When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 159 The little Highness who loves to drill dog holes

At this moment, Qing Wu felt how brave Yan Chenjue was.

When the two fell into a dream, he had the courage to be by her side, watching his loved one suffer.

Thinking of the former self, Qingwu suddenly realized something.

The current Yan Chenjue, the Yan Chenjue who is suffering pain, must be like her back then, hoping for someone to redeem him.

Qingwu's eyes dimmed, and he despised his own cowardice in his heart.

She squeezed her hand tightly, "A Jue, I want to see it!"

Yan Chenjue trembled, but did not speak.

Qingwu rubbed against his heart, "Don't you want me to accompany you through the most difficult time?"

The boy shook his head resolutely, "I don't want you to see me now, I feel terrible myself, I don't want... I don't want to scare you."

Qingwu heard that his heart was beating harder than before, and knew that he must be very nervous.

"But I want to know you, A Jue. As I said, I will accept your past. I'm just afraid that seeing you in despair will make me regret why I left you to die alone. If I were braver and escaped with you, you wouldn't be like this." She whispered.

Even after hearing what she said, Yan Chenjue was still uneasy, "Do you have to see it?"

Qingwu knew his worries, and wanted to dispel them with practical actions.

There are some problems between the two of them, and these problems will have to be resolved sooner or later. Instead of burying them all in their hearts and becoming gunpowder that can ignite the wires in the other's heart at any time, it is better...to get rid of them earlier.

She nodded firmly, Yan Chenjue was inevitable, so she agreed, "I see."

As soon as the words fell, Yu's voice came from the side, "Ah Qing, have you named the child yet?"

Qingwu smiled and said: "Not yet, does mother have any good suggestions?"

Yu walked over with the child in her arms, and said, "Ah Jue's name wasn't chosen by me either. I'm not very good at picking names, so I just asked."

Qingwu then asked Jiang Qibai, "Qibai, what do you think? What's a better name?"

Jiang Qibai shook his head, "I can't tell, Ah Qing, don't you... have any ideas?"

Qing Wu thought for a while, smiled and said to Yan Chenjue: "Just call Yan beautiful, what do you think?"

There was finally a gleam of joy in the boy's gloomy eyebrows, "Sister Qing just decides, I think it's good."

Of course, Qingwu didn't really want to give his son such an outrageous name, he just wanted to make the child's father happy.

Jiang Qibai looked worried, "Ah Qing, this name..."

She couldn't say it badly, so she could only say, "Sounds like a girl."

"Well... then it's called Yanqing." Qingwu casually combined the two's surnames.

But Yan Chenjue refused straight away, "No!"

It was a rare time when this kid refused to agree, Qingwu raised his head and pinched his chin, "What's the matter? I asked you to take it and you didn't take it, and I took it and you will be picky, right?"

The young man said in a low voice: "Yanqing, I hate Qing, I seem to hate sister Qing, I don't want it."

The fingers that were pinching the boy's chin couldn't help but loosen, scratching like a pet.

Even if what he said was reasonable, Qingwu didn't bother with him, "Then it's called... Yan Muqing, it means that A Jue loves me, okay?"

Yan Chenjue's long eyelashes flickered, sometimes covering them, and sometimes revealing the joy in the boy's eyes, "Well, I like this name."

Yu said: "The name is good, but it's not easy to call him Qingqing, he should have a baby name."

Qing Wu said with a smile: "Then let him talk, so that he can speak freely. Don't be like his father, who keeps everything in his heart and likes to lie."

The boy quibbled, "I won't lie now."

Qing Wu raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh?"

The man immediately lost his momentum, and whispered: "Speak less."

Yu Shi looked at her indifferent son, and now there are times like this, not to mention how happy she is.

Ever since Yan Chenjue left home at the age of 15, she has been worried about his safety all the time.

After more than 200 years, seeing that he was safe and sound, he began to worry about his indifferent temper.

In the past two years, Yan Chenjue gave her the feeling that she didn't seem like a living person, no matter what she said or did, she was full of evil spirits.

But every time Yu Shi saw him like this, her heart ached.

It was also in the past six months that the Yu family knew that Yan Chenjue had been staying in the fairy gate as Yan Lansheng's eyeliner.

How many times did she want to persuade Yan Chenjue to leave the Yaozu, leave the fairy gate, and find a place where she didn't know him and start over.

