Chapter 183 I'm Vulnerable

She supported Yan Chenjue's arm with one hand, covered his waist with the other, and rubbed gently, "You asked for it yourself, no wonder I."

Yan Chenjue lowered his eyes, if he is the original fox at this moment, he must be drooping his ears and tail, very pitiful.

Qingwu couldn't bear it, and said: "You, you, I really don't know if you are really suffering, or if you are lying to me."

The teenager whispered: "If I'm lying to you, will you be angry?"

Qingwu raised his head and gave him a hard look, the boy immediately lowered his eyes and closed his mouth in fright.

His frightened appearance is really touching and pitiful, Qingwu sighed helplessly, "You, you, you are the one who provokes troubles, and you are the one who pretends to be wronged. I really don't know what you think."

Yan Chenjue was about to speak, but heard Qingwu say: "I don't know how many times you have lied to me. If I was angry, I would have exploded."

After that, she went to look at the young man in front of her again, that man no longer had the timid look just now, with a smug smile on his face.

Although I felt that I had been fooled by the little vixen again, seeing him smile inexplicably, Qingwu was also happy in his heart.

She thought: I was really bewitched by this boy's beauty, and I couldn't get angry at all!
Qingwu patted his waist angrily and amusedly, and the young man held his waist and abdomen in pain, "It really hurts. Sister Qing's blows have never been serious, I am very fragile."

"Are you fragile?" Qing Wu raised his eyebrows.

The young man rolled his eyes, and didn't continue to lie, but only showed a shallow smile.

Afterwards, Yan Chenjue quickly changed the subject, "I heard from Xiao Yan a while ago that a pastry shop opened outside. The style is very similar to the pastries in the world, and the taste is also very good. I have long wanted to take my sister out to eat, but I have never time."

Qingwu didn't bother with him about what happened just now, and went down the steps with him, "I happened to be hungry."

Yan Chenjue joyfully took Qing Wu to eat cakes.

A quarter of an hour later, the two were sitting under the shade cloth outside the pastry shop eating freshly baked pastries.

There are three flavors of shortbread, floral, berry and salty.

Qingwu's favorite is the salty and fragrant shortbread, two pieces are not enough.

Yan Chenjue asked the shopkeeper to bring out another plate of salty and fragrant rice.

"This shortbread is really good. Speaking of which, you haven't cooked for me for a long time." Qing Wu said, holding Yan Chenjue's hand, feeling a little distressed for him.

These days, he is too busy.

Although most of the official duties and affairs were handed over to Xiao Yan, Yan Chenjue took care of the children most of the time.

But others don't know, but Qingwu knows best.

Don't look at Yanyan who is only a month old, but it is very annoying.

The little thing is not big, but its appetite is not small, and it needs to eat milk from time to time.

Even in the middle of the night, I have to get up and cry a few times, and let Yan Chenjue feed and coax her to be considered good.

At first, Qingwu thought that Yan Chenjue liked to drink milk, so he prepared it for Yanyan every day, and also prepared a pot for Yan Chenjue by the way.

But soon Qingwu discovered that Yan Chenjue didn't have anything to drink at all, and Yan Yan drank it all.

He eats a lot and digests quickly. It is not convenient for such a young child to use magic to clean up. The inkstone dust is bit by bit, and everything is done by himself.

Only those who have personally experienced the hardships of taking care of children will know the pain.

Qingwu sighed heavily, twisted a piece of sweet berry-flavored pastry and stuffed it into Yanchenjue's mouth.

Yan Chenjue ate the cakes slowly, and said, "I'll ask the shopkeeper how to make it later, and I'll make it for you next time."

Qingwu shook his head again and again, and said: "I'm just expressing emotion, you have worked so hard, and I am reluctant to let you work hard."

The young man smiled sweetly, and said: "Sister Qing has such a heart, no matter how hard it is, she won't feel hard."

Qingwu looked at his face, sometimes he thought he was childish, sometimes he was reliable, sometimes he was smart, and sometimes he was stupid enough.

She lightly wiped the crumbs of pastry from Yan Chenjue's lips, but the young man lightly kissed her fingers.

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, and blushed, "You... there are people around you, aren't you shy?"

Yan Chenjue smiled, "I was afraid before, but I am not afraid now."

Qingwu pursed his lips, "What do you say? The longer you grow, the thicker your skin will be, right?"

