When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 174 A Jue is the best behaved

Chapter 174 A Jue is the best behaved
His tone was already very bad, if Ye Lanyu dared to say one more word, he might start a fight.

Qingwu hurriedly pulled his sleeve, "A Jue, don't make trouble!"

The boy was really angry, he raised his arm, trying to shake off Qingwu's hand, but in the middle of the movement, he controlled himself again and didn't continue.

Qingwu coaxed him, "Okay, okay, don't be angry, today is your son's full moon, and you started fighting before the treat?"

Yan Chenjue shook his head like a child who did something wrong, "I'm sorry."

It is true that this sentence of sorry was not addressed to Ye Lanyu, but to Qingwu!
Qingwu was helpless, "I see that the apse is almost ready, let's talk there first!"

After all, there are more people in the banquet hall, when mother and Xiao Yan come over to help entertain the guests, Yan Chenjue will not be so easily angry.

When the four of them arrived at the banquet hall, they saw Xiao Yan busy.

As soon as he saw his brother and his sister-in-law, Xiaoyan rushed up to greet him and said, "It's too much, this is not my son's full moon, why leave everything to me? Brother, you are busy with your own work anyway, why not?" Just bully me alone?"

Yan Chenjue said indifferently: "It's okay, you come to see the child, and I'll go to work."

As he spoke, he stuffed the little doll in his arms into Xiaoyan's arms.

The little doll was already crying loudly before it was sent to Xiaoyan's hands.

Xiaoyan's nerves tensed up immediately, and he shook his head immediately, "No, no, brother, you should watch the children, I'll go to work first."

Yan Chenjue's excuse of looking at children is simply unsatisfactory.

Every time Xiao Yan wanted to resist the official duties that Yan Chenjue arranged for him, Yan Chenjue would use this trick to deal with him, "You come to see the child, and leave the rest to me!" '

I don't know what happened to Yan Yan's kid, but he started crying as soon as he saw his little uncle.

In Xiaoyan's words, he probably owed this child money in his previous life, and he will punish him in this life.

I cry when I see him, and other people don't do that either!
No, just as Xiao Yan walked away, Yan Yan's crying stopped.

Qingwu also found it strange, and asked, "Did you stop talking?"

Apart from this reason, she couldn't think of any other reason.

Otherwise, it would be too coincidental, and it would be too unscientific to cry every time I see Xiao Yan.

Yan Chenjue whispered: "No, I just sprinkled some narcissus pollen on Xiao Yan."


Qing Wu was startled, "Narcissus pollen? What's that for?"

Yan Chenjue snorted, seemed unhappy, "I won't tell you."

It was only after a long time that Qingwu found out that Yan Chenjue didn't like the smell of daffodils and had always disliked it, but Qingwu didn't notice it.

What was even more unexpected was that Yan Yan had inherited this habit from his father, and he didn't like the smell of daffodils either.

Every time Xiao Yan came to make trouble, Yan Chenjue would secretly sprinkle some narcissus pollen on Xiao Yan.

Later, even to save trouble, he simply gave Xiaoyan a jar of narcissus nectar to rub on his body every day, saying that he brought it back from the mortal world and bought it for Qingwu, and brought a jar for Xiaoyan by the way.

Xiao Yan was so moved that she almost cried, thinking that his brother still liked him, but she didn't want his brother to be so deep in his thoughts.

When Jiang Mingyun came with Jiang Qibai, Ye Lanyu went to talk to Jiang Mingyun.

These two people have quite a common language, and they talk eloquently.

Jiang Qibai handed Qingwu an exquisite box, and said, "This is a gift from me... Mr. Jiang and I gave Yanyan. It is... a small dress that I sewed. The fabric... the fabric is Mr. Jiang's. bought."

Qingwu blinked his eyes at Chongjiang Qibai, and said, "Oh? The fabric he bought, the clothes you made? The two of you...they cooperate very well!"

Jiang Qibai is the most thin-skinned, after hearing this, he blushed so much that he was about to bleed.

During these days, the relationship between Jiang Qibai and Jiang Mingyun seems to have made new progress.

Qingwu asked Jiang Mingyun two days ago, and he said that Miss Jiang promised to give him a chance.

This is already a huge improvement for Jiang Qibai.

Looking at Jiang Qibai's reaction now, it seems that it won't be long before Jiang Mingyun will get his wish.

