when he saw her, he wanted to act like a baby, "Mother, mother, I feel so hurt."

Yu's eyes were filled with tears when she heard this mother's call, and quickly helped Yan Chenjue to help Qingwu to lie on the couch.

Qingwu held Yu Shi's hand and said: "Mother, you lied to me, you also said that giving birth is not that painful, you lie, it really hurts."

Yu's eyes were red, her voice was choked up, "It's my mother's fault, it's my mother's fault."

Qingwu was a little astonished, "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Chenjue explained: "The current mother...doesn't recognize you yet."

Qingwu squeezed his waist angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier, mother should think I'm rude."

Watching the interaction between the two, Yu wiped away her tears and raised the corners of her lips, "No, you are Ah Qing, right? Mother likes you calling like that, get close."

Qingwu smiled embarrassedly, "My name is Qingwu, you can call me whatever you want, mother."

Jiang Qibai carried the baby over, and Yu held the baby in her arms in surprise, "This is Ah Qing and A Jue's child? It's so beautiful, it's exactly the same as when A Jue was born when he was a child."

Qingwu asked suspiciously: "Really?"

After asking, she pulled La Yushi's arm again, and asked her in a low voice, "Mother, tell me, did A Jue look like this? Did he use illusion?"

Yu patted her head affectionately, and nodded, "Ah Jue always looks like this."

Qingwu has always believed in the Yu family, so he heaved a sigh of relief.

Yan Chenjue snorted softly, "Sister Qing is such a liar, she used to say that she likes me no matter what I look like, but in the end she only likes me for my good looks, isn't it?"

Qingwu touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, hugged his waist to support himself, and lay down in his arms, "No, I'm just... worried that you lied to me, don't be angry."

It is true that Yan Chenjue was not angry, and moved her body to make her lie down more comfortably.

As expected, Mrs. Yu was someone who had come here. The child was in her hands, but she just teased it, and the child stopped crying.

Jiang Qibai was very surprised, "How did Madam do it? It's amazing, can you... teach me?"

Yu Shi nodded with a smile, and went to tease the child with Jiang Qibai.

Qing Wu held Yan Chenjue's hand, "Mother is really good at taking care of children. When you were young, she must have loved you so much."

The boy's eyes were deep and deep, and he couldn't see any joy or anger.

Qingwu knew that he was not so easy to change.

This kid has some inexplicable obsessions in his heart, and he is stubborn about many things.

Naturally, she didn't want to change him, so she had to change the subject and said, "What's going on, what does Yanchen really want to do?"

Yan Chenjue's thin lips were pursed into a straight line, his face was a little tense, and it seemed difficult to speak.

Qingwu sighed, "Are you really planning to carry it alone? Tell me, let me be mentally prepared."

Only then did the boy speak in a deep voice, "He wants to... provoke our feelings."

"..." Qingwu was stunned, "Why did he do this?"

Yan Chenjue said in a low voice: "Because...he doesn't have the ability to kill me, so he can only use this method to make me suffer. The last dream didn't teach him enough lessons, so he really should have been killed at that time."

Qing Wu sighed, "Things have already happened, now it's too late to regret, it's better to think about how to solve the current predicament."

The boy nodded, "I understand."

Qingwu looked at the furnishings in Yu's room, and it was not very different from what she remembered, "What period is the demon clan here?"

Yan Chenjue said in a low voice: "It will be the second year after your death, and three days later, I will kill my father with my own hands."

Qingwu's eyes widened, thinking, so this is Yanchen's way of provoking feelings.

Let her see Yan Chenjue kill his father with her own eyes?

To be honest, Qingwu couldn't imagine that scene, just thinking about it felt creepy.

What makes people even more sad is that she doesn't know what Yan Chenjue is like now, but she must be a very naughty boy.

Yan Chenjue seemed to see something from her expression, and said in a low voice: "I will not let you see such a scene, nor will I let you see me now, sister Qing, don't worry."

These words made Qingwu's heart twitch suddenly.

She never felt that she was a cowardly person, but ever since she knew Yan Chenjue's true identity and what he did, Qingwu couldn't deny that she was afraid.

It is true that Qingwu is not afraid of Yan Chenjue, but just... afraid of his pain and hatred.

When she thought of seeing Yan Chenjue like that, the most painful and desperate Yan Chenjue, she would definitely be heartbroken.

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