Chapter 89
Qingwu was a little worried, if even Yanchen Goose was here, would Yanchenjue come too?

She didn't dare to tell Ah Jin about getting drunk before!
That Yan Chenjue is also a lunatic, if he talks nonsense in front of Ah Jin, Ah Jin will definitely get angry.

Qingwu thought about it, and felt that it would be better to explain this matter by himself if it was told by others.

She whispered: "Ash, I have something to tell you."

The boy turned his head and looked at her with a smile on his face, "What's the matter?"

"It's hot, it's hot, it's hot..." Yanchen Goose came in yelling, and brought a plate of hot dishes to the table in a hurry.

Yan Chenjin raised his eyes to look at him, and the young man quickly stuck out his tongue, "Did I disturb brother and sister-in-law? I'll go out now."

After all, the boy flew away too.

Yan Chenjin's ears turned red, and he explained: "I didn't make him shout like that."

It's just a title, so it's worth his embarrassment?
The little princess is really a little princess, very cute.

Qingwu scratched his chin, but the boy didn't resist, she asked, "Did he call it wrong?"

Yan Chenjin's eyelashes fluttered, making him even cuter. He lowered his eyes and shook his head gently.

"What did you want to tell me just now?" Yan Chenjin asked shyly.

Qingwu originally wanted to confess her crimes, but now that the atmosphere is so good, and Yanchen Goose may come running in at any time, she thinks it's better to push back.

Ever since, Qingwu shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's talk about it next time."

At this moment, Yan Chenjin was coaxed so softly and sweetly that he didn't ask her any more questions, and looked at her affectionately with a pair of beautiful fox eyes.

Qingwu couldn't stand his eyes the most, it was clear that the deep eyes were pure and flawless, but she always felt that there was a criminal hook hidden in those eyes, which tickled her heart.

She looked away and couldn't look at him anymore. If she continued to look at him, she couldn't help but want to hug him and kiss him.

In fact, this is not a heinous thing, but right now in the bedroom of the Yao Wangfei, there is a danger of being smashed by the Yao Wangfei and Yanchen Goose at any time.

In my heart, I persuaded myself to hold back, but the more I thought about it, the more excited I became.

Qingwu glanced at the empty room, and called him, "Ah Jin!"

The boy's eyes were still clear, but she pressed the back of his head and kissed him.

If you want to say that this person can't do bad things.

As soon as the lips of the two of them were pressed together, before Qing Wu could steal a scent, Mrs. Yu and Yanchen Goose came in with a group of attendants serving dishes.


Qingwu was not only discovered, but also discovered by so many people.

When she got nervous, her elbow slammed into the table hard, causing her to grit her teeth in pain.

With a smile on her face, Yu asked concerned: "Ah Qing, are you alright?"

Qingwu rubbed his elbows and smiled awkwardly, "It's okay, I'm okay..."

At the dinner table, Yanchen Goose asked: "Brother, when are you and sister-in-law going to get married?"

Yanchenjin and Qingwu looked at each other, they were both silent and blushing.

What Qingwu thought in his heart was that it was too early to get married, and she was not ready yet.

Yan Chenjin was thinking, wait until she has such a plan first!
Mrs. Yu hurriedly picked up a chicken leg for Yanchen Goose, "Eat more and talk less."

Yanchen goose bit the chicken leg and said: "I just saw my sister-in-law secretly kissing my brother, mother, didn't you say that after kissing, you will get married?"

Qing Wu was choked by a mouthful of rice, and coughed violently, but he didn't realize that Yan Chen's goose called Yu Shi'mother'.

Yan Chenjin quickly poured a glass of water for her, "Sister Qing, eat slowly."

After drinking a few sips of water, Qingwu felt better.

Because of Yan Chen's goose's words, it was very embarrassing for me to eat this meal, and the only thing that could make her feel relieved was that Yan Chenjue didn't come.

After dinner, Yu said: "Ah Jin has been away all year round, and he hasn't been able to see him a few times since he was a child. Now that he has finally come back, I, a mother, can't bear him. Ah Qing, if you don't mind, and Staying in Yaozu for two more days, the mother can also spend a few more days with Ah Jin."

Anyway, whether it's Huaguangmen or Yaozu, to Qingwu, as long as she's with Yanchenjin, it doesn't matter where she is.

Poor parents all over the world, Madam Yu is a good mother, Qingwu naturally has no reason not to agree, she nodded, "Madam's cooking is delicious, it is my good fortune to be able to bother you for a few more days."

