Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1165 It's just a cover!

However, Ji Feiyun was still burned.Fortunately, she was wearing He Zijun's thick coat, but the boiling water penetrated her clothes and burned her arms red.

Li Yanzhao was carrying a backpack and wearing a thin down jacket with a little waterproof barrier on it, but his shoulders and neck were still burned.

The splashed hot soup also splashed on the students next to me, but it was not serious.

The two head teachers were shocked and immediately arranged for the injured Ji Feiyun and Li Yanzhao to go to the hospital.

The male students who chased him out failed to catch the murderer. "Teacher, they run faster than rabbits."

Can you run so fast when you're drunk?Chen Mingjie felt something was wrong and immediately called the police.

The burn was severe, and Ji Feiyun grinned in pain.Fortunately, the area was not very large and the doctors took care of it quickly.

Li Yanzhao was not so lucky.He also had several blisters on his shoulder.The doctor went through the hospitalization procedures. "It's been fine. We're going to take care of it and try not to leave a scar, but it's going to be more uncomfortable for the patient these days."

Ji Feiyun stood in front of the hospital bed, looking at his wound lying on the hospital bed, his hands couldn't help trembling.

She didn't understand why he rushed out in such a dangerous situation.I'm afraid he's not crazy, is he?
"I'm very good".Seeing her pale face, Li Yanzhao couldn't help comforting her: "It's just a burn. I used to play basketball a lot, but then I broke a bone."

Ji Feiyun couldn't help complaining: "Are you stupid?"

Li Yanzhao couldn't explain clearly.At that time, he just instinctively rushed to protect her.

He Zijun was also frightened, and was deeply shocked by Li Yanzhao's justice. "You saved my cousin today, and your kindness will never be forgotten."

The two are buddies, who let him remember for a lifetime.

Chen Mingjie breathed a sigh of relief when he asked the doctor.Then he came with two cops and started taking notes.

The stalls were scattered and different, and the lights were dim at that time.No one paid much attention to the appearance of the vicious walkers, but judging from the way they fled so quickly, it was absolutely impossible for them to be drunk.

The police suspected they were being targeted on purpose, but they only questioned the students who had the initial dispute, and they usually don't offend people in society.

This made Ji Feiyun's scalp tingle.The assailant had a conflict with his male classmate.Why is she getting splashed?According to the position and angle of the murderer at the time of the incident, she was not the No. 1 victim.Why did she turn her head and throw her out?

This is not indiscriminate harm.It is likely that she has been here, and the others are just a cover.

Li Yanzhao is sunny and handsome.He is very popular at school.He really didn't get angry at someone else to make that kind of revenge.

After a round of questioning, only Ji Feiyun held grudges against others, but Liang Zi was not shallow.

Xu Jia shouldn't have the courage.It's hard for Huo Tingting to say.After all, she and Xu Liping were indistinguishable.

He Zijun couldn't believe it.He thought that Huo Tingting would be willful and domineering, but he would not do such crazy things.If Yunbao hadn't worn his thick coat today, if Li Yanzhao hadn't protected her from disaster, she would really be doomed.

Before the police left, he warned, "We will investigate. Don't speculate wildly, let alone act recklessly, until the results are out."

Hearing the news, Li Yanzhao's parents hurried over, feeling very sad for their son's injury.Li's father called him on the spot and put pressure on him to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

"Mom, I'm fine." Li Yanzhao, grinning in pain, comforted her mother, who swallowed more. "I'm really unlucky today. I got a neurosis. I just need to take it for two days and I'll be fine."

Ji Feiyun felt guilty, and was about to stand up and say something, but was grabbed by He Zijun. "Uncle and aunt, let's go back first and come to see Yu Wei tomorrow."

After being discharged from the hospital, He Zijun took a taxi and went back.

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