When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 60 The Little Fox Bites Someone

Chapter 60 The Little Fox Bites Someone
It turns out that the changing surface is just a piece of leather.

Black smoke hit Qingwu, Qingwu turned to avoid it, but was still hit by the ghost king on his left shoulder, and bright red blood oozes out.

Worse, the ghost king out of his skin is not something she can handle at all!
Qingwu was about to escape when the black smoke hit again, she couldn't dodge it in time, so she could only raise her sword to cover it.

With a puff, Qing Wu stared blankly at the man in front of him, spitting out blood.

That person was dressed in white, it was Ye Lanque.

He blocked the ghost king's blow for her.

Ye Lanyu spit out all the blood in his mouth, hugged Qingwu by the waist, and jumped up, "Awu, I taught you, Wanjian Wushuang!"

After all, the two separated from each other, and Qingwu led the sword in his hand to spin, one into two, two into four... Countless sword blades followed Qingwu's body and fell from a high place, one after another smashed around the black smoke, forming a circle. A dense sword circle.

Ye Lanyu used spiritual power as a talisman, covered the sky above the blade, and pressed down bit by bit until the black smoke was completely suppressed.

Qingwu fell to the ground with both feet, feeling exhausted all over his body.

Ye Lanyu held her shoulders, "Awu, are you alright?"

Qingwu looked up at him, then pushed him away, "Don't touch me, I'm not a Wu."

Ye Lanyu raised his eyebrows and said: "You are not Ah Wu, how can you use Wan Jian Wushuang? This is a unique secret skill that my mother taught me. Could it be that you figured it out by yourself?"

Did this person just want to test her?
Qing Wu patted his shoulder lightly, "It's none of your business!"

After being hit by Qingwu, Ye Lanyu, who had already suffered internal injuries, vomited blood again.

Qingwu's eyes trembled, feeling uneasy.

No matter what, it was because of her injury that Ye Lanyu was injured, and it was really wrong for her to avenge her kindness.

But this person...

Qingwu turned his back, out of sight, out of mind.

Seeing that she ignored him, Ye Lanyu yelled, "Awu, I'm in so much pain, why are you so cruel?"

Although Qingwu is angry at him and blames him, but every yard counts, and she can't just sit idly by now.

She grabbed Ye Lanyu's wrist and transformed all the devilish energy in her body into spiritual power to give him as compensation, and she never owed anything.

Ye Lanyu pressed her hand and said with a smile: "This is not what I want, well, I won't tease you."

Qingwu gritted his teeth and shook off his hand, "You can play by yourself, I have to save Ah Jin."

After all, Qing Wu didn't care about Gu Ye Lanyu, and walked along the path he had walked to the yard where the coffin was parked.

Ye Lanyu didn't mess around anymore, took out a soul lock bag from his arms, took the ghost king, and followed Qingwu step by step.

When he saw the happy coffin, Qing Wu hurriedly ran forward and pulled open the coffin lid.

A young man in white was lying in a coffin, with tears on his face, saying over and over again: "Twenty thousand, twenty thousand..."

Qingwu stepped into the coffin and helped the boy up.

The boy sobbed and lay on her shoulder, as if terrified, muttering twenty thousand in his mouth.

Qingwu patted him on the back, "Jin, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm back. Why do you keep counting to [-]?"

Yan Chenchen choked up and replied: "It's been a long time since I counted to [-], and you still haven't come back."

His voice was aggrieved and pitiful, and Qingwu's heart was broken when he heard it, "I'm back, haven't I come back?"

Yan Chenjin looked over Qingwu's shoulder, and met Ye Lanyu's eyes, his eyes sank and turned dark red.

"Big Sister, Big Sister..." Huang Mingshu arrived before the sound, and rushed over with Jiang Mingyun and others.

When Jiang Mingyun saw Qingwu and Yanchenjin who were crying and hugging each other, he immediately frowned, in broad daylight, how decent!
Huang Mingshu knelt down beside the coffin, and said guiltily: "Big sister, I'm sorry, I didn't know my second brother would do such a thing. I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I don't blame you." Qingwu let go of the inkstone dust a little bit, and the boy leaned against her heart with his arms wrapped around her again.

Jiang Mingyun glanced around Qingwu and Yanchenjin, stared at Qingwu's broken lips, and said, "What's wrong with your mouth?"

Her mouth was bitten by the ghost king!
Being mentioned suddenly, Qingwu felt a little guilty for no reason, and cautiously lowered his eyes to look at Yanchenjin, as if a husband who was promiscuous outside was exposed in front of his wife.

Yan Chenjin was still choking, and rubbed his head against Qingwu's neck, as if he didn't hear it.

Only then did Qingwu heave a sigh of relief, and gave Jiang Mingyun a look, "If you don't need it, don't ask!"

Jiang Mingyun looked at Yan Chenjin's face, seeing the young man's bright red lips, he had some guesses in his heart, and became even more contemptuous.

Ye Lanyu coughed lightly, "Let's get out of here first."

Qingwu helped Yanchen Jin get up, but the boy's legs were so weak that he couldn't walk, so Qingwu could only carry him on his back.

When leaving the ghost palace, Ye Lanyu gave Qingwu a bone and said: "This is a token that can enter and exit the enchantment, you take it."

Qingwu raised his eyes and looked at him, the man smiled very softly, so gentle that it made people suffocated.

She took the bone and held it in her hand, with suspicion in her eyes, "Why help me?"

Ye Lanyu was stunned for a moment, taking advantage of Qingwu's carrying Yanchenjin on his back, unable to resist, he patted my head and asked, "Why do you say?"

This kind of ambiguous answer made Qing Wu angry the most, she shook her head, but failed to shake off Ye Lanyu's hand.

"Hiss!" Ye Lanyu withdrew his hand in pain, and two deep teeth marks on the back of his hand came into view.

Yanchen raised his head and glared at him resentfully, but the two sharp fox teeth hadn't retracted yet.

Qingwu also noticed the two tooth marks, sneered, and turned his head to glance at the young man behind him, "Little villain, why are you still biting?"

The boy snorted dissatisfiedly, buried his face under her collar, and bit her neck too.

Just now Qingwu thought he was a theatergoer, but now he was bitten by Yan Chenjin, and he frowned in pain.

This kid's mouth was really serious, it hurt so much.

Qing Wu was so angry that he patted his butt, "It's against you?"

Seeing that boy buried his head down again, Qingwu pulled off his long legs, "Bite me again, and I'll leave you behind!"

This conversation sounded like a lie to children, but Yan Chenjin believed it, and his eyes were red with grievance, and the two arms holding her neck suddenly tightened, as if they were going to strangle Qingwu's neck.

Qingwu coughed a few times, and scolded: "Inkstone dust!"

After being reprimanded, the boy obediently let go of his arms a little, lay on her shoulders, and stopped moving.

Ye Lanyu said helplessly: "Jin, you are so heartless, I treat you so well, and you still bite me?"

Although he said so on his mouth, his words were full of doting.

Yan Chenjin ignored him, only cast a cold glance at Ye Lanyu, then turned his head to the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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