Chapter 35 Only One Pet

The boy frowned, is it enough to hold him once in half a month?
Qingwu thought that he was making progress, so he hurriedly corrected, "One month, one month, the head office, right?"

It's been going on for a long time!

Yan Chenjin glared at her, "If you promise not to touch other kittens, puppies, foxes, etc. in the future, I will give you a hug once every two weeks. If you have other pets, I will never give you another pet." Hug."

Qingwu naturally had nothing else to say, half a month, already very good.

She said that she would hold her once every half a month, but she didn't say how long it was. She nodded with a smile, and raised four fingers, "I swear, from one to the end, from one to the end!"

The boy put the milk in his hand in front of Qingwu, "Of course, you must promise me a lot, and you are not allowed to fish for three days and dry the nets for two days."

"Okay, okay, I promise you." Qingwu said with a smile.

He said everything and listened to the little baby, so naturally he wanted to listen.

Qingwu is very conscious of being a pet slave.

After losing the dog, Qingwu still consciously went to confess to Jiang Qibai. Jiang Qibai was gentle and did not blame her, but comforted her for a while.

Qingwu felt sorry for Jiang Qibai more and more, such a good temper must have been tempered after enduring a lot of hardships.

Seven days later, Jiang Mingyun was finally able to go to the ground.

The Huaguang Sect had already sent a letter, ordering all the disciples to return quickly.

When Qingwu left, he was very reluctant to part with Jiang Qibai.

Among the crowd seeing him off, Qingwu hugged Jiang Qibai, feeling sore in his heart, "Qibai, you have to take good care of yourself, don't always let yourself be wronged, if someone bullies you, write to me and I'll catch up right away." Come here and teach them a lesson."

The girl hugged Qingwu back. There were many female disciples of the Primal Chaos Sect, but Qingwu was the only one who treated her sincerely.

Seeing that Qingwu was about to leave, Jiang Qibai almost burst into tears.

"Ah Qing, you have to... take care of yourself. When I miss you, I will... write you a letter," Jiang Qibai said with a sob.

Qingwu sniffed, feeling that it would be too embarrassing to cry, so he tried not to cry.

She nodded like a pounding garlic, "Sure, if you miss me, just tell me, I will definitely come back to see you."

The two didn't miss each other until they parted.

His old enemy Cheng Anyi defined Qing Wu's behavior as: "Blind and hypocritical!"

Qingwu felt depressed, and didn't even bother to argue with her, but just ignored her.

On Yu Jian's way back to Huaguang Gate, Yan Chenjin, who had a low level of cultivation, took a sword ride with Qing Wu, seeing her unhappy, he felt sad too.

Yanchen put his arms around Qingwu's shoulders, and said: "Ah Qing, I've been standing for a long time, and I'm a little tired, you can hug me!"

Holding the little fox in her arms, she stroked his fur gently.

Obviously fur is the favorite, but now it can't completely heal her sad mood.

The taste of parting, Qingwu has not felt this kind of pain of parting for a long time.

When was the last time?
It was when her parents left her alone in Langya Mountain.

A wave of sadness suddenly climbed into Qingwu's heart, and spread continuously to the whole body.

Two hours later, everyone arrived at Huaguang Gate.

Qingwu looked at the steps paved with bluestone, there were hundreds of steps.

Above the steps is a palace with gorgeous carvings, giving her an extremely majestic feeling.

The monks beside him had already started to walk up, and Qingwu could only keep up.

She was a little puzzled, why did she have to walk on foot when she could reach the steps with a sword?

Walking up these steps is really tiring. Qingwu felt sad at first, and it was even more annoying to climb so many steps. She unconsciously rubbed the little fox's ears.

Seeing his ears twitching, Qingwu felt some comfort in his heart.

Cheng Anyi, who was walking in front, turned around and saw this scene, almost fainted from anger.

Damn Lu Yaoqing, how dare she... play with Ah Jin!

What annoyed her even more was that Yan Chenjin squinted his eyes, looking quite enjoying it.

After finally walking to the top of the steps, Qingwu felt uncomfortable the moment he stepped into the palace hall.

Continue to walk in with the monks, and you will see the magnificently carved hall, which is probably used for receiving guests or discussing business.

Through the side door on the left side of the main hall, you enter the courtyard behind the hall.

It is indeed the largest fairy gate, with rows of palaces standing in front of it. On the left side of the palace is the martial arts arena, and behind the martial arts arena are small courtyards; on the right is a library or a teaching room.

Go through the Martial Arts Field on the left and enter a courtyard.

Although the courtyard is small, it is also compared to palaces and martial arts arenas.

After really being there, she realized that this small courtyard was equivalent to her entire mansion in Langya Mountain.

Qingwu was absent-minded, and followed most of the people to the left side of the courtyard.

The young monks all looked at Qingwu with strange eyes, and Cheng Anyi, who had fallen behind at some point, also stamped his feet and shouted, "Lu Yaoqing, do you want to be ashamed? Are you going to sleep at the men's residence?"

Qingwu: "..."

Oh, yes, on the left is the residence of the male cultivators, and on the right is the residence of the female cultivators.

When Qingwu was at a loss, the fox in his arms turned over and turned into a boy.

He half leaned on Qingwu, whispered: "Ah Qing... wants to take me back to the house."

Realizing that Yan Chenjin was helping her out, Qingwu quickly nodded and said, "Oh, yes, Ah Jin is weak, I have to send him back."

Cheng Anyi clenched his fists, and knives almost flew out of his eyes.

Qingwu is not afraid of troubles, but he doesn't like to make troubles either. Besides, she is in a bad mood and doesn't want to make trouble with Cheng Anyi, so Qingwu put his arms around his waist, "Okay, go back quickly, don't make troubles."

These words are very familiar, as if they are a family.

Yan Chenjin nodded obediently, and let her help him to move forward.

After walking a few steps, Qingwu turned his head and asked him, "Which room?"

Yan Chenjin raised his finger, and Qingwu's gaze was focused on his finger, and he couldn't move away.

This man's hands were slender, slender and fair.

This was the first time that Qingwu looked at his hand carefully, and she stared at it for a while, feeling a little urge to touch it.

Qing Wu was slapped hard by this thought, what was she thinking?

Hugging and touching the real body is nothing more than touching the hand of other teenagers for no reason, it is too wretched.

But in a daze, he felt that it was not that he had never done it before, and he wouldn't be angry if he touched it.

Yanchen Jinjin stopped her motionless, and then followed her gaze, his eyes flickered, and asked in a low voice: "Want to touch?"

Qingwu nodded, suddenly came to his senses, and quickly shook his head again.

Yan Chenjin thought that she was in a bad mood today, but he was very conniving, he gave a low laugh, and said: "Help me into the house first, now...someone is watching."

(End of this chapter)

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