When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 175 The amount of alcohol in one glass

Chapter 175
Qingwu and Yanchenjue put Yanmuqing into the river channel, and attendants began to irrigate the clear water from the upper reaches. The water flow was not rushing, but only irrigated from Yanmuqing's small arms and legs.

Although crawling is not difficult, Qingwu is always a little worried.

Yan Yan, this child is very delicate, and also a crybaby.

She was really worried that the child could not control his crying in such a public place.

However, today Yan Muqing was very face-saving, and staggered forward along the river.

Only when Qingwu came back to his senses did he notice that it was Yan Chenjue standing upstream, waving at Yanyan.

Yan Yan giggled and crawled towards his father.

Qingwu felt sore in his heart, and felt more and more that Yanyan liked Yanchenjue more.

Yan Muqing quickly climbed to the upper reaches, and the guests all praised that this little prince is the fastest climber among the monster clan.

But no one dared to point out Yan Chenjue's cheating behavior.

Yanyan climbed to the upper reaches of the river, sat in the water, and opened his little arms to his father.

Yan Chenjue wiped his body dry with a handkerchief, wrapped him in a small quilt and hugged him in his arms.

Yanyan arched his head and rubbed against Yanchenjue's neck, Qingwu felt a little familiar with that appearance.

In the past, Yan Chenjue leaned against her arms and rubbed against her neck like this. Seeing the appearance of this father and son inexplicably, she felt a little sore.

When the ceremony was over, the guests took their seats.

Because Yan Chenjue had mentioned in advance that he was not good at drinking, no one from the Yaozu guests came to toast Yan Chenjue.

It was Ye Lanyu who came over with a wine glass, wanting to have a drink with Yan Chenjue.

Yan Chenjue frowned, his face was gloomy and displeased, and said: "I don't know how to drink."

All the Yaozu guests here held their breaths. After all, although Yan Chenjue looked handsome and elegant, everyone from the Yaozu knew how cold-tempered he was.

But because Ye Lanyu is probably a friend of Princess Yao, everyone has some discussions in private.

Most of them were guessing whether this handsome young man would be dragged out and chopped up by His Majesty the Demon King.

Huang Mingshu couldn't help frowning, tugged at Ye Lanyu's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

Ye Lanyu just smiled at her, but didn't say anything, just handed the glass of wine in his hand to Yan Chenjue, as if he didn't hear the sentence that Yan Chenjue said just now, "I don't know how to drink." '

It's true that others don't know, Qingwu knows that Yan Chenjue doesn't know how to drink, Yan Chenjue is someone who can get drunk after drinking a few glasses of fruit wine.

Qingwu smiled, took the wine in Ye Lanyu's hand, and said, "Ah Jue really pours it in a glass, let me drink it for him!"

Yan Chenjue's eyes suddenly darkened, and he looked at Ye Lanyu as if he was about to kill someone.

It is true that he is not good at drinking, but it is also true that he does not want to give Ye Lanyu face.

Seeing Qing Wu drinking for him now, Yan Chenjue was very annoyed.

The boy held the baby in one hand, and blocked the wine in my hand with the other.

Qingwu looked up at him, and said with a smile: "What? Are you afraid I'm drunk?"

Yan Chenjue's expression turned ugly, "Don't drink."

Before Qingwu could speak, Huang Mingshu stood up suddenly, snatched the wine from Qingwu's hand, and drank it with her head raised.

Immediately, the girl glared at Ye Lanyu and said, "Master, I've drunk the wine, it's time to sit down."

Ye Lanyu's complexion was not very good-looking, but he still had that faint smile on his face, and said, "Since someone drank it, then forget it, Ah Jin is really lucky, so many girls are blocking the drink for you."

The sour words made everyone present dumbfounded.

Especially Zhao Jinying, who had a chicken leg in her mouth and dropped it on the table with a thud.

After several people sat down, Zhao Jinying approached Qingwu and asked her, "What do you mean by what elder Cai Lanyu said just now? Why do I feel that there is a lot of information, but I still don't understand it?"

Qingwu grabbed the chicken leg from the table and stuffed it back into his mouth, "Speak less, eat more."

Zhao Jinying frowned at being stuffed with chicken legs, and wanted to ask something, but saw Yan Chenjue slamming his eyes over him, so scared that he immediately looked away and concentrated on gnawing on the chicken legs in his mouth.

