Chapter 28

At night, the two sisters slept on the bed.Ji Feiyun got into her arms. "Sister, stop selling blood in the future. It's bad for your health."

In order to solve the predicament, the brothers and sisters secretly sell blood.In the long run, the body is destroyed.

Su Feixue disagreed. "What's the matter? What happened? Many people go to sell blood."

Qi and blood are still the basis of life.If it didn't hurt her body, how could her energy continue to flow into her sister's body? The sister doesn't know how much trouble the current trend of selling blood will cause in the future, how many people will get sick and die.

"I won't take the medicine you bought in exchange for blood." Seeing her disapproval, Ji Feiyun threw the medicine bottle on the ground under the pillow, "I'm not sick, I don't take medicine!"

Seeing her sister's sudden agitation, Ji Feixue was afraid that her sister would have a heart attack.She quickly moved her body and said, "Okay, my sister will never sell blood again."

Gao Lanxiang came back very late.She borrowed 50 eggs and felt crazy when she got them back.If she believed in her child, what if she couldn't sell it?
After paying off 500 yuan, there are still more than 100 yuan in debt.Two men unloaded their boulders.Ji Shuxing comforted her: "If you can't sell it, give it to Feiyun. I haven't cooked something delicious for her for a long time."

Gao Lanxiang felt the same way, "Let us believe this time. If the business fails, we can't let her fool around."

At dawn, Ji Feixue woke up her sleeping sister, "Our little capitalist, get up quickly." If you want to do business, you have to get up earlier than the chicken. "

Su Feiyun turned over and washed in a daze.

After eating, Ji Feixue had already put the vegetables picked last night into the basket, took the eggs, and took her sister out.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, Nan Yongpeng was already waiting for them, and the three of them accelerated their pace into the city.

By the time they reach elementary school, parents have already sent their children to study early.

There were two baskets of vegetables on the side of the road, and Nan Yongpeng went to a classmate's house to fry rice noodles.

Suddenly a vegetable seller appeared.Parents were curious, but they didn't stop to ask.

Ji Feixue was a little worried.On the contrary, Ji Feiyun was very calm and said loudly: "Come on, the vegetables from the farm are delicious and cheap, and the eggs from the farm are nutritious..."

"Grandma, would you like two catties of vegetables?"

"Auntie, buy some food and go home, don't take a detour to the vegetable market."

Ji Feixue was thin-skinned and didn't dare to shout.She stood awkwardly beside him.

A familiar voice sounded: "Little girl, why are you selling vegetables here?"

Ji Feiyun looked at the old lady who bought vegetables yesterday.She couldn't help laughing and said, "Grandma, would you like some today?"

"Yes, your vegetables are delicious. The organic fertilizer is really good, much sweeter than the ones sold by the vegetable vendors.

The old lady sent her little grandson to the school gate, and soon came back to ask for a few handfuls of vegetables.

"Grandma, do you want organic eggs?" Ji Feiyun took the opportunity to sell them. "Organic chickens eat weeds, insects and ants. The eggs they lay are rich in nutrition and are most suitable for children."

"How to sell?"

"One dime, you can get nine cents more if you want."


"I still have native chickens at home. Chickens in the forest grow up eating worms, and ducks grow up eating small fish. If you want it, you can order it."

The old lady was amused by her, "How do you sell chicken?"

"One yuan per catty, it is guaranteed to be alive and kicking."

"Okay, I want a three-jin one."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the vegetable market tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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