Chapter 184
Ling Yun quickly stepped forward to stop her, "Who are you? Where are you taking her?"

The two strong men were impatient, they shook off Ling Yun's hand, and dragged the girl to leave.

Before Qing Wu could ask Yan Chenjue to stop him, Ling Yun had already jumped up and dealt with the two strong men in twos and threes.

The brawny man was beaten into panda eyes, so he confessed and told the story.

It turned out that this girl was a prisoner in the battle of Xianmen more than half a year ago. After her roots were abolished, she was taken back to the Yaozu.

Qing Wu squatted down and lifted the girl's face, but had no impression of this face.

She raised her head and asked Yan Chenjue, "Do you recognize her?"

Yan Chenjue shook his head, "At that time I didn't bring many troops, but later I promised you to stop, so I called back the soldiers of the Yaozu. As for who they brought back, I don't know."

Thinking about it, even though Yan Chenjue hated the people of Huaguang Sect, it would not be possible to bring the woman back to humiliate her with such lowly methods.

The brawny man said again: "It's not because we force others to make things difficult. This woman was sold to our restaurant to sell and sing, and the person who sold her also received money. I hope you guys don't make things difficult for us."

Ling Yun lavishly took out a heavy money bag from his bosom, and took out two ingots of gold to the strong man, "These money should be enough to buy her and treat you."

More than enough, that... too much.

The two strong men suddenly felt that the beating was not in vain, thanked them several times, and left.

Ling Yun helped the girl up, and said: "It's too pitiful for a young girl."

She said, looking at Qingwu, and said: "Beautiful sister, I can't take her back. My parents will definitely break my legs if they know that I am out to play, let alone bring someone back."

Qingwu looked at Yan Chenjue with some embarrassment.

After all, this woman is a member of the Immortal Sect, most likely a monk of the Huaguang Sect. Even though she has lost her spiritual veins, she probably has a lot of hatred for the Yaozu.

It may not be a good thing to keep such a person by your side.

Yan Chenjue nodded slightly, "When she wakes up, I will order someone to send her back to the mortal world."

This is a good idea, Qing Wu also nodded.

Probably because he had troubled Qing Wu and Yan Chenjue on the issue of the girl's settlement, Ling Yun resolutely carried the girl back to the Yaowang Palace.

The three of them took the girl back to the guest room to settle in, and happened to meet Zhao Jinying who had come back from outside.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Jinying asked.

Qing Wu pointed to the girl on Ling Yun's back, and said, "Look at this girl, do you recognize her?"

Zhao Jinying froze for a moment, but still heard me clearly, and walked over to lift the girl's messy hair.

After looking at it for a while, Zhao Jinying finally remembered, "Isn't this Junior Sister Ruohan?"

Does he really know each other?
It's really the number one gossip in Huaguangmen, anyone can recognize it!
Zhao Jinying wondered, "Why is she here?"

Qing Wu raised his forehead and said, "This... is hard to describe in a single word. Since she is your acquaintance, I will entrust you to take care of it. After A Jue and I get married, you can take her away from the Yaozu by the way."

Obviously, Zhao Jinying was assigned a lot of tasks before he understood what was going on, and looked at Qingwu blankly.

After a long time, it was not until Ling Yun forced Ruohan into his arms that Zhao Jinying realized, "Let me take care of what, and take her away? What does this have to do with me? Who said I was an acquaintance with her? I just met a few times and knew there was such a person!"

Qingwu patted him on the shoulder, and said: "You know this person anyway, A Jue and I don't know her, maybe there will be some inexplicable hatred because of A Jue, since you know her, you can be regarded as a fellow , brotherhood!"

However, Zhao Jinying didn't buy it, "Bah, what kind of brotherhood is it? Aren't you two from the same family? I'm a guest after all, and you... don't take me seriously!"

Qingwu smiled, "They're all on our own, why care about being so clear?"

Zhao Jinying rolled her eyes speechlessly, "At this time, you say you are one of your own? What gossip was there earlier, I haven't seen you think of me."

Ling Yun said: "Young master, I saved this person and I want to bring her back. I will sneak out every day to take care of her. You can do it!"

Zhao Jinying's forehead twitched, where did it come from?
There was no other way, whoever made him soft-hearted, he had no choice but to agree.

Zhao Jinying carried Ruohan into the house, and Ling Yun followed him in, losing some mana to Ruohan, and the man woke up soon.

