Chapter 87 Who exactly do you like
When Huang Mingshu was gone, Yan Chenjue came towards Qingwu.

Qingwu didn't want to have any contact with him, so he quickened his pace to the main hall.

At the banquet, everyone was seated according to their status. The higher-level monks were seated, and Yan Chenjue was the protagonist. Naturally, although all the sect masters and elders were seated at the top, Jiang Mingyun and other disciples of the sect masters sat under the various sect masters.

As for elders and disciples whose cultivation level is as low as Qingwu's, they can't even enter the main hall, and can only sit outside the hall.

Also sitting outside the hall was Zhao Jinying.

Since Yan Chenjue started to investigate, Zhao Jinying has been away, and Qingwu has not seen him for more than a month.

Zhao Jinying specially changed seats with Elder Huayun's disciple, and sat next to Qingwu.

Qingwu asked him, "I haven't seen you for a long time, when did you come back?"

Ever since she heard that Jiang Mingyun liked men last time, Zhao Jinying had been worried that her seniors would suspect him, so she took the initiative to ask Ying to go out to investigate.

But yesterday, when Zhao Jinying came back with everyone, he realized that Jiang Mingyun's story had been spread to everyone, and many people even suspected him on the grounds of the white jade hair crown.

In Zhao Jinying's heart, that was a pain, but now she knows that gossip is harmful.

He raised his head and drank a glass of wine, and asked: "I came back yesterday, I heard that you were frightened in Langya Mountain, are you alright now?"

Qing Wu said: "I'm not... Forget it, just treat it as frightened, I've been fine for a long time, but you, why do you seem to be...using wine to drown your sorrows?"

Zhao Jinying was always free and easy, it was the first time Qingwu saw him like this.

"You don't know yet?" He sighed and poured another glass of wine.

Qing Wu was stunned, "You know what? The thing about you and Jiang Mingyun cherishing each other?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jinying spit out a mouthful of wine.

Fortunately, Qingwu reacted in time and grabbed Zhao Jinying's loose sleeve robe in front of him, so he escaped death.

Qingwu let go of his hand and asked, "If I didn't know that Jiang Mingyun likes Qibai, I would have doubted you for your reaction."

Zhao Jinying wiped the corner of her mouth and said: "That is to say, I have explained it to them no less than a hundred times since I came back yesterday, but no one believes me."

Qingwu chuckled twice, "I mean, why did you suddenly actively sit by my side? It turned out that you were abandoned."

Zhao Jinying glanced at her, "Are you still laughing? I'm so sad, I'm so disrespectful!"

He grabbed Qingwu's cup, poured out the tea in it, and made a gesture to pour wine for Qingwu, "Whatever you say today, you have to drink a few cups with me, otherwise, it will be difficult to solve my depression."

Qingwu hurriedly snatched the cup, and said, "That's not okay, I've given up drinking, and I won't drink even if I'm killed."

Zhao Jinying was suspicious, "I haven't seen you drink less on weekdays, don't think I don't know, you and Jiang Mingyun were drunk, and you quit drinking when you came to my place? How can there be a brother like you?"

"If it wasn't for that time, I wouldn't quit drinking. No matter what you say today, I will never drink. Besides, I am not your brother. Have you ever seen such a beautiful brother?" She pointed On his own face, he swore.

Zhao Jinying's eyes swept over her face, and said with emotion: "You are very good-looking. I didn't think that before, but now the more I look at it, the more beautiful I feel. It's a pity..."

He suddenly paused and sighed heavily.

Just when Qingwu thought he was going to say something that would disrupt the deep friendship between the two, he shook his head helplessly and said, "It's a pity that no matter how good-looking you are, you can't match it with a woman."

Qingwu raised his fist, "Zhao Jinying, do you want to fight?"

Zhao Jinying drank the wine and said: "I really want to be beaten now, so that I can feel better. A great monk like me who dedicated his life to gossip has been reduced to the point where he can't explain it. God is really jealous of talents!"

If it weren't for his last sentence, Qingwu would really think that he was overwhelmed.

Qingwu gave a low laugh, poured a cup of tea, and touched his cup, "Although I quit drinking, I can still drink tea instead of wine with you."

A cup of tea instead of wine is better than him drinking alone.

He compromised and clinked glasses with Qingwu again, and the two of them drank wine and tea in one gulp.

The two drank for a while, Zhao Jinying was already a little drunk, grabbed Qingwu's arm and asked her, "I am a dignified Huafeng elder, personable, handsome, are those brats blind? How could they suspect that I like Jiang Mingyun?" ?”