Yu held Qingwu's hand and clapped it gratefully.

The last time Qingwu came, Yu Shi decided to tidy up the side room in the future and let Qingwu and Yanchenjin live in the same room.

This time, Qingwu was also very conscious, and tacitly entered the same room with Yanchenjin.

Yan Chenjin looked at the only couch in the room, blushed, and said: "I'll ask someone to move another couch in."

Qing Wu coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "I think there should be no other couch in the Demon King's Palace."

"Yes..." Yan Chenjin immediately realized, "Well, no more, it seems that sister Qing is about to be wronged."

It has been more than two months since I couldn't touch the fur of the little fox. Qingwu lay on the couch, looking at the little beauty in front of him who was only shown but not touched, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" The boy turned sideways, and the two of them were lying on their sides facing each other.

Qingwu promised him not to treat him like a little fox, but he didn't bring it up because he was afraid that he would think too much.

She shook her head and said, "It's okay, go to sleep!"

Early the next morning, before Qingwu opened his eyes, he felt the soft fur under his palm.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the little fox as white as Dongxue huddled up and lying on her shoulder.

Qingwu looked at the little fox with his eyes closed and the white beard on his cheeks curled up, so he couldn't help but reach out and poke it.

She thought carefully, Yan Chenjin's human figure seemed to have no beard.

Are you underage?
The fingertips scratched the little fox's chin a few times, and the little fox hid dissatisfied.

It's been a long time since I hugged him. She gently hugged the little fox's back. Under the soft fur, the back was firm and not sensual.

Qingwu suddenly remembered that in the dream, when he was attacked by the blood crow, the boy had his spine bitten off by the blood crow, and felt pain in his heart, so he couldn't help stroking his back.

The little fox moved, and put a small paw on Qingwu's neck.

His nails grew out again, and when they scratched against Qingwu's skin, there was a red mark.

"Hiss!" Qingwu gasped.

When he wakes up, he'll have to trim his nails again.

Right now, I can only pat the little cutie's butt twice to relieve my anger.

Yan Chenjin was awakened by her patting, looked at her with a pair of round eyes, and said aggrievedly: "I'm already this old, I can't spank my ass anymore."

He speaks with his original body, and he can always hit Qingwu's cuteness.

Qingwu hit him again in a tricky way, "So what if I hit you?"

The little fox scratched her neck angrily, the nails were too sharp, and it was a wound.

Qingwu felt a pain, raised his hand to touch it, and there was a small amount of blood.

Before she reprimanded her, the little fox had already sobbed guiltily, "I'm sorry, I didn't... didn't mean it..." It seemed that he did it on purpose, "I didn't expect that, don't be angry with me."

Although she didn't shed any tears, she looked very pitiful.

Qingwu hugged him up, "Then come here and help me lick my wound, and I will forgive you."

The little fox curled up its two paws, put away its nails, barely hugged her neck, and gently swept the wound with its bright red tongue.

Obviously he was very pious, but Qingwu always felt that he was confusing, so he grabbed his little fur paws with both hands, and pressed the fox on the couch.

She kissed the little fox lightly, but the little fox broke free from her hand and patted her face with its curled paws, "No way!"

Qing Wu asked with a smile, "Why not?"

The little fox blushed, "I am the original body now, you can't bully me."

That's not the original body, so it can be bullied?

Qingwu couldn't hold back his smile, "Who said I'm going to bully you? What can I do to you now that you're like this? Baby, why do you always think in strange places? I thought you were cold-tempered, pure white and flawless. Thinking of...there are so many shameful things in my head."

She actually slapped her backwards, and the little fox's chest heaved in anger.

Seeing that he was going to transform back, Qingwu didn't forget to add fuel to the fire, leaned close to the fox's ear, and whispered: "You are too young."

The little fox has turned back into a handsome young man. The young man bit his lip and retorted, "I'm not young!"

Back then in Langya Mountain, Qingwu tugged his legs to study his gender, and shook his head in a dazed manner, which caused a lot of psychological shadow to Yan Chenjin.

But Qingwu had long forgotten about it, and said with a smirk at this moment: "Then show me, I haven't seen the real guy yet."

As he said that, his hand had already climbed onto Yan Chenjin's leg.

Yan Chenjin stepped back quickly, and Qingwu pulled his legs vigorously to pull him back.

The boy's face was already blushing, and he nervously pushed Qingwu's shoulder, "You...don't do this."

This sentence is right in "I Know Men Best". What a man means when he says you don't do this is to keep going, don't stop!