The young man shook his head lightly, "Not really, it's just that at the full moon banquet yesterday, Elder Sister Qing yelled out 'Baby', I lost all face, why do I care about these things?"

This made Qingwu startled, as the person involved, Qingwu really didn't remember that he called him like that at the full moon banquet.

She lowered her voice as if covering her ears, "I called you like that yesterday? When did it happen?"

The boy nodded, "It's right in the main hall, in front of all the Yaozu officials."

Qingwu quickly recalled what happened yesterday in his mind, but all he could recall in his mind was what happened last night.

She patted her head and said: "I'm really in a daze, how could I call you this on such an occasion? You should pay more attention in the future, after all, you are the demon king, and you are always serious and solemn in front of those officials. Look, I was heard by others, so I don't know how to talk about you behind my back."

Yan Chenjue nodded, "Yes, but now everyone has heard it and started talking about me, what should I do?"

Qingwu really thought about it seriously for a moment, and came up with a plan to make up for it, "The words that have been said will definitely not be taken back, I can only stop calling you that in the future, and when those people forget about it, I will just stop talking about it." It's all right."

Yan Chenjue laughed, and said: "I want to make up for sister Qing, but luckily, stealing chickens won't cost me anything!"

Just now, Qingwu was still struggling with what to do, but now he suddenly understood.

This kid is not sad, he clearly said this to her on purpose.

"You don't care?" Qingwu asked suspiciously.

In the past, how hypocritical Yan Chenjue was, how much he cared about these things Qingwu knew in his heart, but when he thought about it carefully, he seemed to care about his face, but he never seemed to care about his affairs with her.

On the contrary, she always feels that indecent things cannot be done, and she is more rigid.

"Beautiful sister?"

Suddenly a clear and clear girl's voice rang in Qingwu's ears, she followed the sound and looked over, only to see a girl in light white gauze walking over with a plate of pastries in her hand.

This girl looked familiar, but Qingwu was stunned for a moment and didn't remember it.

Without giving Qingwu time to think, the girl in white had already arrived in front of Qingwu, and sat down beside her, "Beautiful sister, it's really you, I thought I had made a mistake."

As she said that, the girl realized that there was another Yan Chenjue, and hurriedly got up to salute, "Meet Your Majesty the Demon King."

Yan Chenjue raised his hand slightly, "You are... the youngest daughter of Elder Ling's family, Ling Yun?"

Ling Yun scratched his head, smiled embarrassedly, and said: "I didn't expect His Majesty the Demon King to remember me, it's me."

As soon as this name was mentioned, Qingwu immediately remembered, isn't this Xiaoyan's blind date?
Qingwu asked: "You came out by yourself?"

Ling Yun immediately made a silent gesture, and begged in a low voice: "I ran out secretly, beautiful sister and Your Majesty the Demon King, please don't tell my parents about this, otherwise, they will beat me up. "

Qing Wu was amused by her, and I don't know who just swaggered over to say hello, now I know I'm afraid?

"Your parents won't let you come out?" Qing Wu asked.

Ling Yun nodded quickly, "Yeah, my parents are about to tie me up at home right now, beautiful sister, you don't even know, my mother forces me to go on a blind date every day, today is the so-and-so son of this family, tomorrow is that son So-and-so young master. I almost become a cabbage for anyone to choose, without any freedom."

In the past, Qingwu had always envied others who had both parents, someone who cared about them and took care of them.

But seeing Ling Yun's downcast look now, Qingwu just felt that it's not a good thing that the parents at home are too strict.

Thinking about it this way, when she first came to Yaozu, Madam Yu was also so anxious, as if her son would not be able to marry a wife.

Qing Wu smiled and said: "Is this the tradition of your demon clan? Your majesty the demon king was also forced to marry in the past, isn't it?"

She said, looking at Yan Chenjue with a smile.

The young man didn't feel that he was shameless, he just said: "If it were someone else, my mother wouldn't rush her. It's because you came, and she saw how hard I was chasing you, so she said so."

Before Qing Wu could be surprised, Ling Yun opened his mouth first, "It's so romantic, the relationship between His Majesty the Demon King and the beautiful sister is really enviable."

Qingwu was helpless, "What are you envious of? You don't know how much he..."

Just about to say that Yan Chenjue used to be squeamish and had a temper tantrum, but he didn't want to embarrass Yan Chenjue, so he stopped and didn't continue.

