When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 207 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 15

Chapter 207 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 15
What Yan Muqing didn't expect was that the girl stretched out her hand to touch Yan Muqing's forehead with concern.

If it wasn't for Yan Muqing who was so focused on Jiang Chenglang who was sitting at the side right now, it would be absolutely impossible for that girl to succeed.

The moment someone stuck her forehead, Yan Muqing was instantly annoyed.

Just as he was about to get angry, a hand suddenly grabbed the girl's wrist one step ahead of him.

Yan Muqing looked along that hand, and met Jiang Chenglan's frowning face.

The annoyance of being touched on the forehead just now disappeared, replaced by... Cheng Lan is so domineering!

As soon as the girls saw the Lord coming, they immediately left laughing.

Only the one whose wrist was held by Jiang Chenglan couldn't leave, so he could only smile awkwardly at Jiang Chenglan, and said, "Your Highness seems to be sick, and I was just now... I also care about His Highness, Vice General Jiang, please don't misunderstand."

Jiang Chenglan's frown that had been frowned just now slowly relaxed, then he nodded slightly, and said, "Well, it's just that Yan Yan doesn't like being touched by others, it's better for the girl not to touch her."

Saying that, she let go of her hand.

This sentence is wonderful, it seems to be just a reminder, and it seems to be declaring sovereignty.

Such a scene is very useful to Yan Muqing, seeing Jiang Chenglan's suspected jealous appearance, Yan Muqing is very happy.

The girl left wisely, leaving only Yan Muqing and Jiang Chenglan.

Yan Muqing asked her in a low voice, "Are you angry?"

There was neither anger nor joy on Jiang Chenglan's face.

On weekdays, Yan Muqing would really feel that she had this expression, not anger.

But today is Qingwu's birthday, and Jiang Chenglang cares more about her godmother than his own mother.

Therefore, she should have been happy in the first place, but now... if she doesn't look happy, it means she's unhappy!

It's just... Yan Muqing guessed that she probably wouldn't admit it.


as predicted!

Yan Muqing still wanted to ask, but Jiang Chenglan had already turned around to leave.

The boy quickly followed her footsteps, "Where are you going? I'll go with you."

Jiang Chenglan didn't stop, and didn't look back at him, he just said, "It's noisy here, find a place where no one is around for a while."

In fact, Jiang Chenglan didn't even want to understand what happened to him.

Clearly, she knew in her heart that Yan Muqing had some other purpose in talking to those girls.

I knew it well at first, so I didn't think there was any problem.

But...but seeing someone touch Yan Muqing, it felt like a thorn in her heart, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Jiang Chenglang didn't know why she was like this, but her heart was so messed up that she couldn't think.

Therefore, she wanted to find a quiet place and think about what was going on.

Yan Muqing let out an oh, and continued to follow her, "It's a bit noisy here, I'll go with you, to talk with you?"

"No need." Jiang Chenglan refused very seriously.

Yan Muqing paused in her heart, wondering if she had gone too far, was she really angry?

The boy pursed his mouth and said in a low voice, "I'll just stop doing this in the future, so don't be angry with me."

He tugged at Jiang Chenglan's arm and shook it.

Jiang Chenglan was so worn down by him that he stopped, and looked back at him calmly, "I'm not angry, I know you did it on purpose."

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then lowered his eyes embarrassingly, "You know it? Then... do you think I'm too stupid to want to see me?"

Jiang Chenglan shook his head and said, "No, I just don't understand something, let me think about it first."

Yan Muqing didn't let go, "What do you want? Could it be... You want to go back on your word?"

"..." Jiang Chenglan didn't react, "Why do you regret it?"

Yan Muqing shook off her hand, turned her back angrily, "I regret to keep my marriage contract."

Jiang Chenglan was a little dumb, not knowing how to respond for a while, and stared at him blankly.

The boy thought that she was acquiescing by not speaking, and felt even more uncomfortable.

"I know, you've been angry with me since what happened last time. Because I don't consider your feelings, you think I'm a bad guy." Yan Muqing said with a hoarse and choked voice, " I have already apologized to you, and you obviously said you forgive me, how can... how can you hold grudges in your heart?"

"I do not……"

Before Jiang Chenglan could speak quickly, Yan Muqing interrupted, "I don't need you to teach me a lesson!"

"..." She didn't want to teach him a lesson, but just wanted to make things clear.

