Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1164 Don't talk nonsense!

"Don't talk nonsense. Ji Feiyun and I are just friends."

"Pull it off, who knows you've been coveting her body for three years. Now it's growing longer and more beautiful. If you're not greedy, you'll be dreaming at night."

Another raised his hand and said: "I can attest that he secretly drew a little sweetheart when he was in a daze in class."

Li Yanzhao hits the ball. "Do you want to break up?"

A group of people went to the basketball court lively, but they didn't notice that Huo Tingting was standing on the stairs with a stern and pale face.

The old man hasn't come to class for several days.The air in the classroom is much cleaner, Ji Feiyun is very comfortable.

The New Year came as promised, but Nan Yongpeng did not come back.

Ji Feiyun couldn't help being disheartened, and went to the food stall for barbecue with Wang Jing and others.

The sports meeting won the championship of the middle school department.The school issued a bonus of 200 yuan.Don't tell me how happy Chen Mingjie is.He posted 60 yuan and asked all the athletes and class leaders to rub it.

The big stall is not far from the school.They are cheap and affordable.They mainly do business between students and teachers.

What a coincidence, I happened to meet Li Yanzhao and them.

Their classes also come to celebrate.Last year's big brother was relegated to second place.The head teacher was dissatisfied. He patted Chen Mingjie on the shoulder and sighed: "Old Yang, if you hadn't picked up a treasure, No.1 would still be in our class."

Chen Mingjie is also very rude. "That's right. Your classroom is also supported by some students with special skills."

The atmosphere is great.Just put a few tables together and the two classes come together to celebrate, "Eat all you want, but don't drink."

Today's visitors are quite active, especially some boys, but they still behave well because of the presence of teachers.They ordered a few hot pots and asked for a lot of kebabs.He Zijun hurriedly said to Ji Feiyun: "Cousin, I'll take you home tonight, so I'll go and see grandpa. I'll be home tomorrow."

He Zijun came the most frequently, and Ji Feiyun got used to it.In any case, there is no shortage of room in the home.

The sun is shining during the day, and the night is still cold, but the hot pot is hot in the heart, and everyone is not as stiff as they were at school.They talked all over the world.

After eight o'clock, the students began to go home one after another.Ji Feiyun shivered in the cold wind.

He Zijun gave her the jacket without saying a word.She feels cold, not pretentious.Besides, they were cousins, and neither of them could bite their tongues.

The people at the same table were very close, and the people at the next table also got up to check out and left, and stumbled with He Zijun's classmates.

"You don't have eyes?" The other party shouted with wide eyes, "Can you let me hit you?"

There are only two people on the other side, and they are almost the same as the people in the school.They drink red wine, have thick necks, and sometimes swear.

One side endured for a long time, but the other side stared at his nose and face. The boy who was pushed suddenly burst into anger, "I lost, is it reasonable for you to hit me first?"

The two sides disagreed and pushed each other.Several boys from the second year of high school came up to argue with them.Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly went crazy and threw the hot hot pot on the table.

When encountering this kind of thing, the girls will subconsciously back away, and Ji Feiyun is no exception, he speeds up his steps to stay away from them.

But she didn't expect that the other party would suddenly get drunk and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.Hot hot pot soup splashed on her face.

Ji Feiyun dragged Wang Jing away.For a moment he did not notice the critical situation.A dark figure rushed towards him, hugged her suddenly, and hid nearby.

There were screams all around, followed by the sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground, and several people were kicked out.

Li Yanzhao screamed in pain, hurriedly took off her backpack and coat, and hurriedly picked up Ji Feiyun's coat.

She realized that Li Yanzhao had saved her life.

If hot pot soup splashes your face, no wonder you don't have to be disfigured.

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