When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 84 The Young Master Jiang who fell into the ditch

Chapter 84 The Young Master Jiang who fell into the ditch
Zhao Jinying had just experienced a thrilling threat, and now she was tired, so she picked up the water glass, raised it, and said, "Let's talk first."

Xiao Lishen said mysteriously: "Brother Jiang likes men!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jinying sprayed all the water on Xiao Li's face.

Zhao Jinying was choked and coughed violently, "You...cough cough, what did you say?"

It's like you thought you knew a big secret, but before you could say it, it was completely overthrown by someone.

But Zhao Jinying thinks that Jiang Mingyun likes Jiang Qibai, and he admits it after he was drunk!
Xiao Li looked at Zhao Jinying with a look of "I guess you don't know about it", and wiped the water stains on his face unhurriedly, "This is what I saw with my own eyes. Just last night, I saw Jiang The door of senior brother's room was open, and I was going to report to him about the investigation of today's prince of the demon tribe, but when the door opened, senior brother Jiang was holding a man in his arms!"

Zhao Jinying: "..."

The co-author was not someone else who was scared away last night, but Xiao Li? !

Zhao Jinying coughed a few times and said, "Maybe...it's a misunderstanding!"

Xiao Li said: "Is it true what I saw with my own eyes? Besides, Senior Brother Jiang said it himself, he said they are in love, so I'm not allowed to see it."

Zhao Jinying scratched her head, vaguely as if there was such a thing.

He was really going to be killed by Jiang Mingyun, but fortunately he didn't turn around at that time, otherwise, what kind of messy rumors would have spread!
It was the first time in her life that she ate melons and ate her own melons, and Zhao Jinying really broke down.

He retorted, "But you only saw a figure from the back, how can you tell that Jiang Mingyun is hugging a man?"

Xiao Li was stunned, "Brother Zhao, how do you know that I only saw the back?"

This question made Zhao Jinying break out in a cold sweat, and he smiled a little stiffly, "I... I guessed, guessed... guessed."

Fortunately, Xiao Li didn't care about it, just smiled and said: "You are too powerful, you can guess all of this. However, although I only saw a back view, that person had his hair tied up and a white jade crown on his head , women who use hair crowns?"

Zhao Jinying broke into a cold sweat and smiled even uglier.

Xiao Li suddenly discovered something, and exclaimed, "Hey...it's similar to your hair crown, Senior Brother Zhao, and it looks like a man's thing, so it's unmistakable."

"Ha...haha...it turns out...so that's the case, it's really possible. Brother Xiao, I suddenly remembered...I still have something to do, or you should go back first!" Zhao Jinying laughed. He stood up abruptly, afraid that Xiao Li would realize that he might be the one being hugged—the man if he stayed for a second longer!
Xiao Li frowned, and said: "But you haven't told me yet, your gossip is reciprocal, why did you listen to me and not tell your own?"

What did Zhao Jinying say?
Said that last night while Jiang Mingyun was drunk, he heard that he liked Jiang Qibai?
So how did he explain how he heard it last night?
He had no choice but to say: "It's nothing, I just heard that some female cultivators in the sect fell in love with the prince of the Yaozu. Compared with you, it's really nothing."

Xiao Li looked disappointed when he heard it, "That's it? Is it worth hearing about it? Just yesterday, the elder sent his disciples to go out with the prince to investigate, and I was among them. Talk to the prince."

"Hey," Xiao Li sighed, "It's strange to say that Senior Brother Yan is so cold and withdrawn, but he is a princely brother who is very polite. So many women are circling around him like flies, yet he also Answer them one by one without being impatient. With such patience, it’s no wonder that you can be a prince.”

After finishing speaking, Xiao Li noticed that Zhao Jinying had already lost his mind.

He slapped Zhao Jinying's shoulder suddenly, and Zhao Jinying was so scared that he couldn't hold back, "It's not me, it's not me!"

Xiao Li was also frightened, "Brother Zhao, what's wrong with you? I didn't mention you, I mentioned the crown prince!"

Zhao Jinying breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay, I understand, you can go, and I will tell you next time if there is something else."

Xiao Li nodded, and said: "Okay, I'm just going to investigate, to see if I can find Brother Jiang's little lover."

Seeing Xiao Li bouncing away, Zhao Jinying finally suppressed the old blood in her throat.

Qingwu has been lying in the room from dawn to dusk, without even moving himself.

