Chapter 59 The Changing Face
Qingwu frowned, shook his head, and the man's face turned into Ye Lanyu again!

"Ye Lanyu?" She looked at the man blankly.

The man hooked his lips into a smile, and asked: "My good wife, this king's face can change according to the thoughts of the people I see at the moment. Is Ye Lanyu your wife's lover?"

Qingwu was dumbfounded, she likes Ye Lanyu?
How can this be?

Unless she's crazy, absolutely impossible!

Just as she was thinking this way, the ghost king's face changed into that of Jiang Mingyun again.

It's getting more and more nonsense. If there is a [-]% chance that she likes Ye Lanyu, the possibility of liking Jiang Mingyun is absolutely zero.

Qingwu understood a little bit in a daze, now she was full of hope that Jiang Mingyun or Ye Lanyu would come to save her and Yan Chenjin, so the appearances of the two of them naturally came to mind.

With a bang, the vase that was originally on the table fell to the ground for no reason and broke into several pieces.

The ghost king looked back at the vase, frowned, and took a long time to look away.

'Jiang Mingyun' looked at her with a smile on his face, but it made Qing Wu sick.

Anyway, Jiang Mingyun is also No. 1 in Huaguangmen, with an arrogant and indifferent personality down to his core, how could he laugh like this?

It's like suddenly seeing a face paralyzed smiling treacherously and jokingly, Qingwu just feels weird.

She shook her head, thinking of the little fox, and in an instant the ghost king's head turned into a fox's head.

Due to the limitation of the body, the fox's head is magnified several times, which looks indescribably funny.

Qingwu couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed out loud.

The ghost king took advantage of the situation and approached her, Qingwu frowned, instinctively trying to hide.

She tried hard to think of someone she could accept, and soon, the person in front of her turned into Yan Chenchen.

The young man's face was pale, but against the backdrop of the red wedding dress, he looked extraordinarily beautiful.

Qingwu stared at his face in a daze, a little stunned.

Until the man was close to her face, and said frivolously: "Madam, give me a kiss."

This sentence immediately broke Qingwu's trance, and she woke up in an instant. She pushed the shoulder of 'Yanchenjin', and smiled stiffly, "Husband, we haven't had Hebei wine yet, so we can't kiss."

'Yanchenjin' was silent for a moment, his eyes lingered on her face for a long time, and finally landed on her hands.

He stared at Qingwu's hands stickily, sending a chill down Qingwu's back.

Qingwu gritted his teeth, pulled out a smiling face, and said, "Husband, why do you like my hands so much?"

'Yanchenjin' raised his head, and the fox gave Qingwu a deep look, "Your hands are so beautiful, they are exactly the same as my queen's hands."

queen?Qingwu was stunned for a moment, and thought carefully that Xiling Ghost Valley has been around for hundreds of years, and there is nothing wrong with the Ghost King marrying a few women.

It's just that Qingwu finds it very surprising that this ghost king actually has such a beloved wife?

Qingwu felt contemptuous in his heart, "The husband and the queen are deeply in love with each other, why do you want to marry me?"

'Yanchenjin' smiled coquettishly, and Qingwu couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the difference between this person and a person is really greater than the difference between a person and a pig.

It was clearly the same smile, on Jiang Mingyun's face it was weird and sinister, but on Yan Chenjin's face it was... gorgeous and charming.

Qingwu secretly scolded himself for being insane, to be infatuated with Yan Chenjin's face.

She always knew that the little fox was born well, but today...he looks different from the past.

'Yanchenjin' smiled and said: "The king and the queen have been separated for several years. Although the king misses the queen, it is hard to see her. Madam is beautiful in life, and her slender hands are similar to the queen. In the days to come, It is imperative that Madam accompany you."

After finishing speaking, that broad hand immediately covered Qingwu's hand.

Qingwu's whole face sank, and his body stiffened, so he could not dodge.

Seeing that the hand was about to be attached, a gust of evil wind suddenly blew open the door, and blew straight behind the ghost king's head.

The ghost king stopped his hands, turned around to look, and saw a burst of thick smoke rising outside, which was very strange under the bright red light.

Thick smoke filled the room, and the ghost king flew out to check.

Qingwu also wanted to take the opportunity to sneak out, but was blown head-on by the evil wind, his knees went limp, and a bright red hijab covered half of Qingwu's face.

Before Qingwu could react, the door slammed shut, and then a hand was held around her waist, and a man turned around and imprisoned her against the wall.

Qingwu raised his foot to kick the man, but his legs were weak.

One hand climbed onto Qingwu's chin, leaned against the wall against her head, bent down stiffly and kissed her.

Qingwu struggled hard, but it was still useless, even because of Xipa's cover, he couldn't even see the other party's face.

"Go away!" Qingwu sent out a palm that condensed the demonic energy. The man seemed to have expected it long ago, and he dexterously dodged it with only a slight sideways movement.

Instead, Qing Wu's wrist was grabbed by him.

The man gnawed and bit her lips, and Qingwu felt so painful that he wanted to curse.

She feebly raised her head back to avoid it, but she saw half of the opponent's face from under the hipa.

Even if there is only half of it, Qingwu is already familiar enough to recognize that it is Yan Chenjin's face.

The damn ghost king actually used this kind of indiscriminate means of smacking around.

The corner of Qingwu's mouth hurt, the skin was bitten and blood flowed out.

Only then did the man stop his hands, and as a gust of wind blew open the door, the hands that imprisoned Qingwu also disappeared.

Qingwu angrily tore off the hijab on his head, and saw that 'Yanchenjin' seemed to have been beaten up, with several cracks in his bright red wedding dress, standing at the door, looking out.

She stared at that person, vaguely felt that this person was slightly different from that person just now, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Now Qingwu doesn't care about being poisonous or not, she just wants to kill this bastard who bit her just now.

Fortunately, the feeling of weakness in hands and feet disappeared, and Qing Wu turned out his sword blade, taking advantage of the distraction of 'Yan Chen Jin', and attacked from behind.

But the ghost king was the ghost king after all, so he was very defensive. The sound of the sword blade aroused the ghost king's idea. He stepped back suddenly, and the blade pierced through the air.

The Ghost King frowned, "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

Qingwu was already angry, and now his eyes were red with anger, "Who is your wife, I will kill you!"

The King of Ghosts is very skilled, and Qing Wu's spell and sword skills are not weak, the two of them fought and dodged, and neither of them was able to hurt the other.

Seeing that going on like this was not an option, Qingwu simply held the blade in his hand, drew a bloodstain, channeled the devilish energy into the blood, and attached it to the blade, intending to give the ghost king a fatal blow.

But the ghost king is cunning, and Qingwu failed several times.

Just when Qingwu was at a loss, a puff of thick smoke filled the air again, and the ghost king looked around in astonishment as if his feet had been immobilized.

Seeing the situation, Qing Wu stabbed with his sword, hitting the ghost king's right chest.

The moment the ghost king's skin was pierced, a puff of black smoke escaped from the pale skin.

(End of this chapter)

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