Probably because of being frightened, Ruohan woke up and saw two people sitting beside him, but he didn't know who they were, so he got up from the couch in fright and shrank in a corner.

She hugged her knees and curled herself into a ball, "Don't hit me, please, don't hit me."

Ling Yun said: "Girl, Miss Ruohan, we are not bad people."

The moment he heard his name, Li Ruohan raised his head and met Ling Yun's gaze.

Ling Yun had a kind face, a small round face, and a pair of almond eyes were very cute.

After confirming that the girl in front of him didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, Li Ruohan shifted his gaze to Zhao Jinying who was at the side.

"Senior Brother Zhao?" Li Ruohan exclaimed, almost crawled over on his knees, and hugged Zhao Jinying.

She had never been hugged by a girl like this since she was a child, and Zhao Jinying's face turned red all of a sudden.

Zhao Jinying, who is usually eloquent, choked up for a moment.

What's more terrible is that Ling Yun who was at the side suddenly covered his eyes and muttered, "Do not see evil, do not see evil..."

What indecent?I didn't molested, it was she who molested me!

Zhao Jinying shouted in her heart, but she just poked Li Ruohan's shoulder indifferently, "I said... Junior sister Ruohan, you you...let go of me first."

Li Ruohan's body trembled, as if he was crying, which made Zhao Jinying don't know what to do.

After a long time, after she had cried enough, she let go of her hand, staring at Zhao Jinying unblinkingly, as if she couldn't leave Zhao Jinying.

Zhao Jinying was so embarrassed by being stared at, she scratched her head, and said, "Junior Sister Ruohan, what are you... looking at me like that for?"

Li Ruohan said: "Brother Zhao, I'm so scared, I'm afraid that if I blink, all this is just a dream, are you real? Are you really here to save me?"

Zhao Jinying who asked this question was speechless.

Can he say that he didn't save her, and didn't even know what happened?
He just took a nap, slept until the afternoon, and was a little dizzy from sleep. He went out for a walk, and just came back when he was forced to come over to her.

This is... Who did he provoke?

Seeing that Zhao Jinying didn't answer, Li Ruohan held Zhao Jinying's hand tremblingly, trembling nervously.

However, Li Ruohan was not the only one who was shivering, but also Zhao Jinying!
He has grown so big, he has never been held by a woman like this!

Li Ruohan asked over and over again: "Brother Zhao, talk, talk, tell me, this is not fake, this is not a dream."

At this moment, Zhao Jinying was like a rabbit surrounded by hounds, the fur all over his body stood up, and he was at a loss.

He could only follow Li Ruohan's words: "It's not fake, it's not a dream, it's just...Junior Sister Ruohan, can you...don't be so excited, you should let me go first. If you're like this, I...don't blame me accustomed!"

Ling Yun had already sat firmly on the side, with his hands covering his eyes, leaving a big gap between his middle finger and ring finger, and a pair of almond eyes emerged from the gap between his fingers, looking at the two of them.

Such an embarrassing scene had already cost half of Zhao Jinying's life, and Ling Yun's watching the show would take the remaining half of his life too!

He has always been a person with no sense of sect, to put it bluntly, he is a complete bastard.

Except for a few friends who have a good relationship with him, the others... have no feelings.

This kind of camaraderie is really not suitable for him!
As for sensationalism... it made him suffocate even more.

If possible, Zhao Jinying just wants to shout for help now!

Li Ruohan slowed down for a while before she let go of Zhao Jinying's hand. She lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Zhao, I just... just lost my composure. I'm just... I'm just a little excited, don't you Know what kind of life I have been living during this time."

Although there is no camaraderie, Zhao Jinying is still very curious about gossip and stories.

Upon hearing Li Ruohan's words, Zhao Jinying's eyes lit up immediately, "Junior Sister Ruohan, tell me, why are you here?"

Li Ruohan was also unlucky. More than half a year ago, the Huaguang Sect had a sudden change, which brought earth-shaking changes to the disciples of the Huaguang Sect.

Although she is a disciple of the Huaguang Sect, Zhao Jinying was brought back to the Yaozu by Yan Chenjue earlier, and she doesn't know much about what happened afterwards.

That battle lasted for a long time. At first, the demon king Yan Chenjue led the immortals to break down the Huaguang Gate.

A large number of monks poured in. Although Huaguangmen was the largest immortal gate, it was hard to beat with two fists, especially under the wheel tactics, there was no chance of winning at all.

