When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 38 The Eight Trigrams Are Everywhere

Chapter 38 Gossip Is Everywhere
She said helplessly: "Who can explain this clearly? Maybe it's her own messy life that attracted mice to settle in her house. Can I blame me?"

Someone with sharp eyes shouted, "Just now everyone was scared and panicked when they saw the mouse, but you were the only one who wasn't afraid. If it wasn't you, who would it be?"

Isn't fear of mice the original sin?

Qingwu pointed to one or two male cultivators, and said, "They are not afraid, why don't you say they did it?"

Being speechless by her, the female cultivator said: "You are making too much sense, Lu Yaoqing, you must have something to do with this matter!"

Qingwu rubbed the center of his brows helplessly, and said, "I was sleeping in the room just now, and I just woke up, how do I release the mice?"

This statement even aroused doubts from several people. Liang Zhen was the first to expose her: "Lu Yaoqing, listen to yourself. Does anyone believe what you said? You just slept in the room, and you can hug the inkstone as soon as you come out." Brother, could it be that you mean that your classmate and senior brother slept together?"


Although it sounds unbelievable, but... this is a real fact!
Qingwu didn't want to insult Yanchenjin's reputation, so he fell silent.

The more this is the case, the more suspicious the nuns are.

"Why, you have been exposed, are you speechless?"

"That's right, before everyone, you are not allowed to lie and argue."

"Junior Sister Cheng has a grudge against you, which is known to everyone. Besides you, who else would do that?"


Why do these accusations one by one sound reasonable at first glance?
Qingwu is really hard to tell.

She has never been used to such a scene, and everyone criticizes her verbally.

The last time she faced such a scene was the day she died, when the whole Langya Mountain was filled with cursing and contempt.

That was not a good experience.

Just when Qingwu didn't know what to do, the little fox in his arms said, "I can prove that Ah Qing has been with me since he came back, and there is no chance to release the mice."

Yan Chenjin's voice was very weak, but it still fell into everyone's ears verbatim.

Even so, someone still asked: "But Lu Yaoqing just said that she was sleeping. If she didn't release the mice, why did she lie?"

Yan Chenjin said indifferently: "Ah Qing said, it is true that you are sleeping, it is true that you are with me, no one is lying."

The female nuns all turned pale.

Is he admitting in a disguised form that the two slept together?

How can it be?

This is the inkstone dust that no one can get close to!

How could it be possible for such a small person like Lu Yaoqing... to have anything to do with him?

"Senior brother Yan, don't defend this Lu Yaoqing, she is not a good person."

"Yes, Junior Brother Yan, don't tarnish your reputation for this kind of person."

One mouthful of 'not a good person' and 'this kind of person', Qingwu really wants to know how far these bitter and jealous women can demonize her?
Ashamed to say, shouldn't this kind of thing tarnish the reputation of the girl's family?

How come one or two are only worried about Yan Chenjin's reputation, not her?

However, no one cared about Qing Wu, only Yan Chenjin replied with three words very righteously, "I am happy."

Qingwu coughed helplessly, "So, now, can I leave?"

With Yan Chenjin testifying for her, no one doubted that she had harmed Cheng Anyi. After all, if he had the opportunity to stay with Yan Chenjin, who would waste time doing such pranks?

But Yan Chenjin's words inevitably aroused the jealousy of the female cultivators, and they disliked Lu Yao Qing even more.

After entering the room and closing the door, Qingwu thought to himself, this must not be an accident, but if it was artificial, who would do such a cruel thing to Cheng Anyi?
Although it looks like just a general prank, the effect is very cruel.

Women value fame and morals in the world, and Cheng Anyi was so disheveled and humiliated in front of everyone, his face was ruined, and he was frightened and went crazy.

Although the people behind the scenes are doing harm to the people, they can be regarded as cruel and merciless, and they are by no means good-natured.

Seeing her thoughtful, Yan Chenjin asked: "Cheng Anyi deserved what he deserved, he can't even see a mouse, so he doesn't deserve to be pitied."

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Jin, I thought you were innocent and kind, but I didn't expect you to be jealous. I don't think she's pitiful, but I'm thinking, who did it, and what is the purpose of this person? .”

If it was said that this person was out to take revenge on Cheng Anyi, Qingwu herself felt that she was the most suspicious, but she knew best in her heart that she did not do it.

The little fox narrowed his eyes, rubbed her arm, and said: "Don't think about it, I'm a little sleepy again, you can hug me and sleep for a while!"

That's right, whoever did it, even though the means are bad, but it can be regarded as an outburst of anger for Qingwu, just leave him alone.

The days that followed were uneventful, and the disciples who came back had a rest and went to see the master one after another.

Qingwu originally planned to pay a visit to his master, Elder Huayun.

After waiting for half an hour outside Elder Huayun's hall, the elders serving in the hall came out to reply, "Junior Sister Lu, Master has to come in for a long time, I'm afraid we won't be able to see you for a while. Brother Jiang has already told all the elders about this matter." Report, Master knows that you have suffered, and will order someone to send you some supplements later, so you can rest well."

Qingwu nodded his nose, thinking, what kind of supplements and some money would it be good?

She is really a poor ghost now, and the master is very stingy.

However, Lu Yaoqing is a dissatisfied disciple after all, so it is not surprising that he treats him harshly.

Elder Huayun sat down with disciple No. [-], what is a little Lu Yao doing?
If it weren't for the innate half-demon body, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to see the gate of Huaguangmen.

It's better not to see each other, but it's better to have supplements than nothing, Qingwu said yes, and withdrew.

The female disciples didn't want to see Qingwu, and the male disciples also looked down on her, so Qingwu hung out with Zhao Jinying every day.

This kid really can gossip wherever he goes, and Qingwu followed him, but he heard a lot of love-hate entanglements in the Huaguang sect.

Today is the past of this elder's youth, and tomorrow is the love history of that elder. It's really wonderful.

On the other hand, Yan Chenjin seemed to be in poor health these past few days, and he stayed behind closed doors all day long.

Qingwu was worried about him, and said several times that he would take care of him, but he refused all of them. In the end, he only allowed her to bring him milk every evening.

It's better to be able to see each other than never, so Qingwu agreed.

The incident about Cheng Anyi was well known to everyone, but compared to Cheng Anyi's desperation, the fact that Qing Wu and Yan Chenjin shared the same bed aroused the entire Huaguang sect with emotion.

When the female cultivators saw Qingwu, they had to say something sour.

Especially in the past few days, Yan Chenjin didn't see her much, and some people made a big fuss, branding Qing Wu as an abandoned, humble and resentful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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