When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 208 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 16

Chapter 208 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 16
Just as I was about to walk in, I felt a thick barrier surrounding me.

Jiang Chenglan was using the seal to cast a spell, and was about to break the barrier, when a person appeared in front of her with a flash of inspiration.

That person was none other than Yan Chenjue with a dignified face!
Yan Chenjue questioned, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Chenglan turned pale with shock, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee, "Your Majesty, I... I just..."

She stammered and didn't know how to explain.

In fact, she couldn't explain it at all, after all, she escaped secretly, and even put her responsibility out of the way.

Fortunately, Yan Chenjue didn't make things difficult for her, but said lightly: "Okay, get up, and come in with me."

Jiang Chenglan breathed a sigh of relief, got up quickly, and walked in with Yan Chenjue.

The cave is brightly lit, very bright, there must be someone staying for a long time.

Jiang Chenglan thought to himself, Yan Muqing must be here.

Sure enough, when Jiang Chenglan followed Yan Chenjue into the depths of the cave, he saw a couch carved from ice, and on that couch lay a handsome young man.

Jiang Chenglan rushed over without even caring that His Majesty the Demon King was still there.

She held Yan Muqing's hand nervously, and called him softly, "Yanyan? Yanyan?"

The boy's brows were tightened, but he didn't wake up.

Yan Chenjue said in a low voice: "Don't call him, it will only mess up his mind."

Jiang Chenglan glanced back at him, and immediately tightened his lips.

She wanted to ask what was going on, but she was afraid that if she made a sound, she would disturb Yan Muqing.

Yan Chenjue explained: "He killed the Cold Devouring Beast in the cold pond, and suffered backlash. At this moment, his soul has disappeared into nothingness, and he is fighting with the dead soul of the Cold Devouring Beast. You can stay with him here, but try not to let him Be distracted, otherwise... I'm afraid he will never return."

Jiang Chenglan nodded, but didn't say another word.

Yan Muqing has been fighting this vile battle in nothingness for five days, and he is already exhausted. He vaguely heard Jiang Chenglan's voice, which revived him.

But the voice only rang for a moment, making Yan Muqing wonder if he heard it wrong.

With Jiang Chenglan watching over him, Yan Chenjue said a few words, "Since he can kill the Cold Devouring Beast by himself, then its dead soul is just dying, so you don't have to worry about it. However, his soul He is fine, but his body is weak, if you stay here, feed him spiritual power every day, and make offerings to his body, he will probably wake up within three days."

Jiang Chenglan nodded, keeping everything in mind.

Having said all that needs to be said, there is no need for so many people to guard here, so Yan Chenjue went back to the Yaozu.

In the past three days, Jiang Chenglang took good care of Yan Muqing, watching the boy frown occasionally, Jiang Chenglang held his hand tightly.

Thinking of him fighting alone, Jiang Chenglang couldn't restrain his worries and concerns.

She had so many things she wanted to say to Yan Muqing, but she dared not say anything.

On the evening of the third day, Yanmu woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Chenglan lying on his waist, and sighed deeply, "Why haven't you woke up yet?"

He didn't speak for a few days, and the boy's voice was very hoarse.

Jiang Chenglan who heard the sound woke up leisurely, and asked in surprise, "Are you awake?"

Yan Muqing stared at her for a long time, pursed her lips, and said, "You can only smile at me like this in a dream."

Jiang Chenglan was stunned, and soon understood what was going on.

Just wanted to tell him that he was not dreaming.

The man spoke before her, "Anyway, it's my own dream, so I can do whatever I want, right?"

He seemed to be talking to Jiang Chenglan, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

But soon, he put it into action.

Yan Muqing sat up, but due to lying on the ice couch for a long time, her back was a little stiff.

He rubbed his lower back and said, "How can it be a dream that feels so real? I hate it!"

After finishing speaking, the boy turned his gaze to Jiang Chenglan, pouted his lips immediately, and said, "What are you looking at? Why don't you come over and give me a kiss?"

Jiang Chenglan frowned, and was about to say something when the man hugged him and kissed him warmly.

This was not the first time this kind of thing happened, and Jiang Chenglan didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt a little different from before.

By the time Jiang Chenglan realized it, that person had touched where he shouldn't have touched.

