Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1211 How much did you earn last month?

Chapter 1211 How much did you earn last month?
Ji Feiyun struggled and said, "You often work overtime, and I don't know how to drive. I'd better survive." The environment in Shamian is much better, but the traffic police are very strict now.Driving without a license has been found to have very good benefits.If he couldn't come and pick her up, he biked home and stayed in the hospital.

The next day, when she was still sleeping, Nan Yongpeng called her up and took her to work.

It's too early for the company.Ji Feiyun went downstairs to the second floor to find Ji Feishuang.

Ji Feishuang breastfed a child for a year, and the child's condition improved greatly.He studied with Ma Yongwei for two months and came out to make a living.

Ji Feiyun painstakingly transferred her to a thriving store, and then used the company's relationship with the clothing brand to brazenly ask for a low price.

High quality and low price.It's still a thriving store.The store doesn't worry about doing business, but it's hard work earning money.After two employees were hired, it was usually overwhelmed.

When Ji Feiyun came down, Ji Feishuang just came to open the door.

Sooner or later, Ji Feishuang asked, "Feiyun, how was the college entrance examination?"

"I feel good. I won't know my grades until the end of the month." Seeing that she had lost a lot of weight, Ji Feiyun said painfully, "Sister, you are busy, so just hire a few more people. There are three children to take care of at home. Don't put I'm exhausted."

Ji Feishuang didn't feel bitter. "Those are the busiest times of the day. It costs 600 yuan to hire another person. I'm too busy to talk about it."

Before the two employees came, Ji Feiyun asked strangely: "Sister, how much did you earn last month?"

"The turnover is nearly 2 yuan. After deducting 1600 stores, water and electricity joint rent, and labor costs, I earned nearly 5000 yuan."

"More than 5000 is fine. When you accumulate a certain number of repeat customers, you will definitely earn more." Ji Feiyun covered his mouth and smiled: "You earn twice as much as Yongpeng in a month."

"How can you settle accounts like this?" Your year-end bonus will scare people to death. "

The sisters talked and laughed.Ji Feiyun helped her tidy up her clothes, and then went back to the office.

As Nan Yongpeng's assistant, it is still an old rule to hold the company's regular meeting at 10 o'clock.

In the huge conference room, there are quite a few people in their 20s.There are no major problems with the hotel restaurant.The person in charge reported the operation situation last month and left.

Yunyuan Finance is led by Professor Guo, and has two business departments, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Pengcheng.The past few years have been a golden period for making money, and the total profit last month was 142%.

Ji Feiyun clicked his tongue.This is millions.Money is really just a number.

Other companies under the group have no major problems.The tricky thing is Yongpeng Construction, especially Zheng Weiqiang from the sales department.

In the Xiatang Village Renovation Bidding Project, Yongpeng Construction's advantages crushed its peers in terms of price and design, but the duck has already flown away.

A profit of 6 million yuan is not enough.Zheng Weiqiang has been in the army, and this project will definitely be a success.

Nan Yongpeng's expression was not good either. "Any questions?"

"Our plan is absolutely fine, but the relevant departments finally chose Defa Construction." Zheng Weiqiang asked the other party's plan.No matter design creativity or cost control, it is not as good as Yongpeng.

Zheng Weiqiang guessed: "Fox Lin Defa is good at making money, flattery and bribery. He has established many relationships over the years. This time, he must have used a lot of means. I heard some rumors, but I don't know who is helping him behind the scenes. "

If you don't lose it, you will lose it.Besides, this kind of thing is common.Yongpeng Group has its own bottom line and insists that it can only eat coptis in silence.

Next is the preparatory work for the construction of a five-star hotel.Nan Yongpeng's vision was extremely accurate.Shapo not only has two highways included in the plan, but also needs to build a large exhibition center.Land prices have increased several times.

Li Genwang has already started working on the design and is expected to publish the manuscript in half a month.

Five star hotels are still secondary.At present, the most important thing is the landmark building of City Y.The land acquisition work was originally planned to be completed within two years.Unexpectedly, I met a few gray nail households, and it was delayed for a full year.

The land acquisition time is delayed, and the construction will naturally be delayed.Yongpeng is happy to see its success.

(End of this chapter)

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