Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1208 Too Much Blood and Tears!

Chapter 1208 Too Much Blood and Tears!
Ji Feiyun took Nan Yongpeng two quick steps and rushed towards the teaching building to avoid a head-on collision with Xu Liping.

The parent meeting lasted for more than two hours.The head teacher was named Ji Feiyun, and she said that she had no problem with her grades in Q University and Peking University.Parents should choose carefully.

Nan Yongpeng's parents once again surrounded him, wanting to learn from him and let his child try sprinting again in the last month.

"I was very busy with work. I never asked her about her studies."

Ji Feiyun felt that he was really hypocritical.Over the past three years, he's been forced to brush through as many as half a room of questions.Then he participated in various competitions.He hired a teacher who couldn't even count on ten fingers.Sometimes he even goes into battle himself.

All in all, it was blood and tears too much.

However, although yearning for the imperial capital, Ji Feiyun's goal remains unswerving - Zhongda University.

For her choice, the head teacher was both happy and regretful.After all, Q University and Peking University can better measure the assessment indicators.

After the parent meeting, the atmosphere of the college entrance examination became more tense, even Ji Feiyun forgot to eat and sleep.

Relax on the balcony.

Suddenly there was a sound at the end of the corridor, as if someone was fighting, accompanied by a sharp shout.

Many students ran over curiously, and came back one after another after a while, "Lin Tingting was beaten."

Ji Feiyun is ignorant.Although she is ugly and bad looking, she is always the only one who bullies others.How could she be defeated?

"I heard that her mother was a mistress. It turned out that Selena came with a few children and was pressing Lin Tingting if she wanted to fight.

The pressure of the college entrance examination is high, so I dropped such a big melon all at once, there is no reason not to eat it.

When Ji Feiyun arrived, he saw the teacher and several male classmates hugging a fat woman and two women in their early twenties.

The middle-aged woman was rich and noble, and she kept swearing.Lin Tingting, who was beaten into disheveled clothes, could only cover her face and cry, her brand new clothes were also torn.

Can understand most dialects.Lin Defa's wife called Xu Liping a vixen, shamelessly seduced other husbands, pointed at Lin Tingting and scolded the little vixen, and shamelessly spent their husband's money.

The mother and daughter asked the school to expel this morally corrupt little fox spirit immediately.The teacher quickly pulled people away, invited them into the office, and said to the onlookers: "It's over, it's over, everyone go back to class."

Bad things travel thousands of miles.

Xu Liping was called to the school.Unexpectedly, her enemy became jealous when they met.Lin Defa's wife broke out again, and several teachers couldn't bear it anymore.She jumped up with her two daughters, punched and kicked Xu Liping, and cursed unbearably. Lin Tingting was so frightened that she hid behind the teacher and cried.

The school had no choice but to call the police.

When the police came, the school had already closed.Standing in the crowd, Ji Feiyun saw that Xu Liping kept her head down, while Lin Tingting ran back to the classroom covering her face, picked up her schoolbag and ran away from the school.

Xu Liping was beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. Lin Defa's wife almost stripped her clothes off in public.

At first, she was the daughter-in-law of Huo's parents.No one dared to touch her fingers from above.Now it's like a mouse crossing the road.Lin Defa's wife pressed him and said nothing, and he was also pointed out.

This is her love. For more than 20 years, she has never forgotten her love and betrayed her husband and son without hesitation.

Compared with Xu Liping's experience, Huo Changzheng saw the moon in the sky - he remarried.

He married Yu Minhua, a teacher at the base school, who was only ten years older than Nan Yongpeng.Yu Minhua got married in her early years.His ex-husband was alcoholic and domestically violent.He was beaten and miscarried a few months into her pregnancy.After the divorce, he went to base primary school to teach.

By chance ten years ago, she met Huo Changzheng and fell in love with him at first sight, but when she learned that Huo Changzheng had a family, she could only keep her love in her heart.When she learned that he was divorced the year before last, she mustered up the courage to go back.

Huo Changzheng didn't want to remarry at first, but he really couldn't stand the enthusiastic matchmaking of his colleagues.In addition, he later suffered from a serious illness.Yu Minhua took care of him for more than half a month, neither feeling dirty nor tired.

Women are chasing men.Huo Changzheng is indifferent and not good at speaking, while Yu Minhua is a talkative person.The two gradually came together.

But considering Nan Yongpeng's feelings, he still told his son about it.If he objected, fine.

(End of this chapter)

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