In fact, Qingwu didn't understand what Ye Lanyu meant just now.

Going to see the man again now, he is sullen, facing Huang Mingshu's thoughts, pretending not to hear.

He looks like this...why is he somehow familiar?
"Hiss!" Someone pinched his arm suddenly, and Qing Wu looked back in pain.

Looking along the hand on the arm, I saw that Yan Chenjue was also staring at her with eyes similar to Ye Lanyu's!

No wonder it feels familiar, it turns out...

The boy said rather dissatisfied: "What's there to see?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and teased the words in his arms.

Xiao Yanyan was holding Yan Chenjue's fingers, giggling.

Seeing this scene, Qingwu couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

She likes to watch Yan Chenjue tease her words the most. The father and son look alike when they laugh.

Qingwu poked Yanyan's little hand, and then poked Yanchenjue's finger.

The young man avoided Qing Wu's touch unhappily, and Qing Wu understood that this kid was angry again.

Qingwu sighed, lowered his voice and said, "Yanyan, your father is angry, you can coax him, okay?"

Yanyan giggled, not knowing if he understood or not.

Anyway, his father understood, and said in a strange way: "Tell your mother, who made me angry, let someone coax him, others can't coax him well."

Qingwu couldn't help smiling, thinking he was childish, but cute at the same time.

She pretended to be emotional, "Oh, I haven't coaxed your father for a long time, I'm unfamiliar, or...you can help me ask your father how to coax him so that he can forgive me?"

Yan Chenjue snorted softly, "What's unfamiliar, you tell her, it's all an excuse, obviously you don't care about me anymore."

Dong dong dong

Zhao Jinying bit the chicken leg and knocked on the table. The two naive ghosts who had been staring at the child just now looked up, only to realize that the acquaintances at the table were all staring at them!

Qingwu blushed in embarrassment, cleared his throat, and said, "Everyone...don't be restrained, eat something."

Xiao Yan, who was sitting beside Yan Chenjue, shook his head, "Brother, sister-in-law, you two are so disgusting!"

Yan Chenjue's eyes drifted over, and the man immediately buried his head in cooking.

With this incident, there was much more silence at the dinner table.

Qingwu was so embarrassed that he left the venue without taking a few bites.

According to the customs of the Yaozu, there are two full moon ceremonies, one is the full moon ceremony at noon, and the other is a dinner party.

Qing Wufang got up together, and Yan Chenjue followed with the child in his arms.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" Yan Chenjue asked her.

Qingwu shook his head, "No, they saw it just now, and I'm a little embarrassed."

The young man was silent for a moment, and proposed a solution: "I can use the incense to erase their memories."

So many people, how much mana does it cost?

Qingwu smiled, "It's not an important matter, but it doesn't have to be like this."

Yan Chenjue hummed softly, "It's all up to you."

The two walked around the pond and saw Huang Mingshu who was standing aside and wanted to say something.

Qingwu thought he was wrong, and the girl had already come up to meet her.

Huang Mingshu looked hesitant to speak, she could see what I understood immediately, she turned around and said to Yan Chenjue: "I'll go back to sleep first, and you guys have something to say slowly."

Yan Chenjue opened his mouth, and was about to refuse, but heard Huang Mingshu speak first, "No, big sister, I am... I'm here to find you."

This sentence shocked both Qing Wu and Yan Chenjue.

Although Qingwu and Huang Mingshu have a good relationship, Huang Mingshu used to like Yanchenjue.
Qing Wu looked up at Yan Chenjue, and said: "It's just right, I'm not very good at coaxing him to sleep, you can carry him back to sleep for a while."

The boy frowned, "But..."

Qingwu smiled, "Hey, go back first, Mingshu and I have a deep relationship, are you afraid that we won't fight?"

Yan Chenjue pursed his lips, then nodded, "Come back soon, I want to sleep too."

That's a good word.

I want to sleep too, you have to coax me.

Qing Wu couldn't understand Yan Chenjue's subtext.

She couldn't help but chuckled, "Okay, I see, I'll go back as soon as possible."

Yan Chenjue left contentedly, and Qingwu and Huang Mingshu walked by the pond.

"What can you do with me?" Qing Wu asked her.

Huang Mingshu hesitated a little, as if she couldn't say anything.

Qingwu was not impatient, he would speak naturally when she was willing to speak.

