Chapter 88 Goodbye Beautiful Boy

Qingwu picked up the package, opened it, and the human skin mask lay quietly inside.

Both the wrap and the mask are dry without any signs of getting wet.

Qingwu rubbed her head, only felt that what happened last night was like a dream, making her unable to tell the truth from the fake.

She turned over and went to Jiang Mingyun's room to return the human skin mask.

Jiang Mingyun was a little surprised, "Lu Yaoqing, your fate is pretty tough."


No matter how Qing Wu heard it, it didn't sound like a good word, so he replied, "It's not as hard as you are."

Jiang Mingyun's face darkened, "I heard that something happened to the Yaozu. Yan Chenjue left before dawn and returned to the Yaozu. It seems that he won't kill you."

Hearing the news that Yan Chenjue had returned to the Yaozu, Qingwu was a little dazed, "What happened?"

Jiang Mingyun knew what she cared about, and looked at her with pity, "Yan Chenjin is fine, I heard that the demon king got sick, so I don't know the specifics."

Qingwu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of the demon king, Ah Jin didn't like it, so he didn't think much about it.

But for some reason, that puppet, the puppet of the Demon King, appeared in his mind.

In the past because of Yan Chenjue, she firmly believed in Yan Chenjue's words, but now she has some doubts, that puppet is really what Yan Chenjue said, is it just Yanchen's trick?

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Mingyun asked.

Qingwu shook his head, "It's nothing, I just feel that people's hearts are complicated and unpredictable."

Jiang Mingyun hummed, but didn't say anything else.

On the third day after Yan Chenjue left, Yan Chenjin sent Qing Wu a letter, saying that he was recovering, and according to the agreement, Qing Wu was asked to go to Yaozu to pick him up.

It has been almost two months since the two separated, and when Qingwu thought of seeing him soon, he felt unspeakably happy.

Walking with the sword, it will arrive at noon that day.

But at the entrance of the Yaozu, Qingwu realized a problem, she is an outsider, without Yan Chenjin, can she go in?

Qingwu prepared a long explanation, but before she could speak, the guard invited her in.

Presumably, Ah Jin had made the greeting in advance, but unexpectedly this kid was quite attentive.

On the way to the Demon King's Palace, Qingwu felt excited and excited. It turned out that meeting someone he liked was such a mood.

Qing Wu was sent to Yao Wangfei's dormitory, and from a distance, he saw Yan Chenjin waiting outside the hall.

Seeing Qingwu, the boy immediately ran towards her, but after running two steps, he couldn't take it anymore, stopped and coughed.

Qingwu hurriedly went up to him, giving him comfort, "Why are you in a hurry, I won't run away again."

The boy blushed a little from coughing, and hugged her waist with both hands. He was obviously a head taller than her, but he leaned awkwardly on her shoulder, "Sister Qing, I miss you so much."

Qing Wu rubbed his smooth face with a smile, and asked him: "Did you lose weight? Didn't you eat well?"

Yan Chenjin said coquettishly: "I don't have an appetite, it would be great if I could eat the dishes cooked by Sister Qing."

What a cunning little fox.

How can Qing Wu know how to cook? Yan Chenjin has been on Langya Mountain for 200 years, and she has never even seen her enter the kitchen.

Obviously not, but Qingwu suddenly came up with an idea that it would be okay to try.

She asked, "What do you want to eat? When I learn how to make it for you."

Yan Chenjin was just talking, not thinking that she would really agree, his eyes softened, and he replied: "I like everything, as long as it is made by sister Qing, I like it."

He is really good, Qingwu couldn't help stroking his hair.

With a light cough, the attendant said: "Your Highness, Miss Qing, Wangfei please enter."

Only then did Qingwu realize that she was hugging Yanchenjin at the entrance of the princess' bedroom, and suddenly blushed a little, and quickly let go of Yanchenjin.

Yan Chenjin was a little reluctant to let go, his face was not very happy, and his tone was not very good, "Got it."

Seeing the attendant go in, the young man muttered, "Mother really knows how to choose the time, I still want to be alone with Sister Qing."

Qingwu smiled, "There are people coming and going, you don't have to be shy, let's go, go in first."

She naturally held Yan Chenjin's hand, which was very beneficial to the young man.

Seeing the two of them coming in, Mrs. Yu quickly got up and took Qing Wu's hand, telling her to sit beside her, "I haven't seen Ah Qing for two months, she's even more beautiful."

Qingwu was a little embarrassed to be praised, "Madam is the peerless beauty." Even his son was born as beautiful as a flower.

Thinking like this, she unconsciously turned her head and glanced at Yan Chenjin.

