Chapter 1216 The Finale!

Half a year later, Huo Yiting's child was born.He hadn't imagined that this night would be the last moment of his life.No matter how hard he tries and how good he is, he always lags behind his big brother.

Fortunately, his daughter is adorable.He matured more as a father and finally accepted the reality that he no longer competed with his big brother in anything.

Huo Shengli is very happy to have a granddaughter, but a little regretful.He is not a patriarchal stubborn person, but he is somewhat regretful.After all, his son and daughter-in-law are both civil servants, and he doesn't even have the chance to have a second child.

The Huo family is united.In the New Year's family reunion, prayers will fall on non-grandchildren, and the promotion of marriage will give birth to various continuous offspring.

He Zijun officially took his girlfriend to meet his parents.His career rose steadily.The family began to consider buying a wedding house, planning to hold a wedding for two young people next year.

In this big family, He Zijun said to Ji Feiyun: "Li Yanzhao is a date. She is a young, beautiful, and capable female doctor in the emergency department of the Affiliated Hospital of Chinese University in X City. If she can get along, she is expected to get married next year .”

Ji Feiyun was very happy and did not forget to call him to bid farewell to the New Year. "Congratulations, you have finally had your ban lifted."

Li Yan recalled her girlfriend's hometown for the New Year, and she was in a particularly good mood. "Feiyun, congratulations on being a mother. I heard that you have a son. Why don't we have a baby and kiss? I don't know if we can be in-laws then."

"Hahaha, I dare not deprive Xiaoyu of her right to love freely. Otherwise, you should marry your daughter. If you want to see each other at that time, I am definitely a good mother-in-law."

At the end of 1998, when Xiaoyu was less than one year old, Ji Feiyun invested 100 million yuan in a newly established computer network company in City Y, and obtained 49% of the shares by negotiating with the telecommunications operation resources held by Yongpeng Group.

The person in charge of this computer network company is surnamed Feng, and his research and development direction is dating and communication software.Afterwards, the online gaming tycoon will invest the money in advance.

Ji Feiyun's business is not busy.There are not many investments that need to be followed up, and they are all long-term investments.Her staff is small but capable.She only needs to be responsible for the general direction.

Take the baby to the street during the day, turn off the lights at night to coax her husband, and live comfortably.

Ji Feiyun found out that she was pregnant again, and it was still twins.

Nan Yongpeng frowned and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The twins also saved her from getting pregnant again.

The first child was fine, but Ji Feiming's child was still very nervous. The doctor in the b-ultrasound room smiled and said, "The child is healthy and has no heart problems."

Carry two at a time.Ji Feiyun will not give birth after unloading the goods, but he is afraid of repeating the mistakes of the third child, "Doctor, my first child is a son, and my husband wants a daughter. It will be born in a few months, baby The room has not been furnished. What color do you think it is?"

The doctor looked at her, and her clothes were fine.He said veiledly, "It's okay."

Was it fined?Ji Feiyun was stunned, and after a while secretly cheered up.Is that what she thinks?

Having twins is not easy.Much harder than the first one.After only five months, their stomachs became big and they had to attend the wedding banquet of Si Shi and Liu Qianqian.

After giving birth to their daughter, the two continued to live together.After hard work, the fourth brother rarely participates in unnecessary eating and drinking.He took the child home after get off work to comfort his wife.

He became the father of two children.He matures rapidly.The impulsive son in his early years disappeared.After precipitation, he became more stable and experienced, wiser and more tolerant.

There are many guests attending the wedding banquet, but most of them are men.Liu Qianqian only has a few friends and employees.Maybe she was spoiled by the Ji family, or she knew their blood-sucking nature and was afraid of disturbing her peaceful life.In recent years, she has never had any contact with her family and lived a peaceful life.

At the end of October, Ji Feiyun's child Ji Feiming was born, and Nan Yongpeng, who was on a business trip, came back overnight to accompany her.

Two hours later, the medical staff came out holding the baby, "Congratulations, twins, the baby is very healthy."

He has two sons and a daughter whose name is the grandson of the Huo family.Huo feels that his life is perfect. "Girl, it's hard for you to spread the branches and leaves for the Huo family."

Met Huo Yun, Huo Yun, Huo Xi.

Looking at the rows of sleeping pink dolls, Ji Feiyun couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat for these three dolls.

Nan Yongpeng has been working on a manual for raising children. Start learning foreign languages ​​at the age of 3, and add a foreign language every year, and start military management at the age of 5.He also has various talents and hobbies, and is scheduled to be 18 years old.

She was glad she wasn't poisoned to death by him.For her children, she can only ask for more blessings from herself.


The Spring Festival came as scheduled, and the three sisters returned to their parents' house for a reunion.Ji Feixue was very happy, "This time, it's definitely my daughter."

Liang Yanchao also didn't like having too many sons, so he showed the B-ultrasound checklist to the experts to make sure that he was pregnant with a daughter this time.

Ji Feiyun held his arm in celebration, "Congratulations, third sister, you finally have a daughter."

(season finale)

(End of this chapter)

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