Jiang Chenglan grabbed the man's restless wrist with one hand, and pinched his chin with the other, keeping his face a foot away from him.

Yan Muqing's face was displeased, "It's against you, you are not obedient in the dream!"

After all, the man actually raised his hand back, taking advantage of Jiang Chenglan's inattention, he had already pushed the man back on the couch.

Jiang Chenglan frowned and struggled a few times, angrily said: "Yan Muqing! Are you crazy?"

Yan Muqing seemed not aware of the situation, and slapped her butt with his backhand.

"I almost lost my life in order to marry you earlier, what's wrong with you touching it for me? What's more, it's still in a dream."

It seemed to be a reprimand, but there was a bit of grievance in his tone.

Jiang Chenglan was startled, unable to say what he wanted to criticize.

She only said: "It's not a dream, let me go first."

The young man didn't seem to believe it, after all... If he wasn't dreaming now, Jiang Chenglan would have beaten him already.

"How to prove it?" Although Yan Muqing didn't believe it, he still let go.

Jiang Chenglan's wrist was painfully gripped by him, she frowned and rubbed her wrist, and said, "How do you want to prove it?"

Prove that a person is not dreaming?
This matter itself has already exceeded Jiang Chenglan's cognition of childishness, she just asked helplessly.

Yan Muqing said with a smile, "Come here and kiss me now, and I will believe you."


Jiang Chenglan always felt that he was deliberately taking advantage, but when he thought of what he said just now, he felt a little relieved.

After a long time of mental construction, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

The young man sat stiffly.

Jiang Chenglan was a little at a loss.

Because of Yan Muqing's strong demands and all kinds of mischief, kissing has become a habit.

But all along, it was Yan Muqing who pestered her to kiss her, but Jiang Chenglang rarely took the initiative to kiss him.

The young man who was kissed sighed, "It really is a dream!"

Jiang Chenglan had no choice but to pinch his waist, and the boy grinned in pain.

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

Yan Muqing was about to cry in pain.

It's strange, when he was fighting with the Cold Devouring Beast, he was injured, and the pain was tens or even hundreds of times worse than this, but Yan Muqing didn't feel that much pain.

But Jiang Chenglan didn't even use much force, his eyes were red.

Jiang Chenglan rubbed his cheek, "Don't cry, I'll let you pinch it back."

Yan Muqing snorted lightly, and said, "I'm not that childish!"


Jiang Chenglan thought to himself, your childishness is comparable to that of a three-year-old child.

Of course, she didn't really say that, she just put her arms around Yan Muqing's shoulders and said, "Okay, tell me, what's going on?"

Yan Muqing turned her body to the side and said angrily, "I don't want to tell you!"

It's rare, after going through this incident, Jiang Chenglan has a lot more patience with him.

She stepped onto the couch with one leg and hugged the boy's body from behind.

The man froze and murmured in a low voice, "You said it wasn't a dream, you haven't hugged me much."

Jiang Chenglan was stunned, his head spinning rapidly, as if...he really hadn't had much.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was very soft, like a soft feather, sweeping over Yan Muqing's heart.

The boy's eyes trembled slightly, and he said, "Why... are you apologizing to me again?"

Jiang Chenglan hugged him, with his cheek against his neck, "It's my fault, I wronged you, Yan Yan, I'm sorry, forgive me, okay?"

Yan Muqing shook her head and said, "I don't blame you, I... I'm not that stingy."

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with these words, but Jiang Chenglan's heart shivered when he heard it, and he only felt that the debt in his heart was even greater.

She didn't know her intentions and had no intentions for him.

But he... didn't blame her.

Jiang Chenglan held his hand tighter, "I like you, Yanyan."

Her voice was not too loud, but Yan Muqing doubted her ears.

"What?" Yan Muqing asked her in disbelief.

Jiang Chenglang took a deep breath, as if he was fighting against his own heart, and said firmly: "I like you, I only know now, is it too late?"

Yan Muqing quickly turned around and faced her, her fox eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

"Why... why are you still crying?" Jiang Chenglan asked a little helplessly.

Yan Muqing rubbed the end of his eyes indiscriminately, and asked: "Can you, say it again?"

Jiang Chenglan smiled, pinched his face, and said, "I said, I like you, Yan Yan."

