Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1136 How did you become a husband?

The doctor was feeling the pulse of the boss, Zhuo Yuanyuan comforted the two frightened daughters, and asked nervously: "Doctor, what's wrong with her?"

"How did you become a husband?" The doctor's tone was reproachful: "Your wife has been pregnant for more than four months. She is very depressed, very tired, and fainted badly. There is no major physical problem. You just need to go back and recuperate for a few days. God will do."

Zhuo Yuanyuan was stunned on the spot.Is Feishuang really more than four months pregnant?

Why is she hiding it from him?
He was angry and his eyes fell on her stomach.If he was more careful, he could see that she was a little bit pregnant.

Zhuo Yuanyuan was stunned, and Ji Feiyun, who came after him, couldn't see the extremes on his face.

No wonder the boss was bloodless before.In fact, she saw her vomit, but most of them found the reason, but they didn't expect to deliberately conceal it.

What exactly is going on?Don't forget that she has divorced Zhuo Yuanyuan.It's hard enough with two kids.Now she is pregnant with another child.

With two children, Ji Feiyun couldn't believe that his elder brother didn't even know he was pregnant.

Since the divorce, she has been extremely indifferent to Zhuo Yuanyuan, but she is unwilling to kill her child.Is this a relationship or is she trying to drag herself down?
Ji Feiyun was in a complicated mood, and Zhuo Yuanyuan was not much better.

When the doctor prescribed the medicine, he took the bill to pay for it.Suddenly, he sat on the bench in the corridor, unable to relax for a long time.

Not long after, Ji Feishuang woke up, pale and exhausted.

Ji Feiyun gave Siyu's children two candies and asked them to play beside him.After a long silence, he said, "Sister, the doctor said you are pregnant."

Ji Feishuang's eyes were gray, and he was silent for a long time.

Sure enough, she knew she was pregnant.

"Don't tell me you're going to have a baby?" Her whole life would be dragged down.

I really don't know if she is stupid or stubborn, divorce is so simple, abortion is so difficult?Now that the month is old, abortion is very harmful to the body.

Ji Feishuang looked distressed. "Feiyun, I only found out last month."

Before, she was harassed by Zhuo's mother, she was very annoying, and she was not allowed to do monthly things.Later, the child was abducted and trafficked, and his spirit was haggard.She kept going to the provincial capital for treatment.When the depression relapses, her mind breaks down and she won't notice if the monthly thing is coming or not.

It had been more than three months since she found out about it.In fact, it wasn't that she didn't want to have a miscarriage, but the flesh in her stomach.She is always ruthless, and this time it dragged on for more than a month.

"Have you considered the consequences of having a child?" Siyu's child is at least three or four years old.She can walk and run.She can raise her for another two years and send her to school.She can also make time for her career.Now having a second child has wasted a few years, and my entire youth has been ruined.

On top of that, she feels guilty about her depression, and the pregnancy took a huge toll on her mood.

"Sister, you have been taking medicine for so long, this child may be..." unhealthy.

Ji Feishuang fell silent.

Ji Feiyun vaguely felt something was wrong, "You, haven't you taken your medicine?"

She is crazy!If you don't treat it in time, one day you will do something to hurt Siyu's child, but you won't regret it at that time.

Ji Feishuang had a troubled look on his face, "Feiyun, you haven't been a mother before, so you won't understand."

Ji Feiyun has never been a mother, but she has become someone else's sister.How could she just watch her sister sink into the mud and couldn't extricate herself?Also, if my sister is going to have a bad life, my parents will worry about it for the rest of their lives.

Human energy is limited.Taking care of two children is the limit for her.Another hungry energy will be more scattered, and the child needs her most now.

But people are like that.Everyone knows this big fact, but how much of it can you actually do naturally?

In the end, Ji Feishuang remained silent.

Zhuo Yuanyuan took the medicine back, went through the formalities, and left the hospital with Ji Feishuang.

Nan Yongpeng drove them back to the rental house.Ji Feiyun was very worried that the boss still wanted to be with him.Zhuo Yuanyuan said, "Today, I will stay and take care of Feishuang."

that's right.After all, Ji Feishuang's child is his.He has the right to decide whether to go or stay.

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