But Yan Muqing didn't give her a chance to speak, and continued to complain, "It's the same today, watching me get close to others in order to make you jealous, do you think it's just watching a show? To you, I don't care at all. It doesn't matter. You are still willing to keep your marriage contract with me just because you pity me!"

"Say words!" Jiang Chenglan saw that he was getting more and more biased, and felt that it was necessary to drag him back.

This sound seemed to be a reprimand, which made Yan Muqing even more aggrieved, and ran away angrily.

But within two steps, he was chased up by Jiang Chenglan.

She grabbed Yan Muqing's wrist with one hand and pressed his waist, immediately immobilizing the man.

Yan Muqing twisted a few times, as if struggling, but also as if she was playing petty temper.

Jiang Chenglan sighed helplessly, afraid that he would make trouble again, so he simply concluded, "I'm jealous."

Yan Muqing: "..."

The boy was stunned for a while before he realized, "Are you jealous?"

In this case, Jiang Chenglan absolutely didn't want to say it a second time, so she kept silent and just nodded.

The eyes that were still teary just now were immediately sparkling again.

Jiang Chenglan felt even more helpless, and felt that the boy's appearance of being happy and angry because of a little thing was very cute.

She rubbed Yan Muqing's cheeks, wiped away the moisture still stained at the end of his eyes, and said, "Stop making trouble?"

The boy nodded immediately, flattering him like a puppy, his eyes crooked with a smile, "Stop making trouble."

It was also from this day that Jiang Chenglan began to seriously think about whether it was just because he was too slow, and in fact he also liked Yan Muqing.

In order to test this idea, Jiang Chenglan began to bury his head in books.

The love stories in the book made Jiang Chenglan feel pretentious and awkward, making him uncomfortable at all.

Although Jiang Chenglan didn't like it, she could only put herself in it, and then think about it, except for Yan Muqing, it seemed that she didn't want to do it with anyone.

A month later, Jiang Chenglan came to a conclusion that she seemed to probably...really like Yan Muqing!

Jiang Chenglan wanted to tell Yan Muqing his conclusion, but he was not in Yaozu these days.

A while ago, the head of the immortal sect was the first choice to pull out. In the past few days to celebrate, he sent someone to the Yaozu to invite the Yaowang to go.

Naturally, Yan Chenjue didn't have that kind of spare time, so he pushed it to Yan Muqing.

Jiang Chenglan actually didn't want to understand why Yan Muqing, who had always been lazy, would agree to such a thing.

When Yan Muqing came to say goodbye, Jiang Chenglan also asked him.

The boy just scratched his head awkwardly and said, "I'll tell you when I get back."

Jiang Chenglan had no choice but to act mysteriously.

Now, she does have a piece of news that can make him happy.

Inexplicably, Jiang Chenglan felt that this feeling was not bad.

Yan Muqing did not come back on the originally planned day.

Before he left, he gave thousands of reminders that Jiang Chenglan would wait for him outside Yaozu on the day he came back.

Jiang Chenglan got up early in the morning, finished all the matters to be dealt with as soon as possible, and then went to the Yaozu border.

From noon to dusk, Yan Muqing never came back.

Jiang Chenglan felt a wave of worry in his heart, worried that something happened to him outside.

Once this idea was born, it was a little out of control.

She immediately returned to the Demon King's Palace and asked the godmother about Yan Muqing's situation.

Qingwu's expression was a little unnatural, with a secretive look.

Jiang Chenglan noticed something strange and asked, "Does Godmother...know something?"

Qingwu touched the tip of his nose, and said: "You don't have to worry about this... Chenglan, Yan said he's fine, but... some things are delayed, in two days, in two days, I promise he will come back safe and sound of."

Although Jiang Chenglan knew very well that the godmother would never allow any possibility of Yan Muqing being injured, she was unavoidably uneasy.

Qingwu persuaded her for a long time before she could suppress the thought in her heart of wanting to chase after the fairy gate to find out.

Jiang Chenglang returned home absent-mindedly. At the dinner table, her father asked her, "Why are you acting absent-minded?"

She opened her mouth, and finally said only one sentence, "It's nothing."

Jiang Mingyun didn't ask any further questions, but just said to Jiang Qibai: "The Demon King is not in the Demon Clan these days, and I have to help with a lot of things. You may come back for dinner tomorrow, so don't wait for me."

Jiang Qibai nodded, not polite to him, just said: "I will save food for you, you are back... eat some before going to bed."

Looking at his gentle and virtuous wife, Jiang Mingyun felt that no matter how hard and tiring he was, it was worth it.