Qing Wu's hand went up along the boy's leg, and was quickly held down by Yan Chenjin.

With red eyes, he said, "I'm afraid, don't."

Although the book also said that men love to refuse and welcome, but Qingwu can't bear to see his aggrieved eyes wet.

She withdrew her hand and stroked his face, "Don't be afraid, I won't touch you, be good, don't cry."

The boy curled up his legs, hugged the two long legs tightly with his hands, and shrank into the quilt.

Did it really scare him?
Qingwu felt that he had gone too far.

Ah Jin is still a young child, how could he treat him like this?
She stroked the boy's hair and said in a low voice, "Jin, I know I was wrong, I won't do it next time, don't be angry, okay?"

The young man didn't speak, Qingwu said again: "Baby, you hit me twice to vent your anger?"

He still didn't move, Qingwu couldn't do anything, thinking about the saying in "A Man Lost His Temper, How to Coax" that if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach.

After trying every means to fill the man's stomach, he took the initiative and calmed down the resentment.

Yesterday, he seemed to have said that he wanted to eat something she made.

Qingwu gritted her teeth and comforted herself, she couldn't believe how difficult it is to make a meal, it can be harder than embroidered balls!

Yan Chenjin ignored her, she just turned over and stayed on the bed.

Seeing that she was about to leave, the boy grabbed her skirt again.

Under the quilt, Qingwu naturally didn't notice that the hem of the clothes was being pulled by Yan Chenjin, and thought it was just being crushed.

She vigorously pulled out the hem of the clothes, Yan Chenjin's heart went cold.

Qingwu walked out of the side room, and began to worry about whether she would blow up the kitchen, so she went to ask Mrs. Yu for advice very sincerely.

When Mrs. Yu heard that she wanted to cook for Yan Chenjin, she had no reason not to agree.

The two entered the kitchen full of confidence, and when Qingwu burned the dishes for the seventh time, Yu Shi also felt that she was hopeless.

Qingwu looked at the plates of black things on the stove, and began to wonder whether he was not suitable for this great cause?
Yu comforted her, "As the saying goes, everyone has their own strengths, Ah Qing should not be discouraged, in fact, as long as Ah Qing has this kind of heart, Ah Jin will be satisfied."

Qing Wu said: "I'm doing it for the last time, if it doesn't work, I'll give up!"

Restarting the fire to burn oil, Qingwu accidentally spilled the oil on the side of the stove, the grease dripped down along the stove, and a spark took advantage of the loophole.

The fire immediately climbed up along the stove, and floated up along Qingwu's long sleeves hanging down on the stove.

By the time Qingwu realized it, the tongue of fire had already kissed her wrist.

She hurriedly cast a spell to put out the fire, but her wrist was already on fire, and thick red flesh came out.

Mrs. Yu hurriedly helped her out to the sleeping hall.

The fire of the demon clan is all refined, and after being burned by the demon fire, the spell cannot be recovered.

Nervously, Yu ordered someone to pass on the demon doctor, and also asked someone to call Yan Chenjin.

Qingwu hurriedly organized, "It's better not to tell him, so as not to worry him. Madam, it's just a minor injury, so there's no need to mobilize people like this."

Qingwu has also experienced the worse situation of being burned, burning himself in the fire and turning into coke.

In comparison, this little burn was really nothing.

Half an hour later, the demon doctor applied burn medicine to Qingwu's wrist, and wrapped it tightly with white gauze.

Yu asked, "When will this injury recover?"

The demon doctor shook his head, and said: "The wound is not small, and it will take a month to heal, but I'm afraid it will leave a scar."

Yu stared at Qingwu's wrist distressedly, "My girl's wrist has such a large scar, what should I do?"

It's just the wrist, not a scar on the face.

Qing Wu didn't care much, and comforted Yu, saying: "Ma'am, don't worry, I think that with one or two scars on her body, she is quite chic."

She is so sensible, Yu Shi loves her more and more.

After the demon doctor was sent away, Shi Yu talked to Qing Wu about her parents.

Qingwu used to have resentment towards his parents, but after learning the truth from the dream, Qingwu figured it out.

Her parents loved her very much, although they hurt her, they were forced to do nothing.

Qingwu felt that he had died once, and he didn't want to live in the past every day.

It wasn't until today, when Qingwu told Yu about her past peacefully, that she realized that she was able to let go.

When Yu heard this, tears streamed down her face, and she wiped her tears with a plain handkerchief.

(End of this chapter)

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