Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1207 Times have changed!

Chapter 1207 Times have changed!
Ji Feiyun became interested, "How can I help?"

"How can a company as big as yours do without a computer?" The fourth child bragged, "Sister, the times are different." Computers are now standard equipment in the company, and there are also professional cash registers.You all have to keep up with the times.Let me tell you, the cash register in my hand is the latest model, and after installation, it will definitely prevent employees from misbehaving..."

Ji Feiyun couldn't laugh or cry. "Fourth brother, what did you do to me?" Isn't this slaughtering fat sheep? "

"How can I kill you?" If you want to be interested, my personal profits can be written off directly. "

There are many computers, printers and cash registers.It will cost a lot of money to get them done.

Ji Feiyun couldn't be the master.He invited Nan Yongpeng to dinner at night.

Nan Yongpeng thought for a while: "Now it is developing very fast. It is really inconvenient to go out with a lot of cash. It is still necessary to install cash registers in restaurants and hotels."

In the past two years, computers have become more and more popular.For such a large company, it is still necessary to allocate several computers. "Take a break for 5 minutes and wait until you have a good trial."

Expensive, but it is very necessary for powerful companies to buy computers now, both for utility and beauty.

Ji Feiyun called the fourth eldest.

Time flies, two years later.

Although it is only May, the atmosphere of the college entrance examination is already very tense.The school holds a parent meeting to provide guidance on student performance and registration, creating a good atmosphere for students before the college entrance examination.

In the second semester of high school, Ji Feiyun was assigned to a key science class as he wished, and finally he no longer had to attend classes with Huo Tingting... No, to be precise, it was Lin Tingting, and Xu Liping changed her surname.

Lin Tingting's grades were poor, she didn't see it.She transferred to the liberal arts comprehensive class.The class teacher hardly quarreled with the grade teacher.She doesn't want this kind of crap at the end of the crane.

A lot has happened in the past two years.No matter how well Huo Changzheng hid them, he couldn't stop them in the end.In addition, Lin Tingting was too high-profile in school and was soon known by He Zijun.

Aunt Huo couldn't stand the sand getting into her eyes.She hurried to the hospital and almost didn't fight Xu Liping.

Mr. Huo was still angry, but in front of the Huo family, he calmed down the matter, and finally calmed down under the persuasion of Ji Feiyun and Nan Yongpeng.

Aunt Huo gritted her teeth. "No wonder I can't get close to Lin Tingting. It turns out that this is not the seed of our Huo family. My brother is too unfair. If it weren't for our family, Xu Liping, who is ungrateful, would have been sent to live in the cowshed. She also wants to work in the hospital .is she going to be spoiled by hooligans? She's so beautiful!"

"Forget it, it's better to know the truth sooner." Mr. Huo sighed: "Stop making trouble, the elder brother also needs to save face."

Aunt Huo couldn't bear the thought of Xu Liping raising wild species for more than ten years with her eldest brother's money, so she had to quit Xu Liping's job.

Mr. Huo's face sank. "No matter how much Xu Liping pays, she is Nan Yongpeng's mother. If she doesn't look at the faces of monks and Buddha, who are you going to show?"

Aunt Huo jumped up angrily: "So she is cheap?"

Afraid that she would get sick, Ji Feiyun pulled her to the corner, "Auntie, she will pay the price."

Knowing that Lin Defa had a wife and children in her hometown, Aunt Huo breathed a sigh of relief and stopped mentioning this unfortunate incident.

In the past two years, Ji Feiyun is likely to meet Xu Liping.She really had a good time with love.She often drives to pick up Lin Tingting.Her whole face is radiant, and her facial features are not as cheap as before.

Such days lasted for less than a year.Xu Liping quickly withered and haggard, but Lin Tingting was still happy and carefree, and the various famous brands on her body were constantly changing.

Today is an unlucky day.When Ji Feiyun and Nan Yongpeng went to the teaching building, they happened to see Xu Liping and Lin Tingting coming from the other end of the teaching building.

Xu Liping's condition is very bad.Although she was wearing a hat and sunglasses, her face was clearly bruised.

(End of this chapter)

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