The two walked for a while, Qingwu was a little tired, and suggested: "There is a gazebo over there, and few people come and go, let's sit there and talk?"

The girl nodded and followed Qingwu's footsteps.

Qingwu and Huang Mingshu sat facing each other.

Huang Mingshu struggled for a long time before finally speaking, "Big sister, I actually... have something to ask you."

"Speak, I will know everything." She said and patted Huang Mingshu's hand.

Huang Mingshu sighed heavily, and said, "I think...Master seems to like me."

Qing Wu was startled, in fact, she also had some guesses, but she couldn't help being surprised when she heard Huang Mingshu say such words herself.

It's not that she thinks there's anything wrong with Huang Mingshu, it's just that she thinks it's a little strange.

These two people were obviously not very confrontational in the past.

At least, this is what Qingwu learned.

In Huaguangmen, Huang Mingshu used to speak bad things about Ye Lanyu to Qingwu, her master forced her to do this again today, and bullied her to do that again yesterday!
All in all, despite what he saw and heard with his own eyes, Qingwu still feels that the fate is beyond words.

Qing Wu asked: "What about you? What do you think?"

Huang Mingshu became silent, with her head down, and her hands were tangled together, "I...I don't know. Although it's not good to say this, but big sister knows, I...the person I like is..."

Qingwu held her hand and said: "I know, but if you have no idea about this kind of thing, you definitely wouldn't come to ask me, right?"

The girl raised her head in a daze, and looked at Qing Wu in astonishment.

Qingwu smiled, "Sometimes, my liking may not be liking, but just an obsession. It's like a dream when I was young. Maybe when I grow up, I already have other dreams, but... because of that dream It has never been realized, so there is an obsession in my heart."

Huang Mingshu lowered her eyes, "Maybe that's the case. In fact, I know very well that Brother Hu Xian likes Big Sister very much, and you will get married soon. I shouldn't say such things to Big Sister at this time. But... I have also persuaded myself many times, and wanted to see myself more openly. But I still feel very sad when I hear that you are going to get married and come to your child's full moon banquet. "

Speaking of which, Qingwu has never experienced this feeling, but he can probably understand what Huang Mingshu said.

Qing Wu touched Huang Mingshu's head, and said: "If one's heart is always occupied by an impossible wish, there is no way to think about other wishes, and there is no way to realize other wishes. In this life, one will always be able to achieve something. It’s good to end, but if you stick to the end without any results, you will be the one who suffers.”

Huang Mingshu sighed, staring at me clearly with big round and watery eyes, "Perhaps, I should try it with Master?"

Qingwu smiled, "It's up to you to decide for yourself. Others can't give you any advice. You should think about it yourself. Would you like to be with your master? If it's just to get rid of the person in your heart, it won't be A delightful thing."

The girl stopped talking again.

She didn't know, really didn't know.

Master, he is weird.

Obviously, he always bullied her and tortured her before.

But since the Huaguang Sect was destroyed, she and Master went around killing demons and slaying demons, wandering around the world, and Master seemed to be a different person.

Can't say it's good or bad, but it's weird.

For example, if she said a few more words to a certain rescued young master, Ye Lanzhen kept his face cold and didn't say a word to her for three days.

A few times, Huang Mingshu got angry and threatened to leave him, but the man took her by the arm again, and took her to buy candy cakes like a normal person.

His strangeness and his moodiness gradually made Huang Mingshu feel that something was wrong.

Although she is insensitive to feelings, she is not that insensitive. Ye Lanyu's behavior seems to be traceable.

Huang Mingshu guessed, does Master like her?

However, Master clearly knew that she had someone he liked, so why did he still like her?
What's even more strange is that the person Master obviously likes is Big Sister, how could it become her again?
These are things Huang Mingshu can't figure out.

She wants to ask Qingwu, and wants to get an answer from Qingwu.

But Qingwu just said, let her figure it out by herself.

"So you two are here. I said how could you lose sight of anyone in the blink of an eye." A familiar voice floated over first, and the person came slowly. It wasn't someone else, it was the two who were talking about it just now. The party - Ye Lanyu!

Seeing Ye Lanyu, Huang Mingshu immediately made a silent gesture to Qingwu, begging Qingwu not to say what he just said.

Qing Wu smiled and blinked at her, expressing that he would keep the secret.

(End of this chapter)

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