After being captured by Yan Chenjue, the head of the sect, Bai Mi, greatly dampened the fighting spirit of the Huaguang sect's disciples.

Soon, the entire Huaguang Sect became prisoners of the Immortal Sect.

Because in this battle, the demon king single-handedly subdued Bai Mi, causing Xianmen to pursue Yan Chenjue even more.

The sect masters respected Yan Chenjue, and the monks under him also flattered them along with the soldiers of the Yaozu.

However, the monster race is open by nature, and this battle has been fought for a long time. Many people suppressed it for too long, so they started to attack these captured female cultivators.

Hearing this, Ling Yun slapped the table angrily, and said, "Bastards, these bastards dare to do such a thing!"

Zhao Jinying looked at Ling Yun in astonishment, wondering if this girl was too excited?

Although he also felt that those people were assholes, he wouldn't make such a fuss, let alone... she was still a monster!
I don't know if he found a sense of belonging in this emotional Ling Yun, but Li Ruohan burst into tears and got into Ling Yun's arms.

Ling Yun patted Li Ruohan's back lightly to comfort her.

Zhao Jinying's brows twitched, if Junior Sister Ruohan knew that this girl was a monster, she didn't know if she would be able to cry.

However, what to be afraid of.

Ling Yun comforted Li Ruohan, "Girl, don't be afraid, as a monster, I will never sit idly by and ignore this kind of thing. Don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

Zhao Jinying opened her mouth wide, thinking: Does she really dare to speak out?

Sure enough, Li Ruohan stopped crying abruptly, raised his head from Ling Yun's arms, and asked in a daze, "Are you also a monster?"

Ling Yun didn't realize there was anything wrong at all, scratched his head with a smirk, and said, "Hey, yes, doesn't it look like it?"

Li Ruohan cautiously shrank back to Zhao Jinying's side and stopped talking.

At this time, Ling Yun came to his senses and quickly explained, "Miss Ruohan, although I am a monster, I am a good monster. Most of our monsters are good monsters. Your Majesty the Demon King, beautiful sister, my father, my mother , and I'm a good demon!"

Li Ruohan pursed his lips, looking like he was about to cry, and said, "But, it was your demon king who wiped out our entire Huaguang Sect!"

Ling Yun has never been involved in these outside matters, and he is also a typical deaf to outside affairs.

She asked Zhao Jinying suspiciously, "Is that so?"

Zhao Jinying nodded helplessly, "Yes!"

Ling Yun scratched his head, a little confused, "But, just now, didn't you say that Your Majesty and Beautiful Sister are from the same family? How could this be?"

Wait, how could His Majesty the Demon King be a fellow of the Immortal Sect?
Zhao Jinying smiled awkwardly, and didn't know where to start to explain for a while, so she didn't answer at all, and only asked Li Ruohan, "So, Junior Sister Ruohan was tortured by those people?"

Li Ruohan sniffed, and said with tears in his eyes, "That's not true!"

Zhao Jinying: "..."

No... no?
So what are those miserable words just now?Imagine?
Zhao Jinying swears that she really wants to complain, but looking at a crying girl with pear blossoms and rain, she really can't say it.

Just now, I really shouldn't just let Qingwu and Yanchenjue go, but let them stay and have a taste of this!
Zhao Jinying rubbed her twitching and painful forehead, and said, "And then? Junior sister, please continue."

Li Ruohan stabilized his emotions and continued: "They originally planned to humiliate us, but... after those bastard monsters saw us, they said that we were mediocre and didn't look down on us at all. Although my sisters and I It's not beautiful, but it's not so belittled, it's just too insulting."

Zhao Jinying: "..."

Hearing these words, Zhao Jinying just wanted to give himself a smooth ride. This was the most reversed story he had ever heard, and it almost killed him.

It wasn't that he hoped that something would happen to Li Ruohan, it was just...can she finish her sentence in one breath! ! !

On the other hand, Ling Yun could empathize with Li Ruohan, and said: "I understand your feeling, the appearance of our monster race is indeed better than ordinary people, even if it is ugly, it has good features. I was raped by my mother since I was a child. My mother said that I am not good-looking, and it will be the same when I grow up. There are too many beautiful people around, and they all think that I am not good-looking. If it weren't for this, my mother would not be so anxious about my marriage. "

(End of this chapter)

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