But Ling Yun asked curiously, "What's wrong with His Majesty the Demon King? I heard from my mother that His Majesty the Demon King is the most affectionate man in the Demon Clan. She said that in the history of the Demon Clan, there has never been a Demon King who married a princess at this age. Nor did he threaten to marry only the princess and not his wife."

Qing Wu turned his head, glanced at Yan Chenjue, and asked, "Do you want to take Mrs. Na?"

The boy shook his head, he didn't need too many words, he had already expressed his heart.

Watching the interaction between the two, Ling Yun immediately put his hands on his cheeks and smiled like a blossoming flower.

"Your Majesty is the most honorable and handsome king of the monster clan. It would be great if I could also be favored by such a person." The little girl fantasized happily.

Qingwu shook his head helplessly. Others only saw Yan Chenjue's brilliance on the surface, but they didn't know that when she was envied by others, when she first met him, this person was not only not noble, not handsome, but delicate and weak , as if the next second will die like a delicate flower.

Qingwu came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "I think Xiao Yan is pretty good too, he and A Jue are siblings, you don't have any thoughts about him?"

Ling Yun shook his head again and again, "He? My mother said he is a sick child."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ling Yun realized who he was talking to.

Sitting across from him was his elder brother, and the other was his sister-in-law who had never been married.

It seemed inappropriate for her to speak ill of them in front of these two people.

Ling Yun covered his mouth and shook his head, and said vaguely: "Actually, he... is pretty good."

Qingwu couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's okay, A Jue doesn't like his brother very much, don't you think so?"

She winked at Yan Chenjue, who immediately nodded.

After hearing this, Ling Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I told you earlier, I was very happy when my mother asked me to go on a blind date with him. I thought it was someone like His Majesty the Demon King, but I didn't expect him to have a blind date with him." That's not the case."

To be honest, Qingwu felt that Xiaoyan's temper was much better than Yanchenjue's.

It's rare to hear someone say that Xiaoyan is not as good as Yanchenjue, but Qingwu finds it interesting.

"Oh? How do you say it?" Qingwu continued to ask.

Ling Yun said: "It's just my temper. My mother said that my temper is too loose, and I need someone who can suppress me, preferably with a cold face. But Yan Chenjin is too soft-tempered. He kept it from me and told me later that he was weak and sick since he was a child, and I said that in all these years, I have hardly heard of such a person in the Demon King's Palace."

Qing Wu looked at Yan Chenjue with a smile, thinking, Xiao Yan can't be blamed for his lack of publicity, it is actually Yan Chenjue who took his name outside and made him disappear for many years.

"Also, I heard that he has been in the fairy gate of the mortal world for many years, maybe his thoughts are the same as those outside. I am afraid that I will not get used to being with him."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he immediately waved his hand and said, "I'm not talking about a beautiful sister. My sister and His Majesty the Demon King are in love with each other. Naturally, I can overcome any difficulties. I can't compare with Yanchenjin."

Qingwu didn't mind at all, just smiled, "These are all external forces, which can always be overcome."

The girl nodded, "That's right, but I can tell that I don't like Yanchenjin, and Yanchenjin doesn't like me either."

That's right, it's been a few months since the two met each other, and if there was any clue, it wouldn't be delayed until now.

Qing Wu said with a smile: "Love is a matter of fate, and it should be done slowly, so don't worry about it. You never know when there will be unexpected gains."

Ling Yun smiled embarrassingly, "I think so too, it's just that my mother is pressing her so hard that I won't be able to get married."

After eating the cakes, Qingwu and Yanchenjue walked around the street.

Ling Yun liked Qing Wu very much, so he followed him.

After all, it's a little girl's mind, she can't walk when she sees any accessories and rouge.

Qing Wu didn't like to smudge, but Ling Yun couldn't hold back his enthusiasm, so he followed him to see it.

Ling Yun was holding a box of rouge and smearing on his hands when there was a commotion behind him.

Yan Chenjue frowned, and with a big wave of his hand, a ragged girl bumped into the barrier formed by Yan Chenjue with a bang.

Qing Wu and Ling Yun looked back, the girl had already knocked out and passed out.

"Who is this...?" Ling Yun asked in bewilderment.

Yan Chenjue shook his head, expressing that he did not know where it came from.

At this moment, two strong men with big arms and round waists walked over from the crowd, and held the girl's two arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

(End of this chapter)

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