Mrs. Yu said with a smile, "Ah Jin, come here and sit by Mother's side."

Yanchenjin looked at Qingwu eagerly, and wanted to sit beside her, but Qingwu obviously didn't understand Yanchenjin's meaning, but it was Yu who saw it.

After all, she was pregnant and born in October, and Yu Shi understood it with just one look from him.

Yu said jokingly: "Go, go, sit next to Ah Qing, as the saying goes, if you marry a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother. We, Ah Jin, haven't married a daughter-in-law yet, so we don't care about our mother." gone."

Yan Chenjin pouted her lips and called to her, "Mother, you...speak less."

Yu Shi patted Qing Wu's hand and said with a smile: "Look, this son is not as likable as Ah Qing."

Qingwu felt a little embarrassed, and nodded his nose.

Yu said: "Ah Qing came here unexpectedly today, and I have no preparations. You can go and talk with Ah Jin first, and I will make some of your favorite pastries."

"Ma'am, don't bother me, I'm not hungry either." Qing Wu came here empty-handed, and he was really embarrassed to trouble Princess Yao to make something for her.

Yan Chenjin took her hand and stood up, "Mother likes to do those things, you let her do it, I still have a lot to say to Sister Qing, let's talk in the side hall."

Qing Wu wanted to say something, but was dragged away by Yan Chenjin.

After a while, the two sat face to face in the side hall, you stared at me and I looked at you, neither of them said a word.

Qingwu asked: "Don't you have a lot to say to me?"

The boy's eyelashes trembled, and he said, "There are a lot of things to say, but I don't know where to start."

Qingwu didn't want to talk that much, just looked at him like this, even if he didn't speak, he felt very satisfied.

After a long time, the boy said, "There are 28 days in this month, how is Sister Qing doing?"

Qingwu slightly shook his head.

"Brother said, Sister Qing was frightened before, but she's fine now. Is there any other discomfort?" He asked nervously.

Qingwu nodded, "It's not very comfortable."

The boy asked nervously, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Qing Wu studied the experience of "Fifty Ways to Seduce Men", and said disgustedly: "I miss you, my heart is empty. Not seeing you every day is like three autumns. Not seeing you for such a long time seems like a lifetime."

Yan Chenjin was stunned for a moment, blushed again after a while, and looked away, "Are you kidding me?"

Qingwu's index finger and middle finger seemed to be walking on two legs, walking along the table between the two of them, walked to the boy's hand, and frivolously scratched the boy's palm, like an idiot touching a woman's feet under the table, "Baby, I want to And you, aren't you happy?"

The boy withdrew his hands, looked at her vigilantly like a little rabbit pricking up his ears, "Don't be like this, you're so frivolous."

According to the book, the more the opponent resists, the more effective it is.

Qingwu hurriedly took advantage of the victory to chase after him, hooking his fingers at him, "Baby, give me your hand, let me touch it."

Yan Chenjin hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out his hand in front of her.

His hands are thin and long, white and tender, more attractive than fine white porcelain.

Five fingers passed through the gap between the young man's fingers, intertwined and entangled, seductive.

The boy trembled and wanted to take his hand back, but Qingwu held it tightly and asked him with a smile, "Don't hide, baby."

She yelled 'baby' so loudly that Yan Chenchen trembled, obviously when she called him before, it was affectionate and pampering, but at this moment it was teasing and joking, making him feel like he was stripped naked like.

Qingwu brushed the broken hair on his forehead, and asked him very artificially, "Baby, do you feel very excited?"

Yan Chenjin pursed his lips and whispered: "Don't do this, it's disgusting."

Qingwu: "..."

Is it disgusting?She did what the book said!

The boy rolled his Adam's apple, stood up, and said, "I... I'm a little thirsty, go out and drink some water, first... let me go first."

The pleading tone made Qingwu raise his eyebrows, and ordered the table, "There is tea here, where are you going to drink water?"

Yan Chenjin saw the teapot on the table, and pursed his lower lip, "I don't like drinking tea, go drink some water, sister Qing, let me go!"

He can't stand her anymore and wants to run away?

Qing Wu let go, "Go!"

The young man went out disheartened, Qingwu saw his frightened little rabbit appearance, and thought to himself why the book was not reliable?
Qing Wu sighed, it seems that the set in the book is not suitable for Yan Chenjin.

When Yan Chenjin came back after finishing his psychological preparation, Qingwu was leisurely drinking tea with a book in front of him.

This is the anecdote she saw on the bookshelf in the side hall just now. She was just curious at first, but now the more she reads it, the more interesting she finds it.

