Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 29 Everyone Has a Secret

Chapter 29 Everyone Has a Secret

Everyone has a herd mentality.When they saw someone buying vegetables, some parents came to ask.

Ji Feiyun's mouth is very sweet.Uncles and aunts have not stopped.No chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used in any farm dishes.

She picks it very accurately, and the price is about the same as that of the vegetable vendor, but it saves her parents from going to the vegetable market.One by one, someone bought it with an attitude of trying.

Ji Feixue was taken aback by her eloquence and helped her serve the dishes. "You grow them yourself and fertilize them organically. You must go back after eating. Do you want chickens and ducks? You can make an order."

It was embarrassing at first, but I forgot about it as soon as I got busy.

When Nan Yongpeng came out with fried rice noodles, there were not many vegetables left in the two baskets.

Ji Feiyun urged Ji Feixue to go back to school. "Sister, you can go back with fried noodles, envious of the students in your class. Let them come out to eat."

Su Feixue...

"Brother Nan Yongpeng is so handsome, the younger sisters must like it very much. You tell them that my brother sells fried noodles at the school gate. My brother can make it for only twenty-five cents."

Nan Yongpeng: "..." So, is he here to sell chow mein or hue?
Ji Feixue couldn't help laughing, "Okay, I'll promote Nan Yongpeng."

Put a portion of fried rice noodles and half a spoonful of capers in the lunch box.

A simple wooden table and a large bowl of fried rice noodles make people salivate in the morning.

Ji Feiyun was extremely pleasantly surprised.The fried rice noodles are much more fragrant than yesterday.Nan Yongpeng's craftsmanship is really good.

Everyone is hungry in the morning.Some parents couldn't bear to buy their own meals and then went to work.

When the dishes are sold out, they move their positions and move the table to the entrance of the middle school.

After a while, the bell for the morning reading class rang, and the students walked out of the school one by one.

"Fried rice noodles, fried rice noodles, only twenty-five cents, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't buy it, you can't be fooled, you don't have to break your legs, you can go back to the classroom to review for 100 points."

People who can go to middle school will not be too poor, especially if the time to go back and forth to study is short every day, and sometimes they are too lazy to toss.

Hearing the sound, many people came to see it.Although most people read it, some people were too greedy, so they took out the lunch box in the book and said, "Give me one."

I don't know if it's Ji Feiyun's good publicity, or Nan Yongpeng's handsome appearance.Several girls came one by one with lunch boxes and sneaked a glance at him.

Ji Feiyun is in charge of calling money, and Nan Yongpeng is in charge of fans.

One catty of dry powder soaks about three catties, one serving of fried rice noodles is about half a catty, and five catties can only make 30 servings.Many are late and gone.

After the fried noodles were sold out, Ji Feiyun counted half of the basket of change, which was seven or five yuan in total.Nan Yongpeng estimated that the cost was about two yuan and fifty cents, that is to say, he earned five yuan in such a short period of time.

Selling vegetables makes less money.Only two baskets of eggs sold for 8 yuan, including eggs of 6 yuan and 3 cents.Gao Lanxiang's eggs on credit cost 1 cents each, and she earned 5 cents by reselling them, a total of [-] yuan and [-] cents.

It is much easier to do business now than to pick up a hoe.

Nan Yongpeng walked into the alley with a table and a tub.When he came out, he saw Ji Feiyun standing on the side of the road waiting for him.The morning sun shone on her body, bathing her whole body in a halo, and his heart beat twice.

Everyone has secrets, including himself.

When he was fished out of the river, he had no memory of anything but sleepless nights, strange sicknesses like walking dead, and horrible nightmares.

He's like an outlier.He dare not get too close to people.He is afraid that he will get sick and hurt others.He was also afraid that if the secret was revealed, he would be regarded as a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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