Chapter 20 The Acting Pet
She shook her hands, put down Yanchenjin's chopsticks, and took a bite of the bamboo shoots that Yanchenjin loved.

With just one mouthful, Qingwu almost spit it out.

I don't know what kind of taste this chaotic mountain has, but such refreshing bamboo shoots are made sweet, sweet and salty, it's really unpalatable.

Isn't it strange that the little fox ate so much?

Qingwu suddenly realized something, and took a few mouthfuls according to what Yan Chenjin ate the most, and sure enough, they were all sweet.

Go and taste what he refuses to eat, which is spicy and salty.

So he likes to eat sweets?

Qingwu has lived with him for more than 200 years, but he never knew it.

The top of Langya Mountain was the place where she was imprisoned, so Yan Chenjin could come in and out at will.

In addition to the enchantment, the mountain is also guarded by disciples of the immortal sect, who bring meals every day.

Qingwu likes spicy and salty food.

But Yan Chenjin can't eat spicy food, and every time he takes a bite, it's so spicy that the fox sticks out his tongue.

Ever since, Qingwu seldom eats spicy food, only salty ones.

The little fox is very obedient, he eats whatever she eats, and never chooses.

Even if he ate spicy food in the past, he would eat it all if he burst into tears.

Qingwu thinks that he has always accommodated Yan Chenjin's taste, but he doesn't know that he may also have been accommodated by her taste.

Thinking of this, Qingwu inexplicably felt a little sad.

Yan Chenjin leaned over and frowned beautifully, "Sister Qing, are you unhappy? Did Ah Jin make you angry again?"

What he said was so aggrieved that my heart melted so clearly.

With a wave of his arm, Qingwu held him in his arms and coaxed him softly, "I'm not unhappy, Ah Jin is so obedient, why would you make me angry?"

Yan Chenjin hugged her neck tightly, leaned on her shoulder, and complained: "I'm so obedient, why don't you call me baby?"

Qingwu's heart trembled like a wave, and his voice was extremely soft, "Baby, let our little one be wronged!"

Who can resist a pet who can act like a baby?

It's true that Qingwu couldn't refuse, and when he heard him acting like a baby, half of his body went numb.

As if Yan Chenjin couldn't hear enough, he pestered her and called her baby several times before he was satisfied.

Qingwu has never been able to fathom Yan Chenjin's mind, this person is just like his real body, cute in appearance, but delicate in heart, concealed so that people can't see through what he likes and dislikes.

He seldom acted like a baby with her, and seldom made demands on her.

I didn't say anything, and didn't want it, just waited for Qingwu to find out and give it to him.

If Qingwu didn't give him when he needed it, he would lose his temper and be very childish.

Therefore, it is only now that Qingwu knows that he loves sweets, and that he likes to be called baby.

Seemingly shrewd, but in fact, a down-to-earth little cutie.

It was already half an hour after the two came out of the inn.

Qingwu supported him to walk, but he didn't like it, and clamored for Qingwu to carry him on his back.

There was no way, Qingwu could only carry him on his back, thinking that there were still important things to do, so he went to buy cloth with Yanchenjin on his back.

The owner of the small stall was a middle-aged lady in her early forties, waving a fancy fan, and said, "The girl wants to buy fabrics to make purses?"

Qingwu was surprised, "How does the proprietress know?"

The woman's eyes rolled around the drunken Yan Chenjin, and Qingwu suddenly understood what was going on.

She smiled, "The proprietress misunderstood, it wasn't for him, he was just my... I raised a younger brother."

The woman laughed, "Girl, you don't need to explain, I understand."

I see you, you don't quite understand!
Without waiting for Qingwu to explain, the woman pulled a piece of Wujin's black cloth and said: "This young man is dignified and dignified, and this cloth is most suitable for him."

Qingwu waved his hand, this one is so pretty, "Is there any kind of delicate and ugly cloth that looks like a woman's?"

Woman: "..."

This girl's taste is quite special!

Qingwu glanced around by himself, pointed to a piece of bright pink cloth that looked like a woman's pocket coat, and said, "That's it!"

Woman: "..."

It's so special, so special!

Qingwu thought, I bought bright pink for the fabric, and dark green for the silk thread.

As the saying goes, red and green are a match for bullshit.

This match is just right!
Qingwu bought a few more needles, wrapped them up and put them in the Qiankun bag.

She shouted to Yan Chenjin behind her, "Baby, give me the purse."

Woman: "........."

It seems that she is really old. The young people nowadays are really... extraordinary.

The boy took out the money bag from his arms, and handed it to Qing Wu obediently.

After paying the money, Qingwu went back with Yanchenjin on his back.

The woman slapped her gorgeous fan a few times and shook her head.

Carry the inkstone dust back to the Chaos Gate, the sky is almost dark.

Qingwu wanted to send him back to his room, but he kicked his legs and refused, "No, I won't go back, I won't go back..."

The two slender legs kicked and swayed, and Qingwu almost couldn't support him, "Be good, baby, don't mess around, you are tired, it's time to sleep."

The young man moaned and shook his head, "I'm not tired. You haven't come to see me for three days. I miss you so much. Please stay with me."

Qingwu froze for a moment, remembering that Yan Chenjin had corrected him in the morning about something he hadn't seen for three days.

These three days, he was waiting for her to find him?

But there is only one room between the two of them. He wants to see her, so he can come over anytime!

Qingwu carried him back to his room and put him on the couch. The young man made a gesture to lie down on the couch, but Qingwu quickly stopped him and took off his shoes before allowing him to lie on it.

The boy hugged the quilt like a kitten hugging a ball of thread, rolling over and over on the couch.

Qing Wu rubbed his head, "Is it fun?"

The boy smiled crookedly and hiccupped, "It's fun."

Qingwu thought to himself, he shouldn't be asked to drink, he should get some milk for him to drink, the best drink is full of milk vapor, and it would be even better if he burped and talked.

She asked, "Want to breastfeed?"

Yan Chenjin stopped rolling back and forth, staring at her heart without blinking, his mouth opened and closed really smelled like wanting to suckle milk.

Qingwu laughed angrily, and patted his forehead, "Honey, I don't have milk for you, but I can get you some milk, do you want to drink it?"

The boy smashed his fingers and said in a low voice, "I want to put sugar."

"Put sugar, put sugar..." Qingwu was amused by him, thinking, you are so sweet, why do you want to put sugar?

When Qingwu went to ask the disciples of Chaos Sect for sweetened milk, Yan Chenjin had already fallen asleep.

It's a pity that I didn't get to see him drinking milk, and I know it must be cute after thinking about it.

Qingwu sighed, lowered his head and took a sip of the milk, and immediately frowned.

Too much sugar is added, it's too sweet, it's so unpalatable.

(End of this chapter)

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