But Yan Chenjue didn't talk to her, seeing her was like seeing a stranger.

Yu Shi had no choice but to wipe away tears quietly.

Until now, seeing the appearance of Yan Chenjue in front of Qingwu, Yu Shi can breathe a sigh of relief. Although his appearance has not changed, it is like a living person.

Known child Moruomu.

Just because of Yan Chenjue's careful movements when he came in with Qingwu in his arms, Mrs. Yu knew that her son loved the girl in his arms very much.

It was almost noon, and a voice came from outside the door, "Mrs. Zhen invites the concubine to have a brief talk."

Yu Shi stood up in a panic, "Understood."

Yan Chenjue frowned, "What did she ask you for?"

This Mrs. Zhen, named Zhen Zhen, is Yan Lansheng's favorite wife, bar none.

Ever since Zhen Zhen entered the Yaowang Palace, although she was only a wife, she was the one who really enjoyed the noble status of the Yaowang Concubine.

Yu Shi admires Zhen Zhen, and has been bullied by her a lot over the years, but she doesn't hate Zhen Zhen because of it.

There is no other reason, a woman who has never been favored, has already disappeared with hundreds of years of changes for that unreachable thing.

As for bullying, Yu Shi also understood why Zhen Zhen did this.

There is no woman in the world who does not want to monopolize her husband, and Zhen Zhen can't be vulgar.

Once you have a woman you love, you want to have all the love this man has.

But the only thing that Mrs. Yu hated her was that two years ago, when Yan Chenjue was on the verge of life and death, this woman was able to make love with Yan Lan in front of this child.

She could understand Zhen Zhen hurting her, but she couldn't accept Zhen Zhen hurting her son.

Therefore, in the past two years, the Yu family no longer had the tolerance they had for Zhen Zhen.

Although Yu Shi also knew that what she did was acting like a car, but she still didn't want to give that woman a good face.

The price of doing so is that her life has not been easy for the past two years.

But she never said this to Yan Chenjue.

Naturally, part of the reason is... She couldn't even tell Yan Chenjue what she cared about, let alone these trivial matters.

He doesn't want to know, and he doesn't care at all!

At this moment, when asked by Yan Chenjue, even though the young man's face was still indifferent, Yu Shi was still very relieved.

She shook her head, "It's nothing, it's just Xiaoxu, don't think too much, you just stay here with Ah Qing, I'll be back soon."

Yan Chenjue stared at Yu's face without saying a word.

Is it Xiao Xu? Both of them know very well in their hearts.

Yu Shi didn't say any more and went out.

Yan Chenjue's face was ugly, and Qingwu put his palm on the back of his hand, "Obviously I care about my mother, if you're worried, why don't you just follow me and have a look?"

The boy just shook his head slightly, "The most important thing now is to take care of you and the child."

Qingwu smiled, "Qibai is taking care of me and the child, Qibai is better at taking care of people than you, but mother must need you very much now, go, go, don't make me beg you."

As she spoke, she poked Yan Chenjue's palm.

The boy was silent for a moment, and still lit an oil lamp for Jiang Qibai, asking her to blow out the oil lamp if she had any questions.

Jiang Qibai nodded seriously, Yan Chenjue reluctantly sat next to Qingwu, and closed his eyes.

Although Yan Chenjue knows that he can't change anything, and also knows that these are established facts that have already happened, but...

He was always like this, just like in Qingwu's dream, he couldn't help but want to take Qingwu away, wanting to be swallowed by blood crows for her.

Yan Chenjue's soul came out of his body and followed Yu Shi.

Looking at his mother in front of him, he couldn't help thinking, how long has it been since he followed her like this?

It's been so long that Yan Chenjue can't remember.

He is tall and slender, although his mother is not short among women, but in front of Yan Chenjue, she is still very short.

As soon as Yan Chenjue raised his eyes, he could easily see the top of his mother's hair.

There were a few white hairs in the black hair.

Yan Chenjue stared at those white strands with fascination, feeling an indescribable feeling for a moment.

The lifespan of the Yaozu is long, and the higher the level of cultivation, the longer it will be.

Although the Yaozu is dominated by men, most of the women practice spiritual power, maintain their beauty or
Those who improve their appearance.

