Chapter 19

Could it be Lu Yaoqing's birthday?
Qingwu recalled that Lu Yaoqing was born in the cold winter, and he was not.

She shrugged and said, "That's all, it's okay."

Qingwu turned to leave, but Zhao Jinying called to her, "It will be a coincidence in three days, Junior Sister Cheng has started embroidering purses, isn't Junior Sister Lu embroidering?"

Speaking of which, Qingwu has never passed the Qiqiao Festival, nor does he know how to embroider.

However, Qiqiao Festival is also called Girl's Day, and it is a day when girls give purses to men they like.

Qingwu murmured in his heart, could it be that the little fox wanted her to embroider a purse for his brother?
Seeing that she didn't answer, Zhao Jinying stood there in a daze, and patted her on the shoulder, "Junior Sister Lu, what are you thinking? Are you so preoccupied?"

Qingwu came back to his senses, stroked his chin, and said, "Tell me, if someone wants you to embroider a purse for his brother, is this normal?"

The corner of Zhao Jinying's mouth twitched, thinking: Junior sister, you just missed saying the word Yanchenjin.

He wondered: "This is the first time I've heard of such a thing, but for such a delicate person as Junior Brother Yan, if he rejects him, will he be angry?"

Zhao Jinying had never seen anyone reject Yan Chenjin.

It is true that this is also related to the fact that Yan Chenjin hardly made any demands.

Just thinking about it, Zhao Jinying, a man who is beautiful, noble and cold, feels sad when he is rejected.

Qingwu sighed heavily, "But I don't know how to embroider."

Zhao Jinying patted her chest, "Don't worry, I will, I will teach you."

"Ah?" Qingwu was so shocked that his facial features almost twisted together, "You are a big man, how can you do this?"

Zhao Jinying was proud instead of ashamed, and said triumphantly: "What's the matter? I know a lot. You go down the mountain today to buy some cloth and silk thread, and I will teach you tomorrow, so it's settled."

Before Qingwu could speak, he had already gone back to the house eloquently.

Qingwu stared blankly at his back, who did he make an agreement with?She hasn't agreed yet! ! !
After thinking about it, Qingwu felt that it's okay to curry favor with the little fox once in a while to make him happy. You can give him a purse, but we can talk about the blind date later.

In the afternoon, Qingwu planned to go down the mountain, when he opened the door, he saw Yan Chenjin standing at the door, his hand stopped in mid-air, as if he was going to knock on the door.

The boy's face was not very good-looking, and he seemed to be still angry.

Qing Wu said: "I know the date you mentioned, and I happen to be going down the mountain, do you want to go together?"

Hearing that she remembered it, Yan Chenjin's expression softened a little, and he nodded, "Yes, together."

On the way down the mountain, all Qingwu could think about was, what color cloth should I buy, and what color silk thread should I buy?
If you have it, buy the most gaudy and ugly color scheme, so that the little fox's brother will definitely not like it when he sees it, and maybe he can return it.

In this way, don't you need to bother to look at it?

Qingwu thought well, and his mood improved.

Yan Chenjin asked: "What do you want to eat, I will buy it for you today."

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, and belatedly realized a very serious problem, Lu Yaoqing is a poor ghost, she has no money!
Fortunately, he brought Yan Chenjin down the mountain, otherwise, it would be a waste of time.

She smiled embarrassingly, "Have you brought enough money?"

The young man snorted, with a bit of arrogance on his face, "It's enough for you."

That's good, that's good.

Qingwu asked again: "Whatever I want, you buy it?"

Yan Chenjin didn't answer, but snorted again.

Qingwu has always had a question in his mind, is Yanchenjin's 'hum' okay or not?
They didn't eat at noon, so the two found an inn when they got off the mountain, ordered a few signature dishes, and ordered a jug of wine.

Qingwu sat on the second floor by the window, looking at the street downstairs with people coming and going, she had never seen so many people.

It was the first time to eat in an inn, the first time to see so many people coming and going, the first time to see a lively market, Qingwu felt warm in his heart, and for the first time felt that he was truly alive.

She took a deep breath, as if even the air was sweet.

When the wine came, Qingwu first poured a glass for Yan Chenjin, and then poured another glass for himself.

Qingwu had imagined countless times that when her little fox grew up, he could accompany her to drink and have fun, and now his wish finally came true.

She raised her wine glass, "Thank you, Ah Jin, for your hospitality today, come and have a drink."

Yan Chenjin was a little embarrassed, Qingwu remembered that he was weak, "It's fine if you can't drink it, I can understand what you say."

Originally, he wanted to say that he didn't know how to drink, but after hearing Qingwu's words, Yan Chenjin's entire face sank.

She was underestimating him again!
It seems that he is not a man if he doesn't drink this glass of wine, Yan Chenjin drank the glass of thin wine in one gulp.

In order to prove himself, Yan Chenjin poured himself another glass, and raised the glass to drink it.

Qingwu hurriedly stopped him, "Don't drink in such a hurry, you'll get drunk."

The boy didn't listen to her, brushed her hand away, and drank the wine in the glass again.

What is this for? Drinking is to be happy, but he is fine, like drinking medicine, pinching his nose and tilting his head, it is extremely painful to drink.

When the dishes were served, Yan Chenjin was already dizzy.

Qingwu took some food for him, "Eat something, don't focus on drinking."

The boy whimpered and picked up the chopsticks, but the chopsticks seemed to be against his slender fingers, and he couldn't hold it firmly no matter how he squeezed it, and fell to the ground several times.

Qingwu also convinced him, simply took away his chopsticks, changed to a new pair, picked up a piece of meat, and handed it to his lips, "Stop moving around, open your mouth!"

There was a touch of blush on Yan Chenjin's small face, which was particularly obvious on that white and shiny face, and his eyes were stained with drunkenness, a little blurred, and even more charming.

The bright red lips opened, and the white teeth bit the piece of meat.

Qingwu stared at it in a daze, thinking, this is probably the little boy with red lips and white teeth in the legend?
After eating the sliced ​​meat, the boy would be like a baby bird waiting to be fed, smashing his mouth, and said coquettishly, "I still want to eat."

Qingwu was angry and funny, and asked him: "Which one should I eat?"

The boy smiled silly, pointed at the tip of the bamboo shoot, "This."

After eating in his mouth, he put up another finger, "Take another bite, no, eat again..." He gestured randomly with his hand, and finally spread out his five fingers, saying: "Take eight bites."

Qingwu couldn't help laughing out loud, she put her elbows on the table and leaned on her cheek, and gave him the bamboo shoots to eat with one hand, she asked, "You like this so much?"

The boy smiled brightly, "I like it."

Qingwu couldn't help thinking in his heart, if only the little fox was always so cute.

What a blessing to have such a cute little pet.

After feeding the inkstone dust to his full, Qingwu's tired hands were sore.

(End of this chapter)

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