Chapter 36 Beautiful Hands
These words made Qing Wu's ears reddened, and he said it as if the two of them were going to do something...... Shameful business.

She raised her eyes to look at him, and saw that his brows and eyes were full of smiles, and there was a bit of... pampering tenderness.

A trace of strangeness surged in Qingwu's heart, he coughed lightly, and said, "Send you in."

Walking into Yanchenchen's room, Qingwu helped him to sit on the couch.

He suddenly stretched out a hand and placed it in front of Qingwu, "Here!"

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, then realized what he meant, and said to himself: They are all delivered to your door, if you don't touch it, you won't touch it.

Although the young man is sick, his hands do not have a sense of vicissitudes, but are very delicate, obviously skinny palms, but the touch is extraordinarily soft, which makes people love it.

Qingwu was just like a disciple, by the time she realized it, she had already rubbed that white and tender hand red.

She quickly let go of her hand, feeling extremely ashamed, and said, "I'm sorry, Ah Jin, I... couldn't hold back."

Yan Chenjin didn't blame him, instead he smiled and asked, "Don't touch it anymore?"

It's all red, doesn't he hurt?

Qingwu stared at the red-stained hand, "You are so delicate, your hands are red, every time I rub your real body, will it hurt you too?"

The boy didn't deny it, but said: "I can bear it once every half a month."

Qingwu almost forgot about this, and immediately realized, "So, the half month's money is used up?"

When she came back with him in her arms, her mind was full of Jiang Qibai, and she didn't think of this incident at all.

The boy said calmly, "Of course."

Qingwu felt a little regretful, didn't cherish the opportunity, and hugged him for a while longer.

She made up for it and said: "Just now you suddenly turned back to your real body. I haven't hugged you enough, so why don't you hug me for a while? I'll just hug you gently without exerting any force, okay?"

The fox's eyes seemed to have soft hooks, which made Qingwu's heart tremble.

He was silent for a moment and agreed.

Taking advantage of no one outside, Qingwu took the little fox back to his room.

When Qingwu pushed open the door, she was really shocked by the messy and messy scene in front of her.

Messy things fell all over the place, and Yao Qing's living habits along the way... too bad, right? !
But as soon as he entered the door, Qingwu discovered that it was not the mess caused by the house owner's random placement of items, but someone did it deliberately.

The vase that fell on the ground was broken into several pieces, two legs of the chair were broken, ink that hadn't dried up was spilled all over the floor, there were torn paintings, and even the bedding was thrown on the ground.

This was undoubtedly messed up on purpose.

And yes, what just happened not long ago!
Qingwu thought in his heart, even if Cheng Anyi didn't do it, he probably had something to do with Cheng Anyi.

She didn't pay attention to the little fox in her arms looking at the sundries in front of her eyes, with a faint red light shining in her eyes.

Qingwu took a deep breath, rubbed the little fox's fur a few times to calm himself down, and said helplessly, "It seems that I have to tidy it up."

Yan Chenjin's eyes were cold, yes, it's time to tidy up!
Qingwu put the inkstone dust on the couch. Fortunately, during this period of painstaking practice, Qingwu's cultivation base has been greatly improved, and it is more than enough to use a cleaning technique, otherwise, she can clean it up until dusk by hand. up.

A quarter of an hour later, the house was as tidy as ever, Qingwu yawned, and picked up the little fox on the couch.

Last night I was thinking about being separated from Jiang Qibai, and I didn't sleep well all night. Now it's the time when I'm sleepy.

She hugged the little fox and lay down, but she hugged the little fox lightly and didn't dare to use force.

Although the little fox is sick and weak, his fur is soft and warm, making people fondle admiringly.

Just as Qingwu touched the pillow, he yawned a few more times and fell asleep deeply.

When her breathing was calm and steady, the little fox in her arms changed into a human shape, turned sideways, and stared at her without blinking.

The young man gently embraced Qing Wu's waist, leaned closer, and pressed a kiss on her forehead, with a low voice: "Sister Qing, I won't let anyone bully you."

Qingwu groaned like a dream, but soon disappeared again.

This time, I slept soundly.

When Qingwu woke up, the sky was already dark.

She lifted the quilt, and saw the little fox sleeping docilely in her arms.

Qingwu couldn't help poking his ears again, every time he poked, the small pointed ears trembled, which was very interesting.

The little fox woke up leisurely, stretched his waist with his front legs crossed forward.

Qingwu had enough sleep, but he didn't want to get up, thinking that he would never be able to talk to Jiang Qibai with Jiang Qibai in the future, Qingwu was in a very unhappy mood.

She sighed, and gently stroked the soft fur of the little fox in a daze.

Until, a sharp female voice pierced the sky and entered Qingwu's ears, breaking the original silence.

The screams came one after another, one after another, and it was extremely frightening.

Qingwu frowned, unable to pretend to be deaf and dumb, he could only turn over and lay down on the bed, and went out to check with the little fox in his arms.

The sharp shouts attracted many people to poke their heads out of the room.

Qingwu quickly realized that the voice was coming from the next door to her, and someone had already knocked on the door before her.

The girl who knocked on the door turned her head and saw Qingwu hugging a white fox. She was startled, frowned, and shouted, "Lu Yaoqing, where did you get the wild fox?"

This sound attracted the girls from several rooms around, staring at the inkstone in her arms.

"Keep your mouth clean!" Qingwu wondered, has this person seen Yan Chenjin's real body?

It's not that no one has seen it, firstly, they rarely see it, and secondly... no one thinks that a person like Lu Yaoqing can have anything to do with Yan Chenjin, a sick beauty.

Two people, one is one of the hundreds of disciples of Elder Yunhua of Huaguangmen, unknown and taciturn.

And the other is one of the few disciples of Master Baimi of the Huaguang Sect. He is outstanding in appearance, weak and beautiful, and stays behind closed doors all day long. Not to mention Lu Yaoqing, even his own brothers and sisters seldom see him. Appear.

The two are almost incompatible.

The screams in the house have not stopped, these people still care about the fox?
Qing Wu said: "Let's knock the door open, who is in here?"

The girl who knocked on the door rolled her eyes and sneered disdainfully: "You don't know who it is? Lu Yaoqing, you can really pretend!"

Qingwu: "..."

Should she know?

Just as Qingwu wanted to think about it, a few male cultivators had already kicked open the door two or three times.

As soon as the door was opened, three or five big mice rushed out from inside.

The female cultivators were frightened out of their wits, some clinging to the male cultivators beside them, some huddled together, and some were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, and were even stepped on by the rats rushing out of the door.

Qingwu didn't respond, she wasn't afraid of mice.

(End of this chapter)

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