If it wasn't for the noisy outside, it seemed that something serious had happened, Qingwu was going to lie down in a daze until the next day.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw a few young monks carrying a person, who was dying and motionless, his face was blocked by the monks, so she couldn't see who it was.

But the whole body is black and looks dirty.

Until the man was carried into Jiang Mingyun's room.

"..." Jiang Mingyun?How did he get hurt again?Could it be that the wine didn't wake up and fell into the ditch?

Qing Wu was about to follow to have a look, but saw Yan Chenjue coming back from the outside.

She stopped quickly, as if her whole body was frozen in place, unable to move.

The worst thing is, Yan Chenjue didn't go back to the room, but walked towards her directly.

Qingwu wanted to run instinctively, turned around and took two steps, his head hit the door frame with a bang, and a stream of blood immediately flowed down.

She gritted her teeth in pain, and quickly covered the wound with her hands, but someone grabbed her wrist.

Yan Chenjue pulled her into the room, pressed her on the couch, Qingwu got up, "Don't bother His Highness, I will do it myself."

The boy pressed her shoulders again and forced her to sit down, Qingwu wanted to get up, but seeing the boy's cold face, she suddenly became a little timid.

After all, the handle is in other people's hands now, and Qingwu dare not offend him.

Yan Chenjue looked at the wound on her forehead, feeling distressed, but also very angry.

She doesn't want to see him that much?
Dodge as soon as you see him, at the expense of hurting yourself?

Yan Chenjue poked her wound with his finger angrily, and Qingwu grinned in pain, "It hurts, His Royal Highness, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

She knew he did it on purpose!

The young man pressed her shoulders, he didn't take revenge any more, and gently covered the wound with his fingertips, and soon, the wound healed completely.

"Do you still dare in the future?" Yan Chenjue asked.

Qingwu felt that his tone as if he was educating a child made her feel awkward, but she didn't dare to resist him, "I dare not, His Royal Highness, did you tell him what happened yesterday?"

Yan Chenjue's slightly relaxed face suddenly turned extremely ugly, she only cares about this?
He gritted his teeth and said, "I will do what I say, and he already knows."

In fact, Yan Chenjue didn't tell Jiang Mingyun, but just used some tricks to let the kid have a long memory and stop thinking about people he shouldn't be thinking about.

Qingwu's face was pale, and he was speechless in a daze.

Her reaction...

Yan Chenjue was impatient, wishing he could bite her.

"You care so much about what he thinks?" he demanded.

Qing Wu lowered his eyes and nodded blankly.

More than just caring, caring very much.

He was so fragile, he might cry.

Yan Chenjue clenched his fists, and said coldly: "I didn't tell him, don't worry, he will... never know in his life!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Chenjue left angrily.

Qingwu looked at the back of him leaving, and couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad.

Logically speaking, she should be happy that Yan Chenjue didn't tell Yan Chenjin, but... even if he didn't tell Ah Jin, can this matter be regarded as never happened?

Qingwu sighed and lay down weakly.

Jiang Mingyun really fell into the ditch, and it was a stinky ditch full of sludge.

It is said that Yan Chenjue forced out the remnant soul from the body of the monster. Under the guidance of the remnant soul, everyone went to look for it. They didn't know how Jiang Mingyun did it, so they fell into the ditch without paying attention.

The fellow monks found two white bones from the black mud in the ditch, and it was said that clues were found on these two bones, so Yan Chenjue was not at Huaguang Gate these days.

Qing Wu dared to go out when he was not there.

The injuries on Jiang Mingyun's body were all minor injuries, and he recovered after treatment, but he was injured by a female ghost in Chaos Mountain earlier, which hurt his tendons.

This time, the old injury recurred again, and I lay down for three days in a row.

When Qingwu went to see him, most of his body had recovered, and he could get out of bed to drink water occasionally.

Jiang Mingyun looked at her coldly, and said: "You came to see me, and you have to pour water for you as a patient. You are really embarrassing."

Pulled back from his thoughts by his words, Qingwu hastily took the kettle from him and poured himself a glass.

The poured water overflowed, and Qingwu finally came back to his senses.

Jiang Mingyun sighed, "Are you here to visit a doctor, or are you here to cause trouble for me?"

Qingwu put down the kettle, sighed, and said: "I see that your illness is almost recovered, so I won't make trouble for you, I'll go back first."

When Jiang Mingyun saw her walking with her left foot mixed with her right foot, as if she was absent-minded, he knew that something must have happened to him because he was injured.

He called Qingwu to stop, "Lu Yaoqing, come back."