Speaking of which, Jiang Mingyun is also a long-term lover.

I used to think that he was not a person worthy of liking, but when I went to see him now, it was not like what I thought before.

In the past two years, Jiang Mingyun has experienced too many things, and it seems that he has become more mature and stable through these things.

Today's Jiang Mingyun is much different from before, and he is a good man who can be relied on.

If not, Qingwu would not be so persistent in trying to facilitate the matter between him and Jiang Qibai.

Jiang Qibai is her best friend. She has witnessed Jiang Mingyun's feelings for her from the beginning to the end. She has also seen Jiang Mingyun's efforts over the years. He is Jiang Qibai's best destination.

Qingwu patted Jiang Qibai's arm, "Why are you embarrassed with me? Why are you always so far away? I'll tell you everything about me and A Jue, but you're good enough to keep everything from me .”

Saying that, Qingwu sighed helplessly.

Jiang Qibai quickly explained, "No, no, I didn't want to hide it from you, it's just... I and Mr. Jiang... haven't settled down yet, I... I don't know how to tell you."

Qingwu didn't mean to blame her, but just teased her.

Seeing her so nervous now, Qing Wu stopped joking with her, "I'm not angry again, I just want to know about your situation. Look at you, why are you so nervous. Now...how far have you progressed?"

Just as Jiang Qibai was about to say something, Yan Chenjue walked over.

The mouth that was originally opened was closed again because of Yan Chenjue's arrival.

If Qingwu was the only one, Jiang Qibai would not be so embarrassed, but if Mr. Yan was present, she would not be able to speak out.

Qingwu finally waited until Jiang Qibai spoke, but because of Yan Chenjue, he couldn't hear him, and was about to say a few words to Yan Chenjue.

Jiang Qibai had anticipated Qingwu's temper a long time ago, so he smoothed things over and said, "Wait... I'll tell you when the full moon wine is over."

Qingwu nodded in satisfaction, so he didn't blame Yan Chenjue who appeared suddenly.

After Mrs. Yu arrived, she handed over the responsibility of looking after the child to Mrs. Yu, while Qingwu and Yanchenjue accepted the congratulations from the visitors outside the hall.

This full moon wine was held in a grand manner. Originally, Qingwu meant not to be so extravagant, and she didn't like crowds and noise very much.

Just a few friends and family will be fine.

But Yan Chenjue insisted on this, saying: "This is my first child, I like it in my heart, so naturally I want everyone to know that I am becoming a father!"

Qingwu didn't know what he was talking about, so he retorted: "Aren't you afraid of other people's gossip? This marriage has not yet been consummated, and I have no name or title, so I gave birth to a child for you. What do others think of me, what do they think of me?"

Yan Chenjue snorted, and said domineeringly: "Who dares to think that you are not good, look down on you, I will kill them!"

If it was in the past, Qingwu wouldn't have thought about it too much, but after seeing Yan Chenjue's methods, she always felt that what she said didn't look like a joke.

I'm afraid this kid can really do it.

Therefore, Qingwu didn't say anything anymore, just do everything according to his wishes.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Consort Wang!"

"Your Majesty and the princess are overjoyed."


In every congratulations from the visitor, they all respectfully address Princess Qingwu, which made her unable to help asking Yan Chenjue in a low voice, "Did you give the order, otherwise why would they all call me Princess?"

Not to mention anything else, let's just look at Yan Chenjue's father who is a scumbag, and there are countless wives and concubines.

Not to mention those who are not yet married, even if they are married, it may not be a princess or a wife.

All the guests who came to the celebration banquet were respectful and respectful, shouting to the princess one by one.

Yan Chenjue shook his head, "I didn't order it, maybe when you were pregnant, I used to call you the princess, and they all knew about it."

Qingwu nodded, thinking that people from the Yaozu were also quite gossipy.

Speaking of gossip...

Suddenly, a familiar voice shouted: "Yao Qing, Yao Qing..."

Qingwu followed the voice and looked over, Zhao Jinying was dancing and waving at her.

This person really arrived before anyone was called.

Qingwu saw that he was in a hurry, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Why are you so tired?" Qing Wu asked.

Zhao Jinying smiled foolishly, and said: "I just heard a few attendants whispering in the front hall, so I hid aside and listened for a while."

"..." Qingwu thought to himself, this kid really can't get rid of his bad habit of eating shit and gossip even when he gets there.