Although Mrs. Yu is more than 300 years old, this age is not very old, but it is probably the physical burden caused by early childbirth.

Women who have given birth to children are mostly older.

It is also true, logically speaking, Qingwu is more than 500 years old, but he is still a young girl with a naive and childish look, but Yu Shi, who is more than 300 years old, looks like an elder.

But old age is not old, nor will it make people have gray hair.

Yan Chenjue stared at those hairs in a daze, he never cared about them.

But he thought awkwardly, anyway, there is Xiaoyan by his mother's side, so as long as the mother has a young son, he... is an irrelevant person.

Yu's footsteps were firm, not as if he was going to Xiaoxu, but as if he was going to die.

Yan Chenjue followed her closely, never leaving her.

Mrs. Zhen's bedroom is near the Demon King's Palace, which was originally the place where the Demon King summoned his wife to sleep.

Since Mrs. Zhen came, there has been no change of people here.

Yan Lansheng doted on Mrs. Zhen alone, so in order to prevent Mrs. Zhen from going back and forth, she simply gave this palace to Mrs. Zhen.

Yan Chenjue looked at the spacious courtyard and bedroom, which was even better than Yao Wangfei's bedroom.

Since his succession, he has ordered the place to be sealed off.

Yan Chenjue has a kind of hatred for this place, it was here back then, he knelt on the ground dying, enduring both physical and mental torture.

Even now, seeing this place, he still hated it.

Just about to enter the door, suddenly a young boy came in from a corner of the courtyard.

When the maids saw it, they hurriedly picked up the little boy and patted the sand on his body, "Your Highness, why did you dig a hole in the corner again? Madam should be angry when she sees it."

Yanchen smiled childishly, wiped the dirt on his face indiscriminately, and said with a green voice, "Whoever dares to tell my mother, I will tear his mouth to pieces!"

The maids who heard these words all laughed without any look of fear.

Yan Chenjue couldn't help but frowned, he didn't think such words were a joke, just like a year ago, when he sued Yan Lansheng, Yan Lansheng almost cut off his tongue.

However, the maid just touched Yanchen's head, "Don't worry, Your Highness, we all favor His Highness, and we will never tell Madam."

The little boy grinned.

Mrs. Zhen is extremely beautiful, and so is Yanchen.

Even at the age of eight or nine now, he saw his stunning face for the first time.

He has a cute smile, like a beautiful china doll.

Suddenly, the guard pushed Yu Shi, who was standing still, and said some respectful words in the worst tone, without the slightest respect, but ridiculed and humiliated.

"Please don't stay, Wangfei, don't keep Madam waiting for a long time."

Yu looked away, but the guard's words made Yanchen really notice her.

The little boy walked over arrogantly, and looked at Yu Shi with disdain, "Who asked you to come to my house? It's disgusting, get out quickly."

I don't know if it's because of his mother's education since he was a child, but Yan Chen is more humble towards the maids serving in Mrs. Zhen's palace than towards Yu Shi, the demon princess.

Yu Shi never disdained to argue with children, she just smiled shallowly, "Ah Zhen, your mother called me here."

Yan Chen frowned, and angrily said: "What are you, why do you call me Ah Zhen? Can you call me Ah Zhen? You are a lowly thing, you really can't think of yourself as my elder. People like you, You don't even deserve to carry my shoes."

An eight or nine-year-old child's voice is clear and pleasant, because it has not yet passed the voice change period, with the innocence of a child, just like the melodious cry of a nightingale.

But it is such a nice voice, but it can say the most ugly words.

Yu didn't feel humiliated, but felt that the child in front of her was a pity.

Ah Zhen is a good child, but unfortunately his mother is not a good mother and did not teach him well.

Thinking of this, Yu smiled wryly, and then remembered in panic, that she didn't seem to be a good mother, so she had no right to blame others.

Mrs. Yu didn't speak, Yanchen really didn't intend to let her go, grabbed her arm, "How dare you turn a blind eye to me, I think you are tired of work."

After all, Yan Chen really winked at the maids, "Teach her a lesson."

The maids are naturally not vegetarians, the little master has already spoken, how dare you refuse?
The two pressed Yu Shi's shoulders from left to right, while the other slapped her on the face.

Although Yu's face has undergone many vicissitudes in recent years, she is still beautiful and charming, not inferior to Mrs. Zhen in the slightest.

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