The boy pursed his lips and said, "Is this the last time?"

Jiang Chenglan has never liked to say such sour words, and he has said things like 'this kind of thing, I will only say this once' before.

But at this moment, she shook her head and said, "It's not the last time. I'll tell you as many times as you want."

Just when the young man wanted her to say it a few more times, Jiang Chenglang realized something was wrong, and changed his words: "You can't let me keep saying it... once a day."

Sure enough, the boy's face suddenly became unhappy.

In fact, if Jiang Chenglan hadn't said what he wanted to hear as many times as he wanted, Yan Muqing would have been content to listen to it once a day, but with a precedent, he was naturally not happy.

Yan Muqing begged her pitifully, "Can you do it three times?"

Jiang Chenglan wanted to refuse, telling him not to go too far, but when she saw the young man's beautiful eyes, who was eagerly begging at this moment, she couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay!" Jiang Chenglan agreed.

Yan Muqing hurriedly exercised her power, "Then say it three more times now... no, say it again, I want to listen to it again and again, so I can be happier for a while."

Jiang Chenglan smiled helplessly, and said, "But before that, tell me why you are here, isn't it to attend the celebration banquet?"

Yan Muqing lowered his head awkwardly, fiddled with his fingers, and said, "Originally...I was going to attend the celebration banquet, but...I have other things to do."

"What else, tell me clearly."

If this was in the past, Jiang Chenglan would have been unable to bear his hesitation.

But at this moment, she was very patient, waiting for him to tell the whole story.

Yan Muqing had no choice but to tell the truth: "I want to marry you sooner, but... Daddy said that if you want him to marry you, you have to inherit the position of Demon King first. But my current cultivation is not worthy of the big responsibility. Daddy said Let me come here and kill the cold-eating beast that has been trapped for many years. The cold energy on the cold-eating beast and fighting with it will improve my cultivation. After I kill him, I will take its heart and eat it. It can be greatly increased.”

Jiang Chenglan also guessed a little bit, but not so completely.

She looked at the young man helplessly, for a moment she didn't know whether to blame him or appease him.

Yan Muqing also felt it, lowered her eyes, and whispered: "I know I didn't tell you in advance, it was my fault, I... I won't do this next time, don't be angry, okay?"

He is somewhat scared now.

After all, just now Jiang Chenglan admitted that he likes him, will he regret it now because he is angry with him?

Jiang Chenglan rubbed the boy's limp hair, and said, "I'm not angry, but next time I really don't want to do this. No matter what happens, you have to discuss it with me first. What's more..."

She paused, and took a deep breath, "You don't need His Majesty the Demon King to marry you if you want to marry me."

These words couldn't be more clear, but Yan Muqing was a little dazed and didn't realize it all at once, and said: "I also want to marry you as soon as possible, and I want to spend more time with you. Only in this way can the name be justified."

Jiang Chenglan rubbed the center of his brows helplessly, and said, "What I mean is... you can marry me anytime you want, I will agree, and no one else needs to order you."

Yan Muqing was stunned for a long time, then asked pleasantly: "Really? I can do it anytime?"

Jiang Chenglan nodded, as a promise.

But she forgot that Yan Muqing was a shameless person, so she simply said: "Then tomorrow, today, we will get married now."

"..." Jiang Chenglan regretted saying that.

It seems that before talking to Yan Muqing in the future, she has to think about it first, otherwise, according to this kid's brain circuit, she will sell herself sooner or later.

Jiang Chenglan patted his forehead, "Are you crazy? Married now, in this bloody place?"

The boy looked around for a while, he was still in the cave, surrounded by stones, was this ice couch.

It was only then that he felt that this occasion... seemed inappropriate, so he had to settle for the next best thing, "Then let's go back now and get married after we go back, okay?"

Jiang Chenglang couldn't bear to hit him again for what he said, so he nodded, "You can get married after you go back, but don't be in a hurry. The Ming matchmaker is getting married, so you must be courteous."

Although Yan Muqing felt that those things were insignificant and cumbersome, Jiang Chenglan paid the most attention to integrity.

He nodded quickly and agreed: "Okay, I'll tell my mother when I get back, she must be more anxious than me."

Jiang Chenglan smiled helplessly, always feeling as if he had been tricked.

(End of this chapter)

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