"So?" What does this have to do with her panting?
Zhao Jinying scratched her head in embarrassment, and said: "It's nothing, but someone found out later, I ran over, but I was exhausted."

Qingwu was speechless, "..."

Only Zhao Jinying can do this kind of thing of listening to gossip in other people's homes and being found out and running away.

"So..." Qingwu asked softly, "What did you hear?"

Zhao Jinying glanced at Yan Chenjue, leaned into Qingwu's ear, and whispered, "They say that the demon king is afraid of his wife! Is it true?"

After hearing this, Qing Wu couldn't help smiling and looking at Yan Chenjue, who was pricking up his ears, listening carefully to what the two of them were saying.

As if he heard it, the boy's ears turned a little red.

Qing Wu said with a smile: "Okay, don't mind your own business, go in quickly, Jiang Mingyun has more gossip than me, you should keep your ears to listen to his affairs."

Zhao Jinying rolled her eyes and said, "He? What can I hear from his mouth? This man's mouth is harder than a rock, and he can't say anything."

Qingwu showed him a clear path, "By the way, Ye Lanyu seems to have something to do with Huang Mingshu. Otherwise, you can go to Huang Mingshu's place to find out. I also want to know about the two of them."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jinying's eyes lit up immediately, and she made a gesture of understanding to Qingwu, and said, "Don't worry, that girl Huang Mingshu can't hide things, I promise to make it clear for you."

After Zhao Jinying entered, Qingwu smiled and glanced at Yan Chenjue, "The demon king who is afraid of his wife, why isn't he happy?"

Yan Chenjue seemed to be trampled on his tail, and said: "I'm not afraid of my daughter-in-law, I'm... this is hurting you, these bastards are idle and talkative, in two days, I will clean them up. .”

Qingwu laughed loudly, "Why are you so serious? Gossip, it's instinct, why don't you be so rigid."

"Am I rigid?"

Qing Wu shook his head, "No, A Jue is the best!"

Yan Chenjue whispered: "It's all my sister's fault, she always treats me fiercely, that's why they say that about me. I won't have prestige in front of them from now on, what should I do if no one listens to me?"

Qingwu could tell that he was acting like a spoiled child.

According to Yan Chenjue's method, even if he is really afraid of his wife, he will never show mercy to outsiders. Whoever dares to disrespect him may lose his life.

It's rare for Yan Chenjue to be coquettish, so Qingwu followed his words and said, "Be good, I won't kill you."

The boy smiled sweetly, like a flower.

Whenever he smiles like this, Qingwu can't help but want to kiss him.

But most of the time, they are in the spare time of others, and Qingwu really has no way to do this.

So, she whispered: "Don't seduce people, be careful that I will drag you into the house, and the Fa will be executed on the spot."

The boy blinked, his fox eyes seemed to say, 'Okay, drag me back now! '

But the man was still somewhat reserved, "Sister Qing is a bully."

Sometimes, Yan Chenjue showed his fox nature to the fullest, and Qingwu really wanted to torment him like this, but it just wasn't the right time, and he couldn't keep up with her.

Taking advantage of the guests not paying attention, Qingwu squeezed his waist angrily, "You wait for me."

Yan Chenjue lifted his chin triumphantly, with a provocative look.

After all the guests arrived, Qing Wu and Yan Chenjue finally returned to the hall.

Madam Yu brought the child over and was about to start the Yaozu's full moon ceremony.

This is the tradition of the Yaozu. The child of the full moon has to crawl on a winding wooden river. The river is not big, only about three feet wide, but two feet long.

There is a trickle of clear water inside, but it is not deep, and the little doll can still show his head when crawling in it.

It is said that this is to exercise the children's abilities, especially the children of the royal family, and each of them has to go through this process.

However, because Yan Lansheng didn't like his sons, Yan Chenzhen was the only one who held such a ceremony among the twenty or so children.

When Mrs. Yu and Qingwu talked about this, Qingwu was still surprised. After all, this is only a one-month-old child, how could such a thing be done?
But when time passed day by day, Qingwu finally realized that his child was not an ordinary child.

Yanyan's growth rate is several times faster than that of ordinary mortal children. A mortal child of this age is still a baby in swaddling clothes.

Now in a month, Yan Muqing is already a little boy who can crawl.

(End of this chapter)

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