Chapter 83 Poor Young Master Jiang
A quarter of an hour later, Yan Chenjue asked for no reason: "Are you asleep?"

After the silence, he breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to put his tail away, a girl's voice came from behind, "I'm not asleep."

Yan Chenjue: "..."

Why is she still up?
He drew circles on the pillow with his fingers, and discussed, "I want to turn over, okay?"

This suggestion was cruelly rejected by Qingwu, "Not good!"

Yan Chenjue turned his dark eyes, and asked again: " you want to look at the fox's ears?"


Yan Chenjue suddenly felt that there was a chance, and said firmly: "Yes, ears, my ears."

The person behind him pondered for a long time, as if he was a bit reluctant.

Yan Chenjue frowned, shook his pointed fox ears a few times, and successfully attracted Qingwu's attention.

She finally let go of her hand, and said with a smile, "Jin, turn around."

Yan Chenjue turned around, his eyes were full of soft streamers, Qingwu grabbed his ear with considerable strength, and Yan Chenjue frowned in pain.

"Where did you get so much strength? Don't talk!" he shouted angrily.

Qingwu rubbed it lightly, and under the gaze of his beautiful fox eyes, couldn't help but kiss him.

Yan Chenjue, who was flattered, moved her eyelashes, "Kiss again."

She smiled and kissed again, "I like you."

Although Yan Chenjue knew that she was drunk at the moment and couldn't take what she said seriously, she was still illuminated by this sentence like a warm sun.

He whispered: "If you like me, you are not allowed to like Jiang Mingyun anymore."

Qing Wu stared at him blankly, as if he was thinking about why he couldn't like Jiang Mingyun if he liked him.

The long silence made Yan Chenjue's heart sink, and he said angrily, "Bad woman."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, and the oil lamp on the table was also extinguished.

In the dark, she held his ear and kissed him secretly.

Yan Chenjue slowly opened his closed eyes, feeling angry and joyful in his heart.

He hates her being so volatile, if he likes him, he shouldn't be intimate with Jiang Mingyun anymore.

Even if it was Ye Lanyu, he could accept it, because Qingwu had rejected him before, but Jiang Mingyun was different.

She prayed for him, worried about him, and even... liked him.

Those were things he didn't get, so he was angry, jealous, and sad.

After dawn, Qingwu woke up from the hangover.

She hadn't been drunk in years.

Yesterday Jiang Mingyun was extremely depressed, which caused Qingwu to be depressed too, and the two drank dryly again, without even ordering food or drink.

So, even she was drunk.

Before opening his eyes, he felt the soft little ear trembling in the palm of his hand.

Qingwu opened his eyes in a daze, and what caught his eyes was an extremely handsome face.

Her first reaction was, how can someone be so good-looking, even with their eyes closed.

When her mind was a little clearer, she realized who the person in front of her was, and she jumped up suddenly.

But when Qingwu got up, he pulled Yan Chenjue's ear, and woke him up violently.

Yan Chenjue frowned and opened his eyes, looking at the snow-white fox fur that Qingwu ripped off, he didn't understand the situation, and with a hint of coquettishness, "What are you doing?"

This delicate voice suddenly hit Qingwu's heart, why is this voice so similar to Yan Chenjin?

At that time, Yan Chenjue also realized something, coughed lightly, and said in a cold voice: "Miss Qing is definitely awake."

Qing Wu only thought that he was still drunk, shook his head, and confirmed that the person in front of him was Yan Chenjue, not Yan Chenjin.

She stammered, " are"

Yan Chenjue was helpless, "This is my room."

Qingwu: "..."

"Then...then I...why am I here with you?" She checked in a panic, only to feel a little bit of comfort in her heart.

Yan Chenjue replied, "I went down the mountain yesterday, and I happened to get two good paintings, and I wanted to show them to Miss Qing. When I went to Miss Qing's place, it happened that Miss Qing and Mr. Jiang were drunk. Afterwards, Mr. Zhao took Jiang The young master took it back. I helped Miss Qing onto the couch and left."

He paused intentionally as if to whet his appetite, which made Qingwu even more nervous.

Qingwu's palms were sweating, and he asked eagerly, "Well, what then?"

Yan Chenjue still didn't change his face, and replied solemnly, "Then I went back to the room. I don't know how Miss Qing came in. I insisted on fox tails. This is not enough. Miss Qing asked for fox ears again, and I refused. , Miss Qing threatened me, I really had no other choice but to do it, so I gave up."

