When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 37 The First Public Enemy of Huaguang Gate

Chapter 37 The First Public Enemy of Huaguangmen
On the contrary, during those years of being imprisoned on Langya Mountain, apart from the fox in her arms, the only companions she could have were a few mice, a few snakes, and the occasional flying birds.

On the contrary, the little fox in her arms shrank subconsciously towards her chest as if frightened.

Qingwu caressed the little fox's round head, comforting: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's just a mouse, be good, don't be afraid."

Only then did the little fox calm down a little.

The male cultivators had already rushed into the house, and took the girl inside out after a short while.

The girl was only wearing an inner garment, which was as thin as gauze, and it was loosely hung on her body, as if she was wearing it, but also as if she wasn't wearing it.

If it wasn't for her disheveled hair and being frightened into madness, it would have a special charm.

Qingwu subconsciously covered the little fox's big round eyes, only feeling that this scene was a bit...not suitable for a fox!
The male Xiu put the girl on the ground, and the girl shrank into a ball in fright.

"Ahem, what happened?" Jiang Mingyun's hoarse and cold voice came from behind.

The moment Jiang Mingyun's gaze met Shang Qingwu, his entire face became ugly.

Before, because of Jiang Qibai, the two had a very unpleasant fight, and it could even be said that they hated each other.

Jiang Mingyun glanced at the fox in Qingwu's arms, and said coldly: "Junior Brother Yan really likes to pester Junior Sister Lu, what time is it, and he still refuses to come down from Junior Sister Lu's arms, it's...surprising!"

These words attracted the attention of almost all the nuns around.

The female cultivators looked at the fox in Qingwu's arms one after another, and because Qingwu's hand blocked most of the little fox's face, they couldn't see it.

It's just that there are no other white foxes in Huaguangmen except Yanchenjin.

If it weren't for Lu Yaoqing and others who went down the mountain to catch the evil spirits and just returned today, others would not have asserted that this is a wild fox brought back from outside.

In the crowd, someone shouted with a trembling voice, "Lu Yaoqing, you...how dare you hold the sect master's disciple hostage, let go of Senior Brother Yan!"

Qingwu: "..."

Why did you say that Yan Chenjin held her hostage and insisted on holding her?

Qingwu thought about it carefully, it seems that no one would hold others hostage and squeeze him!
"He's willing," she explained.

The female cultivator was so angry that her voice trembled, "Don't talk nonsense, Senior Brother Yan never lets others touch him, what are you?"

Qing Wu said in his heart: To tell you the truth, I count him as his former master.

Seeing that Qingwu didn't answer, there were a few more pointing voices, attacking Qingwu one after another.

In this battle, saliva stars can drown people.

But it was all thanks to Jiang Mingyun, so Qiu Qingwu remembered it.

Qingwu was scolded severely, so he had no choice but to say: "All right, all right, I was wrong, can't I let him go?"

After all, she was about to let go, but saw the little fox's two little paws tightly clutching her sleeve, refusing to let go.

Qingwu raised his hand and said: "You see, he doesn't let go, no wonder I."

After that, she provocatively pinched the little fox's tail twice.

A group of female cultivators were so angry that they wanted to cut Qingwu down, staring at the glowing eyes, as if they were going to eat people.

Earlier, Zhao Jinying told her about the history of Yan Chenjin's pursuit, but Qingwu still didn't quite believe it, but now he has learned a lot.

She couldn't help sighing that this pretty face really had the upper hand.

Although Yan Chenjin is weak in body and humble in cultivation, he is so popular in Huaguang Sect just because of his face.

This is just the dream lover of the second girl of Huaguangmen!If it is changed to the first, is it okay?

Only then did Qingwu realize belatedly that she was so angry that the first girl's dream lover in Huaguangmen vomited blood, and "occupied" the second girl's dreamgirl. excuse me?
She shook her head helplessly, and said in a low voice: "Look at you, you are delicate and weak, and you are quite good at attracting peach blossoms."

The little fox rubbed her palm, but turned a deaf ear.

"Ah..." A scream once again attracted everyone's attention, and Qingwu couldn't help but look over.

Seeing the girl with disheveled hair frantically pulling at her meager clothes, the scene suddenly became unbearable.

Qingwu covered the little fox's eyes again, and in the next second, a mouse with a tail of one foot jumped out of her clothes, landed on the ground, rolled around, and fled despondently.

Who can watch this scene and not shudder?
Although Qingwu had been with rats and insects in his early years, he was determined not to put rats in his clothes.

This is too... weird!

While the girl was tossing around, her messy hair was lifted, revealing a pale face that was frightened.

Although it was only for a moment, Qingwu could see clearly that the person was none other than Cheng Anyi.

No wonder the nun who knocked on the door just now said she was putting on airs.

It turned out to be an old enemy!

It's just that at this moment, that old enemy looks too untidy and half-clothed, and is still under the gaze of all the male nuns and nuns. How embarrassing is this?

There are countless male nuns and nuns who have made friends with Cheng Anyi in Huaguang Sect, but when this happened, the female nuns felt ashamed for her and did not want to get involved.Coupled with Lu Yaoqing and Yan Chenjin, they were even more distracted.

As for male cultivators, although everyone can get some bargains from Cheng Anyi on weekdays, they more or less pursue her.

But this woman, Cheng Anyi, stood up and down, while luring everyone to support her, she also made no secret of her intentions.

Therefore, the male cultivators wished they could make her go crazy for a while, and look at the beautiful scenery more.

But Qingwu was really embarrassed to face such a scene, and because the girl was Cheng Anyi who was at odds with her, she was not so generous to help her arrange her clothes.

Fortunately, Jiang Mingyun was considered an upright gentleman, so he took off his coat and put it on Cheng Anyi's body, which saved Cheng Anyi's face.

Qingwu remembered that Jiang Mingyun had lent her his outer robe that day on Mount Chaos.

Inexplicably, she suddenly felt that Jiang Mingyun wasn't too bad.

The farce was over, Qingwu sighed, and turned around to go back to the house.

Just two steps away, several female cultivators stopped her.

Qingwu was puzzled, "What does this mean?"

Don't let her go, must she stay and watch?

That female cultivator was in collusion with Cheng Anyi, her name was Liang Zhen.

Liang Zhen stared at Qing Wu, her eyes seemed to be on fire and said: "Junior Sister Cheng, you have to leave without looking back. Could it be that you are a guilty conscience? Rats are rarely seen in this Huaguang Sect. Not to mention such a crowd. I'm afraid someone took advantage of Junior Sister Cheng's rest and put mice in her room."

Qingwu frowned, why do these immortal disciples like to make indiscriminate accusations so casually?

(End of this chapter)

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