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Chapter 1060 What Are You Up To?

Walking out of the conference room, Ji Feiyun called Su Jiarun to the side, and whispered, "Don't forget Brother Ren's dividend."

"Don't worry, I have a tea appointment with him tomorrow." This is a special thing.You can't leave it to someone else.

Professor Guo can't drive.Nan Yongpeng packed his luggage and sent him back.Ji Feiyun didn't see the godmother and the little gift for a while, and came back after thinking about making a meal.

"What have you been up to lately?" Professor Guo rarely said, "Your godmother and gift have already told you several times."

Human time and energy are limited.For more than half a year, they have spent all their energy on Mr. Huo, trying to ease the relationship between Mr. Huo and Nan Yongpeng.They literally ignore their godfathers and godmothers.

But she did not tell the truth lightly: "Godfather, I will not take the senior high school entrance examination next year. I am struggling for the number of consecutive promotions in the affiliated high school. During the summer vacation, Yongpeng even bought me thirty catties of materials, all It was just brushed."

"Really?" Professor Guo said with a smile: "Your godmother is not too worried about you. I have been studying the internal examination materials in various middle school departments these days. I almost saved a box. Remember to put it away after dinner Take back."

Asked Ji Feiyun, who was vomiting physically, "..." Can we turn back now?

She was taken aback, and quickly changed the subject: "Yongpeng, why didn't you make suggestions at the meeting?"

"You've made your point. What else do I need to say?"

Ji Feiyun complimented Nan Yongpeng and said: "It's different. You are a big boss. You have far-sightedness and insight. Without your insight, how would the company's development be possible?"

Nan Yongpeng has long been immune to her ubiquitous flattery, too lazy to talk to her, "It's just a plan." Don't think he doesn't know.Her mind was full of houses and land.It's useless to talk about anything else.

Talking about this topic, Professor Guo also said: "You don't hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy more than 300 mu of land in the village. What are you doing?"

Ji Feiyun didn't blink. "We don't have much money in our account, and the land in urban areas is too delicate and expensive. Only in the long run, the casino city will be overdeveloped. If we lose the bet, we won't suffer. If we If you bet right, it will turn into a motorcycle."

Professor Guo glanced at Nan Yongpeng. "Is this really your idea?"

Nan Yongpeng, who has been blamed for seven years, "..." Besides continuing to blame him, what else can he do?

"You have one eye." Professor Guo didn't blame, even his eyes were very happy: "I heard that the Shanghai Stock Exchange may set up a stock exchange. Although it has not been made public, it is only a matter of time. By then, my country's Finance will be more active, and will soon usher in a real take-off development. Our country is so big, it is impossible to open only one stock exchange. Now people in the circle are whispering that at least another one will be opened, not in the imperial capital, but in It is in Guangdong.

The imperial capital is the center of politics and culture, and Guangdong is the leader of the national economy.I think it is more likely to be consumed in GD province.In terms of economy and opening up, whether it is Yangcheng or Pengcheng, no matter which city it is, the coastal cities are all beneficiaries. "

Although it is only a stock exchange, it means that the country's door is really opened, and then foreign capital will pour in frantically, financial and real industries will flourish, and the urban spillover effect will expand rapidly.

Nan Yongpeng's move was not wrong.Although the village is now a suburb, the terrain is flat and easy to expand.Once the wave of development hits, it is not impossible to become a new suburb.

It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead.Nan Yongpeng's courage and vision are very long-term.

Ji Feiyun was surprised by Professor Guo's insight, so he tried to speak: "Godfather, do you think we will be like Meijiang in the future, and houses can be traded freely like commodities?"

"Sooner or later." In fact, many cities are secretly doing this under the guise of selling dog meat under a clever name.Otherwise, how did Su Jiarun's wedding room come about?

But the national policy is in place, no one dares to blatantly hit the gun, and a single spark cannot start a prairie fire.

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