She was so engrossed in watching that she didn't even notice when Yan Chenjin came back.

The boy sat back opposite her and called her, "Sister Qing, what are you looking at?"

Qing Wu stood up the book and gave Yan Chenjin a look at the title.

Just now she was belittling him, now she's diverted her attention?
Yan Chenjin wanted to tear up the book with some contradictions, but he didn't dare to do so.

He said: "Do you like to read weird stories? I also know a lot, do you want to hear it?"

Qingwu closed the book, and seeing the big characters of "Stop reading, just look at me" written all over his face, he immediately suppressed a smile and closed the book, saying, "Let's listen."

I thought he was trying to delay the attack, but I didn't expect that he could really tell a few funny stories about ghosts.

Although it is a cliché about some people's ghosts, but if the storyteller is Yan Chenjin, Qingwu finds it quite interesting.

When talking about the story of the shark who exchanged tears for love but was abandoned, someone knocked on the door.

Qingwu stood up and opened the door. It turned out that it was Mrs. Yu who had made the cakes, so she asked the attendant to bring them over for fear of disturbing the two of them.

The cakes were put on the table, and Qingwu found that the Odd Records that were originally placed on the table were missing.

The young man pretended to be ignorant, and said, "Mother is really kind to you. She hasn't made any pastries for me these days when I'm at home."

Qingwu didn't expose him, and said, "Maybe I'm afraid that my daughter-in-law will run away!"

Yan Chenjin blushed, and looked at Qing Wu shyly.

Half of the pastry is salty and spicy, and the other half is sweet, but it is difficult for Yu Shi to put his heart into it.

The two ate their own food, until Qing Wu found Yan Chenjin staring at the salty and spicy pastry in her hand.

Qingwu asked him, "Do you want to eat this?"

The young man nodded.

Qingwu smiled and said, "This is spicy, you can't eat it."

But the boy insisted: "I can eat some spicy food now."

Unexpectedly, he made progress secretly.

Qingwu twisted a piece for him, "Eat it!"

The boy didn't pick up the complete piece of pastry, but only stared at the half-bitten piece in her hand.

He didn't say anything, but he wrote everything he wanted to say in his eyes.

Qingwu suddenly felt that he could do it again. According to the book, he narrowed his eyes drunkenly, took a bite of the remaining half of the pastry, and said with a smirk: "If you want to eat the leftover piece of cake, you still want to eat my mouth. Here?"

Yan Chenjin's face flushed completely red, even his neck was pink.

He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, but Qingwu held his neck.

The boy's eyes widened and his mind went blank.

According to the book, the ones in the mouth should be delivered, but Qingwu thinks, Yan Chenjin likes to be clean since he was a child, and never eats what others have eaten.

Wouldn't it be bad to make him spit it out?

Qingwu thought for a while, but still stuffed the whole piece he was twisting into his mouth.

His nervous heart was beating wildly, but because he didn't get what he wanted, there was a trace of disappointment in his heart.

Yan Chenjin chewed two mouthfuls of the salty and spicy pastries, and suddenly coughed from choking.

Qingwu had expected this kind of reaction from him, and poured all the tea for him.

Yan Chenjin drank the tea, but the pungentness in his mouth did not get much relief, and he drank two more cups before he felt better.

Obviously can't eat spicy food, but also lied that he can eat a little.

Inexplicably, Qingwu thinks he is cuter.

"Spicy or not?"

Yan Chenjin nodded, stuck out his tongue, looking very frustrated.

Wiping away the crumbs of pastry on the young man's lips with his thumb, Qing Wu said with a smile: "I won't eat spicy food, you are such a delicate little princess, you should eat sweet things."

Yan Chenjin snorted, and retorted: "I'm not a little princess!"

Qingwu laughed, "Yes, yes, how can the princess be as delicate as you?"

It was rare for the young man not to be angry, instead he said in a low voice, "Don't you just like my coquettishness?"

Qingwu pinched his face, "How do you know that I like your delicateness?"

Yan Chenjin said complacently: "I just know."

In the evening, Yu ordered his attendants to call for Yan Chenjin to have dinner with Qing Wu.

Qingwu entered the room, only to find that there was another boy in the room.

Qing Wu also recognized this young man as Yanchen Goose!
"Isn't this Little Goose, long time no see." Qing Wu said hello.

The phrase 'little goose' made everyone startled, but Yanchen's goose reacted first and said, "I'm not called little goose, I'm called Xiaoyan."

Qing Wu rubbed his head, said with a smile: "Okay, Xiao Yan."

Yan Chenjin gave Yanchen Goose a wink, the young man hurriedly got up, ran out, busy serving dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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