But Jiang Chenglang, who was silently eating at the side, put down his chopsticks, "Is His Majesty the Demon King not in the Demon Clan? Where has he gone?"

Jiang Mingyun frowned, and said seriously: "Chenglan, what did father tell you before?"

Although Jiang Mingyun and Qingwu are on good terms, their relationship with Yan Chenjue has improved a lot in the past ten years.

But he has always been a principled person, and believes that there are differences between monarchs and ministers.

No matter how good the relationship is, it cannot be ruined because of friendship.

Jiang Chenglan was silent.

She knew that she shouldn't inquire about these things, but she couldn't help wanting to know something about Yan Muqing.

If His Majesty the Demon King left for Yan Muqing, then something must have happened to him!

That man was so clingy to her that he wished he could cling to her every day.

It has been half a month since I went to Xianmen.

It's not normal for him not to come back early, let alone... delayed.

Jiang Qibai knew what Jiang Chenglan was thinking, and also spoke for her, "Today... Yan Yan was supposed to come back, Chenglang didn't wait for him, so naturally he was in a hurry, don't blame her."

Jiang Mingyun nodded and said, "I don't know the details, I just know that I went to the mortal world."

Just the fact that His Majesty the Demon King has left the mortal world is enough to make Jiang Chenglan worry.

If nothing happened to Yan Muqing, why did His Majesty the Demon King go there in person?
Jiang Chenglan supported the table and stood up, "I've finished eating, let's go back to the room first."

Her eyes were a little dark, and her steps were a little weak.

Jiang Chenglan tried his best to control himself to calm down, but there was no way to calm down in his heart.

Ever since, she did the only outrageous act in her life regardless of her status.

Jiang Chenglan took the token and left the demon clan overnight, heading for the fairy gate.

From the first day Jiang Chenglan entered the barracks, he never left without authorization due to personal matters.

This time is an exception and she is willing.

Walking with the sword, after dawn, he arrived at Yaoshan where the leader was.

But after arriving, Jiang Chenglan learned from the guard of the mountain gate that the celebration of the leader of the fairy gate had already ended half a month ago, and there was no continuous celebration.

Jiang Chenglan's heart trembled. If the celebration had ended half a month ago, how could Yan Muqing not go back because of this?

The first thought that popped up in Jiang Chenglan's mind was...Xianmen controlled the only son of the Demon King.

In order to find out, Jiang Chenglan had no choice but to leave first, then turned around, and quietly jumped onto the roof from the back door, taking the opportunity to investigate.

But what is surprising is that there is a peaceful atmosphere in the fairy gate, and there is no weirdness or movement.

Jiang Chenglan thought to himself, since His Majesty the Demon King has received the news, he will not let the Xianmen where his son is imprisoned be calmed down.

She knew she was looking in the wrong direction.

However, this thought made Jiang Chenglan even more uneasy.

If Yan Muqing wasn't here, where would he be?

Any dangerous situation suddenly emerged in Jiang Chenglan's mind, causing her to be physically and mentally exhausted.

Jiang Chenglan begged to see him again through the gate, and this time he took out the token of the Yaozu.

The guard politely invited her in.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chenglan saw the leader of the fairy sect.

Today's Yaozu is not what it used to be, and relying on its powerful influence, it is enough to make Xianmen fear.

Even a small lieutenant like her is qualified to meet the leader.

Jiang Chenglan explained his purpose.

The leader said: "His Royal Highness Yan came here half a month ago. After the celebration, he originally intended to keep him here for a few days, but he left in a hurry because he said he had something urgent to do."

Jiang Chenglan was silent for a moment, and asked, "Does the sect master know where he went?"

The other party shook his head, then seemed to think of something again for a moment, and said: "I seem to have heard him mention that he is going to Wuwang Mountain in the south."

"Wuwangshan?" Jiang Chenglan frowned, not knowing much about this place.

The chief just nodded and said, "I don't know the rest."

Jiang Chenglan thanked him, asked the direction of Wuwang Mountain, and hurried to Wuwang Mountain.

Wuwang Mountain is a Huangshan Mountain, the top of the mountain is empty, not even a tree grows.

There is a depression on the top of the mountain, and a pool of water has accumulated over the years.

Jiang Chenglan didn't know where to start, so he went to Hanchi to find out.

Arriving at the top of the mountain, Jiang Chenglan looked down at the cold pool below. It was calm and there was no wave, except that there was a white layer of cold air above the pool.

After patrolling along the cold pool for a week, Jiang Chenglan found a cave.

She flew down and came outside the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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