Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1061 Then the house won't be very expensive?

"Then the house won't be very expensive?" Ji Feiyun said in surprise, "Like City Y, can this piece of land be sold for 8000 Hong Kong dollars per ping?"

"There will be a day like that, and maybe more time."

After dinner at Professor Guo's house, Nan Yongpeng found another map in Ji Feiyun's room, the one of City Y.

Needless to say, she is eyeing City Y again.

The food made by the godmother is delicious.Ji Feiyun was full and came back to eat Shatian pomelo. "One yuan, the company has tens of thousands of dividends. Our income is not enough to buy Santana. Why don't you buy a brother?"

The number of mobile phones is more than 30000.Nan Yongpeng does not need to travel or travel.He thinks there is no need for the time being, "Renovate the house in Shamian, we will live there on weekends or holidays."

She kept yelling that the ground was too small, and bumped into the wall as soon as she turned around.Better make her a racetrack.

Ji Feiyun calculated the money in the account, and immediately called Lin Qingshan.

The decoration of the house should be large, but the main structure cannot be damaged.It is necessary to maintain the characteristics of Western-style houses to the greatest extent.As for the decoration and configuration, it should be able to withstand Nan Yongpeng's status.

Brother Li, Yongpeng’s house needs to be big, with a bathroom, cloakroom, study room, and gym. In particular, the cloakroom should be made into several wardrobes, such as suits, ties, shirts, and leather shoes.Also, it’s easy for us to go back south, so be careful of moisture, and next door…”

After listening to her thoughts, Li Hyuk said: "According to your idea, all the rooms on the second floor should be destroyed. It is not enough to arrange Nam Yongpeng alone. Where do you live?"

Can't you live together?This made Ji Feiyun a little embarrassed and hesitant: "Yongpeng, let's move the living room, kitchen and guest room to the first floor." Which floor do you want to live on the second or third floor? "

Nan Yongpeng said to Lin Qingshan: "I live in the same room with her, on the second floor, the gym, and the third floor..."

What are you doing on the third floor?Nan Yongpeng himself didn't know, "Change to three to four rooms first, with independent balconies and bathrooms."

Lin Qingshan answered readily.In any case, neither of them is short of money.Just choose the luxurious and comfortable European style according to the style, and wait for the drawings to show.

For several days in a row, Ji Feiyun stared at the map in a daze after finishing the questions.Like a demon, his hand on the pencil never falls.

Nan Yongpeng's good temper was polished by her, "If you have something to say, the final exam is coming soon." If she failed the exam, she wouldn't smoke so much.

Ji Feiyun came over with the map and poked him with a pencil. "I want to enclose some land in these two places. Anything can be done, as long as it is cheap."

Nan Yongpeng took a look. "This is outside the mountain pass."

City Y is divided into Neiguan District and Waiguan District.Neiguan District is a special economic zone, while Waiguan District has no special treatment.

The inside and outside of the pass are separated by barbed wire.To use an unpleasant metaphor, it is like having two sons in a family, one raised by his own mother and the other by his stepmother.

There is no special care outside the pass, not to mention that compared with Soaring inside the pass, he is even far behind Yangcheng.He was a poor kid, his father was indifferent and his mother didn't love him.Although there are only two districts, it occupies more than half of the area of ​​City Y.

But sooner or later, the barbed wire will be cut, and the sleepers outside the pass will follow.

do anything?Nan Yongpeng glanced at Ji Feiyun and vaguely guessed what she was going to do.

He put away the map. "No matter what you want to do, you can get a promotion spot in high school."

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