Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1137 Maybe you will understand when you grow up!

Ji Feiyun sighed deeply, and left with Nan Yongpeng.

Along the way, she frowned.

While waiting for the traffic lights, Nan Yongpeng said, "What are you thinking?"

"The elder sister is now a clay bodhisattva crossing the river. Why does she have to leave the child?"

Nan Yongpeng thought: "Maybe when you grow up, you will understand when you have someone you like." Ji Feishuang and Zhuo Yuanyuan divorced, but their hearts could not be separated.

Ji Feiyun refused: "I've grown up and I'm going to high school soon." I hate when people say she's still a child.

Even if they become a family in the future, as long as they separate, they will never give birth to their ex-husband.Isn't this a disgrace to her?Children also suffer from it.

"What are you doing with all your heart?" You've identified the pros and cons.No matter what she decides, it's okay to be respectful.Her life can only depend on herself, and no one else can replace her. "

That said, but knowing it's a dead end, how can you watch your closest people walk in.

Nan Yongpeng glanced at her: "You haven't walked by, how do you know this is a dead end?"

Ji Feiyun, "..." How annoying!
let it go.When the boat reached the bridge, it went straight.

At night, the road is dark, and the road from the intersection to the rental house is a bit potholed.Zhuo Yuanyuan hugged Ji Feishuang subconsciously.

Ji Feishuang was very upset and pushed him away indifferently.Unexpectedly, a sour feeling came to my heart, and I felt uncomfortable hugging the wall.

I had a bad appetite during pregnancy, skipped dinner at night, vomited a few mouthfuls of sour water, choked on tears, and fainted.

Zhuo Yuanyuan patted her on the back lightly, let her rest for a while and then helped her upstairs.

After entering the house, he asked Ji Feishuang to go back to the room to rest. While rolling up his sleeves and tidying up the kitchen, he cooked egg noodles for the two sisters, coaxed them to finish eating, helped them take a bath, and then coaxed them to sleep.

Cooked a bowl of lean meat porridge, brought it into the room, and asked Ji Feishuang to get up: "Feishuang, eat something."

Ji Feishuang had no appetite and sat silently.

"Eat as much as you want, even if you're not hungry." Zhuo Yuanyuan fed her with a spoon. "I add some ingredients so it doesn't taste like meat."

Ji Feishuang was not used to his intimate movements, so he took them to eat slowly.

In terms of cooking skills, she is far inferior to Zhuo Yuanyuan.Putting meat in her mouth doesn't make her stomach queasy.

After she finished eating, Zhuo remotely opened the drawer.Sure enough, she saw a big bag of pills, all antidepressants.She didn't move.

After putting the medicine on the table, he was silent for a long time before saying, "Fei Shuang, knock the child unconscious."

Ji Feishuang didn't want to escape, and even went to the obstetrics and gynecology department, but he still couldn't escape.

When the answer came out of Zhuo Yuanyuan's mouth, it was like a sharp knife piercing his heart, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

She moaned pale lips. "The child is already, already formed."

Helpless tears fell, Ji Feishuang stubbornly refused to open his face, not wanting him to see his fragility.

"I know." Zhuo Yuanyuan wiped away his tears in pain, "The child is also my flesh and blood. I have been looking forward to it for several years, of course I can't bear you to kill it. But Feishuang, you are sick and need to take medicine. No matter how important the child is, it is not as important as you. You have to love yourself before you can take better care of Siyu's child. This child has no destiny with us. You married the wrong person in your life. Now, don't make the wrong choice , your future life can be easier."

Ji Feishuang burst into tears.

"Be obedient. I'll go with you tomorrow. The bigger the moon, the worse it is for your health."

Tears blurred her vision.Ji Feishuang opened his mouth and was speechless.In the end, she could only nod her head.

Zhuo Yuanyuan hugged her, put his hand gently on her slightly swollen abdomen, tears fell in the darkness.

He didn't go back that night, just sat on the sofa with his eyes wide open.

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