Qingwu's head was in a daze, he didn't even realize that it was him who was shouting, so he walked out with his head sullen.

Jiang Mingyun shouted again, "Lu Yaoqing?"

It was only when he shouted the second time that Qingwu finally stopped and looked back at him with a puzzled look on his face, "Is there anything else?"

Jiang Mingyun sat back on the couch, frowning, "Come here and tell me, what's the matter?"

Qingwu waved his hand, twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled ugly, "I'm fine, don't worry, I won't fall into the ditch when I go out."

"..." Jiang Mingyun glared, "Who are you mocking?"

Qingwu really didn't want to mock him this time, but just said it casually, and happened to hit him, "I didn't mean that, I meant, oops, I'm fine, just leave me alone."

Jiang Mingyun glared at her, "You think I want to control you? I just... for the sake of you comforting me."

Qingwu thought for a long time, then came back and sat down, and asked him blankly, "If you were drunk, you woke up and found someone on your bed."

Jiang Mingyun's eyebrows twitched, thinking: How did she know?
He has already warned Zhao Jinying not to speak out, but this kid is actually obedient?

Qingwu paused while talking, what's the use of telling Jiang Mingyun about this?

He's an emotional idiot and can't help it!
She shook her head and said, "Forget it, forget it, you pretend I didn't say it."

Qingwu got up to leave, Jiang Mingyun grabbed her wrist, "Sit down for me, how many people know about this?"

Why does this sound wrong?
Qingwu was puzzled, "How do I know?"

Jiang Mingyun thought she was talking about his and Zhao Jinying's affairs, so he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"After that, what then?" Jiang Mingyun asked.

Qingwu hesitated for a long time, seeing his appearance of 'you don't want to leave until you finish talking', she had no choice but to sit down again, and said: "When you wake up, you find that there is someone on your bed, that person is not someone else, or you like it What should you do, my brother?"

Jiang Mingyun rarely showed a dull expression on his face.

This person has always been cold and arrogant, but his blank look at this moment is a bit...funny.

After a long time, Jiang Mingyun asked in confusion: "Did you sleep with Yan Chenjue?"

Qingwu: "..."

"I said, I said if, don't guess!" Qingwu loudly defended, for fear that others would not know that she was acting guilty.

What is the difference between her doing this and directly saying Yan Chenjue's name?
Jiang Mingyun stared at her for a while, and said, "First of all, I won't sleep with anyone's brother!"

Qingwu: "..."

"Secondly, if it's Yan Chenjue, I admire your courage. Yan Chenjue is not someone you can control. If he doesn't get angry, you should be glad you saved your life. If you make him angry , I think you will die miserably!" When he said this, he looked like an emotionless killer.

Qingwu felt that he had been exposed, and thought that Jiang Mingyun liked to put on airs, so he wouldn't go out and talk nonsense.

So, she simply smashed the jar, "I don't care if Yan Chenjue is angry or not, I want to know if Ah Jin will be angry!"

Jiang Mingyun didn't understand, "Whether Yanchen is angry or not, what does it have to do with you? Didn't you get rejected? He doesn't like you, why should he be angry?"

Qingwu: "..."

He does remember this clearly!

Well, speaking of it, that might not be the case!
Qingwu was already in a mess, but now Jiang Mingyun made it even more messy.

She rubbed her hair, "Forget it, I can't tell."

Jiang Mingyun frowned, and said: "No matter what, Yan Chenjue is definitely not a kind person, you'd better be careful."

"How to say?"

Qingwu has a good impression of Yan Chenjue, most of which are what Yan Chenjin told her, that his brother is very good; the other half is that she thinks that he is unique in terms of cultivation, knowledge and even cultivation, which is admirable.

Today was the first time I heard the word "absolutely not kind" used to describe Yan Chenjue.

Jiang Mingyun said: "You have lived in Huaguangmen for a long time, and you don't know anything about the Yaozu. The 23 sons of the Yaowang are all extraordinary, but Yanchenjue is the only one who won the crown and became the prince. It can be seen that this person is very capable. Three years ago, when Yan Chenjue became the crown prince of the Yao clan, the brothers who had competed with him for the position of crown prince disappeared one after another, and their lives and deaths are unknown. Do you think this is a coincidence?"

Qingwu didn't seem to listen, but what he cared about was... "23 sons? Isn't it 22?"

 Jiang Mingyun: Yan Chenjin, you are lofty, you are amazing, you always get angry at me when you are jealous!
(End of this chapter)

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