The more Qing Wu heard it, the more ugly his face became. What did she do, what did she do? !

She was pulling her hair with both hands, wishing she could kill her with a piece of tofu.

After a long time, she asked helplessly, "Why didn't you push me away, why didn't you throw me out?"

He clearly has this ability!
Yan Chenjue was silent for a moment, and said: "I have a good impression of Miss Qing's knowledge and self-cultivation, I can't bear to treat her like that."

If you can't bear it, you just have the heart to let me mess around like this?
Qingwu was going to collapse, she finally felt like she fell in love with Yanchenjue, and she treated Yanchenjue like this when she was drunk.

If Ah Jin knew, he would die of grief.

Qing Wu hurriedly knelt down in front of Yan Chenjue, clasped his hands together, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry His Royal Highness, I'm really sorry for doing this to you. But I beg you, please, please, please don't take this Tell others, please!"

Yan Chenjue stared at her for a long time, with a bit of coldness in his eyes, "Is that why you care about him?"

Although he tried his best to keep his tone as calm as possible, he still couldn't hide the insidiousness and ruthlessness in his words.

Qingwu nodded, "I really care about him, please, Your Highness the Crown Prince, I am willing to repay His Highness the Crown Prince, and I just ask His Highness...don't tell him."

Ah Jin would not be able to accept it, and he might cry out of anger.

Qingwu swore in his heart that he would never drink again in his life, never again.

Yan Chenjue didn't know what was going on in her heart, he only thought that the person she was talking about was Jiang Mingyun.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a long time, Yan Chenjue rebelliously turned over and lay down on the bed, and he said, "Don't even think about it."

After all, he left without looking back.

This is the first time since Qing Wu and Yan Chenjue came into contact, he let go of Jingui's dignity and said such unreasonable words.

When Qingwu stared helplessly at the back of the man covered by the door, she thought to herself, she was finished.

But Yan Chenjue couldn't be blamed for this matter, it was all her fault, and it was all her and Jiu's fault.

But at this time, it was too late to say anything, Qingwu lowered his eyes, feeling that he really couldn't do anything well.

When you like others, you don't notice it, but when you finally realize it, you have to make some surprises yourself.

But now it's all right, it really pushed her to a dead end, there were cliffs ahead and back, a dilemma.

Qingwu left Yanchenjue's room with an empty head, and went back to his own room in a daze.

It's clear that this road is not very far, but it makes her walk extremely difficult. She feels bitter, and nothing goes her way.

She lay in the room for a whole day without even going out the door.

One is that she is mentally exhausted, she doesn't want to go anywhere, and she doesn't want to do anything; the other is that she is a little bit self-defeating and her mind is in a mess.

Qingwu closed his eyes, wanting to sleep for a while and escape from reality.

But after a while, she still couldn't fall asleep, every time she closed her eyes, Yan Chenjin would ask her how she could treat him like this.

Qingwu simply did not dare to close his eyes.Just emptied his head like this, staring at the roof stupidly.

She couldn't help but guess, Yan Chenjue won't send a letter to Ah Jin now, right?
Ah Jin is still recovering from his injuries. If he knows about this, will his condition get worse?Will you vomit blood?Will you shed tears?
Qingwu suddenly raised her hand and slapped herself, she repeatedly asked herself what the hell was she doing?
If Ah Jin doesn't like her because of this, what should she do?
Qingwu has always been fearless and meaningless, and doesn't feel that there is anything she is afraid of, but now, she finds that she has something to fear.

She was afraid that Yanchen would be misunderstood, that Yanchen would be sad, and that Yanchen would be angry.

Besides, last night, Zhao Jinying confirmed that Qingwu was sleeping soundly in the room, so she fetched water for Jiang Mingyun, and when she returned to Jiang Mingyun's room, the man was still yelling for water repeatedly.

Zhao Jinying was a little contemptuous, thinking: I am not here, what are you shouting about?And no one could hear.

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhao Jinying was a complete coward, and he didn't dare to say it out, even Young Master Jiang might not be able to hold his sword steadily at this time.

He gave Young Master Jiang a drink of water, and the other party was quiet.

Zhao Jinying asked: "Brother Jiang, why are you drinking with Junior Sister Lu?"

The instinct of gossip made Zhao Jinying feel that there must be something wrong.

As soon as Jiang Mingyun heard the word 'wine', he immediately regained his energy, and shouted boldly: "I can still drink, Lu Yaoqing, two more jars, one jar for you, and two jars for me."

The corner of Zhao Jinying's mouth twitched, thinking: Why does Jiang Mingyun seem to be out of his mind after being drunk?

However, this is a good opportunity, and it may not be certain that some secrets can be dug up.

"Senior Brother Jiang, you never drink alcohol. Why did you drink so much this time? Do you... feel uncomfortable?" Zhao Jinying asked tentatively.

As soon as Jiang Mingyun said that he was uncomfortable, he was about to cry, "My heart aches, I really ache, why, I finally mustered up the courage to tell you that I fell in love with you, how could could you Do this to me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Mingyun grabbed Zhao Jinying's neck.

Just then, there was a crackling sound from the door.

Zhao Jinying was pinned by Jiang Mingyun's neck, and wanted to turn around to look at it, but she couldn't.

Just listening, Jiang Mingyun yelled in his ear, the voice was long and dragged drunk, "What are you looking at? Get out!"

A boy's voice sounded from behind Zhao Jinying, "I'm sorry, Brother Jiang."

Then came the sound of hurried trots.

Zhao Jinying quickly pushed Jiang Mingyun, but was strangled tightly by that person.

Jiang Mingyun seemed to be crying, "I really like you, I really like you, Qibai, I'm better than him, you like me, like me!"

Zhao Jinying was stunned, his guess was right, Jiang Mingyun really liked Jiang Qibai.

Not only did he like her, but he also got drunk for her.

The corners of Zhao Jinying's mouth almost went behind her ears, thinking that she must tell others about this big gossip tomorrow.

But right now, it's better to find a way to break free from Jiang Mingyun.

But Jiang Mingyun was like binding an immortal rope, the more he struggled, the harder it was to escape.

When Zhao Jinying felt that he was going to be out of breath, the man threw him out all of a sudden.

Zhao Jinying: "..."

What about using him as a burden?Just throwing it around?

He just wants to hear gossip, it won't be so miserable, right?
Fortunately, Jiang Mingyun just regarded him as Jiang Qibai and talked for a while.

At noon the next day, the elder ordered his disciple to pass on Jiang Mingyun, but the door was unlocked, and the disciple pushed the door open and came in, screaming in shock.

Jiang Mingyun had a severe headache, and when he opened his eyes and saw Zhao Jinying, he scolded angrily, "You... who allowed you to be here?"

Zhao Jinying was also bitter in his heart, he said: "Brother Jiang, I saw you drunk yesterday, so I sent you back, and then you took me for Miss Jiang."

Jiang Mingyun's brows were all wrinkled together, " still don't want me to get out?"

Zhao Jinying rolled down as if she had been pardoned, and was about to go out, but saw a junior waiting outside the door.

He turned back nervously, "Brother Jiang, there are people outside, I..."

Jiang Mingyun stood up, arranged his clothes, and gave him a cold look, "You stay here for me, and get out immediately when I leave!"

Zhao Jinying dared not to follow, nodding repeatedly.

Just when Jiang Mingyun was about to go out, he turned his head and said to Zhao Jinying: "This matter is not allowed to be spread, and... no matter what I did or said yesterday, I am not allowed to say a word, otherwise, don't blame me You're welcome."

Zhao Jinying quickly replied, "Yes, yes, I know."

I know, but I don't listen!
After Jiang Mingyun left for a while, Zhao Jinying sneaked out of Jiang Mingyun's room.

Before entering the house, he was stopped by Xiao Li, "Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Zhao..."

Because Zhao Jinying was absent-minded, Xiao Li yelled for the fifth time before he came back to his senses.

Xiao Li asked him suspiciously, "Brother Zhao, why do you look so guilty?"

Zhao Jinying smiled embarrassingly, "Stop talking nonsense, kid, when did I feel guilty?"

Xiao Li didn't care, leaned close to him, and whispered: "I happened to be looking for you, I got a big gossip, do you want to listen?"

What big gossip, Zhao Jinying thinks there is no gossip now, it's bigger than the fact that Jiang Mingyun really likes Jiang Qibai, and even got drunk because of Jiang Qibai.

He curled his lips in disdain, and said: "Your boy is lucky today, and I also have a big gossip, come in, let's talk slowly."

Xiao Li followed Zhao Jinying into the room, and the two sat down in front of the small table in the middle of the room. Zhao Jinying shook the teapot on the table, there was no tea, but there was still some water.

He was too lazy to fetch water, so he poured a glass of water for Xiao Li and himself.

(End of this chapter)

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