Qing Wu replied: "Probably because he is more personable and handsome than you."

Zhao Jinying stared at her for a while, trying to refute, but couldn't find the words to refute.

After a long time, he choked out a sentence, "Lu Yaoqing, tell me the truth, am I not handsome enough?"

Qing Wu smiled, "Handsome, you are the most handsome."

It was originally intended to appease him, to make him calm down and stop drinking, but he didn't think that this sentence hit him in some weird way.

He howled twice, "I'm so handsome, how come no girl likes me?"

Qingwu couldn't bear the disturbance, covered his ears, and answered him, "Why not, many people like you, but you don't know, stop shouting, if you shout again, you will be dragged out later."

Zhao Jinying pursed her lips and asked, "Am I the most handsome in Huaguangmen?"

Qingwu could only answer against his will, "Yes, yes, you are the most handsome, no one is more handsome than you."

Zhao Jinying went on and on, "Compared to Jiang Mingyun?"

Why does everyone have to compare with Jiang Mingyun?
"You are better than him." Qingwu replied perfunctorily.

Zhao Jinying was aggrieved again, "I just said I'm more handsome than him, so why am I chasing after him?"

Qingwu was stunned, what is this all about?
"When did you chase him?" Qing Wu asked.

Zhao Jinying touched her bosom with one hand, took out a yellow book and slapped it on the table, "As it is said in it, it is already too much for me to be suppressed, why do you say I am chasing after you?"

Qingwu: "..."

On the yellow leather writing, there are four big words "One World Yingming".

It turned out to be entangled... fanhumanities!
Qingwu couldn't help laughing, "Where did you get it?"

Zhao Jinying said aggrievedly, "I bought it at the foot of the mountain."

Qingwu was puzzled, and asked with a smile, "Why did you buy it?"

Zhao Jinying replied, "A little, curious!"

Qingwu burst out laughing, she really couldn't hold it back.

The king of gossip is the king of gossip, even eating his own melon with relish!
But without laughing twice, suddenly a pair of golden crescent white shoes appeared in Qingwu's sight.

She looked up, and Yan Chenjue was staring at her, to be precise, at Zhao Jinying's hand holding her arm.

"Miss Qing, I have a few words that I want to tell you, can I speak for a while?" Yan Chenjue remained polite.

Qingwu didn't want to get in touch with him very much, just when he was about to refuse, he heard Yan Chenjue say: "I want to talk to the girl about Miss Qing's drunkenness before, and the girl probably doesn't want to talk about it here, does she?"

"..." Qingwu felt that he was threatening.

But the handle is in other people's hands, Qingwu dare not refuse.

Zhao Jinying was drunk at the moment, if she just walked away, he would be ashamed of drunkenness, and he would surely die tomorrow.

Just as he was worried, seeing Jiang Mingyun coming out of the hall, Qingwu hurriedly called him, "Master Jiang, come and help me."

Jiang Mingyun was willing to go there at first, but when he heard the name 'Master Jiang', he suddenly wanted to turn around and leave.

Qing Wu hurriedly changed his words, "Jiang Mingyun, help me!"

Only then did Jiang Mingyun come over with disdain, "What are you doing?"

Qingwu pointed to Zhao Jinying, "Brother Zhao is drunk, I have something to do, you can help me bring him back, okay?"

Jiang Mingyun and Yanchenjue looked at each other, then looked at Qingwu again, took out something, stuffed it in Qingwu's hand, then bent down to help Zhao Jinying, and left.

Qingwu lowered her eyes and saw that what Jiang Mingyun stuffed her was a familiar package.

Yanchenjue and Qingwu left the main hall one after the other, and walked to the secluded rockery, Qingwu became a little nervous.

She squeezed the package tightly in her hand, thinking in her heart, Jiang Mingyun won't really guess, this miserable human skin mask will come in handy, right?

Suddenly, the boy in front stopped, turned around, and asked her, "What did Mr. Jiang give you?"

Qingwu hurriedly put the things in his hands behind his back, and said with a sneer: "No, it's nothing, it's just a gadget."

The rockery is secluded, there is no candle lighting, and the surrounding area is a little dark.

But under such dim conditions, Qingwu saw the reddish eyes of the person in front of him, as if they were shining fiercely.

With her hands behind her back, she involuntarily opened the bundle of the package.

Yan Chenjue took a step forward and approached her.

Qingwu retreated instinctively, the two of them advanced and retreated, and soon, Qingwu's back was stuck with a rockery with sharp edges and corners.

Yan Chenjue said, "A token of love?"

"What... what?" Qingwu thought he heard it wrong.

The boy asked again: "I said, is the gadget he gave you a token of love?"

Qingwu was stunned, why would he think so?

Before she could react, the young man snatched the life-saving artifact that Jiang Mingyun had given her from her hand with his long arm.

Qingwu suddenly took a tight breath, thinking that Yan Chenjue would open the package for inspection, but saw that he accurately threw the package into the pond behind the rockery.

This was lent to her by Jiang Mingyun, and she had to return it after using it up!
Qingwu's first reaction was not that he was doomed, but that she had lost Jiang Mingyun's treasure, would Jiang Mingyun play with her life!

Seeing that she was so nervous that she even wanted to find the package, Yan Chenjue grabbed her wrist and pressed it against the rockery behind her.

At this moment, Qingwu truly felt the danger.

The young man looked down at her, making her inevitable, "Your Highness, what do you mean?"

Yan Chenjue hooked his lips, and said: "If I let you go now, would you go to the pond to pick up what he gave you?"

Of course, this was something borrowed, and it wasn't given to her by Jiang Mingyun!
Qingwu thought he was crazy and didn't answer him.

The more she remained silent, the more Yan Chenjue was driven crazy, his hand moved from Qingwu's wrist to her cheek, and the back of his thin and cool hand caressed her face.

Qingwu couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to push him away, but found that he couldn't move, "Yan Chenjue, what do you want to do?"

Yan Chenjue didn't seem to hear, the red light in his eyes became even darker, he asked her almost madly, "Will you go? Answer me?"

Qingwu frowned, she didn't like being forced to question, and she didn't like being controlled, she sneered, "So what, so what if you don't? Yan Chenjue, this is my business, what does it have to do with you? "

These words successfully ignited Yan Chenjue's anger, his eyes flickered red, as if there were two beams of bright red light inside.

In those two killing-intent gazes, Qing Wu thought, Jiang Mingyun really hit the mark, she was dead.

Qingwu closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

After a long time, two soft lips pressed against hers, and the boy kissed her almost crazily, as if he had gone crazy.

Qingwu wanted to resist, but he couldn't move at all, he could only curse intermittently in his throat.

But Yan Chenjue turned a deaf ear to it, Qingwu was so angry that he bit the corner of his lips.

Soon, Qingwu smelled a strange fragrance, the fragrance was familiar and strong, it was the fragrance of confusion!
"Yan Chenjue, don't...don't!" Her voice was chewed intermittently.

However, Yan Chenjue's bewildering fragrance is different from Yanchenjin's lightness. His fragrance is aggressive and can disintegrate people's will in an instant.

Qingwu has already expended all the magic energy in his body to resist, but in front of such a strong deceptive fragrance, he is like a mantis holding back a car.

Yan Chenjue raised his hand and snapped his fingers next to her ear, Qingwu instantly lost consciousness and looked at him dully.

The young man caressed Qingwu's face lightly, as if he was copying a precious painting, gently and affectionately.

"According to your preferences, I try my best to pretend to be who you like. Even if I hate you, I will do my best to be gentle with others. Why don't you still like me?" Yan Chenjue's eyes were full of helplessness and disappointment.

Qingwu replied blankly: "I have someone I like."

Yan Chenjue smiled wryly, feeling like a lunatic, doing those stupid things with self-importance, and turning around to blame her.

"Why?" He didn't understand, his appearance, cultivation, and knowledge were all superior to Jiang Mingyun's, "How can I not compare to him?"

Qingwu said: "It's not comparable, it's not comparable anywhere."

Yan Chenjue smiled wryly, covering half of his face with his palm, and asked feebly, "Sister Qing, tell me, what do you like about him?"

I can learn from him, I can do as well as him, as long as you forget him, I am willing to do anything.

Qingwu replied: "Well-behaved, cute, obedient, delicate, awkward, angry, I like them all, as long as it is him, I like them all."

Yan Chenjue looked at her dully, which of these words was used to describe Jiang Mingyun?
After a long silence, he asked with a trembling voice, "Who is the person you like?"

Qingwu replied word by word: "Inkstone, dust, jin!"


When Qingwu woke up, he found himself lying on the couch.

She got up suddenly, checked her clothes, and was relieved that there was nothing wrong.

There was a small package on the small table beside the bed, it was the one that Jiang Mingyun lent her.

 Confession, confession.

  Qingwu: Surprised or not, I like Xiao